These would actually be broken into multiple posts. I will use black for commentary here, only color bits would appear in the game. This is the material that would generally appear during the first day of a new round, you would also receive a NB of your “Mentat Report” on subsequent rounds but in Round 1 that is simply your faction NB. This is the actual Day 1 Crisis, I'll post a Generic Faction in just a moment, then add a faux auction composed of the Crisis auction items and the one's from the Auciton Rules.
Chancellor Nominees
Bergioyn – 10
Beetnemesis – 8
Blaine – 7
Darth Katie – 10
Kronin al’Sulc – 8
Ranagrande – 8
When a player is ‘nominated’ their Base Vote at the time is entered, and this number is always displayed as part of the player roster but it’s never updated, so if someone raises their diplomacy score in round 1 they gain 2 more votes to their Base Vote, but this won’t be updated, it would make it too obvious where they spent their point.
(Minor) With the recent death of its Count, the Planet of Parmentier is in a state of chaos. The appointed heir has been slain, and the Count’s nephew, Dysaz, appears to be to blame. Dysaz has claimed his right to trial by the Landsdraad, if he is found innocent he will become the new Count of Parmentier. The line of succession after him is murky at best, and if he is found guilty Parmentier will need to have a new ruler appointed by the Landsdraad.
According to his accusers Dysaz was at a major state function when word reached him of his cousin’s death and over a dozen witnesses confirm he smiled and said “Poison is so much more reliable than a knife” even though he had not yet been told his cousin had been poisoned. His supporters point out that a culprit has already admitted to the crime, the leader of a local House Minor, Jurg Tranin, was found dead from apparent suicide from a knife wound to the back of the skull, with a nearby suicide note proclaiming “I did it, I, Burg Thanin, killed the count’s heir, I can no longer live with the guilt, my deepest regret is the injury I have done to the kind and noble Dysaz, last of his House and clearly the rightful heir and a man of great leadership skills whose Glorious Reign will bring peace and prosperity to all.”
This trial is expected to be expensive for the Landsdraad, and each player will have 600 MS added to their Annual dues this year (-600 MS income this round) to cover the costs.
Aye: “He’s obviously guilty… and that suicide note is a joke, Guilty!”
Nay: “Witnesses are unreliable, he was probably smiling at a joke someone had told him, poison is easy to guess, Jurg Tranin was obviously too overcome with guilt and remorse to spell his name right… Innocent… no seriously, stop laughing!”
Aye Result: If he is found Guilty then the common folk rejoice at the justice (+300 MS income this round per Planet – including HW - and Standard Asset) and the Planet of Parmentier (Rich, 3 militia) will become available for Auction next round.
Nay Results: Dysaz has great respect for justice and if found innocent he will gladly reward his noble jurors (1600 MS per player) and will become available as a Strong Elector next round. The Luxury Good: Semuta produces double its income, as the disenchanted common folk seek solace in the popular trance drug. All Planets – including HW - and Standard Assets produce 100 MS less this round.
Two Temporary Factions emerged, Dysaz’s supporters (9 votes) and his accusers (15 votes)
CHOAM reports the turbulence from this Crisis has caused an Agri Fief, an Ore Mine, a poor planet, a Luxury: Semuta, 2 weak electors and a hero to appear
So that’s the Game 1 Round 1 Crisis, you’ll note that it has been adapted to increase incentive to vote, by lowering everyone’s income and spiking the normal minor crisis results, this would be fairly normal for a Crisis, snatching money from all that re distributes based on the vote. Outside of round 1 people would see the price tag if any for bringing the matter before the Landsdraad and it might influence what the Perk owners do. The Crisis is a post by itself, and would appear as the first reply to a new round thread like our Vote Tables tend to. Note that a player with their Homeworld and 3 Standard Assets here would gain 1200 MS on an aye (4x300 MS), and gain 1200 on a Nay (1600-4x100 MS), take it or leave it, but a players who gets 5 qualifying items would be at 1500 MS on an Aye and 1100 MS on a Nay, a pretty good reason to vote Aye, whereas someone with only 3 qualifying asset gains 900 for aye and 1300 for Nay. The actual game effect is hard to predict, a player with much CHOAM stock or a luxury good probably wants nay, and may want to place bids that favorable to a Nay result. Someone may decide to try to seize a Semuta asset since it would pay double, who might otherwise have aimed elsewhere and want nay. Since the Crisis pays off at the end of the round it will go by what people control at the end of the round
The next piece, Forecast, would appear as a reply to the Crisis Event, normally the forecast is written off the what the players have at the start of the round but as we may have additional players before Round 1 starts an approximate and round figure will be used here and the real data will appear at game start, for instance with 6 players the total wealth average would be 66,000 MS, I haven’t added it up but it could be anywhere between 60-72,000, the real first forecast will have the real figure.
Taken: Round 1 Start
Players: 6
Pot: 2200 VP (1% = 22 VP)
Votes – 51
Military – 30
Planet – 6
Assets – 20
Income – 26,000 MS
Stock – 50
Wealth: 66,000 MS
Estimated VP per Item
Votes – 6.5 VP per Vote
Military – 7.3 VP per Legion
Planet – 36.7 VP per planet
Assets – 11 VP per Primary Asset
Income – 1 VP per every 118 MS
Stock – 4.4 VP per Share
Wealth – 1 VP per 300 MS
So that’s a forecast, it tells you right at that moment of the game. If you add yours up you’ll find you have around 250-300. All of these will drop as the game progresses, and remember that these are approximate currently, and even when play begins a forecast is a snapshot of the round’s start, it will change during that round but forecasts only happen at the start of a round.
Thus far we’ve seen the Crisis, the forecast, and a Mentat Report – which you got with your faction, round Mentat reports are stripped down versions for those listing your own results for end round stuff and what you have and where – money, assets, etc – we would also have an ‘end Round report’ which would talk about the vote’s result and would be at the end of the thread, then copied into the new one along with other previous rounds as a summary of the game, as another reply to the Crisis post. The last thing is Court Gossip, this happens throughout the round but a fairly big chunk occurs at the beginning and subsequent gossip for that round would be pasted into that post chronologically plus links to previous round’s ‘gossip log’. There will be additional court gossip when the game starts but here is an initial sample. An initial Auction and a pretend faction will follow this post.
At a recent ball on Kaitain, you overheard a discussion between the Archduke of Is’mod and Count Fenring:
The Archduke sighs, “I believe this trial of young Dysaz may drag on for months, they way he’s jockeying for power.”
“Um-m-m-mah-m-m-m-m,” says the Count. “A very, hm-m-m-m, poor speller, ah, you’ve spoken to us of this poor speller? What did you say?”
“I told you that situation could spiral out of control. You told me of the great esteem our Emperor holds for him.”
“Hm-m-m-m, yes.”
The Archduke looks at Fenring, “That a rather impressive new broach you have, where did you get it?”
“Hmmm? Ah, Parmentier.”
The Archduke chuckles and they pass by you, your Mentat leans over to you. “Mark him well, this Fenring. A Killer with the manners of a rabbit – this is the most dangerous kind. If he was involved in events on Parmentier, surely the Emperor has taken a personal interest.”
A countess, when talking to Zum Garon, Supreme Bashar of the Empire, was overhead to say that pirate activity was abnormally high. Witnesses say he smirked at the comment, and rumor has it at least one Sarduakar legion has been detached to an undisclosed location for what is being dubbed ‘Ultra-realistic training exercises’.
There are indications Dysaz, the heir apparent of Parmentier, is meeting secretly with some nobles, offering even bigger incentives to vote for him in the upcoming trial.
Normally on later rounds people would be chattering about raids and such, none have happened yet. You are also seeing here a few of our major NPCs, the Archduke of Is’mod is made up for this game, Fenring is a major Dune character, generally considered the finest assassin in the Empire and the Emperor’s closest friend, and Zum Garon is the supreme commander of Imperial Forces, appearing in the expanded works, all three will be regulars in the game. Don’t confuse those three with the faction ‘House Corrino’ which if in play (and when we expand factions beyond 18 there will be multiple of these) represents a Corrino prince or princess maneuvering for power with the long range goal of becoming the Emperor. The current Emperor is a Corrino, Garon and Fenring work for him, but all three are uninvolved with the faction. Like the Archduke they’re mouthpieces for the Mod.
Chancellor Nominees
Bergioyn – 10
Beetnemesis – 8
Blaine – 7
Darth Katie – 10
Kronin al’Sulc – 8
Ranagrande – 8
When a player is ‘nominated’ their Base Vote at the time is entered, and this number is always displayed as part of the player roster but it’s never updated, so if someone raises their diplomacy score in round 1 they gain 2 more votes to their Base Vote, but this won’t be updated, it would make it too obvious where they spent their point.
(Minor) With the recent death of its Count, the Planet of Parmentier is in a state of chaos. The appointed heir has been slain, and the Count’s nephew, Dysaz, appears to be to blame. Dysaz has claimed his right to trial by the Landsdraad, if he is found innocent he will become the new Count of Parmentier. The line of succession after him is murky at best, and if he is found guilty Parmentier will need to have a new ruler appointed by the Landsdraad.
According to his accusers Dysaz was at a major state function when word reached him of his cousin’s death and over a dozen witnesses confirm he smiled and said “Poison is so much more reliable than a knife” even though he had not yet been told his cousin had been poisoned. His supporters point out that a culprit has already admitted to the crime, the leader of a local House Minor, Jurg Tranin, was found dead from apparent suicide from a knife wound to the back of the skull, with a nearby suicide note proclaiming “I did it, I, Burg Thanin, killed the count’s heir, I can no longer live with the guilt, my deepest regret is the injury I have done to the kind and noble Dysaz, last of his House and clearly the rightful heir and a man of great leadership skills whose Glorious Reign will bring peace and prosperity to all.”
This trial is expected to be expensive for the Landsdraad, and each player will have 600 MS added to their Annual dues this year (-600 MS income this round) to cover the costs.
Aye: “He’s obviously guilty… and that suicide note is a joke, Guilty!”
Nay: “Witnesses are unreliable, he was probably smiling at a joke someone had told him, poison is easy to guess, Jurg Tranin was obviously too overcome with guilt and remorse to spell his name right… Innocent… no seriously, stop laughing!”
Aye Result: If he is found Guilty then the common folk rejoice at the justice (+300 MS income this round per Planet – including HW - and Standard Asset) and the Planet of Parmentier (Rich, 3 militia) will become available for Auction next round.
Nay Results: Dysaz has great respect for justice and if found innocent he will gladly reward his noble jurors (1600 MS per player) and will become available as a Strong Elector next round. The Luxury Good: Semuta produces double its income, as the disenchanted common folk seek solace in the popular trance drug. All Planets – including HW - and Standard Assets produce 100 MS less this round.
Two Temporary Factions emerged, Dysaz’s supporters (9 votes) and his accusers (15 votes)
CHOAM reports the turbulence from this Crisis has caused an Agri Fief, an Ore Mine, a poor planet, a Luxury: Semuta, 2 weak electors and a hero to appear
So that’s the Game 1 Round 1 Crisis, you’ll note that it has been adapted to increase incentive to vote, by lowering everyone’s income and spiking the normal minor crisis results, this would be fairly normal for a Crisis, snatching money from all that re distributes based on the vote. Outside of round 1 people would see the price tag if any for bringing the matter before the Landsdraad and it might influence what the Perk owners do. The Crisis is a post by itself, and would appear as the first reply to a new round thread like our Vote Tables tend to. Note that a player with their Homeworld and 3 Standard Assets here would gain 1200 MS on an aye (4x300 MS), and gain 1200 on a Nay (1600-4x100 MS), take it or leave it, but a players who gets 5 qualifying items would be at 1500 MS on an Aye and 1100 MS on a Nay, a pretty good reason to vote Aye, whereas someone with only 3 qualifying asset gains 900 for aye and 1300 for Nay. The actual game effect is hard to predict, a player with much CHOAM stock or a luxury good probably wants nay, and may want to place bids that favorable to a Nay result. Someone may decide to try to seize a Semuta asset since it would pay double, who might otherwise have aimed elsewhere and want nay. Since the Crisis pays off at the end of the round it will go by what people control at the end of the round
The next piece, Forecast, would appear as a reply to the Crisis Event, normally the forecast is written off the what the players have at the start of the round but as we may have additional players before Round 1 starts an approximate and round figure will be used here and the real data will appear at game start, for instance with 6 players the total wealth average would be 66,000 MS, I haven’t added it up but it could be anywhere between 60-72,000, the real first forecast will have the real figure.
Taken: Round 1 Start
Players: 6
Pot: 2200 VP (1% = 22 VP)
Votes – 51
Military – 30
Planet – 6
Assets – 20
Income – 26,000 MS
Stock – 50
Wealth: 66,000 MS
Estimated VP per Item
Votes – 6.5 VP per Vote
Military – 7.3 VP per Legion
Planet – 36.7 VP per planet
Assets – 11 VP per Primary Asset
Income – 1 VP per every 118 MS
Stock – 4.4 VP per Share
Wealth – 1 VP per 300 MS
So that’s a forecast, it tells you right at that moment of the game. If you add yours up you’ll find you have around 250-300. All of these will drop as the game progresses, and remember that these are approximate currently, and even when play begins a forecast is a snapshot of the round’s start, it will change during that round but forecasts only happen at the start of a round.
Thus far we’ve seen the Crisis, the forecast, and a Mentat Report – which you got with your faction, round Mentat reports are stripped down versions for those listing your own results for end round stuff and what you have and where – money, assets, etc – we would also have an ‘end Round report’ which would talk about the vote’s result and would be at the end of the thread, then copied into the new one along with other previous rounds as a summary of the game, as another reply to the Crisis post. The last thing is Court Gossip, this happens throughout the round but a fairly big chunk occurs at the beginning and subsequent gossip for that round would be pasted into that post chronologically plus links to previous round’s ‘gossip log’. There will be additional court gossip when the game starts but here is an initial sample. An initial Auction and a pretend faction will follow this post.
At a recent ball on Kaitain, you overheard a discussion between the Archduke of Is’mod and Count Fenring:
The Archduke sighs, “I believe this trial of young Dysaz may drag on for months, they way he’s jockeying for power.”
“Um-m-m-mah-m-m-m-m,” says the Count. “A very, hm-m-m-m, poor speller, ah, you’ve spoken to us of this poor speller? What did you say?”
“I told you that situation could spiral out of control. You told me of the great esteem our Emperor holds for him.”
“Hm-m-m-m, yes.”
The Archduke looks at Fenring, “That a rather impressive new broach you have, where did you get it?”
“Hmmm? Ah, Parmentier.”
The Archduke chuckles and they pass by you, your Mentat leans over to you. “Mark him well, this Fenring. A Killer with the manners of a rabbit – this is the most dangerous kind. If he was involved in events on Parmentier, surely the Emperor has taken a personal interest.”
A countess, when talking to Zum Garon, Supreme Bashar of the Empire, was overhead to say that pirate activity was abnormally high. Witnesses say he smirked at the comment, and rumor has it at least one Sarduakar legion has been detached to an undisclosed location for what is being dubbed ‘Ultra-realistic training exercises’.
There are indications Dysaz, the heir apparent of Parmentier, is meeting secretly with some nobles, offering even bigger incentives to vote for him in the upcoming trial.
Normally on later rounds people would be chattering about raids and such, none have happened yet. You are also seeing here a few of our major NPCs, the Archduke of Is’mod is made up for this game, Fenring is a major Dune character, generally considered the finest assassin in the Empire and the Emperor’s closest friend, and Zum Garon is the supreme commander of Imperial Forces, appearing in the expanded works, all three will be regulars in the game. Don’t confuse those three with the faction ‘House Corrino’ which if in play (and when we expand factions beyond 18 there will be multiple of these) represents a Corrino prince or princess maneuvering for power with the long range goal of becoming the Emperor. The current Emperor is a Corrino, Garon and Fenring work for him, but all three are uninvolved with the faction. Like the Archduke they’re mouthpieces for the Mod.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 31/12/2010 at 03:45:58 PM
Dune: Rules and Registration
28/12/2010 09:36:17 PM
Rules: Table of Contents
28/12/2010 09:37:07 PM
Core Rules
28/12/2010 09:37:59 PM
Factions have been sent out, quick note
29/12/2010 10:50:47 PM
Day 1 Example
31/12/2010 12:28:28 AM
Can we delay this a little bit past the 2nd?
01/01/2011 05:12:40 AM
What's 'a little'? *NM*
01/01/2011 06:50:34 PM