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PGM: Day-Night 4 Flavor (up) - Edit 3

Before modification by Isaac at 23/05/2010 04:27:16 AM

Return to the Day 3 Chronology -------------------->

Day 4 Chronology

Dawn 4 Message – Darth Katie
You carefully weave your web of compulsion on Yunalesca in the twilight hours, whose eyes almost immediately begin to droop, satisfied, you return to your rooms, you sleep little, the pain from your lost warder and the fear of events in general troubles you.
Dawn 4 Message – Yunalesca
You find yourself strangely tired, the previous days events must have exhausted you, Hobo advises sleep and you retire early that night, waking at the dawn.
Dawn 4 Message – Gher
You sneak into Yunalesca's rooms with ease. Your nose is assaulted by a foul odor, and you can barely bite back a cry of surprise as you move from the entry room into the small sitting room. At a table, seated with a silver chamberpot on his head, a white bed sheet clasped around his shoulders, and a firepoker through his belt where a sword would go is Captain Hobo. His rotting corpse stares sightless at the ceiling, chamberpot-helmet cocked at a twisted angle, a cold cup of tea before him.

Biting your tongue so as not to cry out in horror, you stalk past him into the bedchamber, Yunalesca lies sleeping inside, snoring. His discarded clothing, rich blue, sits draped over a chair, boots casually kicked off nearby, a boot dagger sprouting from one of them. You sit next to the blond haired man, pressing a hand to his mouth and a dagger to his throat.

“The Children of the Light have many questions for you, Yunalesca.” You say coldly.

Blue eyes flicker open for only a moment, and Yunalesca mumbles. “Yes, Hobo, once I have answered them, they will serve.”

You blink, surprised, and press the knife harder, drawing a bit of blood. Yunalesca winces in pain, but does not awaken.

“If you knick my throat again,” he mumbles, “I will cut yours and find a new barber.”

You shake him roughly. “Awaken and answer my questions, Darkfriend!” You hiss.

But the eyes only roll open for a moment, and Yunalesca mumbles once more, “Yes, these Darkfriends have much to answer for.”

“What witchcraft...?” You mutter. Rising, you sort through his possessions, easily finding the journal on his nightstand.

It takes you little time to realize that Yunalesca is insane. The journal is full of megomaniacal writings, much of the recent writings speak of his advisors, and how he would give the Elxir to Hobo, and how Hobo has given him such good advice since recovering from the elixir's powerful effects.

Disgusted, you rise and leave, pausing near Hobo's corpse, you are tempted to take him with you, or call the guards, but finally decide the course of wisdom is to leave unnoticed, you exit the rooms and return to your own.

'Event: No Shades of Grey' – has happened. Fistofpainx was a survivor role, who won with any side, and could be utterly converted in some cases. In this respect he counted as 'half a darkfriend' giving you one point.

'Event: Put to the Question' – has happened. In addition to copping, roleblocking and guarding your target, you also gain their description and some details.

Dawn 4 Message – Beetnemesis
You enter fistofpainx's rooms quietly, picking locks is but one of many talents you have had to develop for your occupation. He is not sleeping, but dozing at his table, you are dressed in dark clothes and stick to the shadows.

“Time to die, merchant.” You say, raising your hand.

He snaps awake and stares at you in terror, then falls to his knees begging, saying he will pay you whatever you want, do whatever you say, swear to the Dark One even. You contemplate it for only a moment, but realize allies such as he are as bad as enemies, anyone who would sell their soul to the Shadow to save their own skin will not hesitate to sell an ally either.

“I think not.” You say.

The unleashed magic of the ring shears through him, as though a dozen swords had struck, blurry blades forged of air not steel. Hacked and dismembered, the gory remains of the merchant tumble into a heap. Turning, you sneak back to your rooms.

Your ring will require seven days to recharge (randomly determined before game as 1d6+5 days) and will be available again on night 10, which of course is fairly unlikely to happen.

Dawn 4 Message – Kronin
It takes little effort sneak into Fanatic-Templar's room. He is still awake, dozing while looking at some notes, sitting in a high backed chair near his fireplace. Chuckling that the only thing clearly visible above the chair's back is his head, you lop it off without barely a whisper, the head rolls down toward the hearth, bouncing to a rest, eyes staring up in vacant surprise.

Looking down you see a various numbers and words on the paper, account ledgers perhaps.

“Well, working too hard can lead to an early grave after all.” You say, cleaning your sword and sheathing it, then sneaking away.

Dawn 4 Message – Amys
After your conversations, you retire and get some rest. Somewhat exhausted by the long night of conversations and the worrying about your allies, you continue to doze through the shouts of alarm, until at last you wake and discover that Fanatic-Templar and fistofpainx were both killed last night.
Dawn 4 Message – BlackAdder
Twice during the night, once early and once later, Saidar brushes against your ward on Beetnemesis, but you do not feel any harm come to your ward.
Dawn 4 Message – Ranagrande
You spin your web on beetnemesis, and it settles. During the night you feel it impinged on, beetnemesis either had Saidair used or used Saidar.
Dawn 4 Message – Talic
Your sleep is untroubled, you wake with the others at the dawn.

Day Break

Day 4 Morning Message

Location – Saladea, outskirts of Maradon
Date: Thirteenth day of Saven, 979 NE

No screams wake the guests, who are at breakfast when it is noticed that two of their number our missing. The guards and guests go to their rooms, fearing the worst. In fistofpainx's room, the horribly dismembered remains of the merchant litter the floor, blood everywhere. He appears to have been hacked to a dozen pieces by a razor sharp blade.

“There are no marks on the floor.” A horrified guard mutters. “No cuts in the rug, just blood.”

Leaving the gory remains everyone rushes to Fanatic-Templar's room, not even bothering to knock as they enter. A strong smell of burned hair makes many gag as they enter. He is seated in a high-backed chair near the fireplace, a ledger on his lap, blood soaking the chair, with his head rolled next to the fireplace. His face is scalded, brown hair singed, eyes staring vacantly.

Horrified, the guests return to their deliberations

Event: Lunch Interlude Day 4
Gher takes Ranagrande's vacated seat, sits down and taps the gavel lightly.

“We'll adjourn for lunch in a little while, it is still rather earlier in the day.” Gher says. “Does anyone have any business to present?”

“Yes.” Says Yunalesca, brushing a hand through his blonde hair. “I find myself disturbed that we are now less than half of our original numbers, and three, Tem Lurin, Fox and Ravens, and Artsapat have been uncovered as Darkfriends, is there any chance that we have gotten all of them?”

Ranagrande sits down in the chair Gher vacated. “I would surmise that with two people killed last night we can assume some remain.”

Beetnemesis shrugs her shoulders. “It seems a safe wager that the Darkfriends are not the only killers amongst us, so it is possible others are simply trying to eliminate them at night as well. For that matter, it is not unusual in Tanchico for people to use a crisis like this as an excuse to settle old scores, I imagine the practice is not limited to that location.” She picks up a water glass in one gloved hand with a slight metallic click and takes a sip.

“It certainly sounds believable.” Says Ranagrande. “In fact it's practically routine in some lands, like Cairhien. Still, I doubt we have purged them all nor am I inclined to ascribe good motives to anyone else who has been killing in the night. Unless someone wishes to step forward and confess to either of these deaths last night and explain their reasoning?”

There is a brief uncomfortable silence, Gher chuckles. “No one seems to be inclined to take credit. It is of course possible that one of the killings was done by one of those who died themselves. Obviously not both of course, I can not see either Fanatic-Templar or Fistofpainx killing the other then choosing suicide.”

“It is rather difficult to cut your own head off or tear yourself to ribbons.” Says Yunalesca drolly.

Ranagrande frowns. “Cut yourself to ribbons, I think, the guards report that the various wounds appear to be slices, not tears.”

“Neither is likely to occur via suicide, nor is beheading.” Yunalesca says, waving a hand dismissively.

“True.” Says Gher, “But I don't think any of us would be inclined to assume a suicide took place even if we found a suicide note next to the corpse and slit wrists or a bottle of poison. No, at least one, probably both were killed by someone still alive, probably two different people since at least one of them seems fond of cutting people's heads off, which is rather different then slicing someone into a dozens pieces.”

Day 4 Twilight – Yunalesca Lynched
Darth Katie and Beetnemesis both nod, and cast their votes for Yunalesca.

The guards approach nervously, hesitant to manhandle a kinsman of their lord.

“Fools!.” Yunalesca sneers, rising grandly from the table. “I'll prove to you I'm not a Darkfriend, come with me.”

The aging nobleman turns and walks from the room, the other guests and the guards following warily behind, prepared to seize Yunalesca if he attempts to flee. In a moment they come to Yunalesca's guest quarters, and he opens the door. The first to step in behind him gag at the smell that assails them.

“Hobo! Captain Hobo you must testify on my behalf.” He bellows.

Shocked gasps come from the guests as they behold Hobo, seated at a table in the sitting room with a cup of tea before him. A white bedsheet is wrapped around his shoulders like a cloak, a firepoker where his sword should be, and a silver chamberpot sits upon his head, cocked at a twisted angle. The guests regard the rotting corpse in horror, but Yunalesca tilts his head as though listening.

“You see! Would a Whitecloak say such a thing if he were not sure?”

The young officer steps forward, face pale. “Lord Yunalesca, he is dead.”

Yunalesca looks at him as though he were mad. “Dead? Dead? Don't be ridiculous man, he sits before you laughing, the paleness of his features is but a result of the Elixir of True Seeing, my greatest alchemical accomplishment.”

“Elixir?” Darth Katie asks, her face pale.

“Yes, the Elixir of True Seeing. I realized long ago that the pine trees could spy on me, yet they have no eyes, thus logic dictates they must have some other means of sight. Any simpleton could see that therefore they must have some greater vision, not bound by the rigid physical laws of nature, like your eyeball, and therefore not able to be fooled by the devices of mortal men. I myself already possess such enlightenment through my superior bloodline and canny intellect, as well a my prolonged alchemical work with quicksilver, which speeds the functioning of the human brain. By combining the sap of pine trees, the fruit of the tree of life and death, which is to say peach pits, quicksilver and several other mundane items I was able to create the Elixir of True Seeing. As I have with my own advisors at my manor, I administered the Elixir to Captain Hobo in his tea, and he gained ultimate enlightenment and agreed to serve me as an advisor.”

“You are mad!” Beetnemesis cries.

“Mad? Mad! Don't be absurd, it is merely your unenlightened and inferior brain speaking, I can tell from the shape of your skull that you are a dimwit. No, I see now that none of you but Hobo was fit to advise me.” Yunalesca quickly steps to a cloak rack, where a strange cape of feathers hangs, and throws it around his shoulders.

“And now, with my potion of flying I shall escape you fools and these evil darkfriends. Do not seek to follow me fools, we are on the third floor, and you would plummet to your deaths.” With that, Yunalesca takes a vial from a hidden pocket of the feather cloak, pops the cork and downs the black liquid. “Brave Hobo, defend me as I flee!” He says, and dashes for the balcony.

The guards race over, but before they can seize Yunalesca, the mad lord leaps from the balcony, spreading the cloak like wings... and plummets to the ground below.

Best death scene ever ;)
Twilight 4 Message – BlackAdder
Captain Hobo stands, sword drawn, keeping you and the other guests from pursuing Yunalesca, though several Aiel pursue him. As you watch Yunalesca fly away, amazed at his alchemical genius, you discretely tuck a bunch of his notes under your shirt. Nodding to Captain Hobo, who smiles and salutes you with his teacup, you contemplate which of the other guests to give your protection to.
Twilight 4 Message – Kronin and Darth Katie
“Interesting, I guess the rumors about the entire family being insane are true.” Dath Katie Sedai says, standing on the balcony looking down at the broken body of Lord Yunalesca.

Kronin shrugs, “Most of them. A few aren't but they tend to keep as far from their kinsman as possible. Muad is brilliant himself, the crazier ones usually are, finest commander there is, never loses.”

“Pity he didn't die then, when he was poisoned by whoever poisoned him, not I.”

“Nor I, possibly Yunalesca. Or the crazy fool may be faking it, I see him over there.” Kronin says, pointing to where several men are carry a chair with the swaddled Lord Cheade on it towards the cemetery. “I will go speak with him, this isn't a good place to speak anyway, let's meet in your quarters again in a little while to plan.”

Twilight 4 Message – Kronin
After leaving Darth Katie Sedai you make a point of passing the pond, and see that the metallic glint is still there, then continue on your way to speak to Lord Cheade.

Seeing you approach, Muad raises a weak hand and his bearers halt. “Kronin al'Sulc, my friend, this is a sad day.”

“Truly, my regrets for your kinsman.”

“Yes, I warned him that his foolish efforts at Alchemy would be his undoing.” Cheade chuckles sadly. “He actually believed that the mold on bread could cure illnesses.”

You shake your head in feigned mourning. “A great man.”

“Truly, though perhaps not quite right in the head.” Nodding to you in farewell, he raises a hand and the bearers lift the chair and continue on.

Turning, you head back to the manor.

Twilight 4 Message – Amys
With both of your allies dead, you have little to scheme at, and try to decide whether or not to seek the guardroom for protection this night.

Twilight 4 Message – Beetnemesis and Gher
Gher helps the guards take Hobo's body from the room and carry him to the a small cemetery plot. It is not too surprising that several fresh graves have are there and several open graves have already been dug. With little ceremony but due respect both Captain Hobo and the mad lord Yunalesca are interred. The weakened Lord Cheade sits on a chair nearby, having been carried to his kinsman's funeral. He does not speak, but looks very pale and ill.

“He served the Light well.” Says Beetnemesis, shaking her head in regret.

“Yes, and we must continue to do so ourselves. Let us discuss what we should do now.”

Tower Group Night Message 4 A
“He appears to have been quite insane, a common condition in his family I regret to say.” Ranagrande Sedai says, taking a seat.

Talic Sedai frowns, pouring tea for both before sitting down opposite Ranagrande Sedai. It looks to be a cold night, and the fire in Ranagrande's hearth has been recently fed by the servants.

“Diseases of the mind fascinate me, personally. It is a source of much debate in my Ajah, we still hope that one day men who can channel might be cured of their madness, or at least have their symptoms decreased.”

Ranagrande raises an eyebrow. “A noble but likely futile cause, could it have been cured by the power I am sure the Aes Sedai would have done so when we were greater in numbers and knowledge. Instead they knew it could not be, and that is one of the major reasons my Ajah was founded. Let us discuss more important matters than Yellow fantasies about curing the incurable.”

Night 4 A Aes Sedai Introduction
“Honey?” Asks Darth Katie Sedai, spooning some into her own cup.

“No, thank you sister.” Replies Ranagrande Sedai, sitting down on a comfortable sofa near the fireplace. “I'm rather surprised we've been here this long and didn't realize we were both Aes Sedai.”

“Well, we've never met before that I can recall, I don't spend much time in the Tower.”

“True, and we are not of the same Ajah, I've been out of the Tower a fair amount myself. Alies Romlin appointed me as Ambassador to Ebou Dar for a time, then I returned shortly after Noane Masadim was raised by the Hall.” Ranagrande says.

“Ah, I think the last time I was at the Tower for more than a few days was when Alies was Amrylin, so it is not too surprising.” Darth Katie says, taking a sip of her tea.

“Well, a bad time to meet, but I am glad nonetheless.”

“I, as well, sister, we have much to speak about I should think.”

Tower Group Night Message 4 B
A short time before midnight, the trio of Aes Sedai meet in Ranagrande's room to discuss matters.

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