Active Users:497 Time:09/03/2025 01:55:30 AM
I'd be dubious that it was one of us trying for the quarantine though Isaac Send a noteboard - 18/01/2013 03:43:24 AM
Assuming that other people will spread out their defenses.

Then, he has an army of 5, ready to attack a planet with token defenses at best, and he knows there will be no reinforcements.

They still have to locate people's assets, which is intel, and enact the quarantine which is diplomatic, odds don't favor them being a military behemoth. Attempting a quarantine on a core world - most likely of all the worlds to have someone with a high diplomacy score on it in the early game - is tricky at best. They have no way of knowing if the world is otherwise vacant or has someone with a D of 1 who just happens to be there or someone with a D of 3+ who has significant assets scattered in the core.

Now currently the thing is listed as divided, meaning our quarantine seeker has a DD bonus of 2 over the opposition. What that really means is that it is either unopposed and we've got someone with a D of 1, or it is opposed and they've got a 1 point edge over the opposer. Problem being, it can't be a D1 house doing this because they can't initiate a quarantine period, they only have 3 DAP and quarantine costs 4. So we're sitting on a quarantine action taken by someone with at least a 2 regardless. Making this an opposed action. Odds strongly favor core assets being in the hands of people with higher diplomacies, so I'd bet on this being someone with a D of 3 or higher, meaning they are either so-so on both mil and intel or weak as hell on one or both. I've difficulty seeing somebody pulling a military adventure off on the quarantined planets in the Core while trying to pay off Omega Squadron and find an asset to attack. There isn't any on the Auction Block for Brontes, they need to gather intel, which they wouldn't have yet, but that's another DI action like buying off Omega and

I have a heck of a time seeing anyone having a passable military score while doing all that. Nobody with the kind of diplomacy score and intel score necessary to quarantine and find assets on the core in a single round could realistically be a potent military power. So while I can see someone seizing anyway as those places are probably undefended, no militia, they can't protect the place with a crappy mil score and they can't get revenue as long as they keep the quarantine up, as soon as it drops their target is probably going to curb stomp them.

So I am inclined to think someone is either just trying the ability out, and didn't think it through, or that this is NPC doing.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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CRISIS! - StarCraft Round 1 - 13/01/2013 05:43:38 AM 1822 Views
Crisis - 13/01/2013 05:46:23 AM 949 Views
Forecast - 13/01/2013 05:46:46 AM 900 Views
Auction - 13/01/2013 05:48:56 AM 1010 Views
Request clarification - 14/01/2013 02:52:38 AM 926 Views
Ah, nevermind, misread it - 14/01/2013 02:54:30 AM 906 Views
Gossip - 13/01/2013 05:49:35 AM 966 Views
We should discuss the crisis - 13/01/2013 11:46:35 PM 837 Views
I agree. - 14/01/2013 01:17:01 AM 936 Views
Re: We should discuss the crisis - 14/01/2013 03:42:06 PM 1019 Views
I disagree. - 14/01/2013 07:10:44 PM 779 Views
Re: I disagree. - 15/01/2013 12:45:44 AM 1272 Views
The current vote - 15/01/2013 02:06:13 AM 924 Views
How do you know that? *NM* - 15/01/2013 03:11:34 PM 566 Views
It's a special perk I get for having a 7 in both Diplomacy and Intelligence. - 15/01/2013 06:15:26 PM 783 Views
Ah, well done *NM* - 16/01/2013 03:12:39 AM 573 Views
confusion!! - 14/01/2013 08:13:19 PM 905 Views
Certainly, since I am assuredly the authour of confusion . - 14/01/2013 11:14:30 PM 1014 Views
The concept isn't too tricky - 14/01/2013 11:51:18 PM 1202 Views
Rules Update - Ardeon/Jorium Mining Facilities, Terrazine Refineries - 15/01/2013 02:12:51 AM 984 Views
Forecast and Gossip have been posted. *NM* - 15/01/2013 06:13:36 PM 486 Views
New motion for the Senate: Quarantine proposal - 15/01/2013 08:04:47 PM 949 Views
question - 17/01/2013 09:54:43 PM 748 Views
They can disturb other players assets there. *NM* - 17/01/2013 10:54:54 PM 467 Views
Correct. - 17/01/2013 11:22:54 PM 907 Views
I assume whoever made the motion is stacking their assets there - 18/01/2013 03:04:52 AM 837 Views
I'd be dubious that it was one of us trying for the quarantine though - 18/01/2013 03:43:24 AM 892 Views
Easy enough - 18/01/2013 01:36:03 PM 785 Views
No, it doesn't really work - 18/01/2013 04:29:40 PM 913 Views
This one on the surface is pretty straight forward - 18/01/2013 03:20:40 AM 988 Views
Re: This one on the surface is pretty straight forward - 18/01/2013 04:49:09 AM 997 Views
Re: This one on the surface is pretty straight forward - 18/01/2013 05:03:48 AM 881 Views
Clarification: Unassigned military units - 16/01/2013 04:14:42 AM 920 Views
Reminder: Final day to bid on auction *NM* - 18/01/2013 05:00:47 PM 466 Views
Auction Results: - 19/01/2013 03:14:30 AM 956 Views
Reminder: Final day to vote, end of Round coming up. *NM* - 20/01/2013 05:32:26 AM 475 Views
Senate Resolutions - 21/01/2013 05:08:37 AM 900 Views

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