I did not lie. I said that my role message did not specify but I did not think it would be reasonable for the town to lose if we succeeded. I did not say anything about the scum not losing.
If you look at the roles, only the Hippos and the Serial Killers Taiga and ranagrande wouldn't win from the Watch's victory. And even then, you'll notice that ? - one of your own faction - still managed to achieve victory.
Also, Ha! Ha!
We won .
Really? I thought our position was nearly unplayable, especially with Stephen's inactivity. Fortunately, Praziquantel had objectives and role abilities that coincided with our own, but still, if we didn't win on this Night, our odds of winning were basically nil.
Also, ranagrande wasn't one of you? That blows my mind. Utterly blows my mind.
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Luckily we got the ten heads in a row.

Lord Bergioyn of House Jaederan, Baron of Tridea, Pro Tempore Emeritus of the Landsraad, CHOAM Senior Director of Interplanetary Trade
6-7-0 + 1 + 2-0-0