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Re: Hypocop Table Taiga Send a noteboard - 28/12/2013 04:12:15 PM

Beetnemesis: not guilty

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Mafia 33: Discworld, Day 4 - A New Soap - 23/12/2013 02:05:56 PM 1654 Views
I was kind of hoping we had a Watch faction that would take out a Hippo tonight. - 23/12/2013 03:22:57 PM 999 Views
I targeted a lot of people and don't know against whom I was successful or not. *NM* - 23/12/2013 11:47:29 PM 689 Views
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *NM* - 24/12/2013 07:46:16 AM 583 Views
"a lot of people" and "don't know" the results - 24/12/2013 08:03:12 AM 980 Views
You oughtn't be so surprised. - 24/12/2013 07:22:47 PM 914 Views
Seems pretty consistent to me - 24/12/2013 07:40:33 PM 1082 Views does? His last hypocop was "Did nothing so I could save Morale" - 24/12/2013 09:51:02 PM 844 Views
Re: does? His last hypocop was "Did nothing so I could save Morale" - 24/12/2013 10:15:41 PM 870 Views
Re: Seems pretty consistent to me - 25/12/2013 04:09:14 AM 936 Views
I'd like to know if you targetted me, as well. - 25/12/2013 02:17:25 PM 1041 Views
Did something happen to you? - 27/12/2013 03:45:20 AM 927 Views
I believe so - 28/12/2013 12:58:24 AM 966 Views
Well? Did you target me? I will make a statement immediately upon your answer. - 29/12/2013 03:52:17 AM 802 Views
Why would I answer? - 29/12/2013 03:59:24 AM 891 Views
Fine, then. Vote: Yunalesca - 30/12/2013 03:59:03 PM 919 Views
Hmm - 01/01/2014 07:01:52 PM 887 Views
I know people are reluctant to lynch "nice" vampires - 02/01/2014 02:44:47 PM 953 Views
On the other hand... - 02/01/2014 06:15:48 PM 939 Views mean the one Night Kill victim we've had? - 02/01/2014 06:56:38 PM 900 Views
So soap trumps night kill? - 04/01/2014 07:08:11 AM 865 Views
Pretty sure I presented three reasons why I felt we should lynch Yuna - 04/01/2014 07:47:39 AM 983 Views
Re: Pretty sure I presented three reasons why I felt we should lynch Yuna - 04/01/2014 06:58:57 PM 1030 Views
Short and sweet rebuttals - 04/01/2014 07:22:41 PM 1039 Views
My initial reaction... - 04/01/2014 10:47:11 PM 918 Views
Re: Short and sweet rebuttals - 05/01/2014 03:37:18 AM 938 Views
I say that a player likely attacking other players is a higher risk - 05/01/2014 02:37:40 PM 799 Views
Not by your definition of "attacking", no. - 05/01/2014 06:08:49 PM 942 Views
Re: Short and sweet rebuttals - 06/01/2014 05:24:43 AM 1012 Views
Re: Short and sweet rebuttals - 06/01/2014 05:51:20 AM 931 Views
True, but there is no indication of a different group, is there? *NM* - 04/01/2014 07:37:15 PM 589 Views
Hmm. Apparentely my last post was not posted - 24/12/2013 07:58:55 AM 952 Views
Fanatic-Templar - Not Guilty *NM* - 25/12/2013 10:18:51 AM 609 Views
Re: Hmm. Apparentely my last post was not posted - 25/12/2013 11:11:17 AM 879 Views
At first I was like "Waah?", but then I noticed this... - 23/12/2013 09:08:16 PM 998 Views
Hypocop Table - 25/12/2013 02:21:42 PM 861 Views
Praziquantel - Not Guilty *NM* - 27/12/2013 04:58:14 AM 533 Views
FT not guilty *NM* - 27/12/2013 05:06:39 PM 658 Views
Re: Hypocop Table - 28/12/2013 04:12:15 PM 993 Views
Bergioyn - Not Guilty - 02/01/2014 04:23:24 PM 892 Views
Re: Mafia 33: Discworld, Day 4 - A New Soap - 30/12/2013 10:14:14 AM 995 Views
Happy New Year! - 02/01/2014 02:37:51 PM 885 Views
You too, I'll do my best. *NM* - 04/01/2014 07:35:03 PM 542 Views
Alright so hopefully this will get us to start talking/thinking again - 02/01/2014 09:45:23 PM 1131 Views
I'm guessing it's because of the RPS system - 03/01/2014 03:01:06 AM 920 Views
What is your opinion of my vote towards Yuna? - 03/01/2014 03:04:16 AM 887 Views
Yuna? Do you have any response to my accusation? *NM* - 07/01/2014 12:08:20 AM 528 Views
So, the promised roleclaim (most of it, at least). - 07/01/2014 03:48:16 AM 990 Views
OK, so NOW do you concede that Stephen's NK was from being a vampire? - 07/01/2014 04:29:41 AM 864 Views
? - 07/01/2014 07:38:55 AM 843 Views
Hell, even if this weren't my own information... - 07/01/2014 08:35:33 AM 995 Views
And furthermore... - 07/01/2014 08:41:11 AM 947 Views
He had to get a NK from SOMEWHERE. And if you're dedicated to eliminating NKs... - 07/01/2014 08:54:38 PM 975 Views
No. You do know what an individual role is, don't you? - 07/01/2014 10:06:16 PM 960 Views
...what? - 07/01/2014 11:35:33 PM 877 Views
This is a flawed argument in two entirely separate and divergent ways. - 08/01/2014 01:49:27 AM 885 Views
Any "role" with a Night Kill would be incongruous - 08/01/2014 05:19:34 AM 958 Views
Re: Any "role" with a Night Kill would be incongruous - 08/01/2014 07:25:04 AM 1059 Views
I'm just going off of what you're telling us about the Watch - 08/01/2014 02:17:25 PM 884 Views
Re: I'm just going off of what you're telling us about the Watch - 08/01/2014 06:10:43 PM 997 Views
OK, this makes sense. - 07/01/2014 10:07:44 AM 964 Views
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. - 07/01/2014 08:26:15 PM 841 Views
Oh. Euhm. Wow - 08/01/2014 06:39:57 AM 989 Views
Yeah, that was actually the first thing I asked about during the Night. - 08/01/2014 07:33:10 AM 924 Views
Were you definitely blocked by the Watch? - 08/01/2014 02:45:17 PM 950 Views
Re: Oh. Euhm. Wow - 08/01/2014 05:43:02 PM 1145 Views
Good work, F-T - 08/01/2014 05:40:41 PM 1237 Views
Re: Good work, F-T - 08/01/2014 06:09:56 PM 1005 Views
So... you want to lynch me, because I want to lynch scum? - 08/01/2014 08:50:26 PM 885 Views
This only counts if your Victory conditions align with the Watch's - 09/01/2014 03:25:02 PM 915 Views
Re: This only counts if your Victory conditions align with the Watch's - 09/01/2014 05:33:39 PM 943 Views
Re: This only counts if your Victory conditions align with the Watch's - 09/01/2014 06:42:44 PM 1039 Views
Re: This only counts if your Victory conditions align with the Watch's - 10/01/2014 04:38:55 AM 1138 Views
Whaaaaaat. We're not nation-building, here. - 10/01/2014 06:04:16 AM 964 Views
And why shouldn't they? - 10/01/2014 04:25:21 AM 1145 Views
What if Stephen wasn't the target? - 09/01/2014 03:11:38 PM 909 Views
VNTL/modkill notes - policy - 11/01/2014 04:29:34 AM 985 Views
I'll be looking forward to Sunday then. - 11/01/2014 05:21:57 AM 824 Views
Sounds good to me too. - 11/01/2014 05:41:38 AM 1155 Views
Re: Sounds good to me too. - 11/01/2014 10:14:16 AM 819 Views
Hooray, I can kill people just by wishing! *NM* - 12/01/2014 03:03:49 AM 671 Views
I am certain you will not use that power for evil... *NM* - 12/01/2014 05:09:11 AM 699 Views
RBIRL - 11/01/2014 07:32:49 AM 1007 Views
Re: VNTL/modkill notes - policy - 11/01/2014 10:19:41 AM 984 Views
Re: VNTL/modkill notes - policy - 11/01/2014 10:25:16 AM 938 Views
Modkill - Yunalesca - 12/01/2014 09:04:40 PM 1168 Views
So... - 13/01/2014 12:57:58 AM 1239 Views
Re: So... - 13/01/2014 07:54:26 AM 976 Views
EBWOP. - 13/01/2014 08:00:13 AM 914 Views
Dwarves and possibly a vampire. - 13/01/2014 07:48:09 PM 912 Views
They're identifiably foreigners. - 13/01/2014 10:05:08 PM 1200 Views
Not strictly true - 14/01/2014 08:55:57 AM 990 Views
Re: Not strictly true - 14/01/2014 09:07:41 AM 1060 Views
I trust Isaac enough to think it was not a mistake. - 15/01/2014 02:44:40 AM 823 Views
This is a reminder that someone stole my necklace and I'm still annoyed about that *NM* - 14/01/2014 06:30:39 PM 758 Views
I'm still annoyed at having my wizard hat stolen too. - 15/01/2014 06:43:41 AM 904 Views
Agreed, there are enough things left open. - 15/01/2014 03:24:29 PM 985 Views
This reminds me: did anybody else get anything stolen? - 15/01/2014 03:25:21 PM 1042 Views
Re: This reminds me: did anybody else get anything stolen? - 15/01/2014 07:59:27 PM 932 Views
I agree, those are the most likely candidates. - 16/01/2014 02:47:05 PM 1186 Views
Problem with that is that the known characters in this game are all recurrent. - 16/01/2014 09:05:38 PM 980 Views
WIZARD. They're called WIZARDS. GOD *NM* - 17/01/2014 01:59:42 PM 762 Views
Witches also exist in Discworld. *NM* - 17/01/2014 02:10:24 PM 544 Views
Another point of order- no idea who left me feeling drained last night - 16/01/2014 03:04:54 PM 1067 Views
Even though we have some discussion, we're still not going forward. - 19/01/2014 09:12:56 PM 885 Views
I really see no reason to believe everybody else loses if the Watch wins. - 19/01/2014 10:07:52 PM 1097 Views
Re: Even though we have some discussion, we're still not going forward. - 20/01/2014 10:51:15 PM 965 Views
So... how are things with everybody? Doin good? *NM* - 23/01/2014 03:18:07 PM 787 Views
Day Deadline Monday Night, the 27th *NM* - 23/01/2014 03:38:20 PM 671 Views
Day Deadline Monday Night, the 27th *NM* - 23/01/2014 03:44:34 PM 669 Views
Vote: Praziquantel *NM* - 23/01/2014 07:14:04 PM 545 Views
I'm not disagreeing, but what's your reasoning? *NM* - 24/01/2014 03:39:51 PM 698 Views
What's been discussed already. - 24/01/2014 11:29:45 PM 866 Views
Well, you know my reasoning - 24/01/2014 10:11:56 PM 785 Views
And this is what I was waiting for. - 24/01/2014 10:48:16 PM 1204 Views
Vote: Praziquantel - 25/01/2014 09:30:54 PM 873 Views
And here you are again. - 26/01/2014 06:52:21 AM 1130 Views
This is enought for me. Vote:ranagrande *NM* - 26/01/2014 11:38:42 AM 544 Views
I am a little surprised by your strong defense of Praz - 26/01/2014 07:18:45 PM 922 Views
Re: I am a little surprised by your strong defense of Praz - 26/01/2014 10:30:31 PM 1130 Views
Then maybe I misinterpreted this: - 26/01/2014 11:37:08 PM 921 Views
Wait let me try that again... - 26/01/2014 11:38:48 PM 859 Views
Re: Then maybe I misinterpreted this: - 27/01/2014 02:49:59 AM 1063 Views
Okay fair enough. Unvote. *NM* - 27/01/2014 03:18:34 AM 604 Views
Hm, I think it might be too late to unvote - 27/01/2014 04:09:24 AM 1085 Views
He's right, I didn't check the time stamps - 27/01/2014 07:46:46 PM 1186 Views
Can we get an extension? - 26/01/2014 06:56:08 AM 1149 Views
Seconded. *NM* - 26/01/2014 11:39:05 AM 555 Views
granted - I'll leave it a bit non-specific for now *NM* - 26/01/2014 04:09:00 PM 644 Views
Thank you *NM* - 26/01/2014 07:05:45 PM 568 Views
VNTL is 4 at the moment - 26/01/2014 07:21:53 PM 1211 Views
Vote record Update 1 - 26/01/2014 07:35:43 PM 1145 Views
FT has also voted for ranagrande. *NM* - 26/01/2014 08:00:37 PM 597 Views
Thanks *NM* - 26/01/2014 08:02:13 PM 723 Views
I demand blood! Also he's coming off a bit odd. Vote: Praziquantel *NM* - 27/01/2014 02:37:38 AM 725 Views
Praziquantel has been lynched - 27/01/2014 07:49:45 PM 1141 Views
Twilight has begun - 28/01/2014 01:07:26 AM 1260 Views
Re: Twilight has begun - 28/01/2014 02:06:39 AM 1213 Views

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