Active Users:1456 Time:05/02/2025 12:12:38 PM
Roles Isaac Send a noteboard - 06/02/2014 10:02:06 AM

Grain of salt, this is the original intro abridged summary list not the working list which was a spreadsheet and so may not be a 1:1 perfect match on equipment, extra/secret VC's and such.

Yunalesca – You are Otto Chriek, a black-ribboner vampire originally from Uberwald who emigrated to Ankh-Morpork after you stopped drinking blood. You got a job with the Newspaper as a photographer, unfortunately every time you take a photo the flash of sunlight reduces you to ash. You carry a fragile vial of blood around on you that breaks when it hits the ground and reconstitutes you. Like most black-ribboners you can operate during the daytime, but you have no defense against torch wielding crowds.

Wit: 1
Combat: 2
Stealth: 2
Magic: 0
Morale: 8
Place of Birth: Uberwald
Race: Undead (Vampire)
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Night Powers
You are a Tracker: (5) You may follow any character at night, and witness and photograph their doings. As a vampire you are very good at tracking people, unfortunately it is far too like stalking victims so is very draining on your self-control. This operates on your stealth score, and you must submit rock, paper, scissors with it and beat their score.

You are a Watcher: (3) You may “stake out” (ha-ha that is a ‘pune’ or play on words) any character and follow them at a distance, keeping track of their actions. This is also draining on your self-control but less so. This operates on your stealth score, and you must submit rock, paper, scissors with it and tie their score.

Tough but Fragile: (2) Although not entirely unkillable you are very tough and most attacks on you will not be lethal, for you anyway, unfortunately resisting the urge to violently tear your attacker limb from limb is also very draining on yourself control.

Self-Control Issues: If your morale ever reaches 0 you flee the city rather than risk succumbing to your blood lust.

Your morale points can be regenerated or drained (assuming it hasn’t reached 0) as follows:
3: Catching a person while watching/tracking that’s very interesting (NK, burglary, something very scandalous, this may not always be a night action)
1: Every Night you wake up
1: Every time a lynch occurs (that’s big news to photograph)
1: Any day in which you roleplay an Uberwald accent (loosely speaking at least three messages on the board that sound that way and one more for each which doesn’t)
-1: Every time an undead player dies.
-1: Every time a player dies and you aren’t there to photograph it
-2: Every time a violent attack is made on you (This is not necessarily all night kills or limited to night kills)
-3: Watching someone at night
-5: Tracking someone at night

As a foreigner you win if the Hippo faction is defeated

Advice from Mod: You probably won’t be able to use your role powers every night, especially since you can be ‘killed’ if you run out of morale points and any NK you don’t witness by watch or track is going to steal a point. To talk ‘Uberwaldian’ is basically to talk in cliché vampiric, replacing W’s with V’s, general Hammer Horror bad guy tones, etc. I won’t be setting the bar very high for this and you can also instantly get that point a day by simply letting it be known you’re form Uberwald and a vampire. There are people in the game who will benefit from your death as one or both so it is a risk especially to be explicit about it.

Praziquantel – You are Mr. Slant of Morecombe, Slant & Honeyplace, the head of the Guild of Lawyers in Ankh-Morpork. As a lawyer mob justice enrages you, as a native of Ankh-Morpork you have a significant distaste for foriegners cluttering up the city in which you were born in and lived, until you died and returned as a zombie, and in which you have unlived for centuries.

Item: A Sliver if Tracking (Let's you target one player to put the Sliver on, and know what they did that night, single use)

Wit: 2
Combat: 1
Stealth: 0
Magic: 0
Morale: 5
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork
Race: Undead (Zombie)
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

You are Roleblocker: (4) At night you are able to get a magistrate to order any player confined to their house by the watch. This operates on your wit score, and their stealth score, and you must submit rock, paper, scissors with it and tie their score. You will not know if this is successful or not.

Defend: (2) You can make any player’s VNTL (Votes needed to Lynch) rise by 1 for a day, by submitting a request to the Mod via NB, this is not retroactive and must be done before the current VNTL is reached. You may do this to any player only once per day and never two days consecutively (except yourself, who you may always defend), and as many players as you wish in a given day. This is anonymous.

Your morale points can be regenerated or drained as follows:
4: Have a Day end in a No Lynch or Deadline
3: Lawyer Display – launch a truly impressive defense of another player in the game
2: Have someone you Defended at L-1 not be lynched that Day
1: Lawyer Display – launch a decent defense of another player in the game
1: Survive a Day
1: Survive a Night
-1: Have a player you Defended be lynched that Day
-2: Defend
-4: Roleblock

You win if your character survives the game

Mod Advice: Your character is very akin to the Survivor role in that you don’t win with any specific faction, just by making it to game conclusion and also somewhat like a serial killer in that you’re all on your own. You can win by simply enforcing a stalemate, something you can do very effectively. However this relies on keeping your morale pool high to keep paying for those delays. This is where “Lawyer Display” comes in, you’ll never be awarded more than 4 points in a given day this way and probably not that, but anytime in game you defend a player on a given Day you’ll get at least one point. This is very subjective on my part, but while you will get 1 point if you even say “I don’t think the evidence on X is very compelling” assuming someone’s voted for them, to go beyond that you really need to be actively counteracting suspicion or votes on them beyond what a normal player would do (such as defend themselves). Defending multiple players doesn’t get you more points, though good defenses of multiple players would. You can make the case to me via NB why you believe you’ve presented a strong defense of someone(s) but by default you will probably get 2 points if I feel you’ve done a pretty solid job defending someone, they do actually need to have been voted for and not by you, though you can vote then unvote. You can still lynch someone else, but I generally won’t count defenses done as part of prosecuting another unless I feel it was really a him-or-him (or her) kind of situation.

Bergioyn – You are Captain Carrot Ironfounderson, a Member of the City Watch, or Night Watch as it is often known, along with other players listed below.

Wit: 1
Combat: 2
Stealth: 0
Magic: 0
Morale: 10
Place of Birth: Ram Tops?
Race: Human/Dwarf
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Watch Allies (by Rank)
Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson (Bergioyn)
Sergeant Detritus (Fanatic-Templar)
Corporal C. W. St. J. "Nobby" Nobbs (Sacrilious Toast)
Lance Constable Salacia "Sally" Delorisista Amanita Trigestrata Zeldana Malifee...von Humpeding (Stephen)

Watch Powers
The Watch as a group has its own pool of night actions that it can use to achieve its goals. Each night they may talk to each other, one or all, but must include the mod in all discussions. They vote on what to do, with the current surviving senior most member having the tie-breaking vote. They have their own morale pool separate from the individual characters and their night actions don’t interfere with individual night actions if any but do add 1 morale point to the cost of such actions from being tired and overworked, the Watch may perform multiple Watch Actions a night though only one per player living. The results of that group night action are shared with every Watch member. The person performing the action must be designated, as well as the action, the actor submits their rock-paper-scissors choice to the Mod.

Investigate Race: (2) Determine a player’s true race
Investigate Nationality: (2) Determine a player’s true native nationality
Investigate Thoroughly: (3) Determine true race and native nationality
Detain: (6) This action requires no player be designated to perform it, an individual is designated and arrested by the Watch for the night. While someone is detained their stats are considered a 2 across the board to oppose any action aimed at them, except by a Watch Member where all their stats are treated as being -1 to their normal. Additionally any Watch Investigate action is reduced in cost by 1 point.
Watch Starting Morale: 6
Watch Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Watch officer alive when evening begins
-1: For every player who dies from something other than a lynch
-2: For Every Watch Officer killed (lynch or NK or other)
Note: Flavor may have ‘disappears’, ‘exiled’, permanently imprisoned, etc as euphemisms for killed or lynched, treats as killed.

Special Watch Victory Condition
In addition to any individual player victory conditions members of the watch win the game automatically if after Day 3 any two night pass consecutively without a death. This can’t occur obviously till the end of night 5.

Captain Carrot Powers
Inspire: (3) Carrot can cause any player to have an effective +1 on any of their night actions that night, for 3 Morale Points, and may include as many other players at a cost of 2 points apiece. If you perform any Watch Actions that night it costs 4 plus 2 points for each extra.
Popular: The VNTL to lynch you is always treated as if one more player existed.
Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Watch officer alive when evening begins
-2: For Every Watch Officer killed (lynch or NK or other)

Fanatic-Templar – You are Sergeant Detritus, a Member of the City Watch, or Night Watch as it is often known, along with other players listed below.

Wit: 0
Combat: 2
Stealth: 0
Magic: 0
Morale: 4
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork?
Race: Troll
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Watch Allies (by Rank)
Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson (Bergioyn)
Sergeant Detritus (Fanatic-Templar)
Corporal C. W. St. J. "Nobby" Nobbs (Sacrilious Toast)
Lance Constable Salacia "Sally" Delorisista Amanita Trigestrata Zeldana Malifee...von Humpeding (Stephen)

Watch Powers
The Watch as a group has its own pool of night actions that it can use to achieve its goals. Each night they may talk to each other, one or all, but must include the mod in all discussions. They vote on what to do, with the current surviving senior most member having the tie-breaking vote. They have their own morale pool separate from the individual characters and their night actions don’t interfere with individual night actions if any but do add 1 morale point to the cost of such actions from being tired and overworked, the Watch may perform multiple Watch Actions a night though only one per player living. The results of that group night action are shared with every Watch member. The person performing the action must be designated, as well as the action, the actor submits their rock-paper-scissors choice to the Mod.

Investigate Race: (2) Determine a player’s true race [investigate is wit vs wit]
Investigate Nationality: (2) Determine a player’s true native nationality
Investigate Thoroughly: (3) Determine true race and native nationality
Detain: (6) This action requires no player be designated to perform it, an individual is designated and arrested by the Watch for the night. While someone is detained their stats are considered a 2 across the board to oppose any action aimed at them, except by a Watch Member where all their stats are treated as being -1 to their normal. Additionally any Watch Investigate action is reduced in cost by 1 point. [Watch has 2/2 Combat/stealth, goes against defenders highest, Combat ties to watch, stealth ties to defender]
Watch Starting Morale: 6
Watch Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Watch officer alive when evening begins
-1: For every player who dies from something other than a lynch
-2: For Every Watch Officer killed (lynch or NK or other)
Note: Flavor may have ‘disappears’, ‘exiled’, permanently imprisoned, etc as euphemisms for killed or lynched, treats as killed.

Special Watch Victory Condition
In addition to any individual player victory conditions members of the watch win the game automatically if after Day 3 any two night pass consecutively without a death. This can’t occur obviously till the end of night 5.

Sergeant Detritus Powers
Intimidate: (3) Detritus and his Piecemaker Crossbow (a modified siege weapon) is so terrifying that it makes even the bravest soul hesitate. Anyone effected by Intimidate is automatically at a -1 on their active night actions for the evening and is informed they’ve been scared or rattled but not told how or by who. You may target multiple people in one night and each extra person costs 2 points. If you perform any watch actions that night the cost goes up to 4 but still 2 for each extra person.
Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Watch officer alive when evening begins
-2: For Every Watch Officer killed (lynch or NK or other)

Personal Victory Condition: Do Not Die

Sacrilicious Toast – You are Corporal Nobby Nobbs, a Member of the City Watch, or Night Watch as it is often known, along with other players listed below.

Wit: 1
Combat: 1
Stealth: 1
Magic: 0
Morale: 4
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork
Race: Human?
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors
You have a Tooth Fairy Necklace, which grants you +1 Morale every twilight

Watch Allies (by Rank)
Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson (Bergioyn)
Sergeant Detritus (Fanatic-Templar)
Corporal C. W. St. J. "Nobby" Nobbs (Sacrilious Toast)
Lance Constable Salacia "Sally" Delorisista Amanita Trigestrata Zeldana Malifee...von Humpeding (Stephen)

Watch Powers
The Watch as a group has its own pool of night actions that it can use to achieve its goals. Each night they may talk to each other, one or all, but must include the mod in all discussions. They vote on what to do, with the current surviving senior most member having the tie-breaking vote. They have their own morale pool separate from the individual characters and their night actions don’t interfere with individual night actions if any but do add 1 morale point to the cost of such actions from being tired and overworked, the Watch may perform multiple Watch Actions a night though only one per player living. The results of that group night action are shared with every Watch member. The person performing the action must be designated, as well as the action, the actor submits their rock-paper-scissors choice to the Mod.

Investigate Race: (2) Determine a player’s true race
Investigate Nationality: (2) Determine a player’s true native nationality
Investigate Thoroughly: (3) Determine true race and native nationality
Detain: (6) This action requires no player be designated to perform it, an individual is designated and arrested by the Watch for the night. While someone is detained their stats are considered a 2 across the board to oppose any action aimed at them, except by a Watch Member where all their stats are treated as being -1 to their normal. Additionally any Watch Investigate action is reduced in cost by 1 point.
Watch Starting Morale: 6
Watch Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Watch officer alive when evening begins
-1: For every player who dies from something other than a lynch
-2: For Every Watch Officer killed (lynch or NK or other)
Note: Flavor may have ‘disappears’, ‘exiled’, permanently imprisoned, etc as euphemisms for killed or lynched, treats as killed.

Special Watch Victory Condition
In addition to any individual player victory conditions members of the watch win the game automatically if after Day 3 any two night pass consecutively without a death. This can’t occur obviously till the end of night 5.

Nobby Nobs Powers
Thief: (2) Nobby is a kleptomaniac and routinely steals things. This ability costs 3 if you are also performing a night watch action. You send in your target via NB during the night and if that player loses the stealth vs stealth role you steal any item they have of interest as well as one point of their morale which enters your pool.
Unpopular: The VNTL to lynch you is always treated as if one less player existed.
Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: Waking up alive in the morning
You have a Tooth Fairy Necklace, which grants you +1 Morale every twilight
Personal Victory Condition: Do not Die, Steal at least 2 items and 4 points of morale, Win with the Watch

Stephen – You are Lance Constable Salacia "Sally" Delorisista Amanita Trigestrata Zeldana Malifee...von Humpeding, a Member of the City Watch, or Night Watch as it is often known, along with other players listed below. You are also allied with Professor John Hicks (Hi Professor in Post-Mortem Communication, DThau, Impissimus Holder of the Silver Skull (third class) played by Taiga. He is a powerful wizard who seems to have developed a crush on you and serves as an informant.

Wit: 1
Combat: 2
Stealth: 2
Magic: 1
Morale: 4
Place of Birth: Uberwald
Race: Human?
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Watch Allies (by Rank)
Captain Carrot Ironfoundersson (Bergioyn)
Sergeant Detritus (Fanatic-Templar)
Corporal C. W. St. J. "Nobby" Nobbs (Sacrilious Toast)
Lance Constable Salacia "Sally" Delorisista Amanita Trigestrata Zeldana Malifee...von Humpeding (Stephen)

Watch Powers
The Watch as a group has its own pool of night actions that it can use to achieve its goals. Each night they may talk to each other, one or all, but must include the mod in all discussions. They vote on what to do, with the current surviving senior most member having the tie-breaking vote. They have their own morale pool separate from the individual characters and their night actions don’t interfere with individual night actions if any but do add 1 morale point to the cost of such actions from being tired and overworked, the Watch may perform multiple Watch Actions a night though only one per player living. The results of that group night action are shared with every Watch member. The person performing the action must be designated, as well as the action, the actor submits their rock-paper-scissors choice to the Mod.

Investigate Race: (2) Determine a player’s true race
Investigate Nationality: (2) Determine a player’s true native nationality
Investigate Thoroughly: (3) Determine true race and native nationality
Detain: (6) This action requires no player be designated to perform it, an individual is designated and arrested by the Watch for the night. While someone is detained their stats are considered a 2 across the board to oppose any action aimed at them, except by a Watch Member where all their stats are treated as being -1 to their normal. Additionally any Watch Investigate action is reduced in cost by 1 point.
Watch Starting Morale: 6
Watch Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Watch officer alive when evening begins
-1: For every player who dies from something other than a lynch
-2: For Every Watch Officer killed (lynch or NK or other)
Note: Flavor may have ‘disappears’, ‘exiled’, permanently imprisoned, etc as euphemisms for killed or lynched, treats as killed.

Special Watch Victory Condition
In addition to any individual player victory conditions members of the watch win the game automatically if after Day 3 any two night pass consecutively without a death. This can’t occur obviously till the end of night 5.

Sally Powers
Night Communication: You may speak with your any/all of your Watch Allies and the Wizard Hix (Taiga), though you may not speak to them simultaneously nor directly forward communications from one to another.
Things that go Bump in the Night: (3) Sally can spook a player into making mistakes. She can target any extra player for a cost of 2 more points, and their actions take a -1 that night. This costs 4+2 if Sally is taking a watch action also.
Night Kill: ( This is a single use ability, if successful you regain 3 morale points. You submit the name of the target, plus your choice of rock, paper, scissors, and whether you wish to attack against their combat with your combat or stealth skill (which are the same but can vary in the game), this cost 9 points if she is performing a watch action
Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: Waking up alive in the morning
1: Waking up alive in the evening
1: Talk like a vampire – Have at least 3 messages a day which sound like a cliché vampire, changing W’s into V’s and so on, “I don’t drink… wine”, etc. You should NB the mod if you think you’ve done so to claim this point.
-1: Every time an Undead dies
-1: Every time a member of the Watch dies
-1: Every time a Wizard dies

Personal Victory Condition: Still alive when game play ends, or Taiga wins or the Night Watch wins.

Taiga - You Professor John Hicks (Hi Professor in Post-Mortem Communication, DThau, Impissimus Holder of the Silver Skull (third class) and you are wizard, and a necromancer. Recently you’ve lost your mind and become determined to kill anyone who isn’t undead, except yourself, as a necromancer, and possibly other wizards who could be convinced to become necromancers like you. You came to this conclusion after meeting Lance Constable Salacia "Sally" Delorisista Amanita Trigestrata Zeldana Malifee...von Humpeding (Stephen) of the Night Watch, who you have fallen utterly in love with, and to whom you have been acting as a wizardly advisor as wizards are very smart, you meet with her every night. Be aware that undead includes vampires, zombies, and werewolves.

Wit: 1
Combat: 0
Stealth: 0
Magic: 2
Morale: 2
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork
Race: Human
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Night Communication: You may speak with Sally (Stephen) at nights.
Necromantic Blast: (7) You may target any player with you magic, your magic score versus theirs by submitting rock, paper, scissors and their name to the Mod at night. If the player is not undead they are killed, except in a tie in which case they are turned into an undead who you can speak to at nights henceforth. If this strikes an undead they will be at +1 on all their scores (maximum of 2) for that night and you will know they are undead. You can intentionally weaken your necromantic blasts to a 0+RPS or 1+RPS but must inform the Mod you plan to.

Victory Condition: You win when not a single heart is left beating among the players, unless it has a wizard’s hat on it.

You regenerate or lose magic as follows:
2: Anyone is converted into Undeath
1: Anyone dies who was alive
1: Survive a day
1: Survive a Night
-1: An undead dies
-1: A Wizard dies
-2: Your Wizard’s Hat is Stolen
-3: Sally dies

Advise from Mod: This is a tricky character, because you can win either by just killing people left or right or turning them into undead. Most player have a 0 or 1 for their magic score, and will be killed by your blasts if you go for 2+RPS, hit someone with a 0 who has a 0 and there’s a 1 in 3 equal chance to kill them, turn them, or fail. They also aren’t automatically your allies just because they’re undead. Even most undead would balk at your goals, you just get to night-talk them if you turn them

? – You are William de Worde, and recently you’ve come to regret past conflicts with your father and taken a nasty view on all the foreigners cluttering up fair Ankh-Morpork. As the chief editor of Ankh-Morporks first newspaper for years you’ve received nasty letters on this very subject but often chosen not to print them. You haven’t change your mind, but instead used them to help form the Hippo Faction. The goal of the Hippo faction is to drive out all the foreigners living in Ankh-Morpork, at least the ones who aren’t Morporkian Nobility born like Captain Carrot (Bergioyn), I mean everyone knows he’s the true king of Ankh-Morpork after all. His family was simply in exile and your family owns country estates too which is kind of the same thing. You are joined in the Hippo league by other players, and have abilities explained below, but you also have your own basket of tricks

Wit: 2
Combat: 1
Stealth: 1
Magic: 0
Morale: 10
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork
Race: Human
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Night Powers:
Conversion: (10) You are very convincing and can convert any Morporkian to join your cause with the Hippo League by targeting them during the night. This power will not work on Captain Carrot. This Power is your Wit+RPS. Submit their name and your rock, paper, scissors choice. If you beat them they will join your cause. Be warned however that if they are not a native Morporkian you will instead end up fighting them, combat on combat using your RPS submission. If you win they die, if you lose they die, if you tie you flee into the night. You wear a Hippo mask and cloak while about this. You may use this ability if you are using any Hippo Faction ability but at an extra cost of 2 morale points.

Your morale is increased or decreased as follows:
2: Death of any foreigner
1: Surviving a day
1: Surviving a night
-1: Death of any Morporkian Native
-3: Death of Captain Carrot

Hippo Faction (by Rank)
William de Worde (?)
C.M.O.T. Dibbler (Artsapat)
Ponder Stibbons (Beetnemesis)
Hippo Powers
The Hippo Faciton as a group has its own pool of night actions that it can use to achieve its goals. Each night they may talk to each other, one or all, but must include the mod in all discussions. They vote on what to do, with the current surviving senior most member having the tie-breaking vote. They have their own morale pool separate from the individual characters and their night actions don’t interfere with individual night actions if any but do add 1 morale point to the cost of such actions from being tired and overworked, the Watch may perform multiple Watch Actions a night though only one per player living and not more than one of the same type. The results of that group night action are shared with every Watch member. The person performing the action must be designated, as well as the action, the actor submits their rock-paper-scissors choice to the Mod.
Night Powers:
Disorient: (3) You may target anyone at night for a Wit on Wit battle by submitting their name and your rock, paper, scissor choice. If you win they are left confused and disoriented by your complex speech on High Energy Magic and will target someone randomly with their role power if they used it that evening, though not you. This occurs simultaneously to roleblocking but would preempt roleblocking aimed at you by them. Nothing happens if you tie, if you lose you are disoriented and any other night ability you may be taking that night (Hippo Powers) will random redirect though not at you.

Your morale is increased or decreased as follows:
1: Surviving a day
1: Surviving a night
-1: Death of any Morporkian Native

Night Kill: (10)The target must be specified, as must the attacker, and the attribute being used by the attacker, which is what the defender will defend with, along with their RPS choice: e.g. Artsapat will attack Bob with Stealth and Rock. If the Action wins, they die, on a tie they are roleblocked the next night, on a loss the attacker is roleblocked the next night, indicating they are wounded.
Roleblock: (4) Targeting is done as with the night kill but effects that night, and succeeds on wins or ties with no consequence for failure.
Hippo Starting Morale: 7
Hippo Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Hippo alive when evening begins
1: For every player who dies from something other than a lynch
1: For every player who dies from a lynch in which a Hippo is the first vote (and did not unvote)
1: For every player who dies form a lynch where a Hippo hammered
-2: For every Morporkian killed or lynched.
Note: Flavor may have ‘disappears’, ‘exiled’, permanently imprisoned, etc as euphemisms for killed or lynched, treats as killed.

Special Hippo Victory Condition
In addition to any individual player victory conditions members of the Hippo Faction win when no non-Morporkian remains alive.

Rangrande – You are Dr. A. A. Dinwiddie, the Bursar of Unseen University, and quite mad. You take dried frog pills to help maintain your sanity and your fellow wizards won’t let you have anything but a wooden spoon to eat your meals.

But you’re out of dried frog pills…

And you’ve got a spoon…

… a large spoon

Wit: 1
Combat: 1
Stealth: 0
Magic: 2
Morale: 8
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork
Race: Human (wizard)
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Night Powers
The Spoon of Obliteration: ( This Spoon, a modified battering ram, propelled by magic and imps, allows you to target any player. This is combat vs combat and you must submit rock paper, scissors along with target name. If you win, they die, if you tie they are roleblocked, if you lose your spoon is damaged and may not be used the next night. You may not use the spoon on Night 1 as it was damaged on Night 0.

Victory condition: You win if all other players with a magic score above 0 die.

Increasing and decreasing Morale
2: Kill anyone with the Spoon
2: Lynch or Kill a Wizard (You must be hammer vote or first vote for a lynch)
1: Survive a Day
1: Say at least one thing (in clear and visible text to the other players) which sounds absolutely insane, and may not be in quote marks or otherwise imply someone else is saying it. Limit one point per day.
-1: Any day on which you fail to use the word “Spoon” three times in a single paragraph in-game on the board and in normally visible text.
-2: Damage to the Spoon of Obliteration
-3: Loss of your Wizard’s hat.

Artsapat – You are C.M.O.T. Dibbler and you’re tired of having to compete with all these foreign merchants. You are joined in the Hippo league by other players, and have abilities explained below, but you also have your own basket of tricks

Wit: 1
Combat: 0
Stealth: 1
Magic: 0
Morale: 5
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork
Race: Human
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Meat Pie of Questionable Nutritional Value: (5) Deployment of the MPOQNV against any player is Wit vs Wit, plus your choice of rock, paper, or scissors. If you win, they consume the pie and are too sickened to vote the next day. On a tie they try the pie but eat no more than bite, on a loss they decline your meat pie, and you will not be able to deploy the MPOQNV against them again.

Your morale is increased or decreased as follows:
2: Death of any foreigner
1: Surviving a day
1: Surviving a night
1: Someone eats your MPOQNV (win or tie)
-1: Death of any Morporkian Native
-1: Someone does not eat your MPOQNV

Hippo Faction (by Rank)
William de Worde (?)
C.M.O.T. Dibbler (Artsapat)
Ponder Stibbons (Beetnemesis)
Hippo Powers
The Hippo Faciton as a group has its own pool of night actions that it can use to achieve its goals. Each night they may talk to each other, one or all, but must include the mod in all discussions. They vote on what to do, with the current surviving senior most member having the tie-breaking vote. They have their own morale pool separate from the individual characters and their night actions don’t interfere with individual night actions if any but do add 1 morale point to the cost of such actions from being tired and overworked, the Watch may perform multiple Watch Actions a night though only one per player living and not more than one of the same type. The results of that group night action are shared with every Watch member. The person performing the action must be designated, as well as the action, the actor submits their rock-paper-scissors choice to the Mod.

Night Kill: (10)The target must be specified, as must the attacker, and the attribute being used by the attacker, which is what the defender will defend with, along with their RPS choice: e.g. Artsapat will attack Bob with Stealth and Rock. If the Action wins, they die, on a tie they are roleblocked the next night, on a loss the attacker is roleblocked the next night, indicating they are wounded.
Roleblock: (4) Targeting is done as with the night kill but effects that night, and succeeds on wins or ties with no consequence for failure.
Hippo Starting Morale: 7
Hippo Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Hippo alive when evening begins
1: For every player who dies from something other than a lynch
1: For every player who dies from a lynch in which a Hippo is the first vote (and did not unvote)
1: For every player who dies form a lynch where a Hippo hammered
-2: For every Morporkian killed or lynched.
Note: Flavor may have ‘disappears’, ‘exiled’, permanently imprisoned, etc as euphemisms for killed or lynched, treats as killed.

Special Hippo Victory Condition
In addition to any individual player victory conditions members of the Hippo Faction win when no non-Morporkian remains alive.

Beetnemesis – You are Ponder Stibbons, HEM, DThau, Reader in Non-Volatile Intelligence, Cantoride Speaker in Slood Refurgance, a wizard, and you’ve recently taken an unhealthy dislike for foreigners always cluttering up the city, interfering with your research. That’s why you’ve joined the Hippo Faction, devoted to ridding the city of foreigners at any cost.

Wit: 1
Combat: 1
Stealth: 0
Magic: 1
Morale: 3
Place of Birth: Ankh-Morpork
Race: Human (Wizard)
Defense: Choose Rock, Paper, Scissors

Night Powers:
Disorient: (3) You may target anyone at night for a Wit on Wit battle by submitting their name and your rock, paper, scissor choice. If you win they are left confused and disoriented by your complex speech on High Energy Magic and will target someone randomly with their role power if they used it that evening, though not you. This occurs simultaneously to roleblocking but would preempt roleblocking aimed at you by them. Nothing happens if you tie, if you lose you are disoriented and any other night ability you may be taking that night (Hippo Powers) will random redirect though not at you.

Your morale is increased or decreased as follows:
1: Surviving a day
1: Surviving a night
-1: Death of any Morporkian Native

Hippo Faction (by Rank)
William de Worde (?)
C.M.O.T. Dibbler (Artsapat)
Ponder Stibbons (Beetnemesis)
Hippo Powers
The Hippo Faciton as a group has its own pool of night actions that it can use to achieve its goals. Each night they may talk to each other, one or all, but must include the mod in all discussions. They vote on what to do, with the current surviving senior most member having the tie-breaking vote. They have their own morale pool separate from the individual characters and their night actions don’t interfere with individual night actions if any but do add 1 morale point to the cost of such actions from being tired and overworked, the Watch may perform multiple Watch Actions a night though only one per player living and not more than one of the same type. The results of that group night action are shared with every Watch member. The person performing the action must be designated, as well as the action, the actor submits their rock-paper-scissors choice to the Mod.

Night Kill: (10)The target must be specified, as must the attacker, and the attribute being used by the attacker, which is what the defender will defend with, along with their RPS choice: e.g. Artsapat will attack Bob with Stealth and Rock. If the Action wins, they die, on a tie they are roleblocked the next night, on a loss the attacker is roleblocked the next night, indicating they are wounded.
Roleblock: (4) Targeting is done as with the night kill but effects that night, and succeeds on wins or ties with no consequence for failure.
Hippo Starting Morale: 7
Hippo Morale is increased or decreased by the following:
1: For every Hippo alive when evening begins
1: For every player who dies from something other than a lynch
1: For every player who dies from a lynch in which a Hippo is the first vote (and did not unvote)
1: For every player who dies form a lynch where a Hippo hammered
-2: For every Morporkian killed or lynched.
Note: Flavor may have ‘disappears’, ‘exiled’, permanently imprisoned, etc as euphemisms for killed or lynched, treats as killed.

Special Hippo Victory Condition
In addition to any individual player victory conditions members of the Hippo Faction win when no non-Morporkian remains alive.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 06/02/2014 at 10:13:49 AM
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Mafia 33: Discworld, Post Game - 06/02/2014 10:00:07 AM 1300 Views
Roles - 06/02/2014 10:02:06 AM 1297 Views
Night 1 - 06/02/2014 10:03:26 AM 1125 Views
Ha so wait, who was the brains hobo? *NM* - 10/02/2014 07:50:51 PM 665 Views
"Nobody" - symbolic flavor death *NM* - 10/02/2014 07:58:21 PM 682 Views
Night 2 - 06/02/2014 10:04:05 AM 1246 Views
I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 06/02/2014 03:19:48 PM 1264 Views
Re: I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 06/02/2014 03:37:28 PM 1074 Views
Re: I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 06/02/2014 09:36:38 PM 1198 Views
Re: I may need to take a minute to digest all this, - 07/02/2014 07:48:59 PM 1092 Views
...what *NM* - 06/02/2014 11:20:13 PM 602 Views
The watch one...but so did I? - 06/02/2014 11:20:56 PM 1090 Views
Hah dammit we were doing well. And I had a perfect alibi, too *NM* - 10/02/2014 07:55:36 PM 707 Views
For future consideration, who is still active here? *NM* - 09/02/2014 06:13:21 AM 689 Views
Depends on the definition of "active", I'd say. *NM* - 09/02/2014 09:15:56 AM 577 Views
I'm actively confusing my homonyms... - 10/02/2014 01:30:38 AM 1093 Views
I suspect we're reaching critical here - 10/02/2014 03:02:38 PM 1096 Views
I'm still around. We could use some fresh blood though - 10/02/2014 07:56:58 PM 1082 Views
How morbid *NM* - 10/02/2014 11:03:51 PM 615 Views
Unfortunately I suspect he's correct. :/ *NM* - 11/02/2014 07:59:38 AM 567 Views
I fear you are correct. - 13/02/2014 04:59:51 PM 1629 Views
So, who was the scum's assassin on the final Night, and who did they target? *NM* - 13/02/2014 04:57:19 PM 671 Views
I can't speak for the actual scum faction - 13/02/2014 05:29:51 PM 971 Views
Seems only fair. I tried to kill you on numerous days . *NM* - 13/02/2014 11:48:00 PM 1081 Views
Beet, he was set to kill Bergioyn, and then things get complex - 13/02/2014 06:22:12 PM 1168 Views
Interesting. - 13/02/2014 11:50:24 PM 1718 Views
So you thought I was a Hippo? *NM* - 14/02/2014 01:17:33 AM 609 Views
I was absolutely certain that you and ranagrande were scum. - 14/02/2014 04:45:21 AM 1639 Views
Gosh, I feel like the prettiest girl at the ball *NM* - 14/02/2014 01:16:41 AM 682 Views
Sounds like quite the nightmare for the mod. *NM* - 14/02/2014 09:11:47 AM 571 Views

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