Already ill pleased with sleeping on the open field and feeding on fruit and roots, one especially dreary evening, as the skies poured forth an ocean of chilling rain on the unfortunate travelers below, Isaac decided it was well time we'd find an inn for shelter. By some happy chance, there happened to be one such establishment only a few minutes' walk further up the road, and so we found ourselves at the doorstep of Evalyn's Sorrow.
The wooden sign bears the painted likeness of a falling woman with a rainbow-coloured stole trailing after her. The meaning behind the name is unclear, but it seems it was founded many years ago by a group of refugees fleeing a particularly vicious plague in the north eastern countries.
The innkeeper, an aged woman dressed in a simple brown woolen dress smiles warmly as you enter the inn. The room is decorated with a number of objects that apparently belonged on some ship, but it was also decorated with many objects from a finer make. There doesn't seem to be anybody else present at this time, which leads you to wonder how such an establishment could be effectively run, or make a profit, but those aren't polite questions to ask of your host.
The Inn thread can be used for non-game related discussion among board members, and for matters that don't deserve starting a new thread. It will be changed irregularly when it gets too cluttered.
The wooden sign bears the painted likeness of a falling woman with a rainbow-coloured stole trailing after her. The meaning behind the name is unclear, but it seems it was founded many years ago by a group of refugees fleeing a particularly vicious plague in the north eastern countries.
The innkeeper, an aged woman dressed in a simple brown woolen dress smiles warmly as you enter the inn. The room is decorated with a number of objects that apparently belonged on some ship, but it was also decorated with many objects from a finer make. There doesn't seem to be anybody else present at this time, which leads you to wonder how such an establishment could be effectively run, or make a profit, but those aren't polite questions to ask of your host.
The Inn thread can be used for non-game related discussion among board members, and for matters that don't deserve starting a new thread. It will be changed irregularly when it gets too cluttered.
A warm fire roared in the simple stone harth. Isaac's clothes were scattered about the room, hanging from anything he could find that might help them dry faster. Issac himself sat on the hard, narrow bed in the room. He was dressed in a pair of borrowed trousers and a richly made white shirt with ruffles at the neck and cuffs. The inn-keeper said they were left behind by some patron or other.
The woman in the brown dress had fussed over his party until they were all settled in plain, but comfortable rooms. She insisted on warm bathes for all and even fed them an exceptional dinner of game hen, dressing and warm spiced wine.
Issac was so deep in thought he didn't realize he had laid down. Everything at Evalyn's Sorrow seemed a contradiction. The sign outside nagged at him. The inn keeper moved with ease and vigor that did not suit her age, and she spoke with an educated precision that did not match her station. She was alone, yet she had prepared the exquisite meal, and provided warm water for bathes for everyone in the party at conceivably the same time. Not to mention the clothes. There was something else too...something he couldn't quite place.
Isaac was still running over oddities when a voice called to him.
"Lord Isaac, please help me."
A woman stood at the foot of his bed. She wore a sunny yellow silk dress cut in a fashion Isaac had never seen. A matching silk belt cinched her tiny waist and emphasized her firm, full bosom. Her skin was ivory, but there was color in the bow of her lip and her high-boned cheeks. Long auburn hair hung in unbound waves that were pinned in the front, but tumbled down her back to her waist. Issac couldn't break contact with her large dark eyes. They were beautiful eyes, framed with dark lashes, but it was the desperation in them that called to him.
"Isaac, you are my only hope," she said reaching her hand toward him. "Oh no. No! Nooooooo...."
Isaac sat up with force, smashing his head against the wall behind him in the process. The room was empty. Had he fallen asleep?
Mysterious redhead in distress? Sounds like my cup of tea.
You assume she is real? Perhaps she is nothing but trap for a nosy patron.
Inn thread - Evalyn's Sorrow
31/08/2009 10:15:34 PM
Hey everybody!
01/09/2009 01:38:05 AM
I won't be participating in any Mafia games, but I'll be watching you.
01/09/2009 02:20:07 PM
So you'll be roleplaying a sparkling vampire?
01/09/2009 05:38:24 PM
Can we do a Twlight-WoT rpg cross-over?
01/09/2009 07:07:19 PM
Sparkling vampiric woolheads thinking with the hair on their sculpted alabaster chests? *NM*
01/09/2009 07:11:05 PM
What, that doesn't sound like fun to you? *NM*
01/09/2009 10:03:12 PM
Well, to be honest JE...
03/09/2009 01:57:36 AM
In that case ...
03/09/2009 02:20:20 AM
Do I get a chance to be a wollheaded lummox on the side? *NM*
05/09/2009 02:00:22 PM
Wait, can we still call her JE?
04/09/2009 12:25:02 AM
I want in on the next game. I'll try to keep up and check when it starts,
03/09/2009 01:29:23 AM
In F-T's welcome post,
03/09/2009 07:33:43 PM
It's like a story.
03/09/2009 08:08:23 PM
On the note of that newb mafia game,
09/09/2009 02:42:51 AM
Mafia Mod
09/09/2009 09:30:35 PM
As long as it's not a Twilight-Wot cross-over. *NM*
10/09/2009 01:56:03 AM
Not sure if anyone still looks here, but I have a new idea for a type of game...
16/10/2009 12:14:30 AM
Looks like nobody looks here anymore. *NM*
17/10/2009 05:43:18 PM
I see all, know all. *NM*
17/10/2009 06:24:30 PM
Oh, well I figured that since my posts only had two views each...
17/10/2009 09:39:27 PM
Well guess this board isn't working anymore......
05/11/2009 11:11:06 PM
How long ago did that Mafia topic arrive?
18/01/2010 06:29:14 AM