Active Users:522 Time:09/03/2025 09:29:25 PM
I haven't even begun to try. Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 08/12/2013 07:26:39 AM

View original postI have been entirely consistent in this game. Yesterday, enough people claimed to be able to win without lynching that I found it plausible.

And now enough of them have unclaimed that you no longer find it plausible?

View original postAs I've said, I'm a Survivor. That means that if anyone wins while I'm still alive, I win too. So if the town in this game can win without lynching, then I also could win without lynching.

That's the part I now doubt. It has nothing to do with my role. I don't believe your role.

Indeed. What is¨my role, then?

Oh, right, you have absolutely no idea. But it's probably quite unbelievable.

But let's stick only to the notion that I don't need anybody to die to win. That is a pretty incredible claim. It could have been a clever lie, a massive bluff to throw people completely off the scent. Except there are other players who claimed the same as I did. Let's examine what this means for a second.

You're asserting that I am lying, that I am part of "a cult or some other scum faction". So what does that mean for the other players who also claimed not to require lynches to win? Are they also part of this "cult or some other scum faction" with me? Are you seriously alleging that we have decided to all inextricably link ourselves together openly, on Day 1, in such a way that if one of us falls, everybody falls? Gambling the entire faction on one massive all-or-nothing bluff without even getting a single Night to talk about it? And hell, even if the ruse did work perfectly and the entire town believed us, all it would take is one unlucky death from a Serial Killer or Paranoid Gun Owner or anything to cause our complete annihilation. It's a completely insane plan.

View original postWhy the sudden change?

Isaac recently posted a deadline message, and ended it with:

View original postLast note: Chess, Checkers, Monopoly, etc are specific games with specific rules. You can vary them a bit, for fun and something new, but the core concept of the game needs to remain or its a different game, which is fine but you wouldn't call it Chess anymore if you did. People might disagree on what the core concept of chess is, but if someone said they thought the core of the game revolved around protecting your king while checkmating the other guy's then anything that removes that component wouldn't be, in their eyes, chess anymore. So if you know what they consider the core concept you may safely assume it remains. Deduction, a core component of most strategy games, would allow one to make an educated guess what a given person considered that core concept to be with some searching but ideally it should be in the rules of the game itself, or so I have always felt.

OK, so let's look at the rules, conveniently written by Isaac, our moderator. Look at the topic headings. "Introduction," "Do's and Do Not's," "The Lynch." Clearly, Isaac considers lynching to be a "core concept" in mafia, and he would not have posted as he did if the town could win without lynching.

First off, I never said that the town could win without lynching. I said I could win without lynching and that I was categorically pro-town. The town probably still needs to lynch the scum to win. And this is why - and this will completely blow your mind - I have been trying to identify the scum and even attempted to get a lynch going yesterDay. You ought to remember. You were the target.

Now, you find it unbelievable that Isaac would design a game that would lead to stalling during the early days, despite the obvious fact that this is the most stalled game we've had since a time where Day 1 No Lynches were so common I had to openly declare war on the very concept.

Instead, what you believe is that Isaac made a post to call me (and others who have claimed as I do) as lying about our roles. This despite the fact that the very rules you quoted state that it is perfectly fine to lie about paraphrased mod information:

View original post[...] you may [...] paraphrase the mod as you please, truthfully or not

More importantly, since you also apparently believe that everybody who has claimed not to need people to die to achieve victory is lying as part of some scum faction, you apparently believe that Isaac posted specifically to out most if not all of the scum in this game, thereby instantly ending this game.

This, you claim, is more believable than the notion that this game would have been designed in such a way as to stall during the early Days, which it did. Really.

The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter

Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
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Mafia 33: Discworld, Day 3 - Revenge of the Smith - 16/11/2013 07:06:48 AM 2032 Views
For clarification: was this a modkill? Or is it deliberately ambiguous? *NM* - 16/11/2013 07:11:15 AM 834 Views
Not a modkill - 16/11/2013 07:12:15 AM 1086 Views
Also not a self-kill - 19/11/2013 09:01:36 PM 1165 Views
Notes from Mod - 16/11/2013 07:11:43 AM 1157 Views
So, we finally have a Night Kill - 16/11/2013 08:07:47 PM 1165 Views
Re: So, we finally have a Night Kill - 17/11/2013 09:57:02 AM 1674 Views
Re: So, we finally have a Night Kill - 17/11/2013 01:41:07 PM 1314 Views
We have learned quite a bit. - 17/11/2013 05:11:02 PM 1237 Views
And we would by hypocopping what? - 17/11/2013 10:23:06 PM 1208 Views
Re: And we would by hypocopping what? - 18/11/2013 10:02:45 AM 1123 Views
The City-Watch group is what I also expected - 18/11/2013 02:09:37 PM 1070 Views
Re: The City-Watch group is what I also expected - 18/11/2013 09:43:00 PM 1136 Views
Oh man I am going to be so happy when we find and kill this thief. - 18/11/2013 11:58:26 PM 1088 Views
Did your hat do anything? - 19/11/2013 04:14:33 PM 1091 Views
No. - 20/11/2013 05:49:17 AM 1138 Views
+1 *NM* - 20/11/2013 10:14:22 AM 713 Views
Re: Mafia 33: Discworld, Day 3 - Revenge of the Smith - 18/11/2013 08:49:57 PM 1165 Views
They might get bonuses when a foreigner/Undead dies. *NM* - 18/11/2013 10:25:02 PM 692 Views
He was going to die anyway. *NM* - 19/11/2013 12:07:11 AM 697 Views
He might've been replaced. - 19/11/2013 06:23:52 AM 1083 Views
He might've, but NKing anybody else at least gave the chance of killing two birds with one stone. - 19/11/2013 08:34:38 AM 1228 Views
Yeah, it's just my best guess. - 19/11/2013 05:08:32 PM 1191 Views
There is another "Smith" in Discworld- the Wintersmith - 19/11/2013 06:08:28 PM 1111 Views
Wait so someone with a nightkill died? - 19/11/2013 07:00:58 PM 1110 Views
Well, Stephen was not part of an NK-group, - 19/11/2013 07:45:46 PM 1162 Views
Question [table] - 19/11/2013 08:22:57 PM 1207 Views
Re: Question [table] - 20/11/2013 03:52:56 AM 1038 Views
Was it the number 42? *NM* - 20/11/2013 10:17:13 AM 703 Views
...worst epiphany ever *NM* - 20/11/2013 03:54:39 PM 668 Views
My D3M said even less then F-T' nothing happened. *NM* - 20/11/2013 06:14:01 AM 686 Views
Same here... at least last night I got a message about that zombie. - 20/11/2013 10:36:49 AM 1103 Views
EBWOP - 20/11/2013 10:39:28 AM 1162 Views
Re: Question [table] - 20/11/2013 10:21:27 PM 1533 Views
Quiet tonight, I guess they realized I had nothing left to steal *NM* - 21/11/2013 04:02:44 AM 706 Views
Re: Question [table] - 21/11/2013 10:23:11 AM 1207 Views
Nothing happened to me. *NM* - 20/11/2013 12:43:58 AM 708 Views
Me neither. *NM* - 20/11/2013 09:56:13 AM 1072 Views
OK, so, Hypocop table. - 21/11/2013 07:22:03 PM 1225 Views
Beriogyn- Not Guilty *NM* - 21/11/2013 07:23:46 PM 678 Views
Artsapat - Not Guilty *NM* - 21/11/2013 08:21:16 PM 645 Views
I'm sorry, but as I mentioned, I already claimed being blocked - 21/11/2013 09:01:00 PM 1067 Views
I did not perform a Night Action to preserve Morale. *NM* - 21/11/2013 09:39:10 PM 678 Views
You know what surprises me? - 21/11/2013 11:58:00 PM 1111 Views
I suspect this whole confusion with life and reality thing may have been a roleblock attempt. *NM* - 22/11/2013 04:30:14 AM 679 Views
Oh yeah that would makes sense *NM* - 22/11/2013 07:01:27 PM 641 Views
Praziquantel-Not Guilty *NM* - 21/11/2013 11:53:48 PM 693 Views
Sacrilicious Toast - Guilty *NM* - 22/11/2013 12:17:32 AM 1441 Views
Re: Sacrilicious Toast - Guilty - 22/11/2013 07:08:27 PM 1192 Views
Praziquantel - Guilty *NM* - 22/11/2013 10:15:40 AM 729 Views
Bergioyn - not guilty *NM* - 22/11/2013 02:10:42 PM 641 Views
F-T -- Not Guilty *NM* - 28/11/2013 10:54:20 AM 737 Views
Event 3 - Revenge of the Smith - 24/11/2013 04:25:20 PM 1213 Views
So, does this tell us something about the groups in the game? - 24/11/2013 07:15:55 PM 1077 Views
How do you think we could hypocop this? *NM* - 25/11/2013 03:46:53 PM 636 Views
Depending on what type of outcome we each get... - 25/11/2013 06:40:26 PM 1065 Views
Reminder: Event Deadline Tuesday evening *NM* - 26/11/2013 05:22:09 PM 669 Views
Argh. I was travelling and completely forgot. *NM* - 27/11/2013 04:38:03 PM 638 Views
I haven't compiled them yet, you can still send *NM* - 27/11/2013 04:42:46 PM 663 Views
Event Resolution - 30/11/2013 09:08:54 AM 1165 Views
So, what did everyone pick? I chose option 5. *NM* - 30/11/2013 01:21:58 PM 731 Views
I picked option 3. *NM* - 30/11/2013 01:45:38 PM 1056 Views
And? What happened to you guys? - 30/11/2013 02:35:52 PM 1135 Views
Re: And? What happened to you guys? - 01/12/2013 07:24:53 PM 1671 Views
Hm, well that's something - 02/12/2013 08:49:17 AM 1007 Views
To add - 02/12/2013 08:52:39 AM 1124 Views
I helped capture the hippo (animal, not the terrorist) - 30/11/2013 03:21:44 PM 1072 Views
As did I. *NM* - 30/11/2013 06:04:57 PM 650 Views
Me too *NM* - 01/12/2013 06:37:52 PM 652 Views
Me too. Good work guys! *NM* - 02/12/2013 08:46:13 AM 661 Views
Re: So, what did everyone pick? I chose option 5. - 30/11/2013 09:50:30 PM 1094 Views
I chose Option 8. - 01/12/2013 03:13:49 AM 1094 Views
Re: Event Resolution - 02/12/2013 12:03:02 PM 1009 Views
I can confirm Yuna's version of events. Up to a point - 02/12/2013 01:20:46 PM 1166 Views
I honestly thought I'd be the only one doing it - 02/12/2013 03:53:32 PM 1076 Views
I didn't want to risk going after the wrong people. - 02/12/2013 06:37:41 PM 1072 Views
Re: I can confirm Yuna's version of events. Up to a point - 02/12/2013 07:20:43 PM 1109 Views
I followed the dwarf - 02/12/2013 09:24:25 PM 1180 Views
Re: I can confirm Yuna's version of events. Up to a point - 03/12/2013 01:07:12 PM 1033 Views
Re: I can confirm Yuna's version of events. Up to a point - 03/12/2013 11:12:29 AM 1013 Views
Re: I can confirm Yuna's version of events. Up to a point - 03/12/2013 11:12:33 AM 1028 Views
I'd like to hear some answers to Art's other question. *NM* - 04/12/2013 09:45:06 AM 660 Views
You mean the "people who don't need to lynch to win?" - 04/12/2013 02:42:55 PM 1049 Views
I just now saw that this posted as *NM* - 05/12/2013 09:55:38 AM 1229 Views
Good point, I'll repeat my question in a new post below *NM* - 05/12/2013 02:05:37 PM 1126 Views
Hah. I didn't even think to check *NM* - 05/12/2013 03:10:17 PM 565 Views
A random note on rock-paper-scissors - 25/11/2013 10:26:04 AM 1318 Views
ROFL! *NM* - 25/11/2013 05:41:05 PM 624 Views
Sorry for my absence - 28/11/2013 10:52:11 AM 1014 Views
I'm going to be busy for a while over the weekend - 29/11/2013 11:04:15 AM 993 Views
I think we're waiting for the Event results. *NM* - 29/11/2013 07:00:32 PM 705 Views
As rana pointed out, the original question I posted may not have been clear - 05/12/2013 02:45:42 PM 1372 Views
Re: As rana pointed out, the original question I posted may not have been clear - 05/12/2013 06:23:45 PM 1090 Views
OK, sorry, I forgot - 06/12/2013 08:06:14 AM 1018 Views
I'm still not willing to roleclaim yet. - 06/12/2013 10:00:21 PM 1050 Views
Discworld zombies don't multiply that way though. They are simply dead who do not realise they are. - 05/12/2013 07:14:40 PM 1661 Views
Vampires (in Carpe Jugulum) do, though. - 06/12/2013 02:59:36 PM 1188 Views
Re: As rana pointed out, the original question I posted may not have been clear - 05/12/2013 08:18:51 PM 1399 Views
So: you're number FIVE? - 06/12/2013 08:49:14 AM 1033 Views
Re: So: you're number FIVE? - 06/12/2013 10:05:11 PM 983 Views
I don't believe it either. - 07/12/2013 04:51:22 AM 1158 Views
Speaking of believability issues... - 07/12/2013 06:12:04 AM 1010 Views
Nice try. - 07/12/2013 07:40:18 AM 1094 Views
My link doesn't seem to work. - 07/12/2013 07:42:21 AM 1070 Views
Re: Nice try. - 07/12/2013 03:53:29 PM 1253 Views
I haven't even begun to try. - 08/12/2013 07:26:39 AM 1312 Views
Vote: ranagrande *NM* - 08/12/2013 06:11:36 PM 663 Views
Re: I haven't even begun to try. - 08/12/2013 06:13:18 PM 1046 Views
That was part of my reasoning - 08/12/2013 07:15:28 PM 1040 Views
Re: I haven't even begun to try. - 08/12/2013 07:29:57 PM 1115 Views
Re: I haven't even begun to try. - 08/12/2013 09:28:17 PM 1140 Views
Vote: ranagrande - 09/12/2013 02:36:49 PM 1124 Views
Re: Speaking of believability issues... - 07/12/2013 04:20:23 PM 1049 Views
Honestly I am torn. - 08/12/2013 02:18:33 AM 1038 Views
I do not claim this. - 05/12/2013 11:05:01 PM 1084 Views
Day 3 Deadline Friday the 13th - 06/12/2013 12:37:04 PM 1108 Views
RBIRL: meeting in Brussels - 08/12/2013 07:29:00 PM 1124 Views
Have a good trip - 09/12/2013 04:30:32 PM 1231 Views
Can I get a reminder on the role/character claims we have? - 09/12/2013 03:58:05 AM 1069 Views
No I haven't. - 09/12/2013 05:28:19 AM 1071 Views
You claimed to be a Survivor, though. - 10/12/2013 03:23:52 PM 1033 Views
Did I? Can you find a quote of that? - 10/12/2013 06:29:47 PM 1137 Views
Hah, I'm sorry. That's why I was asking for clarification. So, ok... - 11/12/2013 06:21:54 PM 1013 Views
Hmm... can I delay on answering that? - 11/12/2013 09:00:57 PM 1086 Views
But now I'm so curious... *NM* - 12/12/2013 12:49:56 AM 625 Views
Me neither - 09/12/2013 08:16:48 AM 1049 Views
If it's coming down to ranagrande vs. Taiga, I would like character and role claims from both *NM* - 10/12/2013 03:28:28 PM 746 Views
Can you tell me what are the reasons you're voting rana and/or Taiga? - 11/12/2013 04:30:31 PM 1012 Views
Mostly because those are the two people that have already been voted for, and we're near deadline - 11/12/2013 04:50:31 PM 1066 Views
Re: Mostly because .... - 11/12/2013 10:23:23 PM 983 Views
Thanks! - 12/12/2013 12:49:32 AM 1182 Views
What is the case against Taiga? - 11/12/2013 07:33:02 PM 1082 Views
How awkward - 12/12/2013 01:57:31 PM 1063 Views
What? I haven't voted for you. - 12/12/2013 05:14:47 PM 1044 Views
sorry beet, my mistake. I was amazed by the votes *NM* - 13/12/2013 10:18:11 AM 616 Views
Vote Tracker - 09/12/2013 03:26:00 PM 1054 Views
Tuesday VNTL is 5 - 10/12/2013 12:53:12 PM 1099 Views
Thursday VNTL is 4, Deadline Friday (Vote Tracker Table) - 12/12/2013 01:57:34 PM 1131 Views
Correction: Thursday VNTL is 5, Deadline Friday (Vote Tracker Table) - 12/12/2013 02:00:28 PM 1101 Views
Nice timing. *NM* - 12/12/2013 10:24:02 PM 765 Views
Vote Tracker - 13/12/2013 01:59:42 PM 1034 Views
That said, since Taiga refuses to share info, Vote: Taiga - 13/12/2013 01:53:21 PM 972 Views
Seems like a silly excuse - 13/12/2013 03:45:10 PM 1051 Views
Not really. - 13/12/2013 04:52:23 PM 1044 Views
Reaching for what? - 13/12/2013 05:46:34 PM 1090 Views
Also, does anyone have any idea why FT always capitalizes the word "Day?" I can't think of a reason *NM* - 13/12/2013 08:27:46 PM 639 Views
To distinguish game Days from real life days - 13/12/2013 09:30:40 PM 1029 Views
So, your argument is: - 13/12/2013 08:49:53 PM 1098 Views
Re: So, your argument is: - 13/12/2013 10:52:22 PM 1191 Views
Re: Not really. - 13/12/2013 09:43:30 PM 1310 Views
Woah that's like OMGUS without beet voting for you. - 13/12/2013 10:19:40 PM 1103 Views
Deadline Pending (Note) - 14/12/2013 01:46:55 AM 1040 Views
Twilight 3 - 14/12/2013 04:24:03 AM 1417 Views
I'll be RBIRL when we start day 4 - 21/12/2013 09:03:03 AM 1098 Views
I think most of us will - 22/12/2013 01:20:10 PM 1081 Views

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