Proud Host of Coin Game VIII
Since the Coin Game itself has very little conversation after registration, I thought we may as well use it for reconstitution of the RPG board till we get the next major game lined up. This way we can avoid posting into prior game threads or opening up new ones just kick game and moderator options around.
For anyone joining us from the Geekdom Quiz link or otherwise new to the Coin Game, it is very simple. A person begins with 1000 coins, each round they secretly bid some by sending a message to the Moderator (myself) via the Noteboard, generally known as a NB or NBing. The person who bids lowest is eliminated from play, the person who bids second lowest wins the round and keeps their coins, everyone else has their bid subtracted from their total and the next round starts. Typically a game will last two rounds less then the total number of players and rounds typically last about 48 hours.
For examples of play check out Game 1 with it's example, and Game 2.
To register, just reply to this thread mentioning you'd like to play in the title of your message, and please send your initial bid in. Play will being in 72 hours or whenever we reach 7 players, whichever occurs last. Player's who expect to miss a round should send in a default bid to be used in absentia or they will have a randomly selected bid entered for them using the method detailed here. Only whole positive numbers equal to or less than your current total are valid bids, no Pi or irrational or imaginary numbers please
Registration - Expected to close Wednesday night
Note: Unless we are delayed reaching the 7+ players needed for the game, Round 1 is expected to end Wednesday Night as well, please submit your Round 1 Bid when you register, you may during the First Round change your bid at anytime prior to the deadline by submitting a new one as bid strategy does revolve heavily around the number of players.
And again, this thread will also include other material not game related, please feel free to post and chat about whatever you like in thread, round results will be posted as " Round # "... you do not have to join the game to join the chat.
Welcome and Good Luck!!!
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 23/04/2012 at 03:50:04 PM
The Chipped Mug Inn, proud host of Coin Game VIII
22/04/2012 09:28:26 PM
Regarding Mafia
22/04/2012 10:36:41 PM
Hm, didn't realize I was next. I don't really have any ideas...
23/04/2012 03:14:37 PM
Ideas aren't too hard to manufacture, scan your book collection
23/04/2012 03:58:29 PM
Anathem Mafia. Avout vs. Inquisition
23/04/2012 06:33:41 PM
Well Neal Stephenson has a following
23/04/2012 07:10:16 PM
Yeah, it wouldn't be... hm, there's even a flavorful Time Limit I could use...
24/04/2012 07:27:30 PM
So, are you going for it?
03/05/2012 03:57:26 AM
I'm kind of busy with work right now, to be honest
03/05/2012 07:47:57 PM
You know what? I'll take the game.
03/05/2012 10:37:39 PM
Woo nice! Start canvassing for players, heh *NM*
04/05/2012 02:46:56 PM
So it's mine?
04/05/2012 08:07:52 PM
I'm in.
23/04/2012 01:03:22 AM