Well he can go ahead but I count him a suicide. He clearly was holding back, there's a snowball's chance in heck we have that many NKs in play and he 'just happened' to guess along those lines. We don't even know for sure he was a tracker, his PM just says he was innocent and involved with the government maybe. He could have been a firefighter or the like and claimed tracker falsely so as not to give it away. No, he almost certainly had pertinent info as I suspected and now we need to see who might have indicated they thought he knew something too, because some people clearly took what he said as true and probably knew before.
If it's even only 3 NK operators, double ups are common on kills as they're often perfered targets and someone might have held back. Like a vig, what sort of vig strikes on night 1 without reasonably surety of bagging a scummer beyond what we had? Option: some players may have had 1 shot kills or not every night kills and expended them. One can hope anyway.
Very probable. But if we have, say, two night kill factions not SK it is very likely they were 2 men teams and one either just got wiped out or both reduced to effectively SKs.
Character name and hypocop maybe? Why name? Random stab in the dark or do you have something to go off of?
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod