Active Users:531 Time:21/09/2024 03:33:56 AM
lol, Taiga changed targets, but Praziquantel died anyway. I would never have guessed. *NM* Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 14/09/2013 02:40:53 AM

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Praz NK Taiga
ST NK Praz
Taiga NK Artsapat

When you are on an evening walk, you are suddenly attacked from behind by a man with a strangling cord. You struggle briefly, but in the end he overpowers you, and soon all you know is darkness.
You have been NK'd

As planned, you follow the Italian woman in the evening, and when you have reached a secluded spot attack her from behind with a strangling cord. Before long she is dead, and you drag her body to the bushes next to the road.
NK on Artsapat is succesfull

Unfortunately for you though, it seems you weren't the only on the move with murder in mind. When you round a corner you briefly see a man infront of you and before you can react he shoots you with a silenced pistol.
You have been NK'd

You are following your target from a distance in the dark evening when suddenly you lose sight of him due to a cab almost running over you. Frantically trying to locate him for a few minutes you notice him heading towards you in a street corner and immediately take the chance and shoot him with your silenced pistol.
NK on Taiga is succesfull

All is not well for you though, because when you are returning to your apartments you are stabbed in the back by an unknown assailant.
bYou have been NK'd

Waiting carefully near the apartment of your victim-to-be, you spot him approaching the building. When he is opening the front door you brutally stab him in the back with your Tanto.
NK on Praziquantel is succesfull


Fox NK Dannymac
Dannymac NK Fox

Running the days' events throught your mind you follow Sacrilicious Toast in preparation for the kill, making sure to stay in the shadows. When he turns to an empty alley you seize the opportunity and attack him with baseball bat. He pulls a medium lenght blade and tries to fight back but with your superior reach you easily best him. One vicious blow to the temple later you leave the scene.
NK on Sacrilicious Toast is succesfull

When you are returning from a meeting you walk to an empty alley and are suddenly attacked by a man with baseball bat. You grab your Tanto and try to fight back, but the baseball bat's reach has you outmatched. The last thing you see is a vicious swing towards the side of your head. The, darkness.
You have been NK'd

As you are making your way through the park towards the bar Dannymac usually hangs out at you make last checks to your Beretta 93R when you notice Dannymac approaching you. Judging by his stance he has the same idea as you! Suprised, you fumble and he is able to gain on you. You manage to fire two burst and are certain that you hit him, but before you can make certain he slices through your chest with a katana.
As you fall into darkness you note with a grimm satisfaction that your shot did infact hit him as he falls to the ground accross you.
NK on Dannymac is succesfull
You have been NK'd

Leaving your favourite bar planning to go kill Fox and Ravens you walk through the park when you notice Fox and Ravens Fiddling with a gone in front of you. Quickly loosening your katana you sprint to him but before you get to him he loosens two bursts at you and you feel two shots connecting. In your adreanaline and pain filled haze you still manage to slice him accross the chest and he falls like a dead tree.
However, you fall down yourself, never feeling the ground as the darkness takes you.
NK on Fox and Ravens is succesfull
You have been NK'd


Isaac NK FT
rana NK Isaac

You are on an evening stroll when suddenly you see an asian looking woman running towards you with a sword raised, screaming something incomprehensible in her language. You have barely enough time to curse before she is upon you.You feel a sharp pain in your stomach, and then on your throat, and the darkness takes you.
You have been NK'd

Determined to avenge your comrades you follow your target. When you have a straight line of sight towards him you loosen your Tachi sword and sprint towards him, cursing. He seems suprised, and that's all he has time to feel as you make two quick cuts, one across his stomach and anouther accross his throat. He falls like a sack of rice.
NK on Fanatic-Templar is succesfull

Unfortunately for you though, as you return the way you came you let your guard down, and never see the sledgehammer hitting the back of your head. You fall to the ground, dead.
You have been NK'd

Following your target from a safe distance, you are suprised to see her start running forward screaming something, when you notice Sergei on the womans path. Before you can react she cuts him twice, and it's obvious he won't be rising up again. Seething with anger, you retreat to the shadows near the street entrance, and once the asian woman passes you, you swing your sledgehammer twohanded against the back of her head. You can hear the bone crack, and she falls. Feeling grim satisfaction, you leave the scene.
NK on Isaac is succesfull

The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter

Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
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Mafia 32 - No Fancy Title - Day 4 - Russian Mafia Wins - 13/09/2013 08:23:26 PM 784 Views
Teams and Roles - 13/09/2013 08:26:21 PM 854 Views
Night Actions and Messages - 13/09/2013 08:27:51 PM 607 Views
lol, Taiga changed targets, but Praziquantel died anyway. I would never have guessed. *NM* - 14/09/2013 02:40:53 AM 283 Views
darn, arty and i would have both lived if it weren't for that *NM* - 14/09/2013 06:02:18 AM 270 Views
Yep, we knew praziquantel would die.. - 14/09/2013 12:33:23 PM 552 Views
Re: Night Actions and Messages - 16/09/2013 08:47:36 AM 677 Views
Congrats guys - 13/09/2013 08:57:28 PM 586 Views
Re: Congrats guys - 13/09/2013 09:07:28 PM 633 Views
Re: Congrats guys - 13/09/2013 11:16:41 PM 613 Views
"Don't do it! You have so much to live for!" - 14/09/2013 12:18:09 AM 639 Views
Same thing crossed my mind. - 14/09/2013 07:02:41 AM 634 Views
Do I at least get a medal for my faithful service to the FBI? *NM* - 13/09/2013 09:18:43 PM 403 Views
Here's a badge. You didn't seem to have one when you were searched. - 13/09/2013 09:38:00 PM 738 Views
Succes is commemorated, failure merely remembered. - 13/09/2013 09:56:34 PM 643 Views
Thank you very much, Berg. I really enjoyed it - 13/09/2013 09:34:30 PM 570 Views
I've said this before, but this was easily my favourite game thus far. - 14/09/2013 02:45:18 AM 733 Views
Ooh, first time I've been sigged. *NM* - 14/09/2013 09:06:45 AM 271 Views
Thanks Bergioyn! - 14/09/2013 03:35:03 AM 650 Views
Amazing! - 14/09/2013 09:50:33 AM 681 Views
Thanks Berg! And damn it, beet! - 14/09/2013 01:58:05 PM 669 Views
Haha. Oh well. - 16/09/2013 02:26:23 PM 680 Views
So, who runs the next one? *NM* - 15/09/2013 11:15:19 AM 267 Views
Me, unless anyone's chomping at the bit to run one - 15/09/2013 07:35:37 PM 592 Views
I'm familiar with all of those... - 16/09/2013 02:57:25 AM 574 Views
Re: Me, unless anyone's chomping at the bit to run one - 16/09/2013 08:42:15 AM 551 Views
Re: Me, unless anyone's chomping at the bit to run one - 16/09/2013 12:57:16 PM 723 Views
Star Wars is the only one of those I am at all familiar with. - 17/09/2013 05:15:14 AM 661 Views
Ha, nice everybody. - 16/09/2013 02:25:12 PM 809 Views
Sorry to have to bus you! *NM* - 16/09/2013 05:19:14 PM 278 Views

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