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Joining the Game and Etiquette Isaac Send a noteboard - 28/12/2010 09:41:04 PM
Joining the Game and Etiquette

Joining, Leaving, or Going on Vacation
A Player may join the game at any time, they receive a Faction and as soon as they do they are in the game, their name and their base votes will be posted. Players must post into the game thread every round and are considered inactive until then.

Inactive Players – Players who have not yet posted during the round, or have posted a message titled “GOV” – Going on Vacation - go inactive for that round, and are assumed inactive in future rounds until they post “UnGOV”. This is not the same as RBIRL – Real Busy In Real Life – since it places a player inactive immediately and for the whole round. RBIRL traditionally just means the player isn’t expecting to be around, GOV is effectively skipping a round, though any bids placed before posting GOV are still valid.

Players are never considered Active in a round until they have posted. Inactivity is declared on any poster who has not posted into the game by the Early Auction Deadline, they are away for the round, a player may go active in round if they post before the end of the late auction phase, but only once or twice per game per player and will probably cost a player their Good Sportsmanship Prestige VP. Players can not attack or assassinate an Inactive player, bids from inactive players don’t count (bids received just prior to a post are fine). Inactive Players are assumed to have returned to their Homeworlds to oversee important business. Player who are inactive for two rounds automatically resign.

Resigning – Players may resign at any time, and their 200 VP are removed from the Pot, their assets auctioned off. A player may later rejoin as a new faction. Players resign by posting or sending a NB to the mod saying so.

Joining Late Game – A player who is joining late game (post round 1) automatically receives maximum starting wealth and may receive some random standard assets and/or legions if it is felt they are too disadvantaged, but should not assume they are on equal footing as average players who began during the first round, they just won’t be starting very far behind. Joining in Round 2 gives you a fairly even chance of placing first, joining in Round 6 realistically would not.

Players may lie through their teeth about themselves or others, except about the rules. There’s no penalty for doing so but the mod will assume they are mistaken and correct them. Players may not modquote or pretend to modquote in any fashion that represents an “Inescapable Conclusion”, covered below. Players are expected to post at least once during the early portion of each round, everything else is optional.

Players are expected to be courteous to other players, and also not to take offense at things directed at their character or faction. Saying “Bob is a [4 letter word]” is not okay, saying “Bob’s a liar and he cheated me” if contextual referencing Bob’s character is just fine. As an example, “Bob, that cowardly Harkonnen dog, just raided my Weapons Factory” is entirely fine and frankly encouraged. Usage of strong or foul language is frowned on unless it’s appropriate to game flavor, and should not appear in post titles to keep the game thread from becoming NSFW.
Inescapable Conclusion – Copying or forging pieces of your reports or messages from the mod, when done in a fashion that makes otherwise private info public and highly credible because it comes from the Mod is not allowed. Like copying a message from the Mod “Yes, as House Atreides you would tend to avoid assassinations, of course the House did own the character, Thufir Hawat, who was nicknamed the Master of Assassins so it’s not banned, you can launch them if you want to. Sorry if you thought you were under a restriction not to” would imply I was saying he hadn’t launched any assassinations that game, the player couldn’t post that. Copying reports from the Mod is not strictly forbidden, since they are standardized and can be easily faked, but at this time would be considered ‘highly frowned upon’, particularly if posted in bulk. You can certainly tell people what is in your reports though, paraphrasing is not necessary, they are highly standardized and thus easily forged. Just not so much and so fast that it would represent a highly credible source because you wouldn’t have faked that big a report, or done so that fast.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 29/12/2010 at 01:13:56 AM
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Dune: Rules and Registration - 28/12/2010 09:36:17 PM 2428 Views
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I'm new to the RPG Board - 28/12/2010 10:03:42 PM 1088 Views
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Joining the Game and Etiquette - 28/12/2010 09:41:04 PM 1026 Views
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Appendices - 28/12/2010 09:38:25 PM 1084 Views
Appendix A: Factions - 28/12/2010 09:51:47 PM 1116 Views
Appendix B: Crisis Events - 28/12/2010 09:52:40 PM 1087 Views
Appendix C: Heroes & Electors - 28/12/2010 09:54:05 PM 1079 Views
Appendix D: Round Order & Duration - 28/12/2010 09:55:36 PM 1054 Views
Appendix E: Goals - 29/12/2010 01:40:55 AM 1013 Views
Appendix F: Court Gossip & NPC factions - 29/12/2010 05:41:12 PM 1011 Views
Appendix G: Auction Tables - 04/01/2011 09:21:12 PM 1144 Views
I saw 22 replies, and assumed there was a conversation. - 29/12/2010 07:36:55 AM 1072 Views
A few questions: - 29/12/2010 03:35:04 PM 1046 Views
A few answers - 29/12/2010 06:01:51 PM 1073 Views
Factions have been sent out, quick note - 29/12/2010 10:50:47 PM 1048 Views
I look forward to the example - 30/12/2010 10:27:30 PM 1053 Views
Re: I look forward to the example - 31/12/2010 01:29:02 AM 1025 Views
Some Clarificaitons and tweaks - 30/12/2010 10:15:39 PM 1084 Views
Day 1 Example - 31/12/2010 12:28:28 AM 1143 Views
Sample Faction for Demonstrations - 31/12/2010 12:29:06 AM 1128 Views
Sample Auction - 31/12/2010 12:29:50 AM 1057 Views
Can we delay this a little bit past the 2nd? - 01/01/2011 05:12:40 AM 1074 Views
He shows weakness! Release the hounds! *NM* - 01/01/2011 08:57:09 AM 564 Views
What's 'a little'? *NM* - 01/01/2011 06:50:34 PM 534 Views
A couple of days.... - 01/01/2011 08:38:54 PM 1000 Views
Without objection the 4th then - 02/01/2011 01:51:34 AM 1078 Views

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