Active Users:455 Time:11/03/2025 04:24:50 AM
I think the Treasure Vote should go to..... Kronin al'Sulc Send a noteboard - 31/08/2010 05:46:59 AM
whoever we can agree would be most obviously using the Treasure in a ninjaly fashion.
At last, I have an apostrophe!

Foil fencers Dance the Spears. Or, at least, the foils.

Too stubborn to remove that extraneous *MySmiley*

~The Decapitator~
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RAFO Mafia 18 - Day 1: Pirates versus Ninjas - 28/08/2010 03:58:14 AM 3368 Views
Voting Record - 28/08/2010 03:58:46 AM 1396 Views
Incidentally... - 31/08/2010 01:58:55 AM 1445 Views
I do, in fact - 31/08/2010 02:16:25 AM 1411 Views
Yes, that might make more sense - 31/08/2010 02:22:07 AM 1320 Views
No, it's the other way around - 31/08/2010 02:31:39 AM 1386 Views
And now the problem doesn't seem to exist any more... *NM* - 31/08/2010 02:32:12 AM 840 Views
Re: No, it's the other way around - 31/08/2010 02:33:48 AM 1327 Views
Yeah I thought that was pretty funny - 31/08/2010 02:37:43 AM 1359 Views
It is the nature of all demonstrations - 31/08/2010 02:41:26 AM 1296 Views
It seems to not have retroactively fixed posts - 31/08/2010 02:51:50 AM 1285 Views
Thank you very much! - 31/08/2010 03:03:05 AM 1429 Views
You're welcome. *NM* - 31/08/2010 03:18:54 AM 795 Views
Doesn't seem to be doing it for me (edit) - 31/08/2010 02:20:34 AM 1352 Views
Arrr, Vote ? - 28/08/2010 05:34:48 AM 1295 Views
Yarr, I hear ya, matey - 28/08/2010 06:00:15 AM 1266 Views
Well - 28/08/2010 06:42:28 AM 1423 Views
He's got a point matey! - 28/08/2010 03:39:20 PM 1312 Views
Arr pirates don't ask questions! - 28/08/2010 09:12:10 PM 1279 Views
what about rhetorical questions? - 28/08/2010 09:54:08 PM 1420 Views
Yeah, see that's an inquisitive shout. - 28/08/2010 09:55:00 PM 1265 Views
*does a merry jig* - 28/08/2010 09:58:43 PM 1425 Views
He's got a point matey! - 28/08/2010 03:39:25 PM 1222 Views
OOC:Sorry I said that twice. - 28/08/2010 03:40:23 PM 1332 Views
I think it's all OOC. *NM* - 29/08/2010 09:15:56 AM 790 Views
Okay - 28/08/2010 06:03:54 AM 1381 Views
Yes, Pirate = town, Ninja = Mafia. - 28/08/2010 06:09:16 AM 1371 Views
I was SO excited when I saw I was a pirate... - 28/08/2010 10:41:44 PM 1336 Views
What, you expected the Ninjas to be the townies? *NM* - 29/08/2010 04:29:30 AM 757 Views
What, we're not all using pirate speech for this game? - 28/08/2010 06:13:09 AM 1393 Views
Argh ye matey... or something, no I'll pass for now - 28/08/2010 06:33:35 AM 1548 Views
umm, yo ho? - 28/08/2010 10:25:19 AM 1346 Views
... and a bottle of rum - 28/08/2010 11:53:39 AM 1348 Views
I don't really like this claim five roles thing. - 28/08/2010 09:54:10 PM 1414 Views
Not overjoyed at it either to be honest - 28/08/2010 10:20:49 PM 1373 Views
After thinking it over, I don't like it either - 28/08/2010 11:15:41 PM 1196 Views
I agree. - 28/08/2010 11:27:53 PM 1371 Views
Re: I agree. - 29/08/2010 12:10:36 AM 1378 Views
then why bring the subject up? - 29/08/2010 12:13:37 AM 1339 Views
Because it was an option - 29/08/2010 12:27:19 AM 1263 Views
I don't think it will be fruitful, to be completely honest - 29/08/2010 12:25:02 AM 1257 Views
Well, not spam per se, but certainly give their opinions at least. *NM* - 29/08/2010 12:29:54 AM 1308 Views
But if roles aren't revealed at death, then why have a Janitor? - 28/08/2010 09:20:11 PM 1362 Views
i have a horrible premonition - 28/08/2010 10:02:17 PM 1359 Views
yeah...I don't like the five roles thing either... - 29/08/2010 10:34:25 AM 1304 Views
Re: yeah...I don't like the five roles thing either... - 29/08/2010 05:43:10 PM 1155 Views
I wonder how this is going to work. - 29/08/2010 06:01:48 PM 1350 Views
Re: I wonder how this is going to work. - 29/08/2010 07:05:25 PM 1376 Views
I think any millers should just claim now - 29/08/2010 09:46:47 PM 1278 Views
Not sure - 29/08/2010 10:43:46 PM 1287 Views
I think it would help if they did - 29/08/2010 10:53:25 PM 1331 Views
Maybe - 29/08/2010 11:08:36 PM 1251 Views
That format for mass roleclaiming won't work - 30/08/2010 01:15:11 AM 1188 Views
We can go into later - 30/08/2010 02:20:12 AM 1346 Views
Has anyone actually claimed vanilla? - 30/08/2010 09:56:15 AM 1285 Views
a question. - 30/08/2010 12:25:48 PM 1299 Views
I thin it's worse on Day 1 - 30/08/2010 01:17:25 PM 1299 Views
- 30/08/2010 01:53:40 PM 1249 Views
? *NM* - 30/08/2010 02:22:48 PM 709 Views
oki thanks. - 30/08/2010 02:21:54 PM 1252 Views
By the way... - 29/08/2010 11:19:33 PM 1310 Views
I am not a fan of giving people amnesty on Day 1. *NM* - 30/08/2010 12:50:50 AM 756 Views
Nor am I. - 30/08/2010 01:19:20 AM 1316 Views
Re: Nor am I. - 30/08/2010 01:58:43 AM 1371 Views
millers already have an incentive to claim now - 30/08/2010 01:33:29 AM 1324 Views
Re: millers already have an incentive to claim now - 30/08/2010 02:40:15 AM 1257 Views
No ninjas were mentioned in your RM? Interesting. *NM* - 28/08/2010 06:44:38 AM 742 Views
Nope, I take they were in yours? Anything useful? *NM* - 28/08/2010 07:01:54 AM 738 Views
Hmm, maybe, but too early to say just yet. *NM* - 28/08/2010 10:54:59 PM 734 Views
Just to clarify, that "maybe" applies to both parts of your question. *NM* - 29/08/2010 06:13:15 PM 730 Views
I think a more definite answer on that is necessary *NM* - 03/09/2010 07:24:52 PM 678 Views
Re: Okay - 28/08/2010 10:53:23 PM 1318 Views
Ah, here is a link - 28/08/2010 10:57:48 PM 1238 Views
I don't really think we're in one of those - 28/08/2010 11:03:20 PM 1309 Views
I think it's fairly likely. - 28/08/2010 11:13:17 PM 1342 Views
Yeah, maybe not then - 29/08/2010 12:17:40 AM 1205 Views
How would the mafia know? - 29/08/2010 03:54:46 AM 1241 Views
lack of roles and also their numbers - 29/08/2010 04:32:55 AM 1436 Views
True. - 29/08/2010 05:02:26 AM 1365 Views
My RM didn't say anything about ninjas... - 29/08/2010 04:40:23 AM 1255 Views
Not with an attitude like that - 29/08/2010 04:50:52 AM 1323 Views
Yarr. *NM* - 29/08/2010 05:03:01 AM 732 Views
Also, hypocopping - 28/08/2010 06:08:39 AM 1299 Views
RBIRL - 28/08/2010 03:53:25 PM 1179 Views
Sorry to be RBIRL so soon, but- cruise! - 28/08/2010 10:43:58 PM 1196 Views
i just realised something - 29/08/2010 01:44:52 PM 1433 Views
HAHA YES!!! - 29/08/2010 02:31:23 PM 1237 Views
hehehehehe. *NM* - 29/08/2010 02:36:35 PM 690 Views
*NM* - 29/08/2010 06:49:36 PM 750 Views
I'm sorry to be the third in a row but RBIRL - 29/08/2010 07:36:11 PM 1334 Views
Day 1 EVENT: Treasure Hunt - 30/08/2010 08:16:27 AM 1352 Views
How many votes do we have and how many people will be selected? *NM* - 30/08/2010 09:28:32 AM 778 Views
You have one vote each. - 30/08/2010 05:53:39 PM 1415 Views
Treasure Vote: ranagrande - 30/08/2010 09:49:48 AM 1226 Views
Treasure Vote: Yunalesca - 30/08/2010 12:02:11 PM 1364 Views
ooh loot!!! (Treasure Vote: Kylia Skydancer) - 30/08/2010 12:29:57 PM 1245 Views
in the words of Willow from the Chaos Bleeds game - 30/08/2010 11:16:45 PM 1331 Views
Eh, what the hell. - 30/08/2010 01:18:25 PM 1351 Views
*snicker* *NM* - 30/08/2010 02:23:35 PM 811 Views
Hmm... Treasure Vote: ? - 30/08/2010 03:21:36 PM 1353 Views
I thought that was a question at first. - 30/08/2010 05:39:37 PM 1295 Views
Yeah, that's mass confusing. *NM* - 30/08/2010 06:31:05 PM 775 Views
Eh, I find it alright. Just gotta keep it in mind. *NM* - 30/08/2010 06:48:21 PM 724 Views
Once again, I am sorry. *NM* - 31/08/2010 02:45:42 AM 778 Views
I'd like to hear a bit more of an explanation about this - 31/08/2010 02:49:13 AM 1358 Views
Yeah I kind of skipped over that part... - 31/08/2010 04:01:31 AM 1277 Views
I can't see that being the case though - 31/08/2010 04:28:01 AM 1344 Views
I have a feeling - 31/08/2010 04:40:44 AM 1263 Views
It's a real possibility - 31/08/2010 04:53:23 AM 1305 Views
23 - Treasure Vote: Yunalesca - 31/08/2010 04:55:47 AM 1266 Views
I think the Treasure Vote should go to..... - 31/08/2010 05:46:59 AM 1289 Views
Do you really mean that? - 31/08/2010 05:55:12 AM 1337 Views
I agree - 31/08/2010 06:06:10 AM 1373 Views
Huh? - 31/08/2010 06:10:56 AM 1266 Views
Btw, clarification here^ *NM* - 31/08/2010 07:40:10 PM 685 Views
I understand what you are saying - 01/09/2010 03:30:06 AM 1268 Views
No, Fox said give it to a DF. - 01/09/2010 06:25:29 AM 1315 Views
We aren't going to get anywhere if we all vote for ourselves... - 31/08/2010 04:12:05 AM 1327 Views
The hunt party will go forth whether you use your vote or not - 31/08/2010 04:18:52 AM 1242 Views
There certainly isn't a guarantee that it is good, and whilst it is not the end of the world if a n - 31/08/2010 04:43:25 AM 1356 Views
Wow. I am retarded and that is almost incoherent. - 31/08/2010 04:50:13 AM 1278 Views
Well - 31/08/2010 06:02:59 AM 1327 Views
Going with my gut is effectively random - 01/09/2010 03:07:44 AM 1323 Views
It can't be that bad. - 01/09/2010 03:23:51 AM 1419 Views
Since Tvoting myself is obviously not helpful... - 31/08/2010 10:00:49 AM 1425 Views
Read my clarification. It makes more sense. *NM* - 31/08/2010 07:39:50 PM 746 Views
I was teasing. *NM* - 01/09/2010 06:47:49 AM 659 Views
I didn't realize we could change our votes... - 01/09/2010 07:30:16 AM 1245 Views
I assumed we could. - 01/09/2010 10:54:35 AM 1317 Views
Ok...sorry about my absence for well...all the game so far - 30/08/2010 07:03:56 PM 1260 Views
I'm back - 31/08/2010 01:31:36 AM 1358 Views
Not voting will just delay the event - 31/08/2010 04:23:42 AM 1185 Views
Agreed, best everyone vote and get it over with - 01/09/2010 02:59:27 AM 1146 Views
Does it really matter who goes? - 01/09/2010 03:05:24 AM 1212 Views
Treasure vote: ? *NM* - 01/09/2010 03:07:34 AM 686 Views
Because we are rash and impatient, that's why. - 01/09/2010 03:28:49 AM 1182 Views
Re: Because we are rash and impatient, that's why. - 01/09/2010 03:50:07 AM 1279 Views
Sure. What do you suggest we do with it? *NM* - 01/09/2010 03:53:57 AM 678 Views
Re: Sure. What do you suggest we do with it? - 01/09/2010 03:13:30 PM 1205 Views
Well I think the instructions specifically say we ought to give it to someone trustworthy - 01/09/2010 06:21:06 PM 1369 Views
Re: Well I think the instructions specifically say we ought to give it to someone trustworthy - 01/09/2010 07:14:05 PM 1336 Views
to avoid a posting slump? - 01/09/2010 08:54:18 PM 1386 Views
I think it means "Verified Townie" - 01/09/2010 09:07:31 PM 1385 Views
It actually means vanilla townie (at least that's how we've been using it) - 01/09/2010 10:44:42 PM 1313 Views
ugh 13 games and i still don't know all the abbrevs - 01/09/2010 11:04:54 PM 1267 Views
Why should we give it to a Vanilla Townie? - 02/09/2010 12:47:35 AM 1274 Views
Well if we find out someone is a vt then why would we not give him the role? - 02/09/2010 12:59:50 AM 1241 Views
What role? *NM* - 02/09/2010 01:02:04 AM 807 Views
*agrees* - 02/09/2010 01:54:54 AM 1341 Views
The role, as in the job to go on the treasure hunt. *NM* - 02/09/2010 02:30:01 AM 707 Views
F-T said that the Treasure Hunt would be resolved before the end of the day - 02/09/2010 02:39:44 AM 1243 Views
Oh, and also! - 02/09/2010 02:44:54 AM 1268 Views
Oh come on now, it's already pissing me off. *NM* - 02/09/2010 03:27:28 AM 732 Views
I apologize. But really, we need MOAR SCROLL! *NM* - 02/09/2010 04:58:49 AM 768 Views
Lets watch that Horizontal Scroll, also... - 02/09/2010 03:37:54 AM 1405 Views
And apparently the vertical scroll as well - 02/09/2010 03:53:13 AM 1266 Views
People have got to stop killing me on Day One? - 02/09/2010 04:34:13 AM 1277 Views
Are you asking us? - 02/09/2010 04:52:18 AM 1263 Views
It might help if you didn't kill yourself. - 02/09/2010 09:28:41 PM 1236 Views
I'm inclined to ask FT to copy the effected messages and delete them - 02/09/2010 04:52:24 AM 1356 Views
It could have been a slip - 02/09/2010 05:13:16 AM 1273 Views
HAS NO ONE READ MY CLARIFICATION? - 02/09/2010 03:24:25 PM 1320 Views
It really does not help you. - 02/09/2010 10:12:43 PM 1345 Views
You did not understand my clarification. - 02/09/2010 11:14:16 PM 1291 Views
And who would that be? - 03/09/2010 07:45:29 AM 1303 Views
Vote: Darth_Katie - 02/09/2010 03:58:35 AM 1284 Views
Any particular reason why? - 02/09/2010 04:57:53 AM 1262 Views
Meanie! - 02/09/2010 04:57:54 AM 1371 Views
Just to clarify, I was referring to Treasure Hunt votes, not lynch *NM* - 02/09/2010 05:00:34 AM 726 Views
Me too. Godammit I'm out of it this game. - 02/09/2010 03:23:13 PM 1291 Views
Hahahaha - 02/09/2010 03:28:35 PM 1537 Views
Treasure vote: Isaac - 02/09/2010 05:51:31 AM 1386 Views
An irrelevant vote is probably better than no vote. - 02/09/2010 06:08:00 AM 1337 Views
The top 3 vote-getters will be going, I think - 02/09/2010 07:26:28 AM 1256 Views
I think that just means that up to 3 votes will be counted. *NM* - 02/09/2010 01:39:26 PM 749 Views
"People" implies plural, but we can ask FT... casts Summon Mod - 02/09/2010 03:44:21 PM 1383 Views
Yes, up to three people will go. *NM* - 02/09/2010 05:55:35 PM 690 Views
My bad *NM* - 02/09/2010 09:32:33 PM 723 Views
I've made clear what I think of this whole mess... - 02/09/2010 02:35:15 PM 1329 Views
All right, I'll post the results when I'm back from school. *NM* - 02/09/2010 05:57:15 PM 699 Views
Off to get the treasure. - 03/09/2010 12:19:34 AM 1341 Views
Can they still participate in convo even though they were voted off the island...errr ship? *NM* - 03/09/2010 05:40:28 AM 763 Views
Yes. - 03/09/2010 06:00:46 AM 1383 Views
Probably worth checking - 03/09/2010 05:59:32 AM 1302 Views
did i get an NB regarding the treasure hunt? - 04/09/2010 01:01:18 AM 1294 Views
I did get a NB... - 04/09/2010 02:05:47 AM 1236 Views
Samesies. - 04/09/2010 07:48:53 AM 1331 Views
Well, we should move to suspicion phase then - 04/09/2010 08:06:34 AM 1315 Views
way ahead of you there. - 04/09/2010 09:55:44 AM 1310 Views
Well, now that that's done... - 03/09/2010 07:49:47 AM 1273 Views
I love random voting - 03/09/2010 06:36:11 PM 1218 Views
Event: Wrath of Mod - 03/09/2010 09:49:24 PM 1234 Views
Re: Event: Wrath of Mod - 03/09/2010 11:08:50 PM 1248 Views
poor Foxy - 03/09/2010 11:48:36 PM 1332 Views
Hey! Mine wasn't random! - 04/09/2010 09:53:17 AM 1306 Views
RBIRL - 05/09/2010 04:39:27 PM 1313 Views
Me too, been pretty busy. *NM* - 05/09/2010 06:10:56 PM 756 Views
OK! Posting slump - 06/09/2010 12:38:39 PM 1392 Views
i think thats what everyone is waiting for. - 06/09/2010 01:03:52 PM 1289 Views
Yeah, me too. *NM* - 06/09/2010 01:24:38 PM 762 Views
I was too but it's been like...what? 2, 3 days? *NM* - 06/09/2010 02:30:30 PM 671 Views
Let's be honest, it's a terribly weak accusation - 06/09/2010 03:20:09 PM 1275 Views
Re: Let's be honest, it's a terribly weak accusation - 06/09/2010 03:29:17 PM 1369 Views
But why would anyone actually say that? - 06/09/2010 03:37:22 PM 1299 Views
Re: But why would anyone actually say that? - 06/09/2010 03:43:53 PM 1420 Views
Re: But why would anyone actually say that? - 06/09/2010 05:23:56 PM 1263 Views
Re: But why would anyone actually say that? - 06/09/2010 06:21:40 PM 1291 Views
Re: But why would anyone actually say that? - 06/09/2010 08:12:27 PM 1281 Views
terminology question... - 07/09/2010 07:16:21 AM 1279 Views
"Finger of Suspicion" - 07/09/2010 07:41:20 AM 1288 Views
ah, thanks. and since you seem to be around... - 07/09/2010 07:53:41 AM 1307 Views
"Wine In Front Of Me" - 07/09/2010 08:08:47 AM 1248 Views
Should have deduced that one from the surrounding context. *NM* - 07/09/2010 10:07:13 AM 775 Views
Because it makes perfect sense to do so - 06/09/2010 06:12:13 PM 1346 Views
One detail there requires more explanation - 06/09/2010 06:38:22 PM 1342 Views
Re: One detail there requires more explanation - 06/09/2010 07:32:54 PM 1372 Views
To nitpick - 06/09/2010 08:12:02 PM 1296 Views
It's certainly possible - 06/09/2010 08:36:17 PM 1296 Views
Re: It's certainly possible - 06/09/2010 09:52:08 PM 1310 Views
Just to make it extra clear - 06/09/2010 08:21:10 PM 1349 Views
Also: Yes, but - 06/09/2010 08:15:22 PM 1298 Views
Yeah, he was - 06/09/2010 08:58:19 PM 1379 Views
I guess no one likes listening to me. *NM* - 06/09/2010 09:18:10 PM 710 Views
Of course we do - 06/09/2010 09:27:40 PM 1328 Views
I was answering BA's question about Fox. - 06/09/2010 09:29:05 PM 1290 Views
Yes, I am. - 06/09/2010 11:42:15 PM 1340 Views
I do!! - 06/09/2010 09:36:55 PM 1398 Views
About what? *NM* - 06/09/2010 09:54:31 PM 739 Views
Yep. *NM* - 06/09/2010 09:35:40 PM 781 Views
Thanks, now I remember - 08/09/2010 10:32:01 PM 1238 Views
Does Isaac really get made scum by the mods more than others? *NM* - 07/09/2010 07:08:15 AM 775 Views
so far i'm the only mod that put him in a town role. *NM* - 07/09/2010 10:33:37 AM 732 Views
Hmm...I shall have to keep that in mind... *NM* - 07/09/2010 12:50:08 PM 689 Views
he was a townie in DK's game too *NM* - 07/09/2010 01:44:50 PM 769 Views
Most, hopefully all, mods assign roles and alignment randomly, and I've been town mostly - 07/09/2010 02:14:58 PM 1279 Views
so when you're a DF, games tend to sun longer? Hmm.... *is teasing* *NM* - 08/09/2010 06:01:14 AM 813 Views
RUN* (jeez, i can't spell today) *NM* - 08/09/2010 06:23:14 AM 702 Views
All roles were assigned randomly. *NM* - 07/09/2010 06:35:21 PM 670 Views
Quick summary of my thoughts - 07/09/2010 05:58:50 AM 1295 Views
An even quicker one. - 07/09/2010 07:50:20 AM 1421 Views
Isaac has a tendency to do that honestly though. - 07/09/2010 01:42:22 PM 1383 Views
I suppose I'm not one for haste. - 08/09/2010 06:44:04 AM 1407 Views
I'm back, babydolls! - 07/09/2010 08:25:02 PM 1354 Views
welcome back *NM* - 08/09/2010 06:18:16 AM 744 Views
Hm... not too much to go on. I think we should lynch BlackAdder, to be honest. - 07/09/2010 09:10:53 PM 1305 Views
I am wary of this logic - 07/09/2010 09:17:14 PM 1230 Views
Hmmm - 08/09/2010 02:36:33 AM 1335 Views
I think it's a minor Day 1 slip that we should seize upon - 08/09/2010 02:41:49 AM 1207 Views
It's possible, that's for certain. - 08/09/2010 03:11:15 AM 1352 Views
I don't think that's such a good idea. - 08/09/2010 06:16:31 AM 1302 Views
*whips out megaphone* - 08/09/2010 01:35:11 PM 1293 Views
Your argument is that if my RM mentions ninjas, then I must be a ninja - 08/09/2010 06:06:58 AM 1293 Views
The mentioning Ninjas thing has nothing to do with roles. - 08/09/2010 01:17:24 PM 1320 Views
It's more because you seem to be Different - 08/09/2010 01:43:35 PM 1346 Views
Partially yes - 08/09/2010 03:15:00 PM 1300 Views
Whoa. An all-cop game would be pretty cool. - 08/09/2010 06:57:21 PM 1339 Views
I'm pretty sure they exist, from what I've read on Mafiascum. - 08/09/2010 10:01:01 PM 1255 Views
Oh, no I didn't. - 09/09/2010 12:15:37 AM 1343 Views
Re: Oh, no I didn't. - 09/09/2010 02:00:11 AM 1242 Views
Ooh, neat. Gotta start planning some stuff... *NM* - 09/09/2010 06:46:38 PM 713 Views
Vote: BlackAdder - 08/09/2010 07:13:32 PM 1436 Views
Re: Partially yes - 08/09/2010 10:25:29 PM 1299 Views
To be honest, that was the only other option I could see... - 08/09/2010 10:36:22 PM 1411 Views
Okay - 08/09/2010 10:55:56 PM 1379 Views
Re: Okay - 08/09/2010 11:49:57 PM 1358 Views
I find this hard to accept, its also why I warn people about these sorts of maneuvers - 09/09/2010 12:19:02 AM 1330 Views
Re: I find this hard to accept, its also why I warn people about these sorts of maneuvers - 09/09/2010 04:01:40 AM 1244 Views
Your statements here are contradictory - 09/09/2010 05:26:17 AM 1300 Views
I get where you're coming from - 09/09/2010 07:00:53 AM 1314 Views
*pout* - 09/09/2010 09:21:49 AM 1317 Views
i don't quite believe you - 09/09/2010 12:24:08 AM 1330 Views
I didn't really have a choice - 09/09/2010 04:10:46 AM 1320 Views
I don't know what to believe here. - 09/09/2010 03:31:57 AM 1355 Views
Re: I don't know what to believe here. - 09/09/2010 04:21:58 AM 1253 Views
Re: I don't know what to believe here. - 09/09/2010 05:06:01 AM 1321 Views
Re: I don't know what to believe here. - 09/09/2010 07:09:14 AM 1412 Views
Explaining the slip-up in the typing. - 09/09/2010 04:02:34 AM 1300 Views
Ninja RM Mention (Table) - 08/09/2010 10:08:04 PM 1345 Views
I said there were no ninjas in my RM *NM* - 08/09/2010 10:36:53 PM 784 Views
It would be great if you could put them in chronological order - 08/09/2010 11:58:43 PM 1330 Views
Sure thing *NM* - 09/09/2010 12:52:42 AM 741 Views
No ma'am I don't *NM* - 09/09/2010 03:27:30 AM 714 Views
ehh... Isaac leading the pack again... - 09/09/2010 03:47:34 AM 1376 Views
Well, what are your feelings about this? *NM* - 09/09/2010 08:35:57 PM 686 Views
Re: ehh... Isaac leading the pack again... - 10/09/2010 01:02:08 AM 1177 Views
Re: Ninja RM Mention (Table) - 09/09/2010 09:01:17 PM 1334 Views
Nopes. *NM* - 10/09/2010 08:18:52 AM 701 Views
And as a separate query... - 09/09/2010 04:34:36 AM 1275 Views
answer. - 09/09/2010 09:41:23 AM 1388 Views
I think it was when I said there were no ninjas in my RM, right before I went RBIRL - 09/09/2010 03:42:02 PM 1323 Views
yeah...I totally cannot figure out your reply in the context of anything I just said. - 10/09/2010 08:20:15 AM 1326 Views
Re: yeah...I totally cannot figure out your reply in the context of anything I just said. - 10/09/2010 03:36:04 PM 1296 Views
The second. - 11/09/2010 01:25:57 AM 1344 Views
RBIRL next couple of days *NM* - 09/09/2010 05:50:14 PM 660 Views
Oy, so it's gonna be this, eh? - 10/09/2010 03:47:03 PM 1380 Views
hmm - 10/09/2010 10:29:56 PM 1333 Views
To be fair - 11/09/2010 03:39:28 PM 1325 Views
So what are you guys gonna do? - 12/09/2010 06:58:56 PM 1256 Views
Posting slump and fence sitters - 12/09/2010 07:11:42 PM 1290 Views
Re: Posting slump and fence sitters - 12/09/2010 07:27:39 PM 1452 Views
Re: Posting slump and fence sitters - 12/09/2010 09:17:41 PM 1262 Views
wow, Yanks have lots of days off... - 13/09/2010 12:01:45 AM 1368 Views
That's a generalization, really - 13/09/2010 12:23:58 AM 1208 Views
fair enough - 13/09/2010 12:58:13 AM 1277 Views
We had class on Labor Day ... what a rip off *NM* - 13/09/2010 12:55:37 AM 714 Views
Not at all, students should be happy - 13/09/2010 01:03:52 AM 1283 Views
People who would cheer at the opportunity to shop are alien beyond my comprehension. - 13/09/2010 02:35:45 AM 1310 Views
Labor day sales are very popular though - 13/09/2010 02:40:39 AM 1304 Views
I am ALL FOR shopping. - 13/09/2010 02:41:34 AM 1411 Views
Heh, I prefer college to shopping by far . - 13/09/2010 03:08:20 AM 1484 Views
No, just a lot of holidays - 13/09/2010 12:56:22 AM 1449 Views
ok! - 13/09/2010 01:02:30 AM 1262 Views
Re: ok! - 13/09/2010 01:16:23 AM 1309 Views
What kind of heathens eat ham on Thanksgiving? - 13/09/2010 01:46:09 AM 1345 Views
Re: What kind of heathens eat ham on Thanksgiving? - 13/09/2010 01:50:52 AM 1345 Views
Re: What kind of heathens eat ham on Thanksgiving? - 13/09/2010 02:13:58 AM 1352 Views
Wow, did you do the actual stuffing and everything? - 13/09/2010 02:40:37 AM 1294 Views
I did. - 13/09/2010 02:59:39 AM 1254 Views
Neat! - 13/09/2010 04:05:30 AM 1347 Views
I do apoligize - 12/09/2010 08:25:26 PM 1347 Views
Woah - 12/09/2010 08:26:00 PM 1326 Views
</b> at the end of what you want bolded - 12/09/2010 08:52:04 PM 1373 Views
Who's going to hammer? *NM* - 13/09/2010 12:24:49 AM 735 Views
I guess I will - 13/09/2010 01:41:37 AM 1548 Views
Okay, anyone got any final commentary then? - 13/09/2010 02:30:33 AM 1346 Views
Re: Okay, anyone got any final commentary then? - 13/09/2010 02:51:29 AM 1280 Views
BlackAdder has been lynched - 13/09/2010 03:06:23 AM 1452 Views
I meant midnight Tuesday, not Monday. Apologies. *NM* - 13/09/2010 07:04:30 PM 773 Views

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