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Gossip Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 13/01/2013 05:49:35 AM
Well, well. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you around, Erik.
Vacation. You know how it is. Had to come back eventually though.
Well, you’ve shown up just in time to vote on the war matters.
Right, right. What is the latest new on the war, then?
The latest… for Christ’s sake, Erik, where have you been?
Tyrador’s a civilised planet, Erik. You can follow the news there.
When you go to Tyrador, you don’t want to follow the news.
I bet. Invited by the Calabas?
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Right. Anyway, the war’s over. We’re here to discuss how the loot will be spread out.
Oh, good.
Don’t get your hopes up. Likely as not, it’s all going to the Old Families.
All of it?
Well… everything that’s in Confederate hands, anyway.
What do you mean?
Listen, you know how the Kel-Morians bolted back to their homeworld? The Confederacy’s secured most of the disputed assets, but there are a few that are still in enemy hands, barely. As long as those end up in Confederate hands, who’s to complain? So I figure now’s the best chance to rush in and seize those resources before the Fleet gets them.
You’re going to do that?
I hired some people.
And how did you find out which locations to hit? News or no news, there’s no way M. Terra would allow UNN to broadcast that. And I don’t even see that information in the Senate documents.
Don’t look to the Confederacy for answers, look to the Morians.
And they’d tell you why?
Think about it. They’ve recalled forces from all over the Sector back to Moria. It’s a logistical nightmare, they’re still dealing with that now. It’s impossible to keep all that hidden, if you pay attention, you’re bound to learn something useful.
Clever. So what’re you going for? That refinery on Edis?
Edis? No, we got that months ago. Bennet owns it now.
Bennet? Really?
Maybe it was Kusinis… whatever, point is Edis is unavailable.
How about the one near Gramercy City? That one had a good yield too.
I know what you’re trying to do, Erik. Find the information yourself. That’s what you get for lounging about while honest people are working.
The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter

Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
This message last edited by Fanatic-Templar on 15/01/2013 at 06:12:53 PM
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CRISIS! - StarCraft Round 1 - 13/01/2013 05:43:38 AM 1822 Views
Crisis - 13/01/2013 05:46:23 AM 948 Views
Forecast - 13/01/2013 05:46:46 AM 899 Views
Auction - 13/01/2013 05:48:56 AM 1009 Views
Request clarification - 14/01/2013 02:52:38 AM 925 Views
Ah, nevermind, misread it - 14/01/2013 02:54:30 AM 906 Views
Gossip - 13/01/2013 05:49:35 AM 965 Views
We should discuss the crisis - 13/01/2013 11:46:35 PM 835 Views
I agree. - 14/01/2013 01:17:01 AM 935 Views
Re: We should discuss the crisis - 14/01/2013 03:42:06 PM 1018 Views
I disagree. - 14/01/2013 07:10:44 PM 778 Views
Re: I disagree. - 15/01/2013 12:45:44 AM 1270 Views
The current vote - 15/01/2013 02:06:13 AM 924 Views
How do you know that? *NM* - 15/01/2013 03:11:34 PM 566 Views
It's a special perk I get for having a 7 in both Diplomacy and Intelligence. - 15/01/2013 06:15:26 PM 781 Views
Ah, well done *NM* - 16/01/2013 03:12:39 AM 572 Views
confusion!! - 14/01/2013 08:13:19 PM 904 Views
Certainly, since I am assuredly the authour of confusion . - 14/01/2013 11:14:30 PM 1013 Views
The concept isn't too tricky - 14/01/2013 11:51:18 PM 1199 Views
Rules Update - Ardeon/Jorium Mining Facilities, Terrazine Refineries - 15/01/2013 02:12:51 AM 983 Views
Forecast and Gossip have been posted. *NM* - 15/01/2013 06:13:36 PM 485 Views
New motion for the Senate: Quarantine proposal - 15/01/2013 08:04:47 PM 947 Views
question - 17/01/2013 09:54:43 PM 746 Views
They can disturb other players assets there. *NM* - 17/01/2013 10:54:54 PM 466 Views
Correct. - 17/01/2013 11:22:54 PM 906 Views
I assume whoever made the motion is stacking their assets there - 18/01/2013 03:04:52 AM 836 Views
I'd be dubious that it was one of us trying for the quarantine though - 18/01/2013 03:43:24 AM 891 Views
Easy enough - 18/01/2013 01:36:03 PM 784 Views
No, it doesn't really work - 18/01/2013 04:29:40 PM 911 Views
This one on the surface is pretty straight forward - 18/01/2013 03:20:40 AM 987 Views
Re: This one on the surface is pretty straight forward - 18/01/2013 04:49:09 AM 996 Views
Re: This one on the surface is pretty straight forward - 18/01/2013 05:03:48 AM 880 Views
Clarification: Unassigned military units - 16/01/2013 04:14:42 AM 919 Views
Reminder: Final day to bid on auction *NM* - 18/01/2013 05:00:47 PM 465 Views
Auction Results: - 19/01/2013 03:14:30 AM 955 Views
Reminder: Final day to vote, end of Round coming up. *NM* - 20/01/2013 05:32:26 AM 474 Views
Senate Resolutions - 21/01/2013 05:08:37 AM 899 Views

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