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Moderating - The How To List Isaac Send a noteboard - 20/07/2011 01:12:01 AM
So You Want to Mod?

Generally speaking Moderating a game, or Modding, is both a lot of fun and a lot of work. The qualifications are very straightforward. You must inform the players of your desire to Mod, you must have played a few games and more is better, you must actively participate in games and not miss very many. If you meet that standard, you can go on the list and get assigned a level of precedence. Getting on the list doesn’t mean you’re totally prepped and ready to run the best game ever, but that’s not required and we've got a number of resources available to help you get ready. First you can start by reading the attached posts, Major Roles and Variants, The Mod Tips and Checklist, and Game Design which covers some notes on game balance and has some theme and game ideas to help you get started.

There are also a number of articles linked under Mafiascum Wiki's How to Mod section.

Order of Precedence
Each player who has made their intention to Mod be known, first time or recurring, is given a Precedence value. This value is the number of games they have played since the last time they modded, or without them modding, and these games do not have to be consecutive. Players modkilled for inactivity can not count that game in their total and players who have missed multiple consecutive games or the current game in progress when the selection is made will be bypassed though exceptions can be made. For instance a player who passed on Modding because they expected to be busy and similar did not sign up for the current game will not be penalized for what amounts to being courteous. Passing on Modding does not damage your Precedence, however passing repeatedly will result in your falling off the list and you'll need to alert the keeper of the list if you want to go back on.

So a player who has never modded before but has played a dozen games is likely to insert fairly high on the list, it has been 12 games without them modding and they’d take precedence over anyone who modded 11 games or less. In event of a tie at the top of the list, the player with the most posts to the RPG Board in the 30 days proceeding selection will win the tie. When Mod selection begins, typically in the middle of the preceding game, the position will be offered in accordance with precedence and the person with the next highest precedence will also be listed, both are asked to confirm or decline, these are the Primary and the Secondary. If the primary nominee declines or does not confirm within a week the secondary will be assigned to Mod, the Primary does not lose any precedence merely remains at the top of the list the next time round. In event neither confirms within that week the players with the next highest precedence will receive the offer. Should a game end before the next Mod is selected anyone on The List is can place themselves up for contention and after 24 hours the person who has the most precedence amongst the volunteers will be the Mod. Should that time elapse without a Mod being selected, selection immediately falls to first some first serve.

Finally, The List, if you’re name is not on there it indicates nothing other than that I wasn’t sure if you were on it, so just reply or NB me and please list how many games you’ve had since modding, or have at all if you haven’t modded. First time Mods have an *asterisk* next to their name. Below that is The Word of Mod, listing the games by number and who modded them.

Order of Precedence - As of the end of Game 28

Beetnemesis - 9
Yunalesca - 8
Isaac – 5
Darth Katie - 4
Ranagrande - 3
Fanatic-Templar – 2
? - 1
Bergyion - 0

The Word of Mod
Game 01: Cor Aman
Game 02: Cor Aman
Game 03: Cor Aman
Game 04: Marshall
Game 05: Fanatic-Templar
Game 06: Kronin al'Sulc
Game 07: Kronin al'Sulc
Game 08: Isaac
Game 09: Fanatic-Templar
Game 10: Yunalesca
Game 11: Napoleon
Game 12: Darth Katie
Game 13: Hieshyn
Game 14: Kronin al'Sulc
Game 15: Gher
Game 16: Isaac
Game 17: Ranagrande
Game 18: Fanatic-Templar
Game 19: Beetnemesis
Game 20: Yunalesca
Game 21: Darth Katie
Game 22: Kronin al'Sulc
Game 23: Isaac
Game 24: Fanatic-Templar
Game 25: Ranagrande
Game 26: ?
Game 27: Fanatic Templar
Game 28: Bergioyn
Game 29: TBD - BEetnemesis, Yunalesca, Isaac, Darth Katie

And if this list is lagging behind, please contact the author via NB or the board admin, Fanatic-Templar, to ask to get it updated.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 01/09/2012 at 03:33:40 AM
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