Active Users:1256 Time:12/03/2025 04:07:27 AM
Ha so wait, who was the brains hobo? *NM* beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 10/02/2014 07:50:51 PM

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Your night passes quietly, Bergioyn was roleblocked successfully.
Your Morale: 8
Hippo Morale: 6


You feel stalked throughout the evening, then a noise distracts you and you start, ducking behind a few crates. When you stand up you snag your robe and it jerks your collar tight, but a few moments later you realize your toothfairy necklace is missing! Someone has stolen it!

Your morale is damaged by this theft, -1 Morale, you receive on for surviving the night
Your Morale: 3
Hippo Morale: 6

Bergioyn was roleblocked successfully.


Although you aid in the effort to find and detain Yunalesca you find yourself involved in various distractions which absorb all your time.
Your Morale: 16
Watch Morale: 4

Although you aid in the effort to find and detain Yunalesca the effort ultimately fails, the sneaky devil.
Your Morale: 10
Watch Morale: 4

You efforts to assassinate Mod are unsuccessful. No man can slay a Mod! Pitiful Mortal!

Along the way to track ranagrande you encounter a ragged man carrying a wine bottle in one hand and a ladle in the other, calling out for Brains.
You sniff, “Rookie”, and continue trailing ranagrande.
You track ranagrande with your magic sliver but nothing of note occurs. Your sliver is expended, you have survived the night and now have a Morale of 10.

“The Spoon has been repaired, let Ankh-Morpork tremble! Let them know fear! Let them know terror and wrath and…”
“And Brains! Wait! What?”
You turn, startled at the distraction. A ragged man carrying a wine bottle has entered your secret lair! Nobody knows about your secret lair… except the postman… and the milkman of course… and the paperboy.
“How dare you trespass upon the lair of the Mighty Bursar!”
“Brains… brains…” He approaches you, but this hand on your head.
“Yes, I have a brain, and a Mighty one!”
“Brains!” it frowns, “Addled brains?” He takes his hands off your head
“You can’t get brains that way man you need a scalpel and a melon baller, or… A SPOON!” You hand the fellow one of your many lesser spoons, a ladle in truth, and send him on his way.

Morale: 11

Sacrilicious Toast
Well, the hunt for Yunalesca failed but the hunt through Beetnemesis’s pockets didn’t. You trail him for time but then he starts at some noise and ducks behind some crates. You move in quick and grab a shiny pearl necklace from around his throat… but those aren’t pearls, they’re some sort of teeth, glowing magic fairy teeth?

You are cheered by this, and gain 1 point of morale from the successful theft, and surviving the night.

You have a Tooth Fairy Necklace, which grants you +1 Morale every twilight
Your Morale: 5
Watch Morale: 4

The Watch attempted to detain Yunalesca but failed.
Your Morale: 6
Watch Morale: 4

You pass the night uneventfully, pacing in irritation that Sally has not arrived to speak to you. You swing your arms restlessly, then start as someone approaches your secret hiding place… but it’s not Sally, just some vagrant in tattered rags carrying a wine bottle.
“Spare a penny mate? A man could catch his death out here.”
You smile, “How right you are.”
He looks a bit puzzled and taken aback by your cackling, but nervously joins in.
He wanders away a little while later, muttering about brains, your irritation vented, you go home to catch some sleep.
This conversion to undeath, if minor, still cheers you, as does your survival of the night, your morale is now 4.

As you go to watch your target, Beetnemesis, you hear someone say “That’s the man!” and turn, startled, to see a Watch Officer pointing at you. You flee and eventually shake the officers, but for the whole night you feel edgy. While watching Beetnemesis you think you catch a glimpse of a Watch officer and startle, cursing as you accidentally kick a piece of trash and it makes a noise. Beetnemesis starts and ducks behind some crates. Fortunately he doesn’t see you, but you do see Sacrilicious Toast come up and snatch something shiny from around Beetnemesis’s neck. You smile, a toothy grin, your hunt has been successful, but the Watch’s hasn’t been. You retreat into the night.

You’re watching cost you 3 Morale, but catching someone acting on your target grants 3, Your morale remains 11

The roleblock of Bergioyn has been successful. The evening is otherwise boring but near the dawn, as you approach the Ankh-Morpork Times building you see a vagrant carrying a wine bottle and a ladle, muttering about trains or brains or planes or some other drunken nonsense. What is this once-proud city coming to?
Your Morale: 14
Hippo Morale: 6

Day 2: Attack of the Scones
The Day dawns on Ankh-Morpork surprisingly peacefully. Other than a loud-mouthed pallid vagrant stumbling past your meeting place carrying a bottle of wine and a ladle and demanding brains. You nod your head appreciatively, the state of public education in the city is very lacking.

I amuse myself.
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Mafia 33: Discworld, Post Game - 06/02/2014 10:00:07 AM 1321 Views
Roles - 06/02/2014 10:02:06 AM 1317 Views
Night 1 - 06/02/2014 10:03:26 AM 1143 Views
Ha so wait, who was the brains hobo? *NM* - 10/02/2014 07:50:51 PM 678 Views
"Nobody" - symbolic flavor death *NM* - 10/02/2014 07:58:21 PM 694 Views
Night 2 - 06/02/2014 10:04:05 AM 1276 Views
I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 06/02/2014 03:19:48 PM 1287 Views
Re: I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 06/02/2014 03:37:28 PM 1099 Views
Re: I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 06/02/2014 09:36:38 PM 1221 Views
Re: I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 07/02/2014 07:48:59 PM 1114 Views
...what *NM* - 06/02/2014 11:20:13 PM 614 Views
The watch one...but so did I? - 06/02/2014 11:20:56 PM 1109 Views
Hah dammit we were doing well. And I had a perfect alibi, too *NM* - 10/02/2014 07:55:36 PM 721 Views
For future consideration, who is still active here? *NM* - 09/02/2014 06:13:21 AM 702 Views
Depends on the definition of "active", I'd say. *NM* - 09/02/2014 09:15:56 AM 590 Views
I'm actively confusing my homonyms... - 10/02/2014 01:30:38 AM 1112 Views
I suspect we're reaching critical here - 10/02/2014 03:02:38 PM 1117 Views
I'm still around. We could use some fresh blood though - 10/02/2014 07:56:58 PM 1101 Views
How morbid *NM* - 10/02/2014 11:03:51 PM 623 Views
Unfortunately I suspect he's correct. :/ *NM* - 11/02/2014 07:59:38 AM 576 Views
I fear you are correct. - 13/02/2014 04:59:51 PM 1647 Views
So, who was the scum's assassin on the final Night, and who did they target? *NM* - 13/02/2014 04:57:19 PM 680 Views
I can't speak for the actual scum faction - 13/02/2014 05:29:51 PM 991 Views
Seems only fair. I tried to kill you on numerous days . *NM* - 13/02/2014 11:48:00 PM 1091 Views
Beet, he was set to kill Bergioyn, and then things get complex - 13/02/2014 06:22:12 PM 1189 Views
Interesting. - 13/02/2014 11:50:24 PM 1737 Views
So you thought I was a Hippo? *NM* - 14/02/2014 01:17:33 AM 619 Views
I was absolutely certain that you and ranagrande were scum. - 14/02/2014 04:45:21 AM 1659 Views
Gosh, I feel like the prettiest girl at the ball *NM* - 14/02/2014 01:16:41 AM 696 Views
Sounds like quite the nightmare for the mod. *NM* - 14/02/2014 09:11:47 AM 578 Views

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