Would anyone else be interested in playing this? 

I'm about medium sucky at grammar but it sounds doable... I would warn however that using RAFO as the playground may cause, er, backlash, not too mention RandomThoughts would likely get pissed at his messages being singled out

As a formatting not, the site doesn't recognize a superscript tag and it would be a monstrous pain in the ass to < font color=red>#</ font> every mistake. As is, you could probably do it doing it MS word and writing qx[1]vx, qx[2]vx, etc and using a find and replace search for qx and vx as the tags, which is what I tend to do when planning to do colors a lot in a post.
If you decide to run the game, I suggest doing that to someone's post on the CMB, even if you don't want RAFO as the actual playground, as a form of game advertising, since there are a lot of grammar nazis there who may be interested, then sticking an add and link to the reg thread at the bottom of the obnoxious corrections... I'd definitely advise either sending a NB note apology to the poster or picking someone with a known sense of humor too

Sounds like it has potential though
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Coin Game 2 (Ended)
29/09/2010 02:51:30 AM
I'm in! (Though I feel bad for you having to be GM again) *NM*
29/09/2010 08:08:43 PM
Its not too time consuming
29/09/2010 09:20:33 PM
Speaking of new games
29/09/2010 09:32:56 PM
That sounds like a good one
29/09/2010 09:52:01 PM
Final Results - Hobo is the Victor
18/10/2010 03:59:03 AM
Anyone up for another game?
20/10/2010 07:09:38 PM