Active Users:801 Time:12/03/2025 10:35:43 AM
We should decide on that venue before people leave. *NM* Bergioyn Send a noteboard - 27/02/2014 02:17:33 PM
Tia mi aven Moridin isainde vadin

Lord Bergioyn of House Jaederan, Baron of Tridea, Pro Tempore Emeritus of the Landsraad, CHOAM Senior Director of Interplanetary Trade

6-7-0 + 1 + 2-0-0
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Welcome to the Roleplaying Board! - 30/08/2009 07:21:54 PM 4301 Views
*sniff* - 31/08/2009 01:06:01 AM 1538 Views
But... aren't all female protagonists in WoT beautiful? - 31/08/2009 01:19:25 AM 1601 Views
Re: But... aren't all female protagonists in WoT beautiful? - 31/08/2009 02:08:44 AM 1550 Views
Sidenote - 31/08/2009 05:31:59 AM 1543 Views
i just had an idea - 31/08/2009 07:18:45 AM 1498 Views
Re: I just had an idea - 02/09/2009 08:27:51 AM 1353 Views
FT, you are so nice. - 06/09/2009 02:33:36 PM 1552 Views
Hey, happy to see you! - 06/09/2009 06:49:15 PM 1559 Views
I bet you would, you fox. - 30/10/2009 02:51:35 AM 1509 Views
I don't think that's a game I can win against Carneira, though . - 30/10/2009 05:01:18 AM 1531 Views
Farewell all! - 27/02/2014 05:21:33 AM 1673 Views
We should decide on that venue before people leave. *NM* - 27/02/2014 02:17:33 PM 526 Views
*NM* - 28/02/2014 11:06:35 PM 639 Views

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