There's a buttload of reasons for day 1 random votes and for hanging a lantern on the evil at another player, but having been on the receiving end of variance versions of this several times I would guess the following is going on. Danny is used to arguing with me over on Community Board and has basically just been told repeatedly that here on the RPG board I'm regarded as something akin to Emperor Palpatine or Hannibal Lecter. He probably voted for me as a joke and it occurred to him that I might kill him for it, which isn't much of stretch because I have done that before. So now he's worried I'm planning to murder him, and he figures I'll be less likely to if he makes it so his death lays very obviously at my feet.
A more veteran player would probably realize someone might NK him just to lay it at my feet
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod