"Avast! If ye be takin' a one single step closer, I be blowin' us all down to Davy Jones' Locker. Aye, believe me I will!" The remainder of the crew had cornered the pirate formerly known as Curious George in the hold, but here they were stymied. The man held a magnificently crafted and richly decorated blade aloft, pointing at each of you in turn. But it was not the weapon that held the crew at bay, it was the torch he held behind him. Just a few hands' width from a cask of gunpowder that had been split open. This entire corner of the hold was filled with similar casks. If a spark caught in that powder, the whole ship would go, and so would those in it.
"It needn't be this way me hearties. Maybe we be talkin' a sweet deal for us all here, if ye be hearin' me out."
For the most part, you are somewhat confused. The pirate formerly known as Curious George had never been an especially ambitious or conniving scallywag. At the same time, he wasn't acting like a ninja either. "Listen, George..." one of you starts, but the irate pirate interrupts. "That not be me name!"
"Fine, err..."
The crewmen start arguing among themselves about how to pronounce the symbol Curious George had recently started insisting on using as his name.
"!, I be thinkin'."
"Nay, you be meanin' &."
"Or ?."
"Arr, now ye just be makin' stuff up! Nay, I think he be wantin' to be called ?."
"Enough!" The individual in question interrupts. "I be the much dreaded Four-penny Roberts, the greatest pirate captain of these here seas! And I be tellin' ye, if ye would follow me I be makin' us all the richest buccaneers in all the oceans in the world. This loot ye be droolin' over, it be nothin' but a pittance compared to the booty we be lootin' under me banner. The richest vessel be surrenderin' at the very mention of me name. Hear me, me hearties, with just this one tiny little mutiny, ye be gettin'..."
Whatever the self-styled captain intended to say was cut short when the light of his torch suddenly goes out with the splash of falling water. The drenched and confused pirate only has the time to mutter and somewhat disappointed "Yarr...." before your actual Captain shoots him through the skull, pistol in one hand and a bucket in the other. "What's this I be hearin' about mutiny?" he asks.
"Nothin', Cap'n."
? has been lynched
The game is now over! Congratulations to our winners, Beetnemesis, BlackAdder, Isaac, Kronin al'Sulc, Ranagrande and White Flame of Tar Valon.
Fox and Ravens, Kylia Skydancer and Napoleon62 were the ninjas, and failed to kill off the pirates.
? was possessed by the ghost of Three-penny Roberts and needed to gain control of the ship to win, which he didn't succeed in doing.
Darth_Katie and Yunalesca lose because Yunalesca, who broke the oath of secrecy, still lives.
Because this thread is pretty short, I don't think it is necessary to open a new thread for post-game discussion. Feel free to do so here and ask me anything you want about game setup.
"It needn't be this way me hearties. Maybe we be talkin' a sweet deal for us all here, if ye be hearin' me out."
For the most part, you are somewhat confused. The pirate formerly known as Curious George had never been an especially ambitious or conniving scallywag. At the same time, he wasn't acting like a ninja either. "Listen, George..." one of you starts, but the irate pirate interrupts. "That not be me name!"
"Fine, err..."
The crewmen start arguing among themselves about how to pronounce the symbol Curious George had recently started insisting on using as his name.
"!, I be thinkin'."
"Nay, you be meanin' &."
"Or ?."
"Arr, now ye just be makin' stuff up! Nay, I think he be wantin' to be called ?."
"Enough!" The individual in question interrupts. "I be the much dreaded Four-penny Roberts, the greatest pirate captain of these here seas! And I be tellin' ye, if ye would follow me I be makin' us all the richest buccaneers in all the oceans in the world. This loot ye be droolin' over, it be nothin' but a pittance compared to the booty we be lootin' under me banner. The richest vessel be surrenderin' at the very mention of me name. Hear me, me hearties, with just this one tiny little mutiny, ye be gettin'..."
Whatever the self-styled captain intended to say was cut short when the light of his torch suddenly goes out with the splash of falling water. The drenched and confused pirate only has the time to mutter and somewhat disappointed "Yarr...." before your actual Captain shoots him through the skull, pistol in one hand and a bucket in the other. "What's this I be hearin' about mutiny?" he asks.
"Nothin', Cap'n."
? has been lynched
The game is now over! Congratulations to our winners, Beetnemesis, BlackAdder, Isaac, Kronin al'Sulc, Ranagrande and White Flame of Tar Valon.
Fox and Ravens, Kylia Skydancer and Napoleon62 were the ninjas, and failed to kill off the pirates.
? was possessed by the ghost of Three-penny Roberts and needed to gain control of the ship to win, which he didn't succeed in doing.
Darth_Katie and Yunalesca lose because Yunalesca, who broke the oath of secrecy, still lives.
Because this thread is pretty short, I don't think it is necessary to open a new thread for post-game discussion. Feel free to do so here and ask me anything you want about game setup.
The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
~Master Splinter
Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
This message last edited by Fanatic-Templar on 10/10/2010 at 06:47:30 AM
RAFO Mafia 18 - Day 4: Invisible Ninja
09/10/2010 12:56:48 AM
Napoleon wasn't hard to guess once the delay happened
09/10/2010 01:36:15 AM
Yeah, I assumed as much.
09/10/2010 01:51:41 AM
Incidentally, with all of five player, voted needed to lynch is 3.
09/10/2010 02:15:08 AM
I was expecting you to RB ?
09/10/2010 03:28:20 AM
Only five left? No way!
09/10/2010 02:45:49 AM
Game End
10/10/2010 06:47:00 AM
Good Game
10/10/2010 07:09:50 AM
Just a Serial Killer.
10/10/2010 07:26:59 AM
Re: Just a Serial Killer.
10/10/2010 07:43:33 AM
Yeah, BlackAdder was vanilla.
10/10/2010 07:46:32 AM
That's tremendously funny
10/10/2010 08:07:03 AM
Game Setup
10/10/2010 07:26:43 AM
I love the inclusion of the Inverse Ninja Law. Both brilliant and hilarious. *NM*
10/10/2010 08:19:15 AM