Active Users:857 Time:12/03/2025 10:41:51 AM
Re: Which is pretty much the point. Isaac Send a noteboard - 11/06/2010 01:56:41 AM
OK people, this is more than I can understand and follow. For all the more experienced players (excluding Isaac and FT obviously :P ): which of these two is right?

Pick right and we've got one scum.

Pick wrong and we've lost a Townie, but I would bet the other one is a perfect Lynch candidate for Next Day.

I don't follow either of the two explanations. Not really anyway.

Well, to be honest I very much doubt FT or I will be lynched from this, we might be NK'd from it but people rarely need a specific reason to target either of us anyway.

It is probably a bad idea to assume that this debate indicates anything about our alignments, FT and I could easily both be town, from a 3rd part perspective we could also both be DFs on the same side, or rival scum. IF we assume a 10-3-3 mix of two equally powerful scum factions, a given townie looking at this should view it as 9-3-3 or 60-20-20 stack, with odds favoring we are both on the same side and that side is town. That goes up strongly if we're 4-1 DF/SK or 4-0 or 3-0, single scum faction. My guess is most senior players view this as another caasi-FT vicious battle, which we've been known to have even when we were on the same side and knew it.

Anyway, removing the technical aspects, it sort of boils down to this, neither FT or I will vote randomly and it's very unlikely you'll see me vote for a no lynch on day 1, and our own alignments in this game really have nothing to do with this.

My argument primarily is based off a concern that the group as a whole is developing intellectual incest. In a normal mafiascum game people do often play the same persons again, but they are not playing ten games in a row with the same people making up the majority of players, we do. The result of this is that once somebody explains something as a good idea and people except it that way, it becomes locked in, regardless of whether it has flaws in it. Having accepted it, it is canon, and anyone prodding it isn't so much calling the idea possibly flawed as calling you wrong. It's like someone buying a TV and a friend showing them an ad for the same TV for ten bucks less, you often get a somewhat hostile reply, and comments like 'well, I'd probably have burned more gas to go get it' that latter might even be true but they probably didn't actually run the numbers, they just wan tit to be true. Not quite the case here with FT, his arguments are pretty good and I'd rather follow the stated policy then go back to the brief era where day 1 no lynch was sort of the default.

What the problem is is that we get tactically stagnant, it's that intellectual incest along with knowing the players better than the role they are playing, that comes from playing them repeatedly. To me, this is a good thing, I play for much the same reason I jog, winning is nice but jogging not about getting from point a to point b, or treadmills wouldn't sell. It keeps me on my toes and forces my thinking patterns to adapt, change, dump whole strategies when they are weak instead of convincing myself they will work because I want them to. It is the advantage of OpFor, someone is constantly grinding the flaws in your tactics into your face. But if the OpFor is always the same person, you establish guidelines, consciously or not, of things that won't be done. Playing the same person over and over you begin to adapt standard tactics and focus only on the minute details of them, switch up the opponent and instead of standard battlefield tactics and someone's poisoned your water. Now your normal opponent and you probably already thought that up, and have since discarded it because "He knows I won't fall for that, so he won't waste the effort", it's like RTS video games, after a while the really good players adopt essentially the same early strategy every time because it genuinely works best, but that's because there are set rules and it's time-tested, change one core variable and the whole thing falls apart. I think currently that a lot of the regular players have come to view this game as having set rules and tactics, and that as new players come in they essentially have the orthodoxy ground into them, whether it's right or not, and worse, without knowing the basic logic and arguments for and against, because once players who previously argued against it 'lose', they often change their minds and resent anyone bringing it back up, or alternatively, they are happy to see it brought back up and don't really care if the arguments against make sense.

Summary: Our core problem is that actions are now taken more with previous games in mind than current ones, players are not judged primarily on their current game behavior but on prior behavior, and the trend and impact of this is growing.

One last example: Masons

If two people came out as masons right now, we'd almost certainly vote to lynch one of them, and if they died a townie, we'd almost certainly kill the other, if he died a DF, we'd treat the other as def-town. An argument against this would be raised, "the moderator knows we'd think that, so they might both be townies, or both DFs" and people would say 'sure, maybe, but let's not risk it' and lynch the masons. Our attitude towards masons has become very group-specific, to the point that the role in of itself now only has value as making it a bit more interesting because you can night NB. Instead of being a minor town asset, better than vanilla, it's basically equal or less than a vanilla.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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RAFO Mafia 17, Day 1: Trouble in Paradise - 30/05/2010 10:43:08 PM 4107 Views
Miscellaneous information - 30/05/2010 10:44:49 PM 1393 Views
Epic Intro *NM* - 31/05/2010 02:26:49 AM 825 Views
Thanks *NM* - 31/05/2010 04:00:59 AM 808 Views
Re: Miscellaneous information - 31/05/2010 04:38:35 AM 1396 Views
What. - 31/05/2010 02:30:11 AM 1420 Views
Re: What. - 31/05/2010 03:01:21 AM 1469 Views
Or maybe he just wants us to think that ... - 31/05/2010 04:08:54 AM 1388 Views
RAFO *NM* - 31/05/2010 04:01:26 AM 810 Views
Re: RAFO Mafia 17, Day 1: Trouble in Paradise - 31/05/2010 03:08:30 AM 1424 Views
I'm afraid I'm already waaay in over my head - 31/05/2010 07:20:54 AM 1322 Views
You don't need to get all the references to play though - 31/05/2010 07:31:32 AM 1289 Views
Don't forget the 5th element *NM* - 31/05/2010 08:25:13 AM 876 Views
and the adam's family *NM* - 31/05/2010 03:26:23 PM 851 Views
African Rabies is World War Z. Also- DEATH UNICORN!!!! - 31/05/2010 06:06:47 PM 1408 Views
Okay, so, let's get this started. - 31/05/2010 07:48:13 AM 1405 Views
yes and yes *NM* - 31/05/2010 12:24:19 PM 827 Views
Yes and Yes. Do you? *NM* - 31/05/2010 01:03:04 PM 835 Views
Yes I do. *NM* - 31/05/2010 07:42:15 PM 861 Views
Indeedy. *NM* - 31/05/2010 02:48:49 PM 790 Views
Yessir *NM* - 31/05/2010 02:59:06 PM 810 Views
Yup *NM* - 31/05/2010 06:07:41 PM 738 Views
Well that depends. - 31/05/2010 06:53:02 PM 1249 Views
Wow, of all the people here to be unfamiliar with a character. - 31/05/2010 07:43:54 PM 1334 Views
Yeah, that's weird - 31/05/2010 08:02:09 PM 1293 Views
I went with Wikipedia, actually . - 31/05/2010 08:11:31 PM 1440 Views
I do...(for both) - 31/05/2010 07:09:06 PM 1538 Views
I would be willing to bet that's true. - 31/05/2010 08:50:05 PM 1380 Views
So are you saying the Tourists are also all... tourists? - 31/05/2010 08:54:31 PM 1313 Views
EBWOP - 31/05/2010 08:57:51 PM 1307 Views
I think the "Zombie" comes from the African Rabies reference - 31/05/2010 09:42:31 PM 1359 Views
That's a good point. - 31/05/2010 10:09:29 PM 1333 Views
Maybe whoever dies becomes a zombie - 02/06/2010 01:57:59 AM 1368 Views
What's in a name? - 01/06/2010 03:09:24 AM 1307 Views
Clever - 01/06/2010 03:37:55 AM 1201 Views
No idea. *NM* - 31/05/2010 10:28:53 PM 799 Views
Does that mean you're just not sure of who you are - 01/06/2010 12:51:17 AM 1233 Views
*looks shamefully down* - 01/06/2010 07:22:16 AM 1426 Views
Yeargh! *NM* - 31/05/2010 11:59:28 PM 796 Views
Yes to both. *NM* - 01/06/2010 12:54:55 AM 841 Views
Wait, scratch that. I don't have a place of origin. *NM* - 01/06/2010 03:06:49 AM 718 Views
I didn't think he meant place but rather the work that you're from *NM* - 01/06/2010 03:20:59 AM 767 Views
Oh. Then yeah. *NM* - 01/06/2010 03:48:21 AM 944 Views
Yeah...i got both. *NM* - 01/06/2010 02:57:56 AM 795 Views
yeps. *NM* - 02/06/2010 01:35:56 AM 734 Views
Oh, and I nearly forgot ... - 31/05/2010 02:50:14 PM 1356 Views
WOOOOOOOO *NM* - 31/05/2010 06:07:54 PM 830 Views
If there is an Oompa Loompa song whenever someone dies, I will die happy *NM* - 31/05/2010 06:09:38 PM 757 Views
+1 - 31/05/2010 08:35:28 PM 1380 Views
+1 to that song. *NM* - 31/05/2010 08:46:39 PM 807 Views
thank you, i'm here all week *NM* - 31/05/2010 09:48:53 PM 783 Views
Re: thank you, i'm here all week *NM* - 31/05/2010 09:49:52 PM 790 Views
people would die of hilarity. *NM* - 02/06/2010 02:03:07 AM 842 Views
Since I tried to start a conversation, but failed (because I posted in the wrong place?) - 01/06/2010 07:25:29 AM 1240 Views
ummm, dear? - 01/06/2010 10:49:54 AM 1288 Views
Actually, there is. *NM* - 01/06/2010 11:27:46 AM 810 Views
fudgemuffins *NM* - 01/06/2010 04:02:28 PM 719 Views
Are the election rules the same? And the 96 hour deadline? - 02/06/2010 01:08:06 AM 1196 Views
It's announced in the Miscellaneous information - 01/06/2010 03:17:06 PM 1244 Views
^^^Attention-seeker = Jester^^^ - 01/06/2010 11:07:44 PM 1232 Views
Re: ^^^Attention-seeker = Jester^^^ - 02/06/2010 01:12:59 AM 1298 Views
At least I got the discussion going. *NM* - 02/06/2010 05:58:58 PM 751 Views
You know what? - 02/06/2010 06:11:16 PM 1357 Views
Two can play at that game! - 03/06/2010 01:58:09 AM 1222 Views
Some first thoughts - 01/06/2010 10:27:38 PM 1217 Views
Current Info (Table) - 01/06/2010 10:40:41 PM 1488 Views
Re: Current Info (Table) - 01/06/2010 10:42:17 PM 1286 Views
UNC UNC *NM* - 01/06/2010 11:35:11 PM 812 Views
Yes & UNC - 02/06/2010 02:14:48 AM 1389 Views
No and yes. - 02/06/2010 02:23:49 AM 1300 Views
OMGUS Vote: Napoleon62 *NM* - 02/06/2010 02:40:52 AM 801 Views
Random stone throwing super dick vote - 02/06/2010 08:00:57 PM 1289 Views
ranagrande has been lynched - 02/06/2010 09:30:53 PM 1318 Views
ROFL - 02/06/2010 09:47:48 PM 1384 Views
Hahaha - 03/06/2010 02:08:29 AM 1337 Views
UNC and NO - 02/06/2010 06:05:25 PM 1315 Views
Re: UNC and NO - 02/06/2010 06:17:14 PM 1298 Views
UNC and NO *NM* - 03/06/2010 01:56:35 AM 756 Views
a) Kinda - Yes/UNC. B) UNC. - 01/06/2010 10:54:32 PM 1334 Views
Re: Some first thoughts - 01/06/2010 11:03:00 PM 1389 Views
UNC/UNC *NM* - 01/06/2010 11:42:21 PM 857 Views
Yes and unable to judge - UNC *NM* - 02/06/2010 12:22:33 AM 768 Views
Just do your best on answers, the questions are deliberately vague - 02/06/2010 12:43:25 AM 1196 Views
So... many... acronyms... - 02/06/2010 01:51:46 AM 1259 Views
Nipz makes me think of Cheese Nips. - 03/06/2010 01:55:20 AM 1332 Views
Yes and yes. *NM* - 02/06/2010 01:55:07 AM 787 Views
Yes/Yes *NM* - 02/06/2010 03:46:49 PM 795 Views
UNC and UNC *NM* - 03/06/2010 04:36:55 PM 705 Views
OK, so we all know who we are. Now what? - 02/06/2010 05:12:38 PM 1337 Views
We seem to have two random votes already - 02/06/2010 06:06:29 PM 1173 Views
You mean Napoleon and Isaac? - 03/06/2010 03:07:14 AM 1345 Views
Still, it's a start - 03/06/2010 06:40:16 PM 1276 Views
What do y'all think? - 03/06/2010 12:36:23 AM 1262 Views
Re: What do y'all think? - 03/06/2010 01:01:52 AM 1304 Views
I won't be participating in that. - 03/06/2010 01:06:26 AM 1170 Views
That's pretty legit. - 03/06/2010 02:05:50 AM 1327 Views
We could talk about Napoleon62 and Isaac voting each other for no reason *NM* - 03/06/2010 02:43:03 AM 773 Views
You think there are ulterior motives? - 03/06/2010 03:07:28 AM 1252 Views
*confused* Aren't there always? *NM* - 03/06/2010 03:09:49 AM 813 Views
Not really in this case - 03/06/2010 04:46:02 AM 1220 Views
It was a joke - 03/06/2010 03:11:00 AM 1271 Views
Re: It was a joke - 03/06/2010 03:14:48 AM 1177 Views
Fair enough. Good reason not to. - 03/06/2010 03:45:35 AM 1265 Views
I actually think it's a decent idea, just needs a modification - 03/06/2010 04:33:47 AM 1270 Views
I remember that. - 03/06/2010 06:10:33 AM 1193 Views
Okay, so next 'question' - 03/06/2010 07:57:08 AM 1315 Views
Ranagrande really seemed to make an effort to go out of his way here. - 03/06/2010 01:31:03 PM 1226 Views
But if you're from something really weird - 03/06/2010 05:54:37 PM 1320 Views
You don't even need to pick a bunch of weird things - 03/06/2010 08:23:19 PM 1400 Views
Is one of those two sets of 5 your answer to your 5 worlds question? - 06/06/2010 10:03:52 PM 1385 Views
No, they were examples - 07/06/2010 12:14:03 AM 1155 Views
Yeah, I'm still not doing it. - 03/06/2010 06:59:26 PM 1376 Views
yeesh! - 03/06/2010 09:36:33 AM 1268 Views
Re: yeesh! - 03/06/2010 10:41:58 AM 1237 Views
Alright, I'll do it you fraidy catz - 03/06/2010 09:23:58 PM 1319 Views
Re: What do y'all think? - 03/06/2010 04:28:44 AM 1280 Views
IMPORTANT POINT - 04/06/2010 05:04:18 AM 1260 Views
That's a good point - 04/06/2010 05:28:39 AM 1290 Views
Who, exactly, is this warning intended for? - 04/06/2010 05:30:05 AM 1368 Views
Re: Who, exactly, is this warning intended for? - 04/06/2010 05:37:25 AM 1331 Views
Re: Who, exactly, is this warning intended for? - 04/06/2010 05:49:00 AM 1285 Views
It is an interesting theory, though - 04/06/2010 07:37:30 AM 1229 Views
Re: It is an interesting theory, though - 04/06/2010 08:41:16 AM 1330 Views
Oh, BTW Isaac: you didn't update for my answer in your Table - 04/06/2010 09:01:00 AM 1276 Views
Wow, that's a weird one - 04/06/2010 09:44:23 AM 1185 Views
Re: It is an interesting theory, though - 04/06/2010 03:41:43 PM 1337 Views
I was assuming she meant it the same way we warn hypocoppers - 04/06/2010 03:51:06 PM 1223 Views
jargon question. - 04/06/2010 06:19:51 PM 1267 Views
Re: jargon question. - 04/06/2010 06:37:34 PM 1240 Views
okies thanks *NM* - 05/06/2010 03:56:31 AM 743 Views
Sorry I screwed up your fancy plans. - 04/06/2010 08:05:18 PM 1301 Views
I must be really tired. - 05/06/2010 02:52:32 AM 1206 Views
Honestly, anyone trying to lynch based solely on series - 05/06/2010 04:00:13 AM 1164 Views
or to kill? - 05/06/2010 04:05:53 AM 1272 Views
Re: or to kill? - 05/06/2010 08:18:25 AM 1280 Views
EBWOP: programmed, not programmer *NM* - 05/06/2010 08:21:00 AM 789 Views
Ohhhh ok, so you assumed he was roled, not that he wa a Doc - 05/06/2010 07:37:36 PM 1345 Views
Out of curiosity, what did he say? - 05/06/2010 06:47:43 AM 1353 Views
He said he was programmed. - 05/06/2010 08:22:45 AM 1279 Views
But... wasn't that the robot game, where we were all programmed? - 05/06/2010 07:37:03 PM 1348 Views
Actually, my own RM didn't mention robots at all, so odds are neither did DK's - 05/06/2010 09:00:52 PM 1360 Views
Yup, it was the same. *NM* - 05/06/2010 10:11:22 PM 739 Views
Can we agree on revealing gender? *NM* - 04/06/2010 06:20:29 PM 759 Views
Will that really help us tell who is mafia and who is not? - 04/06/2010 06:39:07 PM 1386 Views
It'll get us info. - 04/06/2010 08:27:20 PM 1371 Views
Will listing off five random worlds? - 05/06/2010 04:09:55 AM 1180 Views
Re: Will listing off five random worlds? - 05/06/2010 08:25:38 AM 1333 Views
Re: Will listing off five random worlds? - 06/06/2010 10:11:18 PM 1236 Views
Re: Will listing off five random worlds? - 07/06/2010 10:31:21 AM 1338 Views
Re: Will listing off five random worlds? - 07/06/2010 12:23:35 PM 1193 Views
I think we should do this. - 05/06/2010 01:21:18 AM 1276 Views
im definalty a man *NM* - 06/06/2010 09:07:47 PM 719 Views
btw, what happened to the Chair election? - 04/06/2010 10:46:41 PM 1234 Views
Artsapat has been elected Chair. - 05/06/2010 12:39:05 AM 1257 Views
OK, since I'm apparently Chair (including a Table) *updated Jun 9th* - 06/06/2010 07:43:10 PM 1310 Views
BlackAdder - M *NM* - 06/06/2010 10:00:38 PM 749 Views
Isaac - M (a note on gender) - 06/06/2010 11:01:55 PM 1206 Views
I'm a dude. *NM* - 07/06/2010 12:04:11 AM 807 Views
Male *NM* - 07/06/2010 12:42:34 AM 728 Views
I am female - 07/06/2010 03:11:45 AM 1262 Views
Male. *NM* - 07/06/2010 04:52:39 AM 740 Views
I must have been REALLY tired not having seen this yesterday - 07/06/2010 08:00:23 AM 1253 Views
Male. . . .again. *NM* - 07/06/2010 08:37:52 AM 748 Views
Napoleon's going to have a hard time - 07/06/2010 09:10:21 AM 1282 Views
Let's not. *NM* - 07/06/2010 08:06:58 PM 742 Views
I'll call you Smurfette anyway. You know, just because I can. *NM* - 07/06/2010 08:29:35 PM 706 Views
Don't worry, Bro. We can have girl talk together *NM* - 07/06/2010 08:44:32 PM 825 Views
Male *NM* - 07/06/2010 10:26:37 AM 756 Views
Female. *NM* - 07/06/2010 01:21:11 PM 718 Views
I'm all MAN!!!!! - 07/06/2010 02:04:55 PM 1322 Views
I am a manly man! *NM* - 07/06/2010 11:57:48 PM 683 Views
Male *NM* - 08/06/2010 03:22:47 AM 769 Views
Male *NM* - 09/06/2010 12:19:46 AM 720 Views
Settings (Table) - 07/06/2010 12:47:35 AM 1207 Views
Uh - 07/06/2010 02:13:40 AM 1332 Views
Re: Uh - 07/06/2010 03:20:53 AM 1346 Views
Yeah, I don't get it either. - 07/06/2010 04:56:42 AM 1195 Views
Can someone explain for the slow kids? - 08/06/2010 06:59:47 AM 1206 Views
Short answer: click the little links at the right side of the page - 08/06/2010 10:56:37 PM 1376 Views
Basically - 08/06/2010 11:16:26 PM 1367 Views
Hmm... - 07/06/2010 10:49:12 AM 1280 Views
Mine - 07/06/2010 01:54:06 PM 1310 Views
Soooo yeah..... - 07/06/2010 02:03:19 PM 1322 Views
Hm. Alright. - 07/06/2010 07:15:16 PM 1321 Views
Re: Settings (Table) - 07/06/2010 08:56:30 PM 1277 Views
Re: Settings (Table) - 07/06/2010 11:42:27 PM 1242 Views
Anyone else get the feeling we have some "nontraditional" settings? - 08/06/2010 12:04:23 AM 1306 Views
Didn't I suggest that from the beginning? *NM* - 08/06/2010 03:08:36 AM 735 Views
Re: Settings (Table) - 08/06/2010 03:42:52 AM 1307 Views
The responses of me - 09/06/2010 02:03:08 AM 1326 Views
Mine. - 09/06/2010 08:07:17 PM 1290 Views
Two new thoughts - 08/06/2010 07:48:24 AM 1318 Views
Re: Two new thoughts - 09/06/2010 12:02:01 AM 1345 Views
Re: Two new thoughts - 09/06/2010 04:31:06 AM 1289 Views
Re: Two new thoughts - 09/06/2010 05:03:10 AM 1225 Views
Re: Two new thoughts - 09/06/2010 12:11:51 PM 1271 Views
Re: Two new thoughts - 09/06/2010 04:57:02 AM 1318 Views
In which I spoil everyone's identity! (Well, maybe not) - 09/06/2010 07:34:08 AM 1177 Views
Whoops, replied to the wrong spot... ignore this one, look below! *NM* - 09/06/2010 07:35:40 AM 745 Views
Re: Two new thoughts - 09/06/2010 12:00:28 PM 1339 Views
Re: Two new thoughts - 09/06/2010 03:26:16 AM 1333 Views
Oops. - 09/06/2010 12:28:25 AM 1492 Views
Whoa, how are we dead already? - 09/06/2010 03:28:53 AM 1229 Views
There are still like 5 people left who haven't claimed settings - 09/06/2010 04:19:38 AM 1246 Views
In which I spoil everyone's identity! (Well, maybe not) - 09/06/2010 07:35:10 AM 1295 Views
Not sure about the Talic vote, but - 09/06/2010 10:35:25 AM 1286 Views
Agree - 09/06/2010 12:24:47 PM 1298 Views
Yeah, I'll be participating even less than before. - 09/06/2010 06:10:34 PM 1340 Views
Re: Yeah, I'll be participating even less than before. - 09/06/2010 06:26:08 PM 1267 Views
Re: Yeah, I'll be participating even less than before. - 09/06/2010 08:53:53 PM 1326 Views
Eh. Let's just lynch Talic. - 09/06/2010 11:23:16 PM 1288 Views
Maybe you should explain why you think a 'No Lynch' on Day 1 is always bad - 10/06/2010 02:05:16 AM 1295 Views
Do we have any reason to believe that the scum are not a single united faction? *NM* - 10/06/2010 02:23:11 AM 841 Views
I'd say so, it's indicated in the intro text and it's been normal of late - 10/06/2010 02:35:26 AM 1238 Views
Incidentally... - 10/06/2010 04:24:23 AM 1199 Views
Agreed. - 10/06/2010 04:31:26 AM 1237 Views
But even if that happens - 10/06/2010 07:37:45 AM 1268 Views
Because it is always bad. Seems like the ideal reason. - 10/06/2010 04:21:10 AM 1266 Views
Thank you. - 10/06/2010 04:30:23 AM 1308 Views
Good points. - 10/06/2010 04:45:24 AM 1421 Views
Re: Good points. - 10/06/2010 04:53:22 AM 1290 Views
Totally. *NM* - 10/06/2010 04:57:57 AM 773 Views
Re: Because it is always bad. Seems like the ideal reason. - 10/06/2010 05:03:15 AM 1305 Views
We might randomly lynch (or try to lynch) someone who is part of a faction - 10/06/2010 06:37:48 AM 1294 Views
Yeah, but that isn't a voting record. - 11/06/2010 04:41:29 AM 1347 Views
I don't believe in completely random lynches. - 10/06/2010 04:35:42 PM 1350 Views
I feel like random lynches are a really good place for scum to hide. - 10/06/2010 06:19:22 PM 1324 Views
'Seems' isn't 'Is', a dead townie is a dead townie - 10/06/2010 05:57:19 AM 1249 Views
Which is pretty much the point. - 10/06/2010 05:39:36 PM 1272 Views
Re: Which is pretty much the point. - 10/06/2010 06:31:40 PM 1367 Views
Re: Which is pretty much the point. - 11/06/2010 01:56:41 AM 1357 Views
Re: Which is pretty much the point. - 11/06/2010 02:18:56 AM 1230 Views
Re: Which is pretty much the point. - 11/06/2010 02:35:14 AM 1410 Views
Re: Which is pretty much the point. - 11/06/2010 12:58:25 AM 1320 Views
Incidentally, how likely do you think it is that I am a Darkfriend? - 11/06/2010 01:34:55 AM 1339 Views
Probably less than random with some caveats, over all, roughly random - 11/06/2010 02:21:24 AM 1348 Views
Re: Probably less than random with some caveats, over all, roughly random - 11/06/2010 02:40:33 AM 1379 Views
I suppose we're back to DefCon 5 - 11/06/2010 03:36:12 AM 1324 Views
Re: I suppose we're back to DefCon 5 - 11/06/2010 03:48:31 AM 1273 Views
Re: I suppose we're back to DefCon 5 - 11/06/2010 04:08:27 AM 1152 Views
Well actually technically I am kinda new. *NM* - 12/06/2010 01:22:50 PM 755 Views
Whoa, did I put Dark Shadows? - 09/06/2010 06:22:16 PM 1331 Views
Yeaaah, I don't think so. - 09/06/2010 08:13:41 PM 1213 Views
Update! Darth Katie's analysis: - 09/06/2010 11:20:36 PM 1321 Views
So sorry guys - 10/06/2010 06:31:49 AM 1306 Views
It happens, don't worry about it - 10/06/2010 06:35:25 AM 1382 Views
No problem - 10/06/2010 04:17:27 PM 1380 Views
Any chance we can get Gher to replace in? - 10/06/2010 07:30:04 PM 1505 Views
That would be great if he wanted to - 10/06/2010 08:46:55 PM 1314 Views
Actually... - 10/06/2010 08:52:19 PM 1275 Views
An addition to my Talic accusation - 10/06/2010 08:48:14 AM 1325 Views
Duffman wouldn't be awesome? - 10/06/2010 10:31:30 AM 1302 Views
It was mostly a "slightly better than random" vote - 10/06/2010 04:42:38 PM 1206 Views
Well, it did raise a good point for approach though - 11/06/2010 01:05:18 AM 1296 Views
Oh come on. - 10/06/2010 05:56:54 PM 1356 Views
I maintain it made sense - 11/06/2010 02:55:39 AM 1275 Views
Heading rival Darkfriend factions would've been awesome. - 11/06/2010 03:02:35 AM 1224 Views
Definitely - 11/06/2010 03:20:38 AM 1304 Views
Re: Oh come on. - 12/06/2010 01:56:41 PM 1216 Views
oh why so serious beet? - 10/06/2010 09:11:03 PM 1271 Views
...just watch? - 10/06/2010 11:15:20 PM 1445 Views
Combined Info (Table) - 11/06/2010 04:33:01 AM 1366 Views
The All-Seeing Eye of Sauron is upon you... let the brutal analysis begin - 11/06/2010 05:16:27 AM 1250 Views
Hmm ... I think I am working from a different definition of Modern Real Earth. - 11/06/2010 06:37:04 AM 1267 Views
Re: Hmm ... I think I am working from a different definition of Modern Real Earth. - 11/06/2010 12:50:16 PM 1324 Views
Works for me. *NM* - 11/06/2010 02:19:45 PM 716 Views
Re: The All-Seeing Eye of Sauron is upon you... let the brutal analysis begin - 12/06/2010 03:33:37 PM 1396 Views
You have an acronym fetish, don't you? *NM* - 11/06/2010 09:02:07 AM 820 Views
You know, just because someone is good or bad in their series, - 11/06/2010 05:35:04 AM 1313 Views
Yep, but the individual character will control that I think - 11/06/2010 05:42:28 AM 1338 Views
RBIRL for the weekend *NM* - 11/06/2010 12:51:17 PM 727 Views
Me too basically. *NM* - 11/06/2010 02:24:38 PM 729 Views
[realy busy in real life] - 12/06/2010 12:41:46 PM 1268 Views
RBIRL for another effing week. - 13/06/2010 01:55:52 AM 1293 Views
I'm RBIRL this week as well, through Friday. *NM* - 13/06/2010 06:40:04 AM 765 Views
I am forced to assume - 13/06/2010 02:46:47 PM 1288 Views
Oh, and I am semi-RBIRL until Friday too. *NM* - 13/06/2010 03:00:47 PM 749 Views
Re: I am forced to assume - 15/06/2010 06:44:06 AM 1350 Views
Well good luck with that too, I guess. - 15/06/2010 10:29:19 PM 1244 Views
I'm not busy at all! Let's murder someone! - 13/06/2010 04:06:04 AM 1229 Views
Re: I'm not busy at all! Let's murder someone! - 13/06/2010 02:16:40 PM 1241 Views
Why Isaac? *NM* - 13/06/2010 02:47:49 PM 756 Views
I too, unsurprisingly, would like an answer to that *NM* - 13/06/2010 05:48:29 PM 730 Views
Good point. - 13/06/2010 06:20:55 PM 1268 Views
Eh, do we ever get that much out of Day One? - 13/06/2010 06:46:31 PM 1438 Views
Kinda. - 13/06/2010 09:16:56 PM 1330 Views
Actually it's often the most productive day - 13/06/2010 09:26:25 PM 1249 Views
Before I basically disappear from this thread for about a week... - 13/06/2010 08:55:03 PM 1362 Views
Okay, pushing forward - 14/06/2010 04:29:20 PM 1543 Views
Re: Okay, pushing forward - 14/06/2010 06:50:19 PM 1261 Views
Re: Okay, pushing forward - 14/06/2010 10:27:43 PM 1290 Views
EBWOP - 15/06/2010 12:59:20 AM 1586 Views
Yes it's just day 1 - 15/06/2010 01:06:56 AM 1293 Views
Pledge: No; CON: Sure - 15/06/2010 12:31:57 AM 1350 Views
So... - 15/06/2010 01:04:11 AM 1304 Views
If you will allow me to be pedantic. - 15/06/2010 01:24:07 AM 1180 Views
Duly noted - 15/06/2010 01:38:34 AM 1233 Views
Not like they were especially contributive anyway. - 15/06/2010 02:26:34 AM 1206 Views
Re: So... - 15/06/2010 02:29:41 AM 1301 Views
Re: So... - 15/06/2010 07:52:29 AM 1201 Views
Re: So... - 16/06/2010 06:36:22 PM 1380 Views
I think scum might be willing to ask some questions. - 15/06/2010 01:43:57 AM 1251 Views
Yes, they do - 15/06/2010 02:32:57 AM 1253 Views
The pledge I am not very enthused about. - 15/06/2010 01:42:27 AM 1304 Views
Ok, I just want to say I'm sorry for not posting as much as I normally do - 15/06/2010 02:52:31 AM 1124 Views
Okay, now you're just pushing for a No-Lynch in different terms. - 15/06/2010 04:49:26 AM 1301 Views
Also... - 15/06/2010 03:12:18 PM 1349 Views
Well, the role itself is something you would not expect. - 15/06/2010 03:36:33 PM 1391 Views
That's an ambiguous but tantalizing statement... - 15/06/2010 03:59:29 PM 1373 Views
my role and char are consistant - 15/06/2010 10:04:51 AM 1298 Views
Re: my role and char are consistant - 15/06/2010 03:23:10 PM 1358 Views
Do you have a suggestion? *NM* - 15/06/2010 06:10:25 PM 736 Views
On that note... - 16/06/2010 07:02:12 PM 1386 Views
Seeing hwo you're trying to protect me from getting Lynched - 15/06/2010 12:40:27 PM 1239 Views
Re: Seeing hwo you're trying to protect me from getting Lynched - 15/06/2010 04:21:56 PM 1319 Views
Every vanilla is supposed to say yes. - 15/06/2010 06:13:08 PM 1351 Views
Which of course brings about the real problem, which is the opposite of what you say. - 15/06/2010 06:26:42 PM 1279 Views
Let me hold off on answering this, if you don't mind - 15/06/2010 07:14:25 PM 1249 Views
Fine, I'm not in a hurry. *NM* - 15/06/2010 07:17:10 PM 847 Views
Let me run another possible question by you - 15/06/2010 08:18:33 PM 1286 Views
By the way, this is sort of a revision of white flame's question - 15/06/2010 08:21:32 PM 1134 Views
At first glance, I don't see any problem with it. - 15/06/2010 09:31:44 PM 1316 Views
Let's go with it then - 15/06/2010 09:42:32 PM 1343 Views
Sure. - 15/06/2010 11:28:10 PM 1235 Views
Re: Sure. - 15/06/2010 11:45:37 PM 1191 Views
Ok so I really don't like the idea of the pledge - 15/06/2010 04:27:09 PM 1298 Views
DFs might try to skate through. - 15/06/2010 10:57:06 PM 1374 Views
Actually Gender was mine... *NM* - 16/06/2010 06:31:02 PM 705 Views
Also, yes to con, no to pledge. *NM* - 16/06/2010 07:03:42 PM 769 Views
The Big Info Compilation v 1.0 (Table) - 14/06/2010 07:40:38 PM 1438 Views
to get the game moving - 15/06/2010 08:53:38 PM 1363 Views
go on... *NM* - 15/06/2010 09:38:13 PM 787 Views
its day one, do i realy need a reason? *NM* - 15/06/2010 09:56:59 PM 792 Views
It is customary *NM* - 15/06/2010 10:01:25 PM 790 Views
well... - 15/06/2010 11:04:29 PM 1258 Views
Eh, I think I've been pretty consistent - 16/06/2010 06:35:57 AM 1232 Views
Yeah, I was a bit wary of the way he leapt on Talic too. - 16/06/2010 12:51:30 PM 1331 Views
I actually would think it proves his innocence over anything - 17/06/2010 12:18:04 AM 1395 Views
Next Question - 15/06/2010 09:56:10 PM 1254 Views
Seriously - 15/06/2010 10:58:24 PM 1326 Views
I am willing to answer if others are willing though *NM* - 15/06/2010 10:58:44 PM 741 Views
It's interesting, actually. - 16/06/2010 06:37:41 AM 1358 Views
Debatable. - 15/06/2010 11:00:39 PM 1323 Views
Strong Yes - 16/06/2010 06:38:53 AM 1303 Views
Didn't you already say you were a manly man? - 16/06/2010 12:52:57 PM 1312 Views
Well, he could also be a 'neither' or 'both'. *NM* - 16/06/2010 05:24:26 PM 800 Views
I am large; I contain multitudes - 16/06/2010 07:48:33 PM 1334 Views
HGD- No *NM* - 16/06/2010 12:11:28 PM 686 Views
I find the HDG question vague and polarizing... *NM* - 16/06/2010 07:04:59 PM 780 Views
HDG- yes - 17/06/2010 11:23:18 PM 1286 Views
Who isn't answering questions (Table) - 17/06/2010 03:13:58 PM 1227 Views
oi! - 17/06/2010 07:43:23 PM 1329 Views
Gotcha, fixed it - 17/06/2010 07:50:53 PM 1196 Views
Throw in an oi for me, too - 17/06/2010 11:22:48 PM 1303 Views
One of my answers - 18/06/2010 12:50:15 PM 1251 Views
It won't be too much longer - 18/06/2010 05:25:36 PM 1199 Views
Agreed - 18/06/2010 06:39:35 PM 1249 Views
"It" being my own notes etc, off course *NM* - 18/06/2010 06:42:42 PM 758 Views
Re: Agreed - 18/06/2010 08:02:02 PM 1480 Views
Fox is RBIRL until after this weekend - 18/06/2010 10:06:26 PM 1514 Views
HDG: Plead the 5th - 19/06/2010 09:49:08 AM 1361 Views
No longer RBIRL and will be what I mostly skimmed over in a bit - 19/06/2010 10:00:12 AM 1222 Views
Technical difficulties... back to RBIRL until fixed *NM* - 20/06/2010 12:28:41 AM 742 Views
All right, let's do this, I have two people to accuse - 19/06/2010 08:36:14 PM 1244 Views
why just FOS? - 19/06/2010 09:48:25 PM 1229 Views
EBWOP Vote Artsapat - 19/06/2010 09:51:01 PM 1251 Views
I can't vote for two people at once - 19/06/2010 10:12:10 PM 1201 Views
Honestly, I'm in standby at this point. - 20/06/2010 09:31:42 AM 1284 Views
Just for you Beet, a non-acronym version - 20/06/2010 05:13:07 PM 1258 Views
Hah, nice, thanks - 20/06/2010 05:24:15 PM 1290 Views
Welcome *NM* - 20/06/2010 05:24:57 PM 745 Views
Interesting. - 20/06/2010 01:41:40 AM 1407 Views
Re: All right, let's do this, I have two people to accuse - 20/06/2010 03:43:46 AM 1331 Views
Okay, admittedly, I haven't been paying that much attention. - 20/06/2010 05:55:51 AM 1282 Views
Re: All right, let's do this, I have two people to accuse - 20/06/2010 01:29:43 PM 1325 Views
Re: All right, let's do this, I have two people to accuse - 20/06/2010 05:47:45 PM 1249 Views
I'll reply to this in bits, but first: - 20/06/2010 06:09:26 PM 1287 Views
Re: I'll reply to this in bits, but first: - 20/06/2010 06:44:33 PM 1239 Views
I just wanted a one word thingy, so people could type it easy - 20/06/2010 08:15:57 PM 1386 Views
No Comment *NM* - 22/06/2010 11:34:42 PM 724 Views
Let me extend you an offer - 20/06/2010 08:24:11 PM 1366 Views
A typo-less message implies I'm distracted? How? - 21/06/2010 04:41:17 AM 1359 Views
No, you said you were distracted, I said the message looks like you want people to think so - 21/06/2010 04:52:36 AM 1359 Views
I thought I did address the accusation. - 21/06/2010 05:06:41 AM 1270 Views
See, and I know you're gonna think that was an intentional typo to prove a point. It wasn't, honest - 21/06/2010 05:09:05 AM 1417 Views
I'm not really interested in typos one way or another - 21/06/2010 05:16:19 AM 1342 Views
I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world. - 21/06/2010 05:27:27 AM 1316 Views
And now I'm gonna sleep. I'll get to your questions in the morning. - 21/06/2010 05:29:08 AM 1270 Views
Aqua aside, why did you answer UNC for MRE and MCS? - 21/06/2010 05:35:31 AM 1231 Views
Re: Aqua aside, why did you answer UNC for MRE and MCS? - 21/06/2010 02:59:05 PM 1312 Views
MRE seems to be giving a lot of people trouble *NM* - 21/06/2010 05:40:57 PM 766 Views
Maybe ask the question again and try to get confirmation? *NM* - 21/06/2010 06:47:51 PM 724 Views
I think UNC is consistent for MRE for Barbie - 21/06/2010 06:51:13 PM 1293 Views
For the record, I did eventually change my consistency to a yes. - 21/06/2010 07:17:09 PM 1276 Views
Possible, and MCS? - 21/06/2010 07:21:29 PM 1272 Views
Yeah, that's also sketchy. - 21/06/2010 07:28:24 PM 1248 Views
Re: Yeah, that's also sketchy. - 21/06/2010 08:03:27 PM 1257 Views
Kronin's Barbie, but claimed he wasn't a major character? Vote: Kronin - 21/06/2010 11:39:34 PM 1316 Views
I'd like a roleclaim. - 22/06/2010 12:48:13 AM 1285 Views
Honestly, looking back, consistency should've been a yes. - 22/06/2010 01:21:16 AM 1333 Views
Oh, and don't forget about Arty. - 22/06/2010 01:21:49 AM 1311 Views
Each day you can be a different role? That's kind of awesome *NM* - 22/06/2010 07:22:35 AM 773 Views
Well, I knew it would come down to this, as soon as you pointed a finger to me. - 21/06/2010 08:02:42 AM 1246 Views
Might as well explain my answers then. - 21/06/2010 08:52:46 AM 1349 Views
Re: All right, let's do this, I have two people to accuse - 20/06/2010 06:37:50 PM 1277 Views
Re: All right, let's do this, I have two people to accuse - 21/06/2010 07:57:59 AM 1370 Views
Wow, so I suppose these questions can be used in a town friendly way - 20/06/2010 02:06:15 PM 1320 Views
Ok, let's avoid the horizontal scroll - 22/06/2010 01:25:27 AM 1276 Views
Now, I'm all in favor of lynching Isaac. - 22/06/2010 01:37:37 AM 1370 Views
"You lie you die" is sound policy not only Day 1, but every Day. - 22/06/2010 01:40:46 AM 1253 Views
Vote: Artsapat - 22/06/2010 05:01:31 AM 1182 Views
Hey, that's a good idea. Vote: Artsapat *NM* - 22/06/2010 05:18:21 AM 740 Views
Re: Ok, let's avoid the horizontal scroll - 22/06/2010 01:43:07 AM 1227 Views
I suppose I'll join in - 22/06/2010 01:45:48 AM 1296 Views
I'm not gonna deny that I deserve this. - 22/06/2010 03:24:38 AM 1252 Views
- 22/06/2010 03:52:33 AM 1281 Views
Oh man, that was hilarious. - 22/06/2010 03:54:58 AM 1239 Views
Re: Ok, let's avoid the horizontal scroll - 22/06/2010 04:15:44 AM 1217 Views
Re: Ok, let's avoid the horizontal scroll - 22/06/2010 04:31:27 AM 1259 Views
Yea! Kill Kronin! - 22/06/2010 04:56:58 AM 1258 Views
No offense meant, bro. *NM* - 22/06/2010 05:45:22 PM 740 Views
My answers to the 2 questions asked... - 20/06/2010 05:31:22 PM 1223 Views
Just out of curiosity... - 20/06/2010 05:57:00 PM 1204 Views
Re: Just out of curiosity... - 20/06/2010 06:42:38 PM 1265 Views
Vote Table - 21/06/2010 08:51:45 PM 1209 Views
Well, I suppose the sensible thing to do here is lynch Kronin. - 22/06/2010 04:08:46 AM 1217 Views
I told you, main character was my bad. - 22/06/2010 04:20:08 AM 1189 Views
OK, I'll hammer this - 22/06/2010 07:29:38 AM 1193 Views
Kronin al'Sulc has been lynched - 22/06/2010 01:44:22 PM 1298 Views
a slight delay - 25/06/2010 05:55:03 AM 1271 Views
Re: a slight delay - 25/06/2010 07:28:21 AM 1258 Views
No worries, take your time - 25/06/2010 02:02:58 PM 1227 Views

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