Key - Stalled
Character: LapostropheandaaNarntraderwhodoesnothaveanentryonthebabylonfivewiki
L'anda, Narn trader who does not have an entry on the Babylon 5 wiki.
Role: Masonwithpotentialoneshotpower
Mason with potential one-shot power.
The error I mentioned previously has to do with this. I cannot talk to my mason partner at night, contrary to my original assumption.
Night 0 - Isaacwearsdrapcolouredclothingormaybedrabwithatypo
Isaac wears 'drap' coloured clothing - I think there was a typo and this was supposed to be 'drab' but it could be a Babylon 5 thing I don't know about.
Also entirely useless since Isaac is dead.
Lord Bergioyn of House Jaederan, Baron of Tridea, Pro Tempore Emeritus of the Landsraad, CHOAM Senior Director of Interplanetary Trade
6-7-0 + 1 + 2-0-0