Assets: The Building Blocks of your Empire
Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 10/01/2013 03:23:01 AM
Your wealth and power largely comes from enterprises and operations owned by your Family. Assets come in a variety of forms, but they are all specific locations that your rivals can attempt to take for themselves, so it is generally preferable to have some form of protection for them.
Common asset:
These are locations that provide money to you but nothing else. Income varies between 600 and 1 000 M credits per round. These can be a number of things, but on the Fringe Worlds and Outer Colonies, they tend to be Mineral Mining Facilities or Vespene Refineries while on Core Worlds they are usually Entertainment Providers and Financial Institutions. However, all sorts of lucrative industries arise throughout the Sector.
Rare asset:
There are four commodities that an Old Family can really seize a monopoly on. These are Ardeon Mining Facilities, Jorium Mining Facilities, Khaydarin Crystal Formations and Terrazine Refineries. These are exceedingly rare and valuable resources, each produced by only five locations. By controlling their distribution, truly ludicrous profits can be made. Despite their names, Ardeon Mining Facilities, Jorium Mining Facilities and Terrazine Refineries do not count as Mining Facilities or Refineries for the purposes of victory conditions, technologies, etc.
List: Income provided by rare assets, by number controlled.
1 location: 600 M credits
2 locations: 750 M credits
3 locations: 1 000 M credits
4 locations: 1 250 M credits
5 locations: 1 500 M credits
Military factories:
These locations provide similar income to common assets, but also allow you to recruit siege tank regiments and vulture wings. The number of such units you can produce on any round is limited by your number of military factories.
Weapon factories:
These locations provide similar income to a common asset, but come with the added benefit of reducing the recruitment cost of marine battalions by 100 M credits for each weapon factory owned.
Research facilities:
These locations produce income similar to that of a common asset, but also research new technologies for your benefit. Each research facility has a 15% chance of producing a new technology every round.
Unique assets:
Some locations may come into your control that provide unusual income or bonuses. These will be described as they become available.
Common asset:
These are locations that provide money to you but nothing else. Income varies between 600 and 1 000 M credits per round. These can be a number of things, but on the Fringe Worlds and Outer Colonies, they tend to be Mineral Mining Facilities or Vespene Refineries while on Core Worlds they are usually Entertainment Providers and Financial Institutions. However, all sorts of lucrative industries arise throughout the Sector.
Rare asset:
There are four commodities that an Old Family can really seize a monopoly on. These are Ardeon Mining Facilities, Jorium Mining Facilities, Khaydarin Crystal Formations and Terrazine Refineries. These are exceedingly rare and valuable resources, each produced by only five locations. By controlling their distribution, truly ludicrous profits can be made. Despite their names, Ardeon Mining Facilities, Jorium Mining Facilities and Terrazine Refineries do not count as Mining Facilities or Refineries for the purposes of victory conditions, technologies, etc.
List: Income provided by rare assets, by number controlled.
1 location: 600 M credits
2 locations: 750 M credits
3 locations: 1 000 M credits
4 locations: 1 250 M credits
5 locations: 1 500 M credits
Military factories:
These locations provide similar income to common assets, but also allow you to recruit siege tank regiments and vulture wings. The number of such units you can produce on any round is limited by your number of military factories.
Weapon factories:
These locations provide similar income to a common asset, but come with the added benefit of reducing the recruitment cost of marine battalions by 100 M credits for each weapon factory owned.
Research facilities:
These locations produce income similar to that of a common asset, but also research new technologies for your benefit. Each research facility has a 15% chance of producing a new technology every round.
Unique assets:
Some locations may come into your control that provide unusual income or bonuses. These will be described as they become available.
The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
This message last edited by Fanatic-Templar on 15/01/2013 at 02:10:49 AM
CRISIS! - StarCraft: Rules and Registration
10/01/2013 03:16:02 AM
Lore *NM*
10/01/2013 03:16:16 AM
Introduction to the Terran Political and Military Agents in the Koprulu Sector
10/01/2013 03:20:14 AM
Rules *NM*
10/01/2013 03:16:26 AM
Assets: The Building Blocks of your Empire
10/01/2013 03:23:01 AM
Registration: Sign up here! *NM*
10/01/2013 03:58:27 AM
I'm in. Also, a question: Is it possible to raise your Attributes in anyway once the game is going? *NM*
10/01/2013 12:00:28 PM
There are unique locations that effectively raise your attribute, yes.
10/01/2013 04:22:30 PM
All right, let's get this started.
12/01/2013 05:49:39 AM
Do the names have to be from existing lore or can we choose new names? *NM*
12/01/2013 09:16:20 AM