Technologies can improve your performance in most areas of the game. They are passive bonuses that, once acquired, cannot be lost. Technologies can still be shared, sold, stolen or put up for auction, but this merely means that other players also gain this bonus, not that you are losing it.
Technologies sometimes show up as opportunities for investment, but are generally acquired by owning a research facility, which slowly develops new technologies, or by stealing them from another player. New technologies are always being developed, so this is only a partial list of available technologies:
Artificial intelligence administration: Increases income from financial institutions by 10%.
Automated turrets: Fortifications provide a passive +2 bonus to defend a location.
Commercial holograms: Increases income from entertainment providers by 10%.
Defensive matrix: Decreases casualties taken from battle by one unit.
Micro-filtering: Increases income from refineries by 10%.
Nano-manufacturing: Increases income from factories by 10%.
Neural resocialisation: Prevents your units of colonial militia from joining a rebellion.
Next-gen warp drives: Decreases cost of interplanetary travel by half.
Personnel cloaking: Ghosts gain an additional +1 bonus to all actions.
Space Construction Vehicles: Increases income from mining facilities by 10%.
Spider mines: Increases the combat value of vulture wings to 2 when defending.
Stimpacks: Increases the combat value of any army including at least one marine battalion by 1.
Yamato cannon: Increases the combat value of battlecruisers to 5 when bombarding.
Technologies sometimes show up as opportunities for investment, but are generally acquired by owning a research facility, which slowly develops new technologies, or by stealing them from another player. New technologies are always being developed, so this is only a partial list of available technologies:
Artificial intelligence administration: Increases income from financial institutions by 10%.
Automated turrets: Fortifications provide a passive +2 bonus to defend a location.
Commercial holograms: Increases income from entertainment providers by 10%.
Defensive matrix: Decreases casualties taken from battle by one unit.
Micro-filtering: Increases income from refineries by 10%.
Nano-manufacturing: Increases income from factories by 10%.
Neural resocialisation: Prevents your units of colonial militia from joining a rebellion.
Next-gen warp drives: Decreases cost of interplanetary travel by half.
Personnel cloaking: Ghosts gain an additional +1 bonus to all actions.
Space Construction Vehicles: Increases income from mining facilities by 10%.
Spider mines: Increases the combat value of vulture wings to 2 when defending.
Stimpacks: Increases the combat value of any army including at least one marine battalion by 1.
Yamato cannon: Increases the combat value of battlecruisers to 5 when bombarding.
The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
CRISIS! - StarCraft: Rules and Registration
10/01/2013 03:16:02 AM
Lore *NM*
10/01/2013 03:16:16 AM
Introduction to the Terran Political and Military Agents in the Koprulu Sector
10/01/2013 03:20:14 AM
Rules *NM*
10/01/2013 03:16:26 AM
Technology: The World of Tomorrow, Today
10/01/2013 03:30:43 AM
Registration: Sign up here! *NM*
10/01/2013 03:58:27 AM
I'm in. Also, a question: Is it possible to raise your Attributes in anyway once the game is going? *NM*
10/01/2013 12:00:28 PM
There are unique locations that effectively raise your attribute, yes.
10/01/2013 04:22:30 PM
All right, let's get this started.
12/01/2013 05:49:39 AM
Do the names have to be from existing lore or can we choose new names? *NM*
12/01/2013 09:16:20 AM