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Notes from Mod: Update 3 Isaac Send a noteboard - 25/07/2011 12:52:45 AM
Update 3 - July 28
So, that was contest 1, and it went well, almost exactly 24 hours so I don't feel it represented a bog down to the game, hope to keep them short and sweet, either over-Night-phase or like this, but anything less than 48 hours for a max would unfairly handicap people who weren't here that day, not worried about RBIRL cases but I don't expect everyone to look at the thread every single day.

Incidentally, no one could have died form the contest, I'd have said so outright but it didn't occur to me. That's not to say there aren't contests with results that might leave a player, roleblocked for a day, missing a vote, or even dead, but those are generally late-game possibilities that exist primarily to shake up stalemates should we have one pop up. I don't expect that, but especially when tinkering out with roles and basic mechanics I like to make sure there are effects to break stalemates, back in Mad Muad for instance a few players had things to help prevent that, Beet had a one-shot NK ring for instance that had a really long recharge time so that if things ended up on some horrible Day 10+ stalemate he'd suddenly have a NK again, and so on. But for the most part, the contest are for carrots not sticks, you're competing for a reward not to stay alive. And even the late game contests tend to favor a reward as opposed to the alternative, like a one-shot double-vote. Thery're basically there to be the Sudden Death or Lightning round, if one is necessary, I did not expect that to be the case but I prepped them when there were 600 possible roles (most repeats of course) and a huge number of combinations, so it was entirely possible one might have come up where stalemates were possible and I prepped with that in mind, more or less ripping off my Crisis severity standards from the Dune game. Whichever the case, the very first one being entirely cherry-picked and non-random so I could introduce everyone to the idea and slide in some more plot, I certainly wouldn't have been leaving any lethal options hanging around, for the players anyway, NPCs are entirely expendable :P I've got plenty to use even without having to make them up from whole cloth or borrow unused ones form the table.

So I'd emphasize, don't get too distracted by the contests, they're handy and hopefully interesting but they won't hand you victory.

Update 2 - July 28
Note sure if I got around to posting these but you can do any necessary character research at the Dresden wiki and normal wiki. Incidentally while Burt Decker is a minor character from one of the short stories Jim Sheridan is not. Also, since I'm guessing Beet's douple-post and erasure request and FT's follow up request and my reply will disappear into the ether, should you double post just edit [edit: double post] or something into the title and FT can come by and delete it. I take it as a given no one will be trying any end runs on that score. The usual editing rules apply, stick (edit) or (table) in them if you do, EPWOP for everything else, same old same old.

Main thing of course is we have our first contest in play, these are designed to run in the background to the normal game, the first one is short and simple, others may be longer in duration and more complex, but I'll say upfront that I won't throw anything at anyone that I think will take a lot of time or require some sort of advanced knowledge, and while they can help or hurt you, none of them are absolutely necessary to the game nor even particularly vital. A little extra flavor, a little room for those who groove to mystery and deduction to stretch their legs. Afterwards I'll ask everyone for 3 ups and 3 downs to the game, which I've found works as well after game sessions as it used to after missions, and I'd appreciate if everyone would try to make at least one up and down about these contests we'll be doing, partially so I can refine it or scuttle it for future use, and partially that so if any upcoming mod wants to use them they can hear those areas for improvement too, so they have them or they know it's a really bad idea after all and can bypass torturing us with it again :P

Update 1 - July 25
I could have sworn I posted this already, maybe it got eaten by airport gods... anyway, here's how this worked for this 'master list' of which I've spoken, there was a list of 100 character entries, not all were unique but more than 70 names appear on it, with some repeats making up the remainder, each assigned a number 1-100 which was later randomly rolled. Each of these entries had 6 role entries next to it, as an example, since she's not a player but was instead randomly selected from unused wardens (possibly all) to fill the NPC role in the intro:
# Character Name Affiliation Will Skill Energy Flesh Role 1 Role 2 Role 3 Role 4 Role 5 Role 6 Always on
11 Anastasia Luccio White Council 1 1 1 0 Vanilla OS Vigilante Doctor Elite Bodyguard Goon Goon None

You'll have to eyeball that on your own, excel doesn't paste well into text. Pretty much every character had at least one each of vanilla, Role, Scum. In Luccio's case, Doctor is somewhat shoe-horned in as it is on some other characters to increase the odds of one appearing in the game, pretty much everyone had a vanilla, Luccio's last two entries don't actually say just 'goon' incidentally but that's a tad redacted. "Affiliation" in this version of the game is mostly for handy reference, would have been a bigger factor in a large game. The affiliations in the game aren't secret, just redundant. The last column, "Always on" say "None" for most characters and most of those it doesn't say 'none' for is because I used it as a handy place for notes, but for those who I wanted some ability on regardless of their random role, that's where that would be.

Incidentally, the way those roles would have converted to the template we're in, OS Vig would either have stayed a 1-Shot NK as either 1+RPS or maybe a 1+RPSX, or have maybe a every-night use or non-consecutive use at 0+RPS or 0+RPSX. Doc's wouldn't use RPS though they'd connect into the system, Elite BG would have worked like a weakened doc with a 0+RPS NK tacked on, or something along those lines. If the RPS thing turns out to be popular with the players I'll knock out a list of major role conversions to it as an appendix to the main rules but they were all converted on the fly. Note that stats are unrelated to role, this isn't exactly true, some roles would add to someone's stats, like bulletproof. I would let players see their own, but I'm reluctant to do that as it may represent some unbalancing effect. We'll do one more as this character is kinda a throw away I put in on accident and just didn't remove and I don't think narrowing things down from 100 to 98 screws much with things

# Character Name Affiliation Will Skill Energy Flesh Role 1 Role 2 Role 3 Role 4 Role 5 Role 6 Always on
65 Spike Mafia 0 1 0 0 Vanilla Vanilla OS BP Goon Goon Scum OS NK

So Spike, bit of a thug, worked for the mafia, has low stats and about a 50/50 of being scum or town, vanilla either way but doe have one small role on each, OS BP - a single use bulletproof vest and a single use NK. Had he gotten an single-use vest I'd have added 1 to his flesh score probably, maybe 1 to two stats instead. Had he gotten the OS NK, he'd have gotten either a single 1+RPSS kill or a 0+RPSX kill.

By the way, 'on there on accident' because he never appears alive in the series, and Spike's specifically on my mind because it was the character name of James Marsters on Buffy, and Marsters happens to be the guy who read all the Dresden unabridged audiobooks... for those who don't know I'm an audiobook junkie, and he's not the one reading the new one, a bit of useless trivia for you. By the way the |r in the title is just a visual flag, I'll flip saber color when I do updates or dump then off itf it's been a while, etc.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 29/07/2011 at 03:05:08 AM
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Game 23: The Dresden Files Day 1 - Stormfront (Day Over) - 25/07/2011 12:52:19 AM 2674 Views
Notes from Mod: Update 3 - 25/07/2011 12:52:45 AM 1636 Views
Why do I have 'stats'? - 25/07/2011 12:53:10 AM 1650 Views
Some RPS Notes - 25/07/2011 11:59:50 PM 1489 Views
What's the Code Duello? - 25/07/2011 12:53:40 AM 1429 Views
Who is Mr. X? - 25/07/2011 12:54:07 AM 1243 Views
Quick follow up - 25/07/2011 08:31:51 PM 1331 Views
What's this Template stuff? - 25/07/2011 12:54:57 AM 1283 Views
Er. OK. Well, to start things off... - 25/07/2011 03:32:21 AM 1330 Views
Re: Er. OK. Well, to start things off... - 25/07/2011 05:11:58 AM 1226 Views
I'm human. - 25/07/2011 12:24:03 PM 1220 Views
I'm human as well - 25/07/2011 03:00:52 PM 1117 Views
human *NM* - 25/07/2011 01:06:31 PM 740 Views
Re: Er. OK. Well, to start things off... - 25/07/2011 02:37:34 PM 1336 Views
I'm human *NM* - 25/07/2011 06:15:50 PM 716 Views
I'm human. - 25/07/2011 09:49:57 PM 1275 Views
I agree, especially because Isaac has specifically countered this type of thinking. - 26/07/2011 02:02:30 AM 1262 Views
Speaking of sides - 26/07/2011 03:32:10 AM 1297 Views
Hm. OK, without spoilers, here's some background information - 26/07/2011 01:56:43 PM 1535 Views
Oh, I'll also note that not everything supernatural is malicious - 26/07/2011 02:06:22 PM 1279 Views
You know, I've never understood that. - 26/07/2011 07:35:47 PM 1217 Views
Maybe in French - 26/07/2011 08:05:20 PM 1223 Views
Could be. - 26/07/2011 08:51:46 PM 1219 Views
because they're french, duh! - 26/07/2011 09:06:18 PM 1228 Views
I will not dispute this opinion, as it is to my advantage . - 26/07/2011 11:24:46 PM 1264 Views
Solid, thanks. *NM* - 26/07/2011 08:05:38 PM 775 Views
I am human. *NM* - 26/07/2011 01:29:01 AM 761 Views
Sidenote: "In accordance with the survey?" - 25/07/2011 03:38:31 AM 1170 Views
Re: Sidenote: "In accordance with the survey?" - 25/07/2011 03:48:57 AM 1292 Views
Right then, some more thoughts - 27/07/2011 02:20:32 PM 1249 Views
Re: Right then, some more thoughts - 27/07/2011 03:50:51 PM 1309 Views
Ah, ok. Good. - 27/07/2011 06:07:12 PM 1279 Views
Re: Ah, ok. Good. - 27/07/2011 06:31:27 PM 1263 Views
Hm. What are some other avenues? - 27/07/2011 02:23:36 PM 1201 Views
I don't think random qquestion would be great here - 27/07/2011 03:29:05 PM 1260 Views
Re: I don't think random qquestion would be great here - 27/07/2011 03:52:33 PM 1280 Views
Should we ask that? "On a scale of 1-10, how familiar are you with the books?" - 27/07/2011 06:28:18 PM 1158 Views
Re: Should we ask that? "On a scale of 1-10, how familiar are you with the books?" - 27/07/2011 06:33:32 PM 1250 Views
Cool, I'll make a seperate thread about it. - 27/07/2011 06:36:31 PM 1328 Views
On a scale of 1-10, how familiar are you with the books? (CHART) - 27/07/2011 06:40:15 PM 1257 Views
I'd say I'm around 3 or 4 - 27/07/2011 08:28:36 PM 1288 Views
around three - 27/07/2011 08:29:51 PM 1121 Views
1.5 probs - 28/07/2011 01:59:29 AM 1258 Views
1 - 30/07/2011 01:07:33 AM 1239 Views
Interlude 1 - 28/07/2011 02:08:46 AM 1344 Views
THIS IS EXCITING *NM* - 28/07/2011 03:04:23 AM 838 Views
Damn. This is getting way past Mafia. *NM* - 28/07/2011 04:07:26 PM 775 Views
That's exactly what I was thinking. *NM* - 28/07/2011 04:30:20 PM 763 Views
Heh, in a good way though, right? *NM* - 28/07/2011 04:38:09 PM 724 Views
yup, and its awesome - 28/07/2011 05:48:24 PM 1227 Views
Hm. So, what are our priorities? - 28/07/2011 04:48:06 PM 1184 Views
Re: Hm. So, what are our priorities? - 28/07/2011 06:38:26 PM 1153 Views
I think we proceed as normal for the moment - 29/07/2011 02:43:50 AM 1312 Views
Interlude Conclusion - 29/07/2011 02:23:35 AM 1111 Views
Just to check - 29/07/2011 03:11:57 AM 1172 Views
Re: Just to check - 29/07/2011 03:26:39 AM 1134 Views
So... did anyone get any info? - 29/07/2011 02:02:55 PM 1119 Views
*cough* - 30/07/2011 10:02:50 PM 1291 Views
Very confused right now... - 30/07/2011 10:47:31 PM 1159 Views
i have no idea - 30/07/2011 11:22:19 PM 1166 Views
This is discussed in the updates, particular #2... the posts with the lightsabers *NM* - 30/07/2011 11:37:41 PM 751 Views
Ahhhh. Thanks. - 30/07/2011 11:56:06 PM 1260 Views
Well, I'd like to ask a question myself. - 31/07/2011 03:23:32 AM 1178 Views
Sheridan - 31/07/2011 07:14:41 AM 1245 Views
I followed Decker. *NM* - 31/07/2011 04:39:29 PM 741 Views
sheriden *NM* - 31/07/2011 04:59:57 PM 692 Views
I followed Decker as well *NM* - 31/07/2011 06:15:04 PM 678 Views
Went after Decker. *NM* - 01/08/2011 12:14:13 AM 768 Views
I went after Sheridan as well. *NM* - 01/08/2011 03:44:28 PM 713 Views
Did any of you have a reason for following who you did or was it just a random choice? - 01/08/2011 01:14:13 PM 1303 Views
yeah same here - 01/08/2011 01:32:01 PM 1299 Views
I wanted to check out Decker because I knew him from the books - 01/08/2011 01:36:26 PM 1177 Views
It was mostly random - 01/08/2011 03:46:32 PM 1132 Views
I figured out the hotel, so I went for Sheridan. *NM* - 01/08/2011 06:29:52 PM 693 Views
So, where did you go? *NM* - 01/08/2011 09:21:05 PM 754 Views
Derp, for some reason I missed your response above. Ignore, please. *NM* - 01/08/2011 09:21:47 PM 708 Views
I followed Sheridan... - 01/08/2011 09:44:42 PM 1168 Views
...and did it? *NM* - 01/08/2011 11:53:38 PM 734 Views
I believe so. *NM* - 02/08/2011 04:07:58 AM 787 Views
Random pick *NM* - 02/08/2011 01:04:31 AM 695 Views
Well, OK- we've got 5 more days, let's try to make some headway. - 01/08/2011 01:39:48 PM 1237 Views
Re: Well, OK- we've got 5 more days, let's try to make some headway. - 01/08/2011 01:56:45 PM 1238 Views
It might be me... - 01/08/2011 03:51:50 PM 1271 Views
If you're constantly RBIRL, why would lynching you be a mistake? - 01/08/2011 03:55:42 PM 1212 Views
Re: If you're constantly RBIRL, why would lynching you be a mistake? - 01/08/2011 11:51:39 PM 1221 Views
could be me as well, my posts are still in single figures - 01/08/2011 04:13:58 PM 1312 Views
we really are running on nothin' - 01/08/2011 09:23:01 PM 1158 Views
Seems suboptimal. - 01/08/2011 09:50:38 PM 1242 Views
My thoughts exactly. - 01/08/2011 11:16:43 PM 1248 Views
Re: Seems suboptimal. - 01/08/2011 11:52:55 PM 1282 Views
Me, Yuna, and Rana - 02/08/2011 01:45:02 AM 1230 Views
Everybody. - 02/08/2011 04:08:53 AM 1262 Views
How about this? - 02/08/2011 01:41:57 PM 1226 Views
Fair enough. I forgot we had a deadline. - 02/08/2011 06:28:04 PM 1196 Views
Re: Fair enough. I forgot we had a deadline. - 02/08/2011 06:33:46 PM 1163 Views
I got there too late. - 02/08/2011 06:53:10 PM 1198 Views
someone was in the room with him when i got there - 02/08/2011 10:31:35 PM 1231 Views
What were they doing? - 02/08/2011 11:11:56 PM 1184 Views
i don't know - 02/08/2011 11:18:37 PM 1216 Views
Could you hear what they were saying? - 02/08/2011 11:46:10 PM 1165 Views
I wouldn't know, but don't think so. - 03/08/2011 01:54:38 AM 1298 Views
no *NM* - 03/08/2011 04:11:23 PM 703 Views
Ooh. That sounds like a good basis for a semi-random lynch right there. - 01/08/2011 11:56:20 PM 1171 Views
He seemed busy, mostly. - 02/08/2011 04:11:45 AM 1240 Views
Also though, I do agree with your conclusions to a point, - 01/08/2011 11:58:37 PM 1175 Views
Another possibility - 02/08/2011 01:47:07 AM 1264 Views
Re: Another possibility - 02/08/2011 01:40:23 PM 1254 Views
True- he DID have a "Ritual Knife," after all - 02/08/2011 01:59:43 PM 1258 Views
Re: True- he DID have a "Ritual Knife," after all - 02/08/2011 02:16:37 PM 1192 Views
Interesting thought. - 02/08/2011 06:48:18 PM 1201 Views
I'm under the impression someone is lying out of Sheridan's group. - 03/08/2011 02:18:45 AM 1148 Views
My thoughts are quite similar. - 03/08/2011 03:41:15 AM 1227 Views
Re: My thoughts are quite similar. - 03/08/2011 01:25:59 PM 1249 Views
That's not how initiative worked- rana could have shown up first - 03/08/2011 02:25:24 PM 1259 Views
Re: That's not how initiative worked- rana could have shown up first - 03/08/2011 03:47:17 PM 1271 Views
Re: My thoughts are quite similar. - 03/08/2011 06:08:01 PM 1338 Views
Re: My thoughts are quite similar. - 03/08/2011 06:09:12 PM 1319 Views
Would you mind breaking it down into a simple timeline? - 03/08/2011 04:08:52 AM 1205 Views
Re: Would you mind breaking it down into a simple timeline? - 03/08/2011 01:19:34 PM 1213 Views
Cool, thanks. Unfortunately, I still think anyone could be guilty. - 03/08/2011 02:33:06 PM 1227 Views
One thing - 03/08/2011 08:53:48 PM 1309 Views
Yeah. - 04/08/2011 12:24:59 AM 1288 Views
I think that would give them way too much power. - 04/08/2011 12:37:20 AM 1306 Views
Slip of the tongue? - 03/08/2011 02:42:54 PM 1217 Views
I saw them when I went up to his room - 03/08/2011 08:58:42 PM 1233 Views
Right now, we have about 2.5 days left. - 04/08/2011 01:12:06 PM 1249 Views
Hm. I honestly suspect everyone pretty equally - 04/08/2011 02:10:59 PM 1204 Views
Re: Hm. I honestly suspect everyone pretty equally - 04/08/2011 02:51:00 PM 1438 Views
You left out another obvious possibility. - 06/08/2011 01:52:29 PM 1288 Views
ohhh - 06/08/2011 01:59:02 PM 1199 Views
im holding my vote for now - 04/08/2011 11:41:10 PM 1229 Views
I would but I feel like that woul dbe irrelevant for this lynch anyway so why bother? - 05/08/2011 01:21:29 AM 1175 Views
Hmm - 05/08/2011 10:17:44 PM 1220 Views
Re: Hmm - 05/08/2011 10:30:48 PM 1123 Views
Note on Deadlines and Duelling - 04/08/2011 07:25:19 PM 1321 Views
Vote Record - 04/08/2011 07:32:25 PM 1255 Views
Right, so we're down to the wire- ranagrande or Yuna? *NM* - 05/08/2011 01:45:55 PM 731 Views
Not sure, though I'd err toward rana. - 05/08/2011 02:00:29 PM 1238 Views
Ok, I think its time we try and do something - 05/08/2011 06:43:37 PM 1253 Views
I'm calling for a RC of ranagrande before we pull the trigger. - 05/08/2011 06:58:26 PM 1255 Views
Good idea. Ooh, who want to duel him? - 05/08/2011 07:42:51 PM 1100 Views
I'll vote for him. - 05/08/2011 11:17:37 PM 1318 Views
I suppose I'll roleclaim if one more person votes. - 06/08/2011 01:45:21 PM 1096 Views
Here: Vote: Ranagrande - 06/08/2011 06:09:12 PM 1264 Views
As I said, lynching me would be a mistake. - 06/08/2011 01:41:31 PM 1289 Views
Haha, what? - 06/08/2011 02:14:51 PM 1189 Views
I think he's trying to say he's a notorious busser. *NM* - 06/08/2011 02:54:29 PM 642 Views
what a thing to be proud of *waggles finger at rana* boo hiss boo *NM* - 06/08/2011 05:03:03 PM 738 Views
That doesn't really make sense. - 06/08/2011 10:15:02 PM 1194 Views
Vote: ranagrande - 06/08/2011 08:50:40 PM 1163 Views
I won't stand for this! I challenge you to a duel! *NM* - 06/08/2011 08:51:12 PM 659 Views
Very well. I accept. *NM* - 06/08/2011 08:51:30 PM 721 Views
Huh, I confess I didn't actually think of that - 06/08/2011 08:57:32 PM 1234 Views
... - 06/08/2011 09:03:20 PM 1184 Views
lol you could just make it so a play can't vote for themselves. - 06/08/2011 09:17:08 PM 1280 Views
Not quite. - 06/08/2011 09:21:56 PM 1333 Views
Oh. - 07/08/2011 11:58:29 AM 1200 Views
That's probably what I'll have to do - 06/08/2011 09:33:55 PM 1268 Views
That does still leave a major loophole. - 06/08/2011 09:44:15 PM 1285 Views
That one I've got covered - 06/08/2011 10:14:03 PM 1319 Views
Well, there's one thing I was wondering about. - 06/08/2011 10:12:01 PM 1278 Views
Ha, ha, ha! Genius! *NM* - 06/08/2011 10:08:30 PM 712 Views
clearly Genius has turned to madness *NM* - 06/08/2011 10:13:58 PM 705 Views
Same thing really. Genius is madness to those who can't appreciate it . - 06/08/2011 10:18:26 PM 1182 Views
awh and i was hoping for that meme from 300 to be the reply - 06/08/2011 10:45:12 PM 1278 Views
Sorry, I'm pro-Athenian - 06/08/2011 10:53:30 PM 1205 Views
Roleclaim. - 06/08/2011 09:12:29 PM 1197 Views
Re: Roleclaim. - 07/08/2011 02:34:35 AM 1223 Views
True. Actions speak louder than words, in this case. - 07/08/2011 09:25:26 PM 1283 Views
I will. - 07/08/2011 11:00:42 PM 1293 Views
Should you choose to accept... - 08/08/2011 12:34:18 AM 1264 Views
Okay... - 06/08/2011 10:23:46 PM 1269 Views
Rbirl - 07/08/2011 01:53:35 AM 1204 Views
Lynch Reached - Duel Pending - 08/08/2011 12:26:25 AM 1203 Views
Eh, I'm busy anyway. - 08/08/2011 01:50:30 AM 1409 Views
Oh, bummer. - 08/08/2011 02:27:57 AM 1338 Views
Booooo! - 08/08/2011 03:48:28 AM 1161 Views
No. - 08/08/2011 12:59:21 PM 1282 Views
You really think you looked that innocent? - 08/08/2011 01:18:36 PM 1202 Views
Lynch Pending - 08/08/2011 03:53:47 PM 1715 Views
Twilight - 08/08/2011 11:14:56 PM 1340 Views
Probably be Thursday morning before Day 2 starts - 11/08/2011 12:29:55 AM 1359 Views

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