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Coin Game 3 - Submit Round 1 Bids, signup still open - Edit 5

Before modification by BlackAdder at 28/10/2010 06:53:23 PM

Current Status: Submit your Round 1 bids to me via Noteboard by 5:00 PM RAFO Standard Time (RST) on Oct 28. The sign-up phase will stay open until 5:00 PM RST Oct 27.

I will follow the same rules Isaac used in the previous two coin games. That's roughly 48 hours/round, one semi-randomized bid if you forget a round, and automatic elimination if you forget twice. However, in the case of automatic elimination of a player, the TWO lowest bids will receive their money back, not just the lowest (this is so that the person who would have been second lowest is not penalized).

Full Rules (plagiarized from Isaac):

  • You start off with 1000 coins
  • Every round you NB me how many you want to spend
  • If you submit the lowest, you're out
  • If you submit the second lowest, you get all coins you spent back that round
  • If you fail to submit coins, you will receive a strike and a random submission. If you fail to submit again, you will be eliminated.
  • If a tie occurs for lowest, both are eliminated, if tied for second, both get refunded, otherwise ties don't matter
  • Last man standing wins!

    So here's how this will work, for the trial, we'll do registration for a couple days. Then Play begins, everyone NBs me their value, and when everyone submits or 48 hours pass, the round ends, and I post what everyone bid, what their new totals are, and who got eliminated.

    For the semi-randomized bids, I will use the 1d(lowest bid) + 1d(highest bid) formula.

    If you're new, see the link below for examples of how this game would work.

  • The potential winners (this could be YOU!):
    1. Isaac
    2. Amys
    3. Hobo
    4. Darth_Katie
    5. Kronin al'Sulc
    6. ?
    7. beetnemesis
    8. Artsapat
    9. LadyLorraine

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