Heroes & Electors
Any given Hero or Elector will come with a name, typically an actual Dune character, such as Duncan Idaho, and a trait. Generally the Mod will apply a name after the Trait is selected, appropriate to the setting. Only 1 Hero may apply to a force for a battle, if more than one is present the Mod will select whichever gives the best score for that player, all heroes at a Location join into the battle and will be lost if all forces are destroyed. Electors are stationary, remaining on the world they control.
Hero Traits
Mentat: +20% Income at current Location
Reverend Mother: +10% Income at current Location Defending Player uses a 6 instead of CC, CD, or CI for Battle Score
Strong Defender: +1 to a Defending Player’s Battle Score
Skilled Attacker: +1 to an Attacking Player’s Battle Score
Warleader: +1 to a Player’s Battle Score
Warmaster: +2 to a Player’s Battle Score
Fearless Leader: +2 to an Attacking Player’s Battle Score, dies if the force suffers any casualties
Hero Trait Selection - Roll 2d6
2: Mentat, Reverend Mother
3: Mentat, Warleader
4: Mentat
5: Reverend Mother
6: Skilled Defender
7: War Leader
8: Skilled Attacker
9: Fearless Leader
10: Warmaster
11: Mentat, Skilled Defender
12: Master of Assassins: A Mentat Warmaster!!!
Note from Mod: As a reminder, odds are deceptive on 2d6. 1 out of every 6 Heroes will be a Warleader, it is the most common trait. Warmasters appear only 1 in 12, and a third of them will be Mentats as well. Clearly Reverend Mother’s are most valuable to those with a low Combat Score and those with only attack bonuses are best kept on a Player’s Homeworld until used for an attack. Mentat’s a fairly common trait, partially because most Houses like to have one, and if you have a Rich Homeworld having a Mentat on it can seriously increase income…but be aware Mentat’s income bonus doesn’t stack, having two mentats at one place still only grants 20% to income, not 40%. The Mentat Reverend Mother does grant +30%, which makes them fairly valuable.
Loosely speaking Reverend Mothers a great for those who don’t have high combat scores, since that player get’s to use a 6 instead. Nobody ever has a CI or CD of lower than 4, they can have a CC of 2 though. Of course, a player who spends their free Attribute point to bump up their Combat Score from a 2 to a 3 or a 3 to a 4 has little use for a Reverend Mother, if you start with a combat score of 2 you will have a 2 and a 3 in the other attributes, so raising Combat will give you a CC of 6 and a CI of 5/6 and CD of 5/6, meaning that other than the 10% income bonus the RM will only grant a +1 on defense against one of the forms of attack. A player who started with a Combat of 3 and boosts it to 4 will have a CC of 8 and a CI of either 5 or 7 and a CD of 5 or 7, meaning they gain a +1 against one form of attack, a -1 against another, and a -2 against Seizures making the RM a handicap in battle, though still valuable for production. If your planning on getting a combat Score of 5 during the game you probably shouldn’t buy RMs.
Electors come in 3 types, weak, average (avg), and strong.
Weak – Possesses 1d3+2 votes and no militia
Average – Possesses 1d6+3 votes and 1 militia
Strong – Possesses 1d6+4 votes, 1d3 militia, and roll on the Elector trait chart.
“Random Elector” would be selected as 1-2 Weak, 3-5 Avg, 6 Strong
Elector Traits may represent an advisor or retainer
Elector Traits - Roll 1d6
1: Bene Gesserit: Defending Player uses a 6 instead of CC, CD, or CI for Battle Score
2: Strong Defender: +1 to a Defending Player’s Battle Score
3: Paranoid: +1 Against Assassination
4: Suk Doctor: Is considered Wounded instead of Dead if Assassinated
5: Principled: Can not be Bribed
6: Fortress Mentality: 1 Extra Unit of militia
Any given Hero or Elector will come with a name, typically an actual Dune character, such as Duncan Idaho, and a trait. Generally the Mod will apply a name after the Trait is selected, appropriate to the setting. Only 1 Hero may apply to a force for a battle, if more than one is present the Mod will select whichever gives the best score for that player, all heroes at a Location join into the battle and will be lost if all forces are destroyed. Electors are stationary, remaining on the world they control.
Hero Traits
Mentat: +20% Income at current Location
Reverend Mother: +10% Income at current Location Defending Player uses a 6 instead of CC, CD, or CI for Battle Score
Strong Defender: +1 to a Defending Player’s Battle Score
Skilled Attacker: +1 to an Attacking Player’s Battle Score
Warleader: +1 to a Player’s Battle Score
Warmaster: +2 to a Player’s Battle Score
Fearless Leader: +2 to an Attacking Player’s Battle Score, dies if the force suffers any casualties
Hero Trait Selection - Roll 2d6
2: Mentat, Reverend Mother
3: Mentat, Warleader
4: Mentat
5: Reverend Mother
6: Skilled Defender
7: War Leader
8: Skilled Attacker
9: Fearless Leader
10: Warmaster
11: Mentat, Skilled Defender
12: Master of Assassins: A Mentat Warmaster!!!
Note from Mod: As a reminder, odds are deceptive on 2d6. 1 out of every 6 Heroes will be a Warleader, it is the most common trait. Warmasters appear only 1 in 12, and a third of them will be Mentats as well. Clearly Reverend Mother’s are most valuable to those with a low Combat Score and those with only attack bonuses are best kept on a Player’s Homeworld until used for an attack. Mentat’s a fairly common trait, partially because most Houses like to have one, and if you have a Rich Homeworld having a Mentat on it can seriously increase income…but be aware Mentat’s income bonus doesn’t stack, having two mentats at one place still only grants 20% to income, not 40%. The Mentat Reverend Mother does grant +30%, which makes them fairly valuable.
Loosely speaking Reverend Mothers a great for those who don’t have high combat scores, since that player get’s to use a 6 instead. Nobody ever has a CI or CD of lower than 4, they can have a CC of 2 though. Of course, a player who spends their free Attribute point to bump up their Combat Score from a 2 to a 3 or a 3 to a 4 has little use for a Reverend Mother, if you start with a combat score of 2 you will have a 2 and a 3 in the other attributes, so raising Combat will give you a CC of 6 and a CI of 5/6 and CD of 5/6, meaning that other than the 10% income bonus the RM will only grant a +1 on defense against one of the forms of attack. A player who started with a Combat of 3 and boosts it to 4 will have a CC of 8 and a CI of either 5 or 7 and a CD of 5 or 7, meaning they gain a +1 against one form of attack, a -1 against another, and a -2 against Seizures making the RM a handicap in battle, though still valuable for production. If your planning on getting a combat Score of 5 during the game you probably shouldn’t buy RMs.
Electors come in 3 types, weak, average (avg), and strong.
Weak – Possesses 1d3+2 votes and no militia
Average – Possesses 1d6+3 votes and 1 militia
Strong – Possesses 1d6+4 votes, 1d3 militia, and roll on the Elector trait chart.
“Random Elector” would be selected as 1-2 Weak, 3-5 Avg, 6 Strong
Elector Traits may represent an advisor or retainer
Elector Traits - Roll 1d6
1: Bene Gesserit: Defending Player uses a 6 instead of CC, CD, or CI for Battle Score
2: Strong Defender: +1 to a Defending Player’s Battle Score
3: Paranoid: +1 Against Assassination
4: Suk Doctor: Is considered Wounded instead of Dead if Assassinated
5: Principled: Can not be Bribed
6: Fortress Mentality: 1 Extra Unit of militia
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Dune: Rules and Registration
28/12/2010 09:36:17 PM
Rules: Table of Contents
28/12/2010 09:37:07 PM
Core Rules
28/12/2010 09:37:59 PM
28/12/2010 09:38:25 PM
Appendix C: Heroes & Electors
28/12/2010 09:54:05 PM
Factions have been sent out, quick note
29/12/2010 10:50:47 PM
Can we delay this a little bit past the 2nd?
01/01/2011 05:12:40 AM
What's 'a little'? *NM*
01/01/2011 06:50:34 PM