Every round, you may perform a number of actions dependent on your attributes. These attributes are Diplomacy, Intelligence and Military, sometimes abbreviated to D, I and M. To perform an action, you must expend an appropriate number of action points (AP). Your total number of available action points on any given round is equal to three times the sum of your attributes.
Example: First round AP pool
Diplomacy: 2
Intelligence: 3
Military: 2
AP: 21 = 3(2+3+2) = 3x7
However, the amount of action points you may spend on actions of any given attribute is limited to three times that attribute. Other action points must be spent on other types of actions. Thus your actions are restricted by your attributes. Most actions are resolved immediately, unless they involve movement of troops or agents, in which case these actions are resolved at the end of a round. This is specified in those actions’ details.
Example: AP pool available for attribute-based actions
Diplomacy: 2
Intelligence: 3
Military: 2
AP available for Diplomacy actions: 6 = 3x2
AP available for Intelligence actions: 9 = 3x3
AP available for Military actions: 6 = 3x2
Every round you may perform a number of actions whose action point cost equal or are inferior to your available pool.
Many actions are contested actions, meaning that they oppose your attributes to your target’s. The attributes in question are specified in the action’s description. To resolve a contested action, the target’s score is subtracted from your own, the difference being used to determine the action’s success, the greater the difference, the greater the success.
Keep in mind that while the action list below only lists the attributes and occasionally the action point investment that influences and action’s score, there are frequently other ways of influencing the result, including certain assets, agents and technologies.
Example: Selection of actions for a round
Diplomacy: 2
Intelligence: 3
Military: 2
AP available: 21
AP available for Diplomacy actions: 6
AP available for Intelligence actions: 9
AP available for Military actions: 6
2 AP: Secret communication with all players
1 AP: Secret communication with Kronin al’Sulc
1 AP: Spread gossip
2 AP: Seizure: 2 marine battalions from Alaquine Valley Casino, Dylar IV to Backwater Gulch Mining Facility, Mar Sara
3 AP: Interstellar transport: Dylar IV to Mar Sara
1 AP: Seizure: 1 marine battalion from Turtle Island Vespene Refinery, Mar Sara to Backwater Gulch Mining Facility, Mar Sara.
3 AP: Conceal troop movement for all units.
2 AP: Gather information on location: Tyrador IX
2 AP: Monitor troop movement: Napoleon62
2 AP: Gather information on player: Napoleon62
1 AP: Transfer asset for auction: Alaquine Valley Casino, Dylar IV.
1 AP: Transfer funds to Kronin al’Sulc: 2 000 M credits.
Diplomacy Actions
List: Diplomacy actions and related AP cost
1 AP: Spread gossip
1 AP: Secret communication with 1 player
2 AP: Secret communication with multiple players
2 AP: Influence Squadron – minor assistance (DM+)
3 AP: Influence Squadron – major assistance (DM+)
3 AP: Bribe Officer (DI)
3 AP: Bribe Senator (DI)
4 AP: Bribe Councillor (DI)
4 AP: Propose quarantine/Lift quarantine – (DD)
Spread gossip: Send a noteboard to the moderator including some information you wish circulated as local gossip. This information will be included in the next local gossip post, though it may be slightly altered for flavour reasons.
Secret communications: You may send a message to another player through the moderator. Send your noteboard to the moderator along with the intended recipient or recipients and the moderator will pass it along from ‘anonymous sources’.
Influence Squadron: When you have enough influence within a Squadron, you may use them to further your own ambitions. Your odds of success depend on your Diplomacy and Military attributes. Every agent you have in the Squadron increases your odds for success: Junior Officers by one, Senior Officers by three and General Officers by five. The score necessary depends on the type of assistance asked for, and the kind of assistance you may request depends on the Squadron.
List: Alpha Squadron available assistance, cost and necessary influence
Minor assistance: Ignore rebels (500 M credits, difficulty 7)
Major assistance: Reclaim asset (2 000 M credits, difficulty 12)
Major assistance: Protect asset (2 000 M credits, difficulty 12)
Ignore rebels: Have Alpha Squadron delay their crackdown on a rebellion, either to give you a chance to reclaim the asset yourself, or to keep it out of a rival’s hands. When asking for this assistance, you must provide the location of the rebellion.
Reclaim asset: Have Alpha Squadron reclaim a rebelling asset on your behalf. The asset will immediately revert to your possession, rather than being put up for auction. Alpha Squadron will not help you reclaim an asset lost to another Old Family. When asking for this assistance, you must provide the location of the asset.
Protect asset: Have Alpha Squadron protect one of your assets from rebels or pirates for one round. While present, Alpha Squadron troops will also repel any attacks from other players.
List: Nova Squadron available assistance, cost and necessary influence
Minor assistance: Identify agents (500 M credits, difficulty
Major assistance: Hide asset (2 000 M credits, difficulty 12)
Major assistance: Purge Squadron (2 000 M credits per target, difficulty varies)
Identify agents: Have Nova Squadron identify the agents in any one Squadron that are in the employ of another Old Family.
Hide asset: Have Nova Squadron conceal the location of an Outlying Colony asset. The information regarding such asset will be scrambled from most databases – while the asset doesn’t actually change location, Outlying Colonies are sufficiently remote to be impossible to find without an accurate location. The asset’s “new” location can be discovered as normal.
Purge Squadron: Have Nova Squadron purge another Squadron of all agents of rival Old Families. The difficulty varies for each agent, equal to its owner’s Military and Intelligence attributes, plus the agent’s rank bonus (1, 3 or 5) and a bonus from the owner’s influence within Nova Squadron.
List: Omega Squadron available assistance, cost and necessary influence
Minor assistance: Ignore raid (500 M credits, difficulty 6)
Major assistance: Ignore seizure (2 000 M credits, difficulty 10)
Ignore raid: Have Omega Squadron look the other way while you conduct a raid or interception on a Core World. Add any influence the target may have in Omega Squadron to the difficulty of the action.
Ignore seizure: Have Omega Squadron look the other way while you conduct a seizure on a Core World. Add any influence the target may have in Omega Squadron to the difficulty of the action.
Bribe agent: Convince a rival’s agent to switch to your cause. This is a contested action that compares your Diplomacy and Intelligence attributes to your opponent’s. The difference between your scores determines the cost of the bribe. You are free to accept the price or not. Councillors cost double the listed price. You must provide the name of the agent you are bribing. This may cause local gossip, if the price was very high.
List: Bribe costs by DI score difference
0: 10 000 M credits
1: 5 000 M credits
2: 2 500 M credits
3: 1 000 M credits
4+: 500 M credits
Propose quarantine/Lift quarantine: Put to the Senate a vote to quarantine a planet, or to end one. A quarantined planet is cut off from the rest of the Confederacy, nobody may leave or enter the planet, and all assets located there cease producing any income. If you are proposing a quarantine, this is a contested action, your doubled Diplomacy attribute is compared to the highest doubled Diplomacy attribute available among the Old Families with assets on the target planet, and the difference determines the voting inclination among unaffiliated Senators. If you are proposing to end a quarantine, then your doubled Diplomacy attribute is reduced by five minus the number of rounds the quarantine has been in effect, the result affecting the voting inclination.
List: Voting inclination by DD score difference
Less than 0: Strongly opposed
0: Unfavourable
2: Divided
4: Favourable
6+: Strongly supportive
Intelligence Actions
List: Intelligence actions and related AP cost
1 AP: Conceal troop movement
2 AP: Monitor troop movement (IM)
2 AP: Gather intelligence on location (ID)
2 AP: Gather intelligence on player (ID)
3 AP: Incite rebellion (ID+)
3 AP: Sabotage asset (IM)
4 AP: Industrial espionage (II)
4 AP: Assassinate agent (IM)
5 AP: Locate asset
Conceal troop movement: This action prevents enemies from monitoring the actions of your forces. While troop movement is generally anonymous anyway, this action allows you to contest the monitor troop movement action. This action costs one action point for every unit you wish to hide. This action also prevents movement information from being revealed through disastrous battles or local gossip.
Monitor troop movement: Follow the troop movements of any one player. This reveals all movement the target player has not concealed, including movement type (deployment, raid, intercept, seizure or bombardment), numbers, destination and origin. As regards concealed troop movement, this is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Military attributes to your opponent’s. The difference determines how much information is revealed:
List: Revealed information by IM score difference
0: Movement hidden
1: Number of units moved
2: As above, plus type of movement
3: As above, plus destination location
4+: As above, plus origin location
Gather intelligence on location: To perform this action, you must target a location – whether a planet or an Outer Colony – you wish to acquire more information about it. Core Worlds and Fringe Worlds are accessible and well known, so you can gather information on any number of locations with a single action. This is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Diplomacy attributes to that of the owner(s) of the location(s) you are investigating.
List: Revealed information by ID score difference
0: Information hidden
1: Location, fortification and owner
2: As above, plus number and type of troops present
3+: As above, plus asset production and any present agent
Gather intelligence on player: This is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Diplomacy attributes to that of the player you are investigating. Failing this investigation reveals to the target that somebody spied on them.
List: Revealed information by ID score difference
0: Information hidden
1: Family name and primary attribute
2: As above, plus identifies Senators controlled and most recently acquired technology
3: As above, plus this round’s income and expenses
4+: As above, plus identifies Councillors controlled and all acquired technologies
Incite rebellion: Rouse the population of a Fringe World or Outer Colony into rebellion. This is a contested action that compares your Intelligence and Diplomacy attributes and your target’s. If successful, the difference determines the army strength of the colonial rebels. You may boost your attempt by 1 point for every action point and 500 M credits you expend on this action. The rebellion is resolved as a seizure by the rebels with an army strength equal to the attribute difference, plus any battalions of Colonial Militia present at the location. To perform this action, you must know the location of the target asset. This may cause local gossip.
Sabotage asset: Damage an asset held by a rival to deny them any of its production for one round. This is a contested action that compares your Intelligence and Military attributes to those of the asset’s owner. If the difference is positive, then the asset’s income or bonuses are reduced by half (rounded down). If the difference is positive and greater than one, then the asset produces nothing this round. This may cause local gossip.
Industrial espionage: Attempt to steal another player’s technology. You must know what technology you are attempting to acquire, and the player you will try to acquire it from. This is a contested action opposing your doubled Intelligence attribute to your opponent’s. For every point of difference, you gain 10% to your chances of acquiring the technology.
Assassinate agent: Remove a rival’s agent from the playing field, permanently. This is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Military attributes to the agent’s controller. If the difference is negative, then the assassination has failed, and your assassin has betrayed your identity to your target (Ghosts never reveal your identity). If the scores are equal, then the target is wounded, but survives. The agent will be unable to perform any action this round. If the difference is positive, then the subject dies. In the case of Senators or Councillors, this means that an opportunity to nominate a new one will be shortly available. A successful assassination always generates local gossip, unsuccessful ones sometimes do as well.
Locate asset: Seek out and find an asset of the specified type, these are generally located in the Outer Colonies and can be useful means of expansion outside of known areas.
Military Actions
List: Military actions and related AP cost
1 AP: Recruit unit
1 AP: Deployment
1 AP: Interception (MI)
1 AP: Seizure (MM)
2 AP: Raid (MI)
2 AP: Bombardment (MM)
3 AP: Fortify location
3 AP: Interplanetary transport
3 AP: Promote officer (MD)
Recruit unit: You can recruit new military units directly to any location you control. You can not recruit more units on any round than your Military attribute. Costs and requirements are provided in the military units section. For the purposes of information gathering, recruitment counts as a deployment. This action occurs after any movement action.
Deployment: Move units from one location you control to another location you control on the same planet. The action point cost must be paid for every unit moved this way. This action occurs at the end of a round.
Interception: Move units from one location you control to intercept enemy troops moving between two locations, at least one of which is on the same planet. You must know both the location of origin and the destination location in order to perform an interception. All enemy units have a combat value of one if caught during an interception. This is a contested action that opposes your Military and Intelligence attributes to your opponent’s. This action occurs at the end of a round.This may cause local gossip.
List: Results of an interception combat by score difference
-3 or less: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed and the target knows who attacked and its location of origin.
-2: Failure, 25% of your troops are destroyed.
-1: Failure, 10% of your troops are destroyed.
0: Failure.
1: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back.
2: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back and take 10% casualties.
3: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back and take 25% casualties.
4: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back and take 50% casualties.
5+: Success, enemy troops are entirely destroyed.
Seizure: Move units from one location you control to a location an enemy controls on the same planet. You must know the destination location in order to perform a seizure. If you succeed at a seizure, you gain control of the location and its asset. This is a contested action that opposes your doubled Military attribute to your opponent’s. This action occurs at the end of a round. This may cause local gossip.
List: Results of a seizure combat by score difference
-3 or less: Failure, all of your troops are destroyed and the target knows who attacked and its location of origin.
-2: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed, the defender loses 10% of his troops.
-1: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed, the defender loses 25% of his troops.
0: Failure, but the asset is damaged and produces no income or bonuses this round. Both sides lose 50% of their troops.
1: Success, but the asset is damaged and produces no income or bonuses this round. Both sides lose 50% of their troops.
2: Success, but the asset is damaged and produces half its income this round. Both sides lose 50% of their troops.
3: Success, but the asset is damaged and produces half its income this round. You lose 25% of your troops, the defender loses 50% of his troops.
4: Success, You lose 25% of your troops, the defender loses 75% of his troops.
5+: Success, You lose 10% of your troops, and the defender’s troops are entirely destroyed.
Raid: Move units from one location you control to a location an enemy controls on the same planet. You must know the destination location in order to perform a raid. If you succeed, you steal a portion of the asset’s production for this round. This is a contested action that opposes your Military and Intelligence attributes to your opponent’s. This action occurs at the end of a round. This may cause local gossip.
List: Results of a raid combat by score difference
-3 or less: Failure, all of your troops are destroyed and the target knows who attacked and its location of origin.
-2: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed and target knows who attacked.
-1: Failure, 25% of your troops are destroyed.
0: Failure, but no troops are damaged.
1: Success, you acquire half of the asset’s income for this round.
2+: Success, you acquire all of the asset’s income for this round.
Bombardment: Move units from one location you control to a location an enemy controls on the same planet. You must know the destination location in order to perform a bombardment. This action aims to destroy enemy troops and income. Enemy losses will be equal to 20% of your combat value for this combat. If at least 1 enemy unit is lost, then the asset provides half income and bonuses. If 2 enemy units are lost, the asset provides no income or bonuses this round. If more enemy units are lost, the location loses its fortifications. This action occurs at the end of a round. This may cause local gossip.
Fortify location: This costs 2 000 M credits and fortifies one location such that all Marine battalions and Colonial Militia battalions present have a combat value of two when defending that location. This action occurs after any movement action.
Interplanetary transport: This action is combined with one of the troop movement actions (deployment, intercept, raid, seizure or bombardment) to allow troops to move to locations on different planets than their location of origin. This is a costly enterprise, costing 600 M credits for every unit moved this way. One use of this action only allows transport from one planet to a single other planet.
Promote officer: Attempt to have one of your officers promoted. Your odds of success depend on your Military and Diplomacy attributes, added to the number of rounds the officer has spent in that rank category. The total must equal or exceed seven to promote a Junior Officer to Senior Officer, and equal or exceed ten to promote a Senior Officer to General Officer. Note that a Squadron can only have up to three General Officers at any given time. This action may cause local gossip.
General Actions
List: General actions and related AP cost
0 AP: Bid
1 AP: Private communication with another player
2 AP: Private communication with multiple other players
1 AP: Transfer asset, funds, technology, agent or troops to a single other player
2 AP: Transfer funds to multiple players.
Bid: You can always bid on the opportunities available for the round, so long as the auction has not ended.
Private communication: This allows you to send noteboards to other players without the anonymity of secret communications. You should still include the moderator in any conversation.
Transfer: You must pay the action point cost for every asset you wish to transfer. You may also use this action to put any of your assets up for auction. This ensures the honesty of a transaction, and Confederate bureaucrats and soldiers will ensure the proper transfer of control and the eviction of prior occupants, though 10% of the benefits will be used to pay these agents.
Example: First round AP pool
Diplomacy: 2
Intelligence: 3
Military: 2
AP: 21 = 3(2+3+2) = 3x7
However, the amount of action points you may spend on actions of any given attribute is limited to three times that attribute. Other action points must be spent on other types of actions. Thus your actions are restricted by your attributes. Most actions are resolved immediately, unless they involve movement of troops or agents, in which case these actions are resolved at the end of a round. This is specified in those actions’ details.
Example: AP pool available for attribute-based actions
Diplomacy: 2
Intelligence: 3
Military: 2
AP available for Diplomacy actions: 6 = 3x2
AP available for Intelligence actions: 9 = 3x3
AP available for Military actions: 6 = 3x2
Every round you may perform a number of actions whose action point cost equal or are inferior to your available pool.
Many actions are contested actions, meaning that they oppose your attributes to your target’s. The attributes in question are specified in the action’s description. To resolve a contested action, the target’s score is subtracted from your own, the difference being used to determine the action’s success, the greater the difference, the greater the success.
Keep in mind that while the action list below only lists the attributes and occasionally the action point investment that influences and action’s score, there are frequently other ways of influencing the result, including certain assets, agents and technologies.
Example: Selection of actions for a round
Diplomacy: 2
Intelligence: 3
Military: 2
AP available: 21
AP available for Diplomacy actions: 6
AP available for Intelligence actions: 9
AP available for Military actions: 6
2 AP: Secret communication with all players
1 AP: Secret communication with Kronin al’Sulc
1 AP: Spread gossip
2 AP: Seizure: 2 marine battalions from Alaquine Valley Casino, Dylar IV to Backwater Gulch Mining Facility, Mar Sara
3 AP: Interstellar transport: Dylar IV to Mar Sara
1 AP: Seizure: 1 marine battalion from Turtle Island Vespene Refinery, Mar Sara to Backwater Gulch Mining Facility, Mar Sara.
3 AP: Conceal troop movement for all units.
2 AP: Gather information on location: Tyrador IX
2 AP: Monitor troop movement: Napoleon62
2 AP: Gather information on player: Napoleon62
1 AP: Transfer asset for auction: Alaquine Valley Casino, Dylar IV.
1 AP: Transfer funds to Kronin al’Sulc: 2 000 M credits.
Diplomacy Actions
List: Diplomacy actions and related AP cost
1 AP: Spread gossip
1 AP: Secret communication with 1 player
2 AP: Secret communication with multiple players
2 AP: Influence Squadron – minor assistance (DM+)
3 AP: Influence Squadron – major assistance (DM+)
3 AP: Bribe Officer (DI)
3 AP: Bribe Senator (DI)
4 AP: Bribe Councillor (DI)
4 AP: Propose quarantine/Lift quarantine – (DD)
Spread gossip: Send a noteboard to the moderator including some information you wish circulated as local gossip. This information will be included in the next local gossip post, though it may be slightly altered for flavour reasons.
Secret communications: You may send a message to another player through the moderator. Send your noteboard to the moderator along with the intended recipient or recipients and the moderator will pass it along from ‘anonymous sources’.
Influence Squadron: When you have enough influence within a Squadron, you may use them to further your own ambitions. Your odds of success depend on your Diplomacy and Military attributes. Every agent you have in the Squadron increases your odds for success: Junior Officers by one, Senior Officers by three and General Officers by five. The score necessary depends on the type of assistance asked for, and the kind of assistance you may request depends on the Squadron.
List: Alpha Squadron available assistance, cost and necessary influence
Minor assistance: Ignore rebels (500 M credits, difficulty 7)
Major assistance: Reclaim asset (2 000 M credits, difficulty 12)
Major assistance: Protect asset (2 000 M credits, difficulty 12)
Ignore rebels: Have Alpha Squadron delay their crackdown on a rebellion, either to give you a chance to reclaim the asset yourself, or to keep it out of a rival’s hands. When asking for this assistance, you must provide the location of the rebellion.
Reclaim asset: Have Alpha Squadron reclaim a rebelling asset on your behalf. The asset will immediately revert to your possession, rather than being put up for auction. Alpha Squadron will not help you reclaim an asset lost to another Old Family. When asking for this assistance, you must provide the location of the asset.
Protect asset: Have Alpha Squadron protect one of your assets from rebels or pirates for one round. While present, Alpha Squadron troops will also repel any attacks from other players.
List: Nova Squadron available assistance, cost and necessary influence
Minor assistance: Identify agents (500 M credits, difficulty

Major assistance: Hide asset (2 000 M credits, difficulty 12)
Major assistance: Purge Squadron (2 000 M credits per target, difficulty varies)
Identify agents: Have Nova Squadron identify the agents in any one Squadron that are in the employ of another Old Family.
Hide asset: Have Nova Squadron conceal the location of an Outlying Colony asset. The information regarding such asset will be scrambled from most databases – while the asset doesn’t actually change location, Outlying Colonies are sufficiently remote to be impossible to find without an accurate location. The asset’s “new” location can be discovered as normal.
Purge Squadron: Have Nova Squadron purge another Squadron of all agents of rival Old Families. The difficulty varies for each agent, equal to its owner’s Military and Intelligence attributes, plus the agent’s rank bonus (1, 3 or 5) and a bonus from the owner’s influence within Nova Squadron.
List: Omega Squadron available assistance, cost and necessary influence
Minor assistance: Ignore raid (500 M credits, difficulty 6)
Major assistance: Ignore seizure (2 000 M credits, difficulty 10)
Ignore raid: Have Omega Squadron look the other way while you conduct a raid or interception on a Core World. Add any influence the target may have in Omega Squadron to the difficulty of the action.
Ignore seizure: Have Omega Squadron look the other way while you conduct a seizure on a Core World. Add any influence the target may have in Omega Squadron to the difficulty of the action.
Bribe agent: Convince a rival’s agent to switch to your cause. This is a contested action that compares your Diplomacy and Intelligence attributes to your opponent’s. The difference between your scores determines the cost of the bribe. You are free to accept the price or not. Councillors cost double the listed price. You must provide the name of the agent you are bribing. This may cause local gossip, if the price was very high.
List: Bribe costs by DI score difference
0: 10 000 M credits
1: 5 000 M credits
2: 2 500 M credits
3: 1 000 M credits
4+: 500 M credits
Propose quarantine/Lift quarantine: Put to the Senate a vote to quarantine a planet, or to end one. A quarantined planet is cut off from the rest of the Confederacy, nobody may leave or enter the planet, and all assets located there cease producing any income. If you are proposing a quarantine, this is a contested action, your doubled Diplomacy attribute is compared to the highest doubled Diplomacy attribute available among the Old Families with assets on the target planet, and the difference determines the voting inclination among unaffiliated Senators. If you are proposing to end a quarantine, then your doubled Diplomacy attribute is reduced by five minus the number of rounds the quarantine has been in effect, the result affecting the voting inclination.
List: Voting inclination by DD score difference
Less than 0: Strongly opposed
0: Unfavourable
2: Divided
4: Favourable
6+: Strongly supportive
Intelligence Actions
List: Intelligence actions and related AP cost
1 AP: Conceal troop movement
2 AP: Monitor troop movement (IM)
2 AP: Gather intelligence on location (ID)
2 AP: Gather intelligence on player (ID)
3 AP: Incite rebellion (ID+)
3 AP: Sabotage asset (IM)
4 AP: Industrial espionage (II)
4 AP: Assassinate agent (IM)
5 AP: Locate asset
Conceal troop movement: This action prevents enemies from monitoring the actions of your forces. While troop movement is generally anonymous anyway, this action allows you to contest the monitor troop movement action. This action costs one action point for every unit you wish to hide. This action also prevents movement information from being revealed through disastrous battles or local gossip.
Monitor troop movement: Follow the troop movements of any one player. This reveals all movement the target player has not concealed, including movement type (deployment, raid, intercept, seizure or bombardment), numbers, destination and origin. As regards concealed troop movement, this is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Military attributes to your opponent’s. The difference determines how much information is revealed:
List: Revealed information by IM score difference
0: Movement hidden
1: Number of units moved
2: As above, plus type of movement
3: As above, plus destination location
4+: As above, plus origin location
Gather intelligence on location: To perform this action, you must target a location – whether a planet or an Outer Colony – you wish to acquire more information about it. Core Worlds and Fringe Worlds are accessible and well known, so you can gather information on any number of locations with a single action. This is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Diplomacy attributes to that of the owner(s) of the location(s) you are investigating.
List: Revealed information by ID score difference
0: Information hidden
1: Location, fortification and owner
2: As above, plus number and type of troops present
3+: As above, plus asset production and any present agent
Gather intelligence on player: This is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Diplomacy attributes to that of the player you are investigating. Failing this investigation reveals to the target that somebody spied on them.
List: Revealed information by ID score difference
0: Information hidden
1: Family name and primary attribute
2: As above, plus identifies Senators controlled and most recently acquired technology
3: As above, plus this round’s income and expenses
4+: As above, plus identifies Councillors controlled and all acquired technologies
Incite rebellion: Rouse the population of a Fringe World or Outer Colony into rebellion. This is a contested action that compares your Intelligence and Diplomacy attributes and your target’s. If successful, the difference determines the army strength of the colonial rebels. You may boost your attempt by 1 point for every action point and 500 M credits you expend on this action. The rebellion is resolved as a seizure by the rebels with an army strength equal to the attribute difference, plus any battalions of Colonial Militia present at the location. To perform this action, you must know the location of the target asset. This may cause local gossip.
Sabotage asset: Damage an asset held by a rival to deny them any of its production for one round. This is a contested action that compares your Intelligence and Military attributes to those of the asset’s owner. If the difference is positive, then the asset’s income or bonuses are reduced by half (rounded down). If the difference is positive and greater than one, then the asset produces nothing this round. This may cause local gossip.
Industrial espionage: Attempt to steal another player’s technology. You must know what technology you are attempting to acquire, and the player you will try to acquire it from. This is a contested action opposing your doubled Intelligence attribute to your opponent’s. For every point of difference, you gain 10% to your chances of acquiring the technology.
Assassinate agent: Remove a rival’s agent from the playing field, permanently. This is a contested action opposing your Intelligence and Military attributes to the agent’s controller. If the difference is negative, then the assassination has failed, and your assassin has betrayed your identity to your target (Ghosts never reveal your identity). If the scores are equal, then the target is wounded, but survives. The agent will be unable to perform any action this round. If the difference is positive, then the subject dies. In the case of Senators or Councillors, this means that an opportunity to nominate a new one will be shortly available. A successful assassination always generates local gossip, unsuccessful ones sometimes do as well.
Locate asset: Seek out and find an asset of the specified type, these are generally located in the Outer Colonies and can be useful means of expansion outside of known areas.
Military Actions
List: Military actions and related AP cost
1 AP: Recruit unit
1 AP: Deployment
1 AP: Interception (MI)
1 AP: Seizure (MM)
2 AP: Raid (MI)
2 AP: Bombardment (MM)
3 AP: Fortify location
3 AP: Interplanetary transport
3 AP: Promote officer (MD)
Recruit unit: You can recruit new military units directly to any location you control. You can not recruit more units on any round than your Military attribute. Costs and requirements are provided in the military units section. For the purposes of information gathering, recruitment counts as a deployment. This action occurs after any movement action.
Deployment: Move units from one location you control to another location you control on the same planet. The action point cost must be paid for every unit moved this way. This action occurs at the end of a round.
Interception: Move units from one location you control to intercept enemy troops moving between two locations, at least one of which is on the same planet. You must know both the location of origin and the destination location in order to perform an interception. All enemy units have a combat value of one if caught during an interception. This is a contested action that opposes your Military and Intelligence attributes to your opponent’s. This action occurs at the end of a round.This may cause local gossip.
List: Results of an interception combat by score difference
-3 or less: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed and the target knows who attacked and its location of origin.
-2: Failure, 25% of your troops are destroyed.
-1: Failure, 10% of your troops are destroyed.
0: Failure.
1: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back.
2: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back and take 10% casualties.
3: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back and take 25% casualties.
4: Success, enemy troops are forced to turn back and take 50% casualties.
5+: Success, enemy troops are entirely destroyed.
Seizure: Move units from one location you control to a location an enemy controls on the same planet. You must know the destination location in order to perform a seizure. If you succeed at a seizure, you gain control of the location and its asset. This is a contested action that opposes your doubled Military attribute to your opponent’s. This action occurs at the end of a round. This may cause local gossip.
List: Results of a seizure combat by score difference
-3 or less: Failure, all of your troops are destroyed and the target knows who attacked and its location of origin.
-2: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed, the defender loses 10% of his troops.
-1: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed, the defender loses 25% of his troops.
0: Failure, but the asset is damaged and produces no income or bonuses this round. Both sides lose 50% of their troops.
1: Success, but the asset is damaged and produces no income or bonuses this round. Both sides lose 50% of their troops.
2: Success, but the asset is damaged and produces half its income this round. Both sides lose 50% of their troops.
3: Success, but the asset is damaged and produces half its income this round. You lose 25% of your troops, the defender loses 50% of his troops.
4: Success, You lose 25% of your troops, the defender loses 75% of his troops.
5+: Success, You lose 10% of your troops, and the defender’s troops are entirely destroyed.
Raid: Move units from one location you control to a location an enemy controls on the same planet. You must know the destination location in order to perform a raid. If you succeed, you steal a portion of the asset’s production for this round. This is a contested action that opposes your Military and Intelligence attributes to your opponent’s. This action occurs at the end of a round. This may cause local gossip.
List: Results of a raid combat by score difference
-3 or less: Failure, all of your troops are destroyed and the target knows who attacked and its location of origin.
-2: Failure, 50% of your troops are destroyed and target knows who attacked.
-1: Failure, 25% of your troops are destroyed.
0: Failure, but no troops are damaged.
1: Success, you acquire half of the asset’s income for this round.
2+: Success, you acquire all of the asset’s income for this round.
Bombardment: Move units from one location you control to a location an enemy controls on the same planet. You must know the destination location in order to perform a bombardment. This action aims to destroy enemy troops and income. Enemy losses will be equal to 20% of your combat value for this combat. If at least 1 enemy unit is lost, then the asset provides half income and bonuses. If 2 enemy units are lost, the asset provides no income or bonuses this round. If more enemy units are lost, the location loses its fortifications. This action occurs at the end of a round. This may cause local gossip.
Fortify location: This costs 2 000 M credits and fortifies one location such that all Marine battalions and Colonial Militia battalions present have a combat value of two when defending that location. This action occurs after any movement action.
Interplanetary transport: This action is combined with one of the troop movement actions (deployment, intercept, raid, seizure or bombardment) to allow troops to move to locations on different planets than their location of origin. This is a costly enterprise, costing 600 M credits for every unit moved this way. One use of this action only allows transport from one planet to a single other planet.
Promote officer: Attempt to have one of your officers promoted. Your odds of success depend on your Military and Diplomacy attributes, added to the number of rounds the officer has spent in that rank category. The total must equal or exceed seven to promote a Junior Officer to Senior Officer, and equal or exceed ten to promote a Senior Officer to General Officer. Note that a Squadron can only have up to three General Officers at any given time. This action may cause local gossip.
General Actions
List: General actions and related AP cost
0 AP: Bid
1 AP: Private communication with another player
2 AP: Private communication with multiple other players
1 AP: Transfer asset, funds, technology, agent or troops to a single other player
2 AP: Transfer funds to multiple players.
Bid: You can always bid on the opportunities available for the round, so long as the auction has not ended.
Private communication: This allows you to send noteboards to other players without the anonymity of secret communications. You should still include the moderator in any conversation.
Transfer: You must pay the action point cost for every asset you wish to transfer. You may also use this action to put any of your assets up for auction. This ensures the honesty of a transaction, and Confederate bureaucrats and soldiers will ensure the proper transfer of control and the eviction of prior occupants, though 10% of the benefits will be used to pay these agents.
The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
This message last edited by Fanatic-Templar on 22/01/2013 at 12:49:06 AM
- Edit 6 by Fanatic-Templar on 22/01/2013 at 12:49:06 AM
- Edit 5 by Fanatic-Templar on 20/01/2013 at 02:52:54 AM
- Edit 4 by Fanatic-Templar on 15/01/2013 at 07:39:31 PM
- Edit 3 by Fanatic-Templar on 15/01/2013 at 12:10:30 AM
- Edit 2 by Fanatic-Templar on 11/01/2013 at 06:46:29 AM
- Edit 1 by Fanatic-Templar on 10/01/2013 at 05:48:51 PM
CRISIS! - StarCraft: Rules and Registration
10/01/2013 03:16:02 AM
Lore *NM*
10/01/2013 03:16:16 AM
Introduction to the Terran Political and Military Agents in the Koprulu Sector
10/01/2013 03:20:14 AM
Rules *NM*
10/01/2013 03:16:26 AM
Actions – Expanding your Influence
10/01/2013 03:46:20 AM
Registration: Sign up here! *NM*
10/01/2013 03:58:27 AM
I'm in. Also, a question: Is it possible to raise your Attributes in anyway once the game is going? *NM*
10/01/2013 12:00:28 PM
There are unique locations that effectively raise your attribute, yes.
10/01/2013 04:22:30 PM
All right, let's get this started.
12/01/2013 05:49:39 AM
Do the names have to be from existing lore or can we choose new names? *NM*
12/01/2013 09:16:20 AM