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A few questions: beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 29/12/2010 03:35:04 PM

Do crisis effects ever last more than one turn?

If you move an elector, I assume its milita move with it?

The pro tem crisis slot (and the Directorate one): Essentially, they just make it twice as likely that their chosen crisis will occur, right? a 2/6 chance instead of a 1/6

I believe this is said somewhere, but not sure where. How much info do we know about each other? Like, will I know that Bob is Space Guild? Or will I only know that the Space Guild is in the game, and Bob is in the game, but won't know they're linked?

(PS this looks awesome. And thanks for cutting down on the acronyms. A master list of them all might come in handy, but for the most part, it wasn't too hard to follow. Once I'd read EVERYTHING, anyway)
I amuse myself.
This message last edited by beetnemesis on 29/12/2010 at 03:35:15 PM
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Dune: Rules and Registration - 28/12/2010 09:36:17 PM 2428 Views
Rules: Table of Contents - 28/12/2010 09:37:07 PM 1074 Views
Primers - 28/12/2010 09:37:36 PM 1064 Views
Quick Intro - 28/12/2010 10:02:09 PM 1056 Views
I'm familiar with the RPG Board, what else should I know? - 28/12/2010 10:03:16 PM 1001 Views
I'm new to the RPG Board - 28/12/2010 10:03:42 PM 1088 Views
What should I know about the Dune Universe? - 28/12/2010 10:04:34 PM 1106 Views
Core Rules - 28/12/2010 09:37:59 PM 1061 Views
Joining the Game and Etiquette - 28/12/2010 09:41:04 PM 1026 Views
Actions and Action Points - 28/12/2010 09:42:26 PM 1100 Views
Diplomacy - 28/12/2010 09:44:12 PM 1173 Views
Combat - 28/12/2010 09:44:57 PM 1246 Views
Intrigue - 28/12/2010 09:45:39 PM 1120 Views
Assets - 28/12/2010 09:46:25 PM 1119 Views
Auctions - 28/12/2010 09:47:22 PM 1080 Views
Voting - 28/12/2010 09:48:25 PM 1115 Views
Winning the Game - 28/12/2010 09:49:50 PM 1084 Views
Appendices - 28/12/2010 09:38:25 PM 1084 Views
Appendix A: Factions - 28/12/2010 09:51:47 PM 1116 Views
Appendix B: Crisis Events - 28/12/2010 09:52:40 PM 1087 Views
Appendix C: Heroes & Electors - 28/12/2010 09:54:05 PM 1079 Views
Appendix D: Round Order & Duration - 28/12/2010 09:55:36 PM 1054 Views
Appendix E: Goals - 29/12/2010 01:40:55 AM 1013 Views
Appendix F: Court Gossip & NPC factions - 29/12/2010 05:41:12 PM 1011 Views
Appendix G: Auction Tables - 04/01/2011 09:21:12 PM 1144 Views
I saw 22 replies, and assumed there was a conversation. - 29/12/2010 07:36:55 AM 1072 Views
A few questions: - 29/12/2010 03:35:04 PM 1047 Views
A few answers - 29/12/2010 06:01:51 PM 1073 Views
Factions have been sent out, quick note - 29/12/2010 10:50:47 PM 1048 Views
I look forward to the example - 30/12/2010 10:27:30 PM 1053 Views
Re: I look forward to the example - 31/12/2010 01:29:02 AM 1025 Views
Some Clarificaitons and tweaks - 30/12/2010 10:15:39 PM 1085 Views
Day 1 Example - 31/12/2010 12:28:28 AM 1143 Views
Sample Faction for Demonstrations - 31/12/2010 12:29:06 AM 1128 Views
Sample Auction - 31/12/2010 12:29:50 AM 1057 Views
Can we delay this a little bit past the 2nd? - 01/01/2011 05:12:40 AM 1074 Views
He shows weakness! Release the hounds! *NM* - 01/01/2011 08:57:09 AM 564 Views
What's 'a little'? *NM* - 01/01/2011 06:50:34 PM 534 Views
A couple of days.... - 01/01/2011 08:38:54 PM 1000 Views
Without objection the 4th then - 02/01/2011 01:51:34 AM 1078 Views

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