Simply not being the cop isn't enough here, a tracker or a watcher or a jack-of-all-trades with investigative ability in this small a game would strongly counter-indicate a cop role. as would getting flavor from the mod such as "you [a human] know security makes use of an alien telepath to check for guilt" or "the bad guys have a telepath" which would automatically cast doubt on the veracity of a mere p1 as cop via telepathy or you know taiga's character is male or so on.
you are being asked if you have any special knowledge not available to all of us which casts major doubt on taiga's role claim or any aspect of the claim presented including character. let me emphasize that if you do have this knowledge and don't share it, this lynch is over, so that said, yes or no, no need for maybe because it will all come out to be judged.
beetnemesis - ???
bergioyn - ???
dannymac - no
fanatic-templar -no
galadriel3562 - ???
isaac - no
taiga - no
yunalesca - ???
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod