Active Users:3084 Time:23/01/2025 02:46:53 AM
"Prepare the Onager!" Isaac Send a noteboard - 27/02/2011 11:37:02 PM
"Well Zimmer, first we'll cut ourselves a short length of rope and see how much it weighs, and how much weight it can hold, assuming it meets the standards we'll prepare 4 lengths of rope about half again as long as the gorge, and we'll attach one to a heavy grapple if we can rig one up or a big log with some spikes in it, we'll attach the other end to something hefty on our side, and fire it. First of course we'll lob a few object of similar weight and size over to get an idea were it would land so we can aim... it wouldn't do to overshoot, sturdy rope or not it would probably snap if it ran out of rope while still in the air, and we do want to try to land our makeshift grapple somewhere where there is rough ground or debris to snag on."

Reality Check Metagame: Since rope varies a lot on construction I'll just utilize the default D&D 3.5 hemp rope, which is safely inside the realm of non-fantastic, they actually did their research a bit.

3.5 PHB list hemp rope being 10 pounds per 50 feet or approx. 4 kg per 15 meters. To keep numbers even we'll use 120 meters, or 4x8=32 kg. It also lists the break DC as 23, which if we assumed indicated it could hold a weight equal to the max carry of a strength 23 character, which would imply a character of a non natural 20 roll to break it would require a +4 modifier, or a strength of 18, so it seems the max lift of a strength 18 character should be well within the safe tolerance of such a rope, for strength 18 character the max carry is 300, or 600 lift over their head, which seems a better choice since the effort to break a rope is more akin to a short heavy exertion then walking all day carrying something. So the rope should be able to hold 600 pounds quite safely (which is safely inside the realms of reality) so that the rope can hold 270 kg, minus its own weight, 238 kg, minus the weight of a second rope, 206 kg, minus say 106 kg for a decently muscled and athletic person and some a backpack with a canteen, a meal, some simple light tools, etc, which is probably on the heavy side, still leaving us another 100 kg of extra tolerance.

"After we have our grapple hooked, we'll have a few stout men pull on it to make sure it doesn't tug free, then we'll send a man across with another piece of rope tied to him he can secure on the other end or we can use to drag him out of the water. We'll make sure he's got some simple tools and supplies too, and rig him up a harness so he can rest along the way, a few leather belts should do for that. Then we'll send a couple more ropes across the same way. Now we just need a volunteer, someone who is in good shape I should think..." Says Titus, looking over at the legionnaires and raising an eyebrow. "Once we've four ropes up we can commence sending across some harnesses on pulleys full of timber and tools, and re-tie everything into the right shape for a rope bridge, and start building that."
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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Lineage - Titus Ingeniare and the Bridge of Amorce - 10/02/2011 07:32:25 AM 1893 Views
Re: Lineage - Titus Ingeniare and the Bridge of Amorce - 10/02/2011 08:40:30 AM 980 Views
It's not open. - 10/02/2011 06:19:44 PM 963 Views
"Most definitely a dilemma" - 10/02/2011 10:47:59 AM 1258 Views
Re: "Most definitely a dilemma" - 12/02/2011 02:23:17 AM 1032 Views
"Not much time, by Farrikan's Fiery Breath!" - 14/02/2011 02:41:25 AM 1142 Views
Re: "Not much time, by Farrikan's Fiery Breath!" - 27/02/2011 08:20:51 AM 1067 Views
"Prepare the Onager!" - 27/02/2011 11:37:02 PM 3498 Views
The onager's shot doesn't even cross the gorge. - 01/03/2011 09:09:27 AM 996 Views
I nod my head - 04/03/2011 05:27:59 AM 990 Views
Re: I nod my head - 04/03/2011 08:07:20 AM 1078 Views
Yep, let him go then - 04/03/2011 08:33:21 AM 1053 Views
Progressing once more. - 25/05/2011 08:53:29 AM 1166 Views
Re: Progressing once more. - 26/05/2011 01:50:23 AM 1080 Views
No problem, take as much time as you want. - 26/05/2011 04:24:04 AM 992 Views
Re: Progressing once more. - 01/06/2011 03:14:24 AM 1394 Views
Re: Progressing once more. - 28/08/2011 09:46:47 PM 935 Views
Re: Progressing once more. - 28/08/2011 11:44:35 PM 1016 Views
Nightfall - 29/08/2011 01:45:05 AM 1048 Views
I will go to sleep - 06/11/2011 07:12:58 PM 941 Views
The night passes uneventfully. - 14/01/2012 08:26:03 AM 1012 Views
"My, I felt like a slept for months" - 14/01/2012 08:31:17 AM 1006 Views
You get back to work. - 16/01/2012 07:33:04 AM 964 Views
Assuming its not a cloud... - 16/01/2012 01:45:29 PM 901 Views
There are some flying monsters. - 20/01/2012 08:34:44 AM 968 Views
[...] The things grows ever larger as it approaches. - 20/01/2012 08:29:28 AM 984 Views
Re: [...] The things grows ever larger as it approaches. - 06/02/2012 02:29:03 AM 943 Views
Re: [...] The things grows ever larger as it approaches. - 12/02/2012 06:08:30 AM 953 Views
"Farrikan's Flaming Eye! What a sight!" - 15/02/2012 05:52:42 AM 976 Views
Re: "Farrikan's Flaming Eye! What a sight!" - 03/04/2012 08:58:20 AM 979 Views

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