Active Users:471 Time:08/09/2024 12:10:48 AM
If it was written by scum, I doubt they knew that everyone would get to read it. Hieshyn Send a noteboard - 23/02/2012 05:35:09 PM
Or just didn't think of it, like I said from the outset, the poem could easily have been written by a townie who just read the book.

That's what I thought. I doubt the scum would write such a scummy poem.

Hard to say, it depends on the person and how much they were thinking about the judging process and risk. On the same note, I could easily see myself as a scummer writing one like that just to dangle it at people, I do crap like that and I doubt I'm the only one. I think it unlikely a townie wrote it but not all that unlikely. I wouldn't lynch someone right now if they fessed up to it either, just try to arrange for their being copped at some point. As I've said, I think it was a good lead to follow but hardly an automatic win, we're not overwhelmed with alternatives either. But if someone does want to claim it as their own, I'd pledge not to lynch them today and to seek additional evidence before moving on them, it's not that much of a black mark and I'd rather know now. IF rana did write it though he'll probably have written one for the acrostic competition, and we'd be able to nail that down tomorrow since I doubt anyone would have written one they wouldn't be willing to claim, town or scum.

They would probably have written it as a little in joke between them and the Lord Ruler, as I would have asumed he was the one who was going to judge them all instead of giving that task to us.
The God King mourns...
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Mafia XXV: Day 2 - 29/01/2012 04:30:46 PM 2353 Views
Mod notes: - 29/01/2012 04:34:39 PM 1166 Views
Poetry Contest Round 2: Acrostic - 29/01/2012 04:35:41 PM 1220 Views
Acrostic? *NM* - 29/01/2012 08:00:23 PM 712 Views
The first letter of each line makes either a word or phrase. *NM* - 29/01/2012 11:31:56 PM 528 Views
An example: - 29/01/2012 11:38:52 PM 1014 Views
Will you post the Day 1 winners? *NM* - 31/01/2012 03:49:59 AM 815 Views
Not at this time. - 31/01/2012 12:43:14 PM 958 Views
So someone died...but no one died... - 29/01/2012 11:38:11 PM 1009 Views
So someone died...but no one died... - 29/01/2012 11:38:11 PM 1123 Views
So someone presumably targeted Praz - 29/01/2012 11:44:12 PM 1081 Views
So are Praz and White Flame still around? Can they talk? *NM* - 30/01/2012 12:47:08 AM 729 Views
Yep - 30/01/2012 02:20:09 PM 1073 Views
Do you get a vote? *NM* - 30/01/2012 02:27:26 PM 724 Views
Re: Do you get a vote? - 30/01/2012 07:27:19 PM 958 Views
I seem to recall that you can purchase obligators with Atium. - 30/01/2012 10:53:36 PM 1113 Views
Ooh, neat. *NM* - 31/01/2012 03:50:05 AM 712 Views
Re: Ooh, neat. - 31/01/2012 03:16:40 PM 917 Views
How are skaa supposed to get atium? *NM* - 31/01/2012 06:08:37 PM 749 Views
The same way the nobility does? *NM* - 31/01/2012 06:17:11 PM 689 Views
AFAIK, I'm still here and good to go. - 30/01/2012 10:14:11 PM 1102 Views
No night messages or anything? I guess that's to be expected - 31/01/2012 03:48:58 AM 1157 Views
Nope, no message for me. - 02/02/2012 12:27:35 AM 1082 Views
Re: Nope, no message for me. - 02/02/2012 04:20:03 PM 1162 Views
FT or Praz, anything useful to tell us? - 30/01/2012 12:52:19 AM 1108 Views
I investigated Stephen - 30/01/2012 03:44:48 AM 1111 Views
I suppose this won't hurt to say: I was a judge of the poetry contest. - 31/01/2012 04:18:42 AM 1014 Views
Ditto but a difference - 31/01/2012 06:57:15 AM 1118 Views
Re: Ditto but a difference - 31/01/2012 03:18:19 PM 1186 Views
Same here, I participated but got to judge as well. - 31/01/2012 07:13:31 PM 1130 Views
same here. *NM* - 31/01/2012 07:34:00 PM 716 Views
I too, was a judge. *NM* - 31/01/2012 07:53:50 PM 783 Views
I also judged. *NM* - 01/02/2012 12:54:31 AM 488 Views
I judged too. Weird. *NM* - 01/02/2012 01:21:46 AM 741 Views
So who didn't judge? *NM* - 01/02/2012 01:22:34 AM 775 Views
Judged as well- sounds like most if not all of us did - 01/02/2012 01:53:36 PM 1152 Views
Actually I think we should get a list of everyone who entered or didn't - 01/02/2012 03:27:36 PM 1075 Views
Hm, I only got two, neither of which were my own - 01/02/2012 06:02:09 PM 961 Views
I didn't enter. - 02/02/2012 01:37:41 AM 1105 Views
****Follow up**** (Table) - 02/02/2012 04:24:30 PM 1119 Views
Re: ****Follow up**** - 02/02/2012 05:49:54 PM 1049 Views
Yes - 3 - Yes *NM* - 02/02/2012 08:52:43 PM 739 Views
Re: ****Follow up**** - 02/02/2012 10:37:13 PM 1036 Views
Yes; 4; No *NM* - 03/02/2012 12:03:53 AM 745 Views
I got 4 to judge, I didn't enter. *NM* - 03/02/2012 07:42:19 AM 755 Views
Yes 4 no - 03/02/2012 07:14:56 PM 907 Views
I think not - 03/02/2012 08:29:06 PM 1097 Views
Yes. 4 No *NM* - 04/02/2012 07:13:50 AM 708 Views
Yes, 4, No *NM* - 04/02/2012 07:29:00 AM 728 Views
Hieshyn, Stephen, I'd really like your answers on this - 04/02/2012 08:14:10 PM 1120 Views
I gave my response - 05/02/2012 04:59:28 PM 1063 Views
D'oh! Sorry, Vote: Hieshyn - 05/02/2012 05:01:26 PM 871 Views
You want to lynch him? - 05/02/2012 06:55:12 PM 1031 Views
If he doesn't answer up, but we may as well move on - 05/02/2012 07:50:02 PM 1101 Views
Re: If he doesn't answer up, but we may as well move on - 05/02/2012 09:23:23 PM 1044 Views
Hm, ok - 06/02/2012 01:21:00 AM 1126 Views
Okay - 06/02/2012 02:07:01 AM 1145 Views
Re: Okay - 06/02/2012 02:17:02 AM 1146 Views
Re: Okay - 06/02/2012 02:23:49 AM 1052 Views
Re: Okay - 06/02/2012 03:32:36 AM 1091 Views
Re: Okay - 06/02/2012 06:03:35 AM 1091 Views
Poems - 06/02/2012 07:37:49 PM 1047 Views
That's pretty interesting... - 06/02/2012 03:19:15 PM 991 Views
the 3 was a mistake - 06/02/2012 06:12:48 PM 1095 Views
We need you to verify all 4 then - 06/02/2012 08:35:18 PM 1067 Views
Re: We need you to verify all 4 then - 06/02/2012 11:25:34 PM 1090 Views
Re: We need you to verify all 4 then - 07/02/2012 04:03:57 AM 1269 Views
Re: We need you to verify all 4 then - 07/02/2012 08:03:40 PM 1023 Views
Thanks, one was enough - 07/02/2012 09:43:41 PM 1055 Views
Do you guys want me to say what haikus I got? - 08/02/2012 02:14:56 AM 1020 Views
Not especially yet - 08/02/2012 02:39:02 AM 805 Views
As was I an arbiter of the contest *NM* - 02/02/2012 12:22:40 AM 697 Views
Wow! I also judged the poetry contest. - 02/02/2012 04:51:39 AM 930 Views
me too *NM* - 03/02/2012 12:24:17 AM 755 Views
Thoughts about Day 1 - 01/02/2012 07:04:09 PM 1058 Views
Note: the bolded names are the winners of each auction *NM* - 03/02/2012 02:04:23 PM 704 Views
Re: Thoughts about Day 1 - 04/02/2012 09:38:44 PM 1108 Views
The Market, reposted - 05/02/2012 10:36:15 PM 1057 Views
Day 2 Auctions - 05/02/2012 10:37:13 PM 1071 Views
.01 atium on the shop *NM* - 05/02/2012 10:45:22 PM 678 Views
.05 on the Shop, 0.01 on the Mine *NM* - 05/02/2012 11:09:37 PM 604 Views
Thief 0.01 *NM* - 06/02/2012 03:34:05 AM 755 Views
Slave 0.01 *NM* - 06/02/2012 03:35:08 AM 722 Views
I made individual auction threads, because I'm OCD that way *NM* - 06/02/2012 02:03:34 PM 787 Views
Iron Mine: .1 *NM* - 06/02/2012 02:00:12 PM 735 Views
Mine .2 *NM* - 06/02/2012 03:20:35 PM 719 Views
Mine 0.4 *NM* - 12/02/2012 04:55:22 AM 684 Views
Mine 0.5 *NM* - 13/02/2012 08:45:51 PM 710 Views
Mine 0.81 *NM* - 13/02/2012 09:13:56 PM 602 Views
Mine 0.9 *NM* - 13/02/2012 09:14:49 PM 680 Views
Mine 1.17 *NM* - 13/02/2012 10:09:52 PM 631 Views
Mine 1.2 *NM* - 14/02/2012 01:17:36 AM 722 Views
Mine 1.26 *NM* - 14/02/2012 01:37:51 AM 686 Views
Mine 1.3 *NM* - 14/02/2012 03:04:09 AM 673 Views
Mine 1.4 *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:00:17 AM 743 Views
Mine 1.5 *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:07:58 AM 658 Views
So what does iron do again? *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:50:56 AM 668 Views
Nevermind, Beet actually posted a list back in Day 1 - 14/02/2012 04:54:36 AM 1049 Views
Let's you pull on metal... - 14/02/2012 05:03:11 AM 1101 Views
Mine 1.8 *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:31:38 AM 634 Views
Mine: 2.0 *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:34:49 AM 657 Views
Mine: 2.27 *NM* - 28/02/2012 06:26:32 PM 792 Views
Mine: 2.3 *NM* - 02/03/2012 02:49:45 AM 696 Views
Shop: .1 *NM* - 06/02/2012 02:00:55 PM 711 Views
Shop: .28 *NM* - 06/02/2012 10:38:55 PM 728 Views
Shop .4 - 07/02/2012 04:16:55 PM 1036 Views
Shop .45 *NM* - 09/02/2012 05:15:34 AM 711 Views
Shop .5 *NM* - 09/02/2012 01:33:29 PM 609 Views
Shop .7 *NM* - 09/02/2012 02:12:49 PM 671 Views
Shop .8 --> I want my freedom =( *NM* - 09/02/2012 02:42:27 PM 745 Views
Shop .91 *NM* - 11/02/2012 09:33:23 PM 708 Views
Shop 1.0 *NM* - 11/02/2012 10:27:12 PM 705 Views
Re: Shop 1.01 *NM* - 14/02/2012 01:03:41 AM 743 Views
Shop 1.1 *NM* - 14/02/2012 01:45:47 AM 725 Views
Shop 1.2 *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:01:05 AM 668 Views
Shop 1.22 *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:18:09 AM 657 Views
Shop 1.53 *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:37:35 AM 693 Views
Shop 1.6 *NM* - 14/02/2012 02:27:54 PM 584 Views
Shop 1.62 *NM* - 14/02/2012 06:27:18 PM 714 Views
Shop 1.7 *NM* - 14/02/2012 07:52:45 PM 691 Views
Shop 1.71 *NM* - 14/02/2012 10:08:36 PM 688 Views
Shop 1.75 *NM* - 15/02/2012 03:51:38 AM 586 Views
Shop 1.79 *NM* - 15/02/2012 04:31:48 AM 720 Views
Shop 2.3 *NM* - 16/02/2012 12:21:01 AM 671 Views
Shop 2.31 *NM* - 18/02/2012 05:15:53 PM 632 Views
Shop 2.56578443992021083401 *NM* - 19/02/2012 03:44:52 AM 712 Views
Shop 2.56578443992021083402 - 19/02/2012 05:38:55 AM 1114 Views
Re: Shop 2.9999 *NM* - 19/02/2012 10:56:17 PM 752 Views
Shop 3.0 *NM* - 20/02/2012 02:38:28 AM 697 Views
Shop 4.0 *NM* - 21/02/2012 06:37:35 PM 754 Views
Slave: .1 *NM* - 06/02/2012 02:01:26 PM 761 Views
Slave .3 *NM* - 06/02/2012 03:21:08 PM 734 Views
Slave .35 *NM* - 06/02/2012 10:38:31 PM 697 Views
Slave .35 *NM* - 06/02/2012 10:38:31 PM 565 Views
Slave .5 *NM* - 06/02/2012 10:42:16 PM 771 Views
Slave .81 *NM* - 07/02/2012 12:19:48 AM 741 Views
Well, now you're just being a jerk . Slave: 1 *NM* - 07/02/2012 08:42:16 PM 770 Views
Slave: 1.15 *NM* - 09/02/2012 02:35:32 PM 736 Views
Slave: 1.3 *NM* - 11/02/2012 05:42:33 PM 751 Views
Slave: 1.4 *NM* - 14/02/2012 03:03:53 AM 650 Views
Slave: 1.5 *NM* - 14/02/2012 03:57:58 AM 576 Views
Slave: 1.5 *NM* - 14/02/2012 03:57:59 AM 716 Views
Slave: 1.6 *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:07:33 AM 708 Views
Slave: 1.75 *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:35:34 AM 671 Views
Slave: 2.0 *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:36:14 AM 688 Views
I think we're hammered *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:40:36 AM 647 Views
Does that include - 14/02/2012 05:44:47 AM 1006 Views
I don't know, I'd advise keep bidding till the day ends - 14/02/2012 05:48:40 AM 962 Views
Slave: 2.1 *NM* - 14/02/2012 02:28:24 PM 748 Views
Slave: 2.2 *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:51:40 PM 680 Views
Slave: 2.3 I'm curious about those extra actions, dammit! *NM* - 14/02/2012 07:53:03 PM 607 Views
Slave 2.4... what extra actions? - 15/02/2012 12:38:36 AM 846 Views
Slave 2.5 well, "other potential effects," then - 15/02/2012 03:50:54 AM 893 Views
Slave: 2.51 - 21/02/2012 11:18:02 PM 1127 Views
Slave: 2.6- don't you want to be slave-buddies? - 24/02/2012 04:30:54 PM 933 Views
Slave: 2.7 you have no idea how ironic that is *NM* - 02/03/2012 02:50:25 AM 625 Views
Slave: 2.8 the only way I'll know is with a slave! *NM* - 03/03/2012 12:29:47 AM 631 Views
Slave: 2.9 but I think Stephen already hammered *NM* - 03/03/2012 12:31:13 AM 717 Views
Thief: .1 *NM* - 06/02/2012 02:02:31 PM 738 Views
Thief: .21 *NM* - 07/02/2012 02:17:17 AM 696 Views
Tin Misting: .1 *NM* - 06/02/2012 02:02:48 PM 704 Views
Tin Misting: .2 *NM* - 09/02/2012 04:36:38 AM 742 Views
Tin Misting: .201 *NM* - 13/02/2012 09:16:03 PM 667 Views
Re: Tin Misting: .202 *NM* - 14/02/2012 01:04:35 AM 793 Views
Are you going to use it this night? - 14/02/2012 01:37:20 AM 1025 Views
Tin Misting: .4 *NM* - 14/02/2012 03:58:52 AM 696 Views
Yes, I will. Tin Misting : .5 *NM* - 14/02/2012 04:15:15 AM 730 Views
Tin Misting : .7 *NM* - 14/02/2012 02:28:47 PM 678 Views
Tin Misting : .8 *NM* - 14/02/2012 02:43:32 PM 727 Views
Tin Misting : .9 *NM* - 14/02/2012 07:53:48 PM 536 Views
Tin Misting : .91 *NM* - 18/02/2012 05:14:15 PM 808 Views
Tin Misting : .95 *NM* - 24/02/2012 04:31:03 PM 602 Views
Tin Misting : .96 *NM* - 01/03/2012 06:13:07 AM 804 Views
Tin Misting : 1.0 *NM* - 01/03/2012 02:41:03 PM 631 Views
No posts and no beer make beetnemesis something something - 10/02/2012 03:07:53 PM 1203 Views
I'd have no problem - at all - with lynching Hieshyn. - 10/02/2012 06:55:30 PM 921 Views
I say we go for it - 11/02/2012 04:57:52 PM 1113 Views
I expect him to get modkilled for inactivity. - 11/02/2012 06:18:41 PM 1107 Views
I don't plan on modkilling anyone. - 13/02/2012 01:23:42 AM 1042 Views
Well, that's unfortunate. - 13/02/2012 05:14:40 AM 1152 Views
Okay I guess I might as well say what I did last night... - 10/02/2012 08:14:46 PM 1094 Views
Re: Okay I guess I might as well say what I did last night... - 11/02/2012 01:57:48 PM 1105 Views
It doesn't implicate anyone... - 11/02/2012 06:05:36 PM 1068 Views
Hmm - 11/02/2012 06:22:31 PM 1078 Views
I started out with the metal stuff... *NM* - 11/02/2012 10:35:30 PM 695 Views
Actually, sorry, that is incorrect. - 11/02/2012 10:37:48 PM 1034 Views
Erm... what is this about? - 11/02/2012 06:24:42 PM 1029 Views
Re: Erm... what is this about? - 11/02/2012 08:40:42 PM 1151 Views
Nothing was happening...we needed information... - 11/02/2012 10:36:21 PM 982 Views
Hmm. - 12/02/2012 03:04:00 AM 1127 Views
Lord Mark of House Question - 12/02/2012 03:20:41 AM 1059 Views
I didn't get anything - 12/02/2012 04:54:53 AM 1123 Views
So neither of you got any flavour text regarding your night action/being targeted by a night action? - 12/02/2012 05:38:53 AM 1046 Views
I got nothing. - 12/02/2012 05:43:52 AM 1123 Views
This was my mistake. - 13/02/2012 01:10:12 AM 912 Views
^^OK yeah, so - 13/02/2012 02:18:41 AM 1065 Views
Re: ^^OK yeah, so - 13/02/2012 02:48:09 AM 1097 Views
Hah, I think it's funny that we didn't confirm until right now who was NK'd - 13/02/2012 03:49:30 AM 1045 Views
I'd actually assumed this was the meaning. - 13/02/2012 05:15:41 AM 1123 Views
But I soothed him into inactivity. - 13/02/2012 08:42:51 PM 1069 Views
Right - 13/02/2012 09:13:21 PM 1051 Views
Re: Right - 14/02/2012 03:10:35 PM 1024 Views
ooh so you were roleblocked AND nightkilled? *NM* - 14/02/2012 09:14:07 PM 761 Views
*NM* - 14/02/2012 10:14:51 PM 677 Views
Only partially my fault. *NM* - 14/02/2012 11:50:50 PM 732 Views
I was just told what I did. - 12/02/2012 06:16:10 PM 1041 Views
Re: No posts and no beer make beetnemesis something something - 11/02/2012 04:22:00 PM 1130 Views
I'd by happy to lynch Hieshyn - 11/02/2012 05:30:56 PM 1017 Views
Re: No posts and no beer make beetnemesis something something - 11/02/2012 11:16:26 PM 1201 Views
Mod Question - 11/02/2012 04:24:04 PM 1113 Views
Sure, send me a NB and we'll work something out. *NM* - 13/02/2012 01:12:57 AM 572 Views
Mob justice or get off the pot - 13/02/2012 02:18:57 PM 1124 Views
Re: Mob justice or get off the pot - 14/02/2012 01:47:36 AM 1109 Views
Cool. Vote: Hieshyn *NM* - 14/02/2012 03:54:36 AM 621 Views
Hmmm. . . . . - 14/02/2012 05:16:41 AM 1147 Views
This kinda sums up the impression i"m getting reading through these. - 14/02/2012 09:43:13 PM 1099 Views
Re: This kinda sums up the impression i"m getting reading through these. - 14/02/2012 10:14:04 PM 1082 Views
Nope, hate writing poetry *NM* - 16/02/2012 12:22:11 AM 731 Views
It's pretty much consistently our fallback, though - 15/02/2012 12:19:53 AM 1102 Views
There is no way to let this kind of behaviour through, however. - 15/02/2012 01:33:55 AM 1085 Views
FWIW Vote: Hieshyn *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:38:12 AM 675 Views
Votes? - 14/02/2012 05:45:22 AM 1039 Views
Technically, that's only 4 real votes, unless some people have extras. *NM* - 14/02/2012 05:46:43 AM 695 Views
Yeah, White Flame and Praz don't get votes - 14/02/2012 05:39:55 PM 957 Views
Vote:Hieshyn - 14/02/2012 06:08:45 PM 806 Views
Unvote: Hieshyn - 14/02/2012 11:52:12 PM 1175 Views
Sorry, my real life was incredibly busy - 14/02/2012 09:29:53 PM 1097 Views
Unvote: Hieshyn... now we get to track down who was lying - 15/02/2012 12:34:25 AM 1226 Views
That's pretty useless... - 15/02/2012 01:36:14 AM 1008 Views
Not if Beet's 2 wasn't a mistake - 15/02/2012 02:21:15 AM 986 Views
Oh, right. - 15/02/2012 02:31:11 AM 1034 Views
Re: Oh, right. - 15/02/2012 02:43:13 AM 1055 Views
OK so I'm guessing you want me to encode shit - 16/02/2012 12:19:22 AM 1148 Views
Nope, no encoding. I'll explain: - 16/02/2012 01:17:58 AM 944 Views
Wound, Luthadel, Mistborn, wood *NM* - 17/02/2012 11:51:56 PM 666 Views
Heh, everybody uses 'Wood' - 19/02/2012 05:11:57 AM 1144 Views
How much trouble would I be in if all the poems were here in full? - 19/02/2012 11:01:24 PM 1166 Views
Probably only for modquoting, I think. - 20/02/2012 05:11:51 AM 1067 Views
Yo, beet. *NM* - 21/02/2012 01:13:06 AM 711 Views
Hey, sorry - 21/02/2012 03:32:22 AM 986 Views
Sorry I disappeared for a bit there and am still semi-RBIRL - 21/02/2012 04:24:32 AM 1040 Views
Hmm. That's possible. - 21/02/2012 05:24:08 AM 1006 Views
I think it's safe for me to say - 21/02/2012 06:39:27 AM 1043 Views
i've read the mistborn books - 21/02/2012 09:47:24 AM 1001 Views
I explicitly said during Day 1 I have never read the series - 21/02/2012 06:43:49 PM 1060 Views
So I suppose what I'm trying to say - 21/02/2012 07:37:18 PM 1194 Views
(You don't have to be an allomancer to use the Misting) - 21/02/2012 10:39:31 PM 958 Views
Is that stated somewhere in this Day? - 22/02/2012 11:09:31 PM 1264 Views
Ha, let's lynch Stephen - 21/02/2012 10:43:11 PM 964 Views
I don't know - 21/02/2012 11:11:58 PM 1055 Views
No reason for what now? - 22/02/2012 11:39:27 PM 1111 Views
No reason for what now? - 22/02/2012 11:39:27 PM 1294 Views
As for this... - 23/02/2012 10:05:52 AM 1043 Views
OOC: I game in character - 23/02/2012 05:31:41 PM 1187 Views
Fair enough *NM* - 23/02/2012 05:35:00 PM 658 Views
Just because F-T says he isn't guilty doesn't mean he isn't - 22/02/2012 11:53:07 PM 1155 Views
Yes, this has been brought up - 23/02/2012 09:18:00 AM 1066 Views
Upon reading the poems initially... - 23/02/2012 03:00:11 PM 1115 Views
Re: Upon reading the poems initially... - 23/02/2012 03:07:46 PM 1048 Views
If it was written by scum, I doubt they knew that everyone would get to read it. - 23/02/2012 05:35:09 PM 1199 Views
I'm sorry, I don't know why this keeps happening *NM* - 23/02/2012 05:35:52 PM 681 Views
Someone on the CMB suggested browser type *NM* - 23/02/2012 06:08:04 PM 688 Views
Re: Upon reading the poems initially... - 23/02/2012 06:06:29 PM 1007 Views
Re: Upon reading the poems initially... - 23/02/2012 06:09:18 PM 949 Views
Right. *NM* - 23/02/2012 06:36:22 PM 709 Views
At this pointit seems unlikely, since theylied about it. - 23/02/2012 06:40:34 PM 1041 Views
True. - 23/02/2012 11:02:24 PM 1070 Views
That's possible, in which case I still think he's scum. Just not lynchable scum . - 24/02/2012 02:39:44 AM 1175 Views
Question. - 23/02/2012 02:09:33 AM 1100 Views
Re: Question. - 23/02/2012 09:16:44 AM 1106 Views
Well. . . - 22/02/2012 07:00:29 AM 1129 Views
I didn't write any poems, for the record. *NM* - 22/02/2012 05:33:00 PM 786 Views
Re: Sorry I disappeared for a bit there and am still semi-RBIRL - 23/02/2012 03:40:53 PM 1166 Views
I didn't enter the contest - 23/02/2012 06:52:40 PM 914 Views
its a good word, that's why *NM* - 20/02/2012 07:25:14 PM 737 Views
Possibly RBIRL - 16/02/2012 10:09:33 AM 927 Views
Back *NM* - 21/02/2012 01:11:09 AM 526 Views
It's kinda nice seeing my name all over the place - 17/02/2012 11:56:52 PM 1043 Views
Sorry, I've been super busy lately. - 20/02/2012 03:23:18 PM 1179 Views
gak! just realised i have posted for awhile - 20/02/2012 07:24:09 PM 1099 Views
Hey Lord Ruler - 21/02/2012 07:14:01 PM 1004 Views
As previously mentioned... - 21/02/2012 08:51:14 PM 924 Views
Got something to hide, do you? - 22/02/2012 10:25:06 PM 1153 Views
Ya know, I'm probably going to regret suggesting this but... - 23/02/2012 07:03:59 PM 1110 Views
What exactly do we have to gain from a no-lynch? - 23/02/2012 08:32:31 PM 1305 Views
Mostly just an end to the day - 23/02/2012 09:42:18 PM 1031 Views
You raise an intriguing question. - 24/02/2012 02:46:57 AM 1111 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 24/02/2012 10:26:21 AM 1299 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 24/02/2012 12:27:01 PM 1155 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 24/02/2012 08:06:49 PM 899 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 24/02/2012 08:16:28 PM 1087 Views
We can do that... - 24/02/2012 08:38:51 PM 1108 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 26/02/2012 09:41:31 PM 1146 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 26/02/2012 09:46:19 PM 1071 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 27/02/2012 12:32:00 AM 1173 Views
Re: You raise an intriguing question. - 24/02/2012 12:35:05 PM 1161 Views
I say put more pressure on ranagrande - 23/02/2012 10:06:14 PM 1064 Views
Question. - 23/02/2012 11:05:33 PM 1210 Views
Re: Question. - 23/02/2012 11:11:02 PM 1130 Views
Riiight. - 24/02/2012 12:28:04 AM 1059 Views
... *NM* - 25/02/2012 02:05:00 AM 716 Views
Vote: ? *NM* - 26/02/2012 07:52:49 PM 721 Views
You are trying to vote for yourself? *NM* - 26/02/2012 09:44:09 PM 700 Views
Right, get a move on people. - 28/02/2012 08:22:51 AM 1063 Views
I don't think we can re-lynch White Flame, can we? *NM* - 28/02/2012 03:04:41 PM 738 Views
We'll see. Vote: White Flame *NM* - 28/02/2012 03:26:30 PM 614 Views
Re: We'll see. Vote: White Flame - 28/02/2012 05:40:42 PM 1224 Views
This isn't a great idea for experimentation - 28/02/2012 07:10:32 PM 1168 Views
Unvote, Vote: Hieshyn *NM* - 28/02/2012 09:09:21 PM 711 Views
No new ideas so let's lynch the guy who was quiet for two weeks and came back with a vengence - 02/03/2012 12:47:55 AM 1318 Views
I'm sorry. - 02/03/2012 01:53:03 AM 1065 Views
This is exactly the problem I have with Mafia in general (OOC) - 02/03/2012 02:06:17 AM 1407 Views
Okay so I'm a little insulted. - 02/03/2012 02:47:11 AM 1047 Views
See, you two are making me very nervous - 02/03/2012 03:30:55 AM 1077 Views
That's not exactly the problem. - 02/03/2012 04:46:08 AM 1040 Views
HEY! - 02/03/2012 05:52:49 PM 1095 Views
At my count (Votes) - 02/03/2012 02:13:56 AM 1274 Views
Oh, and Fox and Ravens voted for Whiteflame *NM* - 02/03/2012 02:14:59 AM 853 Views
Can you make a case on anyone else? - 02/03/2012 03:36:28 AM 1028 Views
Vote: Hieshyn - 02/03/2012 06:50:08 PM 1262 Views
You're still not dead, Yuna unvoted you an hour ago - 02/03/2012 07:18:50 PM 1182 Views
F it. Vote: Hieshyn - 03/03/2012 12:25:43 AM 877 Views
son of a bitch i never get to hammer *NM* - 03/03/2012 12:31:10 AM 893 Views
Well, to save time since you're not really dead-dead, town or scum? *NM* - 03/03/2012 12:32:04 AM 709 Views
Me? Townie all the way *NM* - 03/03/2012 01:24:42 AM 836 Views
Good, I'd probably have been lynched tomorrow otherwise *NM* - 03/03/2012 01:30:05 AM 718 Views
Figured - 03/03/2012 01:43:00 AM 1110 Views
Re: Figured - 03/03/2012 03:57:29 AM 1119 Views
ranagrande, are you watching this? *NM* - 05/03/2012 06:51:35 PM 681 Views
Day 2 has ended. - 05/03/2012 10:30:17 PM 826 Views
New job? - 06/03/2012 12:08:53 AM 985 Views
It's a combination of things. - 07/03/2012 11:01:43 PM 952 Views
Whoa, sounds busy. Good luck with it all. *NM* - 08/03/2012 04:01:29 PM 589 Views
So am I now dead-dead in this deathless game of mafia? *NM* - 08/03/2012 12:58:57 AM 854 Views
*coughs* *NM* - 13/03/2012 07:21:30 PM 688 Views
*coughs* very loudly *NM* - 17/03/2012 04:41:16 PM 693 Views
*sneezes* *NM* - 17/03/2012 05:11:40 PM 439 Views
*stridor* *NM* - 17/03/2012 08:08:18 PM 712 Views
*dies* *NM* - 18/03/2012 03:24:04 PM 678 Views
*updates* - 19/03/2012 09:25:48 PM 1015 Views
Oooh alright. No problem! *NM* - 20/03/2012 02:08:03 AM 745 Views
Hah, ok. *NM* - 20/03/2012 02:57:51 AM 578 Views
No! - 21/03/2012 01:56:00 AM 1138 Views
Maybe an already-dead person could help you out? - 28/03/2012 10:31:57 PM 933 Views
Yeah, I could do it - 29/03/2012 10:15:18 PM 1149 Views
*bump* - 01/04/2012 10:40:21 PM 1151 Views
I'm thinking about calling this one, either way though I'm out. - 02/04/2012 01:26:30 AM 1178 Views
Yeah, probably for the best. *NM* - 02/04/2012 06:40:44 AM 685 Views
Yeah, i've been tempted to say I'm out for a while too. - 03/04/2012 02:01:52 AM 991 Views
My friend just got a programming job in which the whole company plays Diplomacy - 03/04/2012 02:17:41 AM 854 Views
It's pretty fun - 03/04/2012 04:38:57 AM 946 Views
If rana doesn't think a backup mod would work, then... - 03/04/2012 02:18:51 AM 1070 Views
Yeah - 03/04/2012 04:41:08 AM 1035 Views
Me too. - 03/04/2012 06:39:40 AM 1022 Views
Re: Me too. - 03/04/2012 09:42:36 AM 1146 Views
Heh - 05/04/2012 01:28:24 AM 1036 Views
Looks good, but I can't fully judge without knowing the lore behind it . - 05/04/2012 07:05:08 AM 1147 Views
Nice! - 09/04/2012 03:31:29 PM 1129 Views
me too, its allright to post it now? *NM* - 05/04/2012 08:19:25 PM 682 Views
Yeah, I mean it's not like you're gonna get modkilled, right? *NM* - 05/04/2012 08:54:48 PM 759 Views
yay! see how many you can find! - 05/04/2012 09:54:59 PM 1075 Views
Yeah... - 08/04/2012 04:49:10 AM 1006 Views
For the record, I was scum - 09/04/2012 03:33:12 PM 1338 Views
Didn't I already rolelcaim? *NM* - 10/04/2012 12:01:18 AM 714 Views
You did. I meant, should I reveal the other scum? *NM* - 10/04/2012 02:50:41 AM 723 Views
I was vanilla town, it looked like. *NM* - 10/04/2012 01:40:12 AM 612 Views
Re: For the record, I was scum - 10/04/2012 04:19:20 AM 1083 Views
That's such a cool mechanic. Nice, ranagrande - 10/04/2012 04:30:18 AM 1147 Views
Re: That's such a cool mechanic. Nice, ranagrande - 10/04/2012 04:35:52 AM 1099 Views
my secret identity - 10/04/2012 03:43:53 PM 1065 Views

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