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RAFO Mafia 19: Superlative Crisis! ISSUE ONE: ASK NOT FOR WHOM THE SKRULL TOLLS! beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 18/10/2010 04:53:46 AM
The Baxter Building! One of the prides of New York's skyline, the building boasts a beautiful view of the UN building, a lovely gift shop, and... JUSTICE!

Headquarters of the Fantastic Four, America's foremost crimefighting family, its doors have been opened to all costumed crusaders in celebration over the recent defeat of the evil Skrull army!

Yes, the SKRULL! A race of malevolent shape-shifters, these dastardly dopplegangers have recently set their sights on EARTH! Only through a supreme effort from the world's heroes (coordinated by the international peacekeeping group S.H.I.E.L.D. and its commander, NICK FURY) was Earth once again saved!

Now, to celebrate, those who hunger for JUSTICE are being fed... DINNER!


The dining room is a cornucopia of costumes, masks, and Spandex. Everyone is enjoying themselves, breaking open lobsters with super-strength, gossiping about which super-heroines have had obvious "work" done, and debating who has the lamest superpowers.

While everyone is making fun of the Wonder Twins, suddenly a loud explosion rocks the room, and the lights go out!

"Nobody panic!" Mr. Fantastic cries into the darkness. "Just a fuse problem I'm sure, the dimensional regulator sometimes surg-"

"I don't need light! I may be blind, but my other senses have been intensified a thousandfold, so-"

"Shut up, Daredevil."


Gadzooks! A baker's dozen of HEROES, unconscious!?

And what's this? Where is the food, the ballroom? Where are the tabloid reporters!? Left in their place are nothing but bare, utilitarian walls, a half-stocked vending machine, and a fully-functional bay of teleporters!

As our aggregation of aces begin to awaken, a previously featureless wall flickers on, displaying the sheepish-looking face of Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic!

"Urm... hello? Everyone up there okay? Can you hear me? Good. ...Right, so, we're having a bit of difficulty down here, looks like the Skrull weren't fully defeated, yadda yadda. You know how it is. They had this new viral weapon, and it was a whole thing."


"Anyway, you're on the moon. When the Skrull attacked, they overloaded the safeguards on my dimensional regulator. This caused a surge, which, while filtered through the Baxter building's electrical network and the navcomputer I was working on for NASA, combined with... anyway, long story short, you're in my backup moonbase."

"And... we can't bring you back, yet."

"I want to!" Richards says quickly, as he sees people start to crack their knuckles, or shimmer with energy. "But... we can't. They won't let me. You see, we have good reason to believe that some of you are, in actuality, Skrull. And if we let you back on Earth, then the Skrull will escape to cause more mayhem, and eventually cause the downfall of civilization."

Mr. Fantastic rubs his hands together optimistically! "So... figure it out! It shouldn't be tough, there should be a prototype of my Skrull Pinpoint Location Gun right over there! It's got a bit of a charge time, but I'm sure we'll have you all back within the week."

You all glance over, to see an empty display case. A voice pipes up, "Hey, Stretch, th' SPLOG's not there!"

Richards' face looks pained. "It's... it's not the SPLOG, it's the Skrull Pinpoint Location Gun. And I'm sure it's around, just keep your eyes open."

A loud explosion is heard from the speakers, and Richards looks away from the screen.
"I... have to go. Any Skrull you find, just plop them into that bay over there," the teleporter switches on, "and we'll send them right into the Negative Zone where they belong!"

The screen switches off, and our formerly fearless vigilantes look at each other uneasily, knowing that any- or all!- of the others could be a murderous SKRULL!

? / Napoleon62
Darth Katie
Fox and Ravens
Kronin al'Sulc
White Flame of Tar Valon

Get to it, True Believers! To start things off, how about a good old fashioned ROLL CALL! (not a role call)

I amuse myself.
This message last edited by beetnemesis on 30/10/2010 at 07:11:22 AM
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RAFO Mafia 19: Superlative Crisis! ISSUE ONE: ASK NOT FOR WHOM THE SKRULL TOLLS! - 18/10/2010 04:53:46 AM 2925 Views
Vote Table - 18/10/2010 04:56:23 AM 1373 Views
There is only one things I can think to say in a moment like this: - 18/10/2010 05:11:19 AM 1303 Views
No, but as a Skrull you would. - 18/10/2010 05:22:46 AM 1358 Views
What if I were a Skrull Superhero? - 18/10/2010 06:11:40 PM 1361 Views
TIME MARCHES ON! *NM* - 18/10/2010 05:11:34 AM 808 Views
Wow. . . - 18/10/2010 05:24:34 AM 1331 Views
One initial route suggests itself - 18/10/2010 05:40:43 AM 1351 Views
Sounds like a good plan to me. - 18/10/2010 06:00:39 AM 1318 Views
It's one of your usual suggestions and I guess we can go with it again. - 18/10/2010 06:03:51 AM 1336 Views
I think this sounds reasonable. - 18/10/2010 03:54:26 PM 1351 Views
I think 5 is too many. How about 4? *NM* - 18/10/2010 06:42:44 PM 831 Views
4's a good compromise - 18/10/2010 07:47:55 PM 1392 Views
is this for today - 18/10/2010 09:50:39 PM 1295 Views
Today. - 18/10/2010 09:59:06 PM 1312 Views
We may as well do it today - 18/10/2010 10:17:22 PM 1367 Views
If we're going to do it, it needs to be today - 18/10/2010 10:35:12 PM 1317 Views
Any order is going to have to be randomly established, imo. - 18/10/2010 10:45:40 PM 1313 Views
I don't know that its a major concern, people can just submit them - 19/10/2010 12:49:14 AM 1320 Views
Present. - 18/10/2010 07:40:21 AM 1303 Views
Amazing! Incredible! Uncanny! - 18/10/2010 08:20:09 AM 1294 Views
I meant for that to be a reply to the original message, but oh well *NM* - 18/10/2010 08:21:06 AM 918 Views
here! - 18/10/2010 10:47:36 AM 1438 Views
I am here - 18/10/2010 07:48:40 PM 1290 Views
Hola - 18/10/2010 08:51:52 PM 1302 Views
Character Claims (Table) - Complete - 19/10/2010 01:04:38 AM 1446 Views
My list - 19/10/2010 01:26:14 AM 1292 Views
Mine - 19/10/2010 01:27:53 AM 1313 Views
Mine - 19/10/2010 02:08:49 AM 1280 Views
Me! - 19/10/2010 03:11:10 AM 1319 Views
Son of Adun. - 19/10/2010 03:19:49 AM 1510 Views
And that is still an incomplete list *NM* - 19/10/2010 04:24:23 AM 781 Views
en taro adun, executor *NM* - 20/10/2010 07:17:16 PM 841 Views
All right, I pretty much chose my list on a whim though. - 21/10/2010 12:09:57 AM 1337 Views
My list - 19/10/2010 04:09:47 AM 1349 Views
this is my list - 19/10/2010 05:31:17 AM 1338 Views
Claims abound! - 19/10/2010 05:58:55 AM 1344 Views
Mine - 19/10/2010 07:50:50 AM 1221 Views
mine - 19/10/2010 10:42:22 AM 1404 Views
Re: Character Claims (Table) - 19/10/2010 08:40:44 PM 1375 Views
So, anyone got any ideas? *NM* - 20/10/2010 07:19:51 AM 790 Views
Possibly... - 20/10/2010 07:31:10 AM 1345 Views
Ok *NM* - 20/10/2010 05:00:57 PM 795 Views
Sorry! I'm here. *NM* - 20/10/2010 09:28:57 PM 880 Views
Why did it say Napoleon62? I'm ? *NM* - 20/10/2010 09:29:44 PM 854 Views
This is REALLY weird *NM* - 20/10/2010 09:30:06 PM 884 Views
Secret identity revealed! DUN DUN DUN! *NM* - 20/10/2010 09:31:48 PM 883 Views
Busteeddddddddddddddddddd *NM* - 20/10/2010 09:35:02 PM 766 Views
This is an interesting development... *NM* - 20/10/2010 10:10:19 PM 787 Views
What? *NM* - 20/10/2010 10:24:23 PM 922 Views
How is it now? *NM* - 20/10/2010 10:25:26 PM 879 Views
What the heck!?!?!? Please wait as I figure this out... *NM* - 20/10/2010 10:26:05 PM 933 Views
Whattttt?? Weird! *NM* - 20/10/2010 10:34:12 PM 767 Views
And probably slightly unethical. *NM* - 20/10/2010 11:06:40 PM 777 Views
Slightly? - 21/10/2010 12:57:34 AM 1379 Views
Actuall Napoleon is my brother *NM* - 21/10/2010 01:23:44 AM 911 Views
That explains it. *NM* - 21/10/2010 05:16:38 AM 864 Views
OH MY GOD! MURDERERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! *NM* - 21/10/2010 12:46:40 AM 755 Views
are we actualy going to do anything today? - 21/10/2010 01:31:15 AM 1335 Views
Re: Ok let me sit this one out...I don't know what's going on at all but...yeah *NM* - 21/10/2010 01:54:54 AM 826 Views
And that's me ? getting modkilled if possible....Sorry everyone *NM* - 21/10/2010 01:55:26 AM 912 Views
I'd rather have you stay in... - 21/10/2010 02:07:00 AM 1260 Views
I've done that quite a few times... - 21/10/2010 02:11:48 AM 1471 Views
Try the bottom of the message box... - 21/10/2010 03:54:51 AM 1315 Views
Bingo. - 22/10/2010 10:35:20 AM 1340 Views
I mean, we don't have to. Napoleon isn't playing in this game. - 21/10/2010 02:58:29 AM 1285 Views
On the whole Napoleon/? issue - 21/10/2010 03:42:04 AM 1386 Views
Yeah, no need for ? to quit. *NM* - 21/10/2010 07:25:43 AM 793 Views
Yay!! *NM* - 21/10/2010 11:40:56 AM 888 Views
Testing one two three *NM* - 21/10/2010 11:41:51 AM 803 Views
Ok...back to normal...that never happened...Where are we in the game? *NM* - 21/10/2010 11:42:21 AM 840 Views
What? Again? *NM* - 21/10/2010 11:42:47 AM 859 Views
Ok, here's what we can do. - 21/10/2010 01:33:53 PM 1242 Views
Sounds like a plan. - 21/10/2010 02:34:46 PM 1270 Views
Umm.. - 21/10/2010 09:41:13 PM 1303 Views
So that's everyone, I think. - 22/10/2010 04:13:06 AM 1255 Views
Re: So that's everyone, I think. - 22/10/2010 08:00:43 AM 1266 Views
a minor correction - 22/10/2010 02:43:27 PM 1309 Views
Re: a minor correction - 23/10/2010 03:08:02 AM 1280 Views
Well. . . - 22/10/2010 07:03:12 PM 1257 Views
Re: Well. . . - 23/10/2010 02:56:00 AM 1293 Views
<---- Would totally play a Dresden Files game - 23/10/2010 04:03:17 AM 1518 Views
This is awesome - 21/10/2010 09:06:24 PM 1297 Views
I'm surprised it never happened to us. We just rock. *NM* - 21/10/2010 11:52:00 PM 771 Views
Woah, you guys are related?? - 22/10/2010 04:16:59 AM 1339 Views
Yes we are. He's my older brother. *NM* - 22/10/2010 04:47:31 AM 760 Views
Adds an extra layer of humor to your fratricidal actions back in game 9 - 22/10/2010 08:02:42 AM 9421 Views
I still bug him about that one. We finally end up a in a mason group together, - 22/10/2010 02:29:58 PM 1340 Views
That sounds Drow, not Cairhienin . - 22/10/2010 07:00:22 PM 1260 Views
Gah. I thought I had that game figured out. - 22/10/2010 07:45:23 PM 1294 Views
Sorry, I thought everyone knew that. - 22/10/2010 07:50:10 PM 1306 Views
Its not really a big surprise but I don't think you've ever really mentioned it - 24/10/2010 04:59:02 AM 1297 Views
Really? I thought we had. Yeah, it didn't come up to often, but I thought we had mentioned it. *NM* - 24/10/2010 05:32:07 AM 815 Views
Nope! *NM* - 24/10/2010 07:18:23 AM 730 Views
So... What are we going to do? There doesn't seem to be much to discuss. *NM* - 23/10/2010 11:27:10 AM 768 Views
I think everyone is waiting for the ? and Napoleon62 situation to resolve *NM* - 23/10/2010 07:30:39 PM 782 Views
No, there's nothing to resolve there - 23/10/2010 08:43:17 PM 1346 Views
Ok. What are peoples opinions on how long should we give him? *NM* - 23/10/2010 10:18:46 PM 809 Views
I think we should give him a reasonable amount of time. - 23/10/2010 11:00:57 PM 1282 Views
depends what you define as reasonable - 24/10/2010 12:54:34 AM 1252 Views
I did put my hero people - 24/10/2010 01:06:29 AM 1361 Views
Yeah, I put it up but... - 24/10/2010 01:33:01 AM 1298 Views
Oh ok. *NM* - 24/10/2010 01:34:03 PM 747 Views
oh ok - 24/10/2010 01:59:30 PM 1302 Views
Not sure how to proceed at the moment - 24/10/2010 05:09:20 AM 1288 Views
how about we all give our thoughts on who the SK might be? *NM* - 24/10/2010 06:57:57 AM 827 Views
Who says we even have a SK? - 24/10/2010 07:17:45 AM 1273 Views
Re: Who says we even have a SK? - 24/10/2010 08:45:22 AM 1276 Views
It's Day 1 right now, we don't have a whole lot. - 24/10/2010 07:03:58 AM 1324 Views
Yep. - 24/10/2010 07:04:47 AM 1350 Views
Re: Not sure how to proceed at the moment - 24/10/2010 03:16:29 PM 1296 Views
Okay then - 24/10/2010 03:24:22 PM 1179 Views
Re: Okay then - 24/10/2010 04:04:26 PM 1254 Views
Re: Okay then - 24/10/2010 04:06:37 PM 1299 Views
Re: Okay then - 24/10/2010 04:27:43 PM 1258 Views
Re: Okay then - 24/10/2010 06:26:13 PM 1252 Views
I'm not going to be voting for White Flame anyway. - 24/10/2010 07:15:31 PM 1230 Views
Something about this bugs me - 25/10/2010 05:28:48 AM 1366 Views
^Seconded. - 25/10/2010 05:54:45 AM 1255 Views
Re: Something about this bugs me - 25/10/2010 06:45:19 AM 1593 Views
Edit by way of post: - 25/10/2010 06:53:47 AM 1274 Views
Re: Edit by way of post: - 25/10/2010 08:50:28 AM 1274 Views
Oh, all right. That's more than fair. - 25/10/2010 06:21:07 PM 1221 Views
Re: Something about this bugs me - 25/10/2010 08:44:49 AM 1313 Views
I disagree with you. - 25/10/2010 05:05:03 PM 1287 Views
EBWOP - 25/10/2010 09:23:51 PM 1326 Views
i thought it was an airline - 26/10/2010 11:17:57 PM 1230 Views
Re: Something about this bugs me - 25/10/2010 06:50:16 PM 1271 Views
I'm in agreement with Isaac and Kronin. - 25/10/2010 06:21:23 AM 1252 Views
"Does Role Match Character?" Survey (Table) - 25/10/2010 05:26:21 AM 1402 Views
Yup. - 25/10/2010 05:53:03 AM 1301 Views
Re: Yup. - 25/10/2010 06:07:46 AM 1301 Views
Yes. *NM* - 25/10/2010 06:05:07 AM 764 Views
Yes, I imagine so. *NM* - 25/10/2010 06:47:54 AM 732 Views
Yep *NM* - 25/10/2010 06:51:17 AM 749 Views
Yes. *NM* - 25/10/2010 07:36:23 AM 628 Views
yeah *NM* - 25/10/2010 08:39:44 AM 782 Views
Re: "Does Role Match Character?" Survey (Table) - 25/10/2010 03:54:19 PM 1254 Views
Re: "Does Role Match Character?" Survey (Table) - 25/10/2010 05:34:28 PM 1409 Views
Well, the accusation is tied to the character of Deadpool being a homicidal maniac - 25/10/2010 06:24:04 PM 1283 Views
Re: Well, the accusation is tied to the character of Deadpool being a homicidal maniac - 25/10/2010 06:38:16 PM 1284 Views
You make a compelling point, sir. - 25/10/2010 08:46:58 PM 1295 Views
This is what I meant by stretching for a match - 26/10/2010 12:40:50 AM 1470 Views
I'd also like to point out. - 26/10/2010 01:11:05 AM 1234 Views
That's the same game where Yuna was the Joker, wasn't it? - 26/10/2010 01:51:35 AM 1188 Views
yes, lets bring that up as much as possible - 26/10/2010 09:30:56 AM 1243 Views
That's true - 26/10/2010 02:02:10 AM 1255 Views
That does make sense - 26/10/2010 02:12:33 AM 1437 Views
It does make sense. - 26/10/2010 02:19:55 AM 1278 Views
Watcher isn't an especially powerful role, I doubt the mafia would single him out. - 26/10/2010 02:56:03 AM 1143 Views
I dunno, better safe than sorry is always my NK motto. - 26/10/2010 04:31:42 AM 1230 Views
Even in if they do single him out, - 26/10/2010 08:52:18 PM 1271 Views
Re: Even in if they do single him out, - 26/10/2010 09:03:21 PM 1202 Views
It means I think we should do it. - 27/10/2010 12:43:34 AM 1225 Views
Yes *NM* - 25/10/2010 06:33:22 PM 713 Views
yes *NM* - 25/10/2010 09:42:56 PM 743 Views
yes. *NM* - 26/10/2010 02:24:23 AM 741 Views
Yes as far as I can see. I'm not too experienced with Marvel *NM* - 26/10/2010 09:49:22 PM 934 Views
So what's the temperature right now on this? - 27/10/2010 04:10:18 AM 1235 Views
Okay, Vote: White Flame of Tar Valon - 28/10/2010 02:24:09 AM 1260 Views
Re: Okay, Vote: White Flame of Tar Valon - 28/10/2010 02:28:25 AM 1244 Views
I would, but I have an exam tomorrow. - 28/10/2010 03:29:44 AM 1285 Views
Re: I would, but I have an exam tomorrow. - 28/10/2010 04:57:32 PM 1212 Views
RBIRL - 28/10/2010 07:04:44 AM 1299 Views
I'm not sure what we should do - 28/10/2010 11:12:07 PM 1251 Views
Some thoughts - 28/10/2010 05:35:58 AM 1262 Views
Is there a general consensus? - 28/10/2010 04:37:08 PM 1282 Views
RBIRL and stuff - 28/10/2010 03:49:58 AM 1265 Views
Okay, mega-absurd posting slump - 29/10/2010 03:01:38 PM 1322 Views
Vote: White Flame of Tar Valon *NM* - 29/10/2010 04:14:38 PM 815 Views
Vote: White Flame *NM* - 29/10/2010 04:29:55 PM 745 Views
Re: Okay, mega-absurd posting slump - 29/10/2010 04:30:30 PM 1255 Views
Yeah, I was considering imposing a limit. - 29/10/2010 04:56:12 PM 1294 Views
Hrbrlblrb. - 29/10/2010 05:34:08 PM 1214 Views
Alright, alright - 29/10/2010 06:06:46 PM 1282 Views
I said I'd wait for him to find another candidate... - 29/10/2010 06:15:44 PM 1218 Views
But really. . . - 29/10/2010 06:19:17 PM 1250 Views
This puts him at L-1. - 29/10/2010 06:45:05 PM 1361 Views
Re: This puts him at L-1. - 29/10/2010 07:28:18 PM 1327 Views
Oh come on! - 29/10/2010 07:41:54 PM 1223 Views
It would be great if, in his pettiness, WF forgot he was a bomb. - 29/10/2010 08:00:26 PM 1274 Views
That would make me chuckle. - 29/10/2010 08:04:54 PM 1348 Views
Or that he was a Priest . - 29/10/2010 09:57:14 PM 1324 Views
Apparently everybody likes option E after all *NM* - 29/10/2010 07:17:21 PM 731 Views
It was the best option there was. *NM* - 29/10/2010 07:59:11 PM 794 Views
That, or we are all very lazy. *NM* - 29/10/2010 08:45:14 PM 722 Views
I still don't. - 29/10/2010 09:55:38 PM 1257 Views
White Flame has been lynched - 30/10/2010 07:10:15 AM 1357 Views
Dang! *NM* - 30/10/2010 09:38:44 AM 776 Views
When do you think Day 2 will start? *NM* - 31/10/2010 05:44:28 PM 694 Views
Hm... I'd say Tuesdayish - 31/10/2010 05:58:12 PM 1240 Views
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO *NM* - 31/10/2010 07:02:11 PM 773 Views
Sorry for the delay, Day 2 should begin within the next 24 hours - 03/11/2010 01:00:13 AM 1239 Views

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