So I'll post a quick summary roster by role name then the descriptions by player, then below the long list of roles as players received them, later in one of the subthreads, linked below, I'll put up the various hidden bits and pieces and modifying effects that game into play, see the link:
Quick Roster
1.Amys – Commuter
You are male, you are from Tar Valon, you favor brown dress, you are a banker, your hair is brown and your eyes are green, you bear a sword at your hip.
2.Artsapat – Df Warder
You are male, you wear dark green, green eyes and red hair, you wear a sword at your hip, and you are from Lugard
3.Bergioyn - 2nd Noble
You are female, and have long red hair and favor green clothing, you have green eyes, you are from Saldaea.
4.Beetnemesis – 1 shot vig
You are female, You are from Tanchico, you wear gloves and clothes of red and white vertically striped clothes with gold fringe, you have long blond hair and blue eyes
5.BlackAdder – doc
You are male from Cairhein, you dress in somber black and have a sword at your hip, you have brown hair and blue eyes.
6.Darth Katie – BA
You are female, are from Tear, where dark green, have long dark brown hair with a touch of gray, and brown eyes
7.Fanatic-Templar – cop
You are male, from Arafel, are missing your right hand, dress in black and wear no visible weapon, your hair is dusty blond and your eyes blue.
8.fistofpainx – survivor
You are male, from Illian, you are fat, wear red and gold clothes, have many rings on your hands, and have brown hair and green eyes.
9.Fox and Ravens – DF Noble
You are male, from Saldaea, keep a knife in your sleeve, dress in black and red silk, and have brown hair and eyes.
10.Gher – Questioner
You are male from Amadacia, you have a blue eye, scars, and blonde-grey hair, are missing an eye, and wear blue.
11.Hieshyn [Blaine] – WC Lieutenant
You are male, from Amadicia, you have brown hair, brown eyes and dress in brown, and have a sword at your hip.
12.Hobo – Whitecloak Captain
You are male, from Amadicia, grey clothes, salt & pepper brown hair, sword at hip, blue eyes
13.Kronin al'Sulc – DF Leader
You are male, from Malkier and later of Shienar, you wear black and have long dark brown hair and bear the Kadori, and have green eyes and a heron mark blade at your hip.
14.Napoleon62 [Fanatic Templar] – Double Voter
You are male and are from Andor, you have short brown hair and prefer to dress in White and Red when out of country, the colors of your nation. You keep a long dagger at your belt, you have brown eyes.
15.Ranagrande – Red Ajah
You are female, you wear black, to match your long black hair, you have green eyes. You are from Shienar.
16.Talic – Yellow Ajah
You are a female and as a tinker you are from all over the place, you tend to favor bright tacky clothers, currently Red, Green, and Gold. You have red hair and blue eyes.
17.White Flame of Tar Valon –
Your are male, from Kandor, you wear two sword across your back, and dress in light green, your hair is blond and your eyes brown.
18.Yunalesca – Senior Noble
You are male, are from Saldaea, you wear blue, have blond hair, blue eyes, and have a dagger visibly sprouting from your boot.
Personae Dramatis
The Banker [Amys]
You are a native of Tar Valon, and a banker, you typically wear brown clothes of sober but expensive cut, prefering not to flaunt your wealth too visibly.
You've learned in life that sleeping at the wrong time is a very good way to end up sleeping forever. You're a fairly likable person though, and the guards around the wing of the manor you're all confined to didn't object when you asked if you could hang around with them at nights in the small room at the end of the hall leading back into the rest of the manor where they take their breaks, search servants coming in, and so forth. You tell them stories of your travels to keep them friendly and help keep yourself awake. Better to be surrounded by guards then in your own rooms, asleep or awake you know there are many dangerous people staying in the wing who could probably kill you just as easily, especially since the sword at your side is purely ornamental, and you're rather clumsy.
Unfortunately, everyone needs to sleep sometime, you can not keep the guards company two nights in a row.
You are a commuter
You are immune to night kills on any night where you send the Moderator a noteboard telling me you are using your ability, you are expected to send me a message if you elect not to use it too, so that I am not needlessly delaying the dawn. You can use this power or not, as you choose, but when you use it, you can not use it the next night. So using it on night 1 means you can't use it till night 3 again, so for strategic reasons you may not want to use this power as often as you can to ensure you can use it when you think it important.
Although you are essentially targeting yourself, this still qualifies as an Active Ability, and can be blocked, but if blocked it is not expended, you could use it the next night. In terms of flavor, you receive this protection from hanging out with guards, anything which would prevent that would tend to allow you to get your sleep, and it is staying up all night that stops this.
You have no other powers and win with the town.
The Darkfriend Warder [Artsapat]
You are a warder and a Friend of the Dark, as is your Aes Sedai, Darth Katie of the Green Ajah. As your are principally a bodyguard, you may elect on any given night to protect your Aes Sedai from attack. This is an active ability, which you can choose not to do, and therefore can be blocked. You can not protect your Aes Sedai on any night when you are charged to perform a Night Kill. If your Aes Sedai dies for any reason, so do you. Also, like her, you tend to favor dark green shades of clothing, though in your case it is so you can blend in better at night or in the wilds. You also bare a sword on your hip. You are originally from Lugard.
However, staying up all night protecting your Aes Sedai is tiring, as is killing people, and this effects your performance. Every night you go without 'rest', even with your impressive Warder stamina, will result in deterioration of you abilities, a single night resting restores you.
Power: You may elect to perform your faction's Night Kill, or to guard your Aes Sedai, or to rest.
Effects: One night without rest has no effect on your performance, your will protect your AS from attack as the 'doc' role would. However, a second night means that while you would stop an attack, you would die in the process. A third Night, you can not perform either a Night Kill or guard your Aes Sedai.
Example: On night 1 you carry out the NK for your faction, the next night you protect your Aes Sedai, were she attacked, you would stop the attack but die in the process. On the next night you would not be able to guard her or carry out your factions Night Kill. Alternatively on night 1 you could protect her, and foil an attack with neither of you dying, and perform a night kill the next night, then rest. You can only choose to do one of these three things, NK, guard, rest, on a given night.
All references to Night Kill refer to your faction's night kill. The darkfriends as a group can perform one night kill a night, or attempt one at least, and they select a target and a player on their team to carry this out.
You may speak to your allies at night on the Noteboard:
Darth Katie
Kronin al'Sulc
Fox and Ravens
You may speak to your Aes Sedai, Darth Katie, via Noteboard at anytime, if you are both alive.
You are aware that Kronin al'sulc is the highest ranking Friend of the Dark in your group, and that your Aes Sedai is not best pleased about this.
You win with the dark, when all opposition is eliminated or a point is reached that such an outcome is inevitable.
The Archaeologist [Beetnemesis]
You've never been to Saladea before, but you received the invitation from Lord Cheade with great enthusiasm, arriving early at his request and helping him to identify this ter'angreal he found. You're no Aes Sedai, but you doubt there is anyone else besides them, and maybe the Ogier, who know Ter'angreal and remnants of the past like you do. You've studied such things in Tanchico, the closest thing you have to a home, and even the White Tower itself. It's how you came to acquire your ring. You often wear gloves to cover the dull white ring on your finger, it needs no ability to channel to kill, though it take some time to recharge, many days. To cover the gloves, you've fostered a belief in your fashion quirk, wearing formal clothing at almost all times, typically red and white vertically striped clothes with gold fringe.
Last night as you were going to your rooms you saw a door cracked open and couldn't help but peak inside, you saw a one eyed man you recognized from dinner as Gher. He was unpacking his bags and you saw him reverently hold up a piece of white cloth, pulling it only partially from his bag and stroking it fondly. You must have made a noise, because he turned in your direction sharply, and you barely ducked away in time, unsure if he saw you, as you ran to your room.
Power: Once during the game you can target someone at night by sending the target in to the moderator, that person will die.
You win with the light
The Saldaean Wilder [Bergioyn]
You recognized Yunalesca and Fox and Ravens as fellow nobles from the royal court. You know of Muad Cheade's madness and regardless of what this ter'angreal may be capable of you have no desire to have it tested on you, or be hung by these others. The three of you spoke briefly last night, and agreed to meet again tonight.
You have the ability as a group, once per night, to select a target and kill them. You must send in the target, and the attacker, you are expected to send in that you are not using the power if you select not to.
No member of the group can be forced to perform a kill, and must be selected by vote, the highest ranking member of the group has a tie-breaking vote.
If one of you dies, you will only have one night kill remaining, if two of you die, your ability to perform night kills is ended.
You may speak at night via Noteboard with your allies:
Fox and Ravens
You are the second highest ranking member of the group.
Yunalesca is first
Fox and Ravens is third
You are wilder, and accomplish your kills this way, you do not normally let people know of your ability to channel. You are female, regardless of your player gender, and have long red hair and favor green clothing.
You win with the Light
The Cairhienen Channeler [BlackAdder]
ou can channel. Growing up in Carheinen, you rode to war against the Aiel, you were their when your city was sacked and burned, you were there when King Laman died, an Aiel spear through your stomach, you barely survived, and wouldn't have if you hadn't killed the Aiel, using the One Power. Using forbidden saidin. You almost wish you had died. You learned to heal with that power though, amazed when the Aes Sedai came out of their city after the battle to heal the wounded, including you, you sought to figure out how to do it yourself. You also learned how to tell when Aes Sedai were about, you skin tingles when they use their power, and you've felt it more than once since arriving at Muad Cheade's manor. You've sworn to yourself never to touch the One Power except to heal, hoping that not using it will help keep the madness as bay, you'd not even do that but you can't bring yourself to watch the wounded die. You typically dress in somber black, and wear a side at your side.
Power: Once a night you may target someone, warding them so that you know if they've been attacked and able to race to their aid to heal them. You may submit a target via Noteboard every night to the moderator and that person will be protected from attack.
Be aware that male channelers are very unpopular, and being revealed is practically a death sentence, so if you admit or are found to be a channeler, certain effects may come into play.
You win with the light
The Black Sister [Darth Katie]
You are a sister of the Green Ajah, but a darker shade suits your heart. You have been in the Black Ajah for well over a century now, as is your only current Warder Artsapat. You grew concerned at Cheade's claims, recognizing it as a ter'angreal, one of a set, so you've been told, that your fellow dark sisters have sought to hide or destroy over the years, along with all records of them. Realizing that Cheade had suspected you and your Warder of being darkfriends, you wonder who else there might be and find to both your horror and pleasure that there are three more, Lord Tem Lurin, Kronin Al'Sulc, and Fox and Ravens. Good to know you have many allies, but it shows that Cheade is as clever as his reputation says. Also to your irritation, Kronin al'Sulc flashes you a signal showing he is a very high ranking Friend of the Dark himself, it's absurd that any man, especially one who can not channel, should outrank you, but perhaps something might befall him.
You typically wear a dress without your shawl, in Dark Green silk, you have dark brown hair with just a touch of grey.
You are originally from Tear, though the years have erased most remnants of your homeland. You are rarely in the Tower and only older sisters would recognize you, or you them, troubling because you're sure you felt another woman channel, perhaps simply a wilder. Either way, though you dislike killing sisters, you know that everyone who opposes the Shadow will have to die.
Power: Compulsion – You have a limited skill with this forbidden talent. Basically after twilight as everyone is leaving for their rooms, you can suggest to someone that they catch up on their sleep.
You are a roleblocker, you may target one person a night and block any active ability, put not a passive one. Be warned that the role of roleblocker, often abridged as RBer, or RB, is a role often associated with the darkfriends, and may be a poor roleclaim.
Role detector: People who were planning to do something that night beside sleep tend to resist the compulsion, and you can tell... in other words, when you block an active ability, you know. You don't know what, but you know your target did. If they have an active ability but did not use it that night, you would not know. This is often built into the 'Roleblocker' Role, but is stated here explicitly to avoid ambiguity.
You are able to communicate at night on the Note board with your Allies:
Fox and Ravens
Kronin al'Sulc
You are able to communicate with you Warder, Artsapat, via NB at anytime, as long as you are both alive
Restriction: You can not knowingly initiate an attack on an Aes Sedai, and if you target one yourself for Night Kill it will fail. The combination of your reluctance to kill fellow sisters and general fear of getting caught in a One Power duel explain this, along with why you do not simply snuff the life out of everyone yourself... that and all the guards with crossbows. Even Aes Sedai can die. You can not execute a Night kill and roleblock on the same night.
You win with the Shadow, when all opposition is dead or such an outcome is inevitable barring suicidal behavior by you or teammates.
The Arafelin Commander [Fanatic-Templar]
You are from Arafel, a minor noble but a retired officer of their army and a hero of the blight border, you were one of the finest warriors until you lost your right hand fighting shadowspawn. You were glad to see Muad Cheade again, who you knew, and your invitation was quite clear, he believed there were darkfriends and he had a way to uncover them. You were surprised at his explanation of the ter'angreal, and though you deeply respect him, you doubted his claim. Still, when he was poisoned he dropped the amulet and you picked it up in the confusion, planning to return it the next day if he lived.
When you were lead to your quarters, you were preparing for bed when Tem Lurin, a fellow noble from Arafel, knocked on your door and asked to speak to you in private. You did, going to the small library in the wing, and spoke for some time. Lord Lurin kept glancing at the clock, and you finally realized why, horrified, as it turned midnight and Tem seemed to sprout a dark aura. You could not conceal your shock.
“So, it works.” Tem said, producing a knife from his sleeve and lunging at you. “I saw you take it.”
You barely dodge the attack, but in spite of your missing hand you still remember your training, and are able to hit him as he lunges past you. Slamming him in the face with your stump you are able to avoid his next lunge and kick him in the chest. He stumbles back and crashes through a window into the courtyard below, taking a large candle holder and the drapes with him. You hear cries of alarm as you look out the broken window to the courtyard below and see Tem lying on the ground moaning, the ornate candle holder piercing his chest and his legs twisted at impossible angles. You run back to your room, unable to sleep that night.
Role: You possess the amulet ter'angreal, and can target a player each night to see if they are shadowspawn.
Victory: Light
The Illianer Merchant [Fistofpainx]
You are a merchant from Illian, over the years through ruthless cunning you have amassed quite a fortune, and a lot of enemies. Few nobles match your wealth and you've essentially bought your way into their circles, so it didn't surprise you to be invited to a celebration of such exclusivity. You're an opportunist, and Cheade's rambling about darkfriends do not interest you, the Dark One is dead, they're just a weird group of madmen like he is.
You are known for your excess, wearing rich clothing in red and gold and being rather fat, with hands covered in jeweled rings.
No, your goal is to survive this alive, and you don't care how
You are a survivor, during the game you can stay up late and be safe from attack, but this so exhausts you that you can not do it the next night, everyone needs to sleep eventually. Simply staying awake is not enough though, the people here, you know, are dangerous enough that being awake might not save you, you would normally go down to the little room at the end of the hall leading back into the main manor to talk with the guards, who having been slipped a few coins have no objection to your being there.
You can obviously still die by Night Kill, Lynch, modkill, etc but you can elect to protect yourself from night kills on a given night, essentially like the 'commuter' role, because this role has been known to encourage lurking, and to fit your flavor as a despicable person only interested in saving their own neck, you are quick to point the finger at anyone, and on any given day you must vote for someone within 96 hours of the day beginning, or your ability to protect yourself will be expended and you will not be able to use it that night, nor the consecutive night, same as if you had used it, this kicks in even if you had used the ability the previous night and therefore couldn't use it that night anyway. You commuter aspect is treated as an Active Ability, and can be blocked, but is not expended if blocked, since it has it's limitation do to the need to sleep and if you can't go to the guard room you will simply go to sleep instead.
Example: On night 1 you use your ability to protect yourself, you could not normally use it again till night 3, but you do not vote for someone within 96 hours of gameplay for day 2 beginning, you lose the ability to perform it again till night 4.
You may unvote for someone, but then you must vote for someone else within 48 hours or suffer the loss of your protective power as though you hadn't voted.
Although you are essentially targeting yourself, this still qualifies as an Active Ability, and can be blocked, but if blocked it is not expended, you could use it the next night. In terms of flavor, you receive this protection from hanging out with guards, anything which would prevent that would tend to allow you to get your sleep, and it is staying up all night that stops this.
You win with whichever faction wins, if you are alive at the end of the game.
The Darkfriend Noble [Fox and Ravens]
You are a Darkfriend, along with your allies Tem Lurin, Darth Katie, Artsapat, and Kronin al'sulc. You are also a minor noble from Saladea, and recognized Yunalesca and Bergioyn as fellow nobles from the court, though higher-ranking. Your desire to increase your status is part of the reason you joined the Shadow. With encouragement from Kronin al'sulc, a very high ranking Friend of the Dark, you decided to attempt to ally with these fellow nobles of Saladea.
The three of you spoke briefly last night, and agreed to meet again tonight.
You have the ability as a group, once per night, to select a target and kill them. You must send in the target, and the attacker, you are expected to send in that you are not using the power if you select not to.
No member of the group can be forced to perform a kill, and must be selected by vote, the highest ranking member of the group has a tie-breaking vote.
If one of you dies, you will only have one night kill remaining, if two of you die, your ability to perform night kills is ended.
You may only perform one night action a night, you can not carry out a kill from each of your factions on the same night.
You may speak at night via Noteboard with both sets of your allies:
Saladean Nobles:
Kronin al'sulc
Darth Katie
You tend to dress in black and red, you are male, have brown eyes and hair, and typically carry only a dagger as a weapon, concealed in your sleeve.
You win with the Shadow, when all enemies are eliminated or such is inevitable.
Note from Mod: You are basically a member of two different mason groups, both of which can kill, so be careful with your NBs, and again, you can not execute a NK from both factions on the same night.
The Questioner [Gher]
Old and scarred, missing an eye, you are a true warrior against the Shadow, and were glad to see Hobo, a Captain of the Children of the Light, and a young aide of his you've never met before, Hieshyn, who is introduced to you as a Lieutenant. Neither they nor you have been wearing your uniforms, and as a native of Ebou Dar you have no Amadician accent to give you away.
Last night, though, as you were unpacking your clothing in your room, you could not help but see your whitecloak and take it out for just a moment to feel the fabric in your hands. You had accidentally left the door slightly cracked and a rustle near the door alerted you that someone had glanced inside and seen you with your cloak. Hoping they did not see everything or realize it's importance, you run to the door, but the corridor was already empty, cursing your indiscretion quietly you shut and lock the door.
You are a member of the Hand of the Light, and are an adept at getting information from people. You a joined by two allies, officers of the Children of the Light, though not Questioners themselves.
You begin the game with four (4) points, which you may spend to do any of the following actions:
Investigate Player: 6, This detects if anyone is a darkfriend.
Track Player: 5, As with the Tracker Role, you can follow one player, and see who they target on a given night, but not what is done.
Put to the Question: 8, You seize someone for the night, at the end of which you will know if they are a darkfriend, and during which time they can not act or be acted upon by anyone else.
You may perform one, or none, of these actions a night, not two, even if you have the points, you may only spend what you have, there is no 'credit'.
Points: You acquire points at twilight, after the lynch, and gain one for each Child of the Light still alive, including yourself. Additionally, you gain points whenever a darkfriend, channeler, or someone involved with the tower dies, whether by lynch, NK, modkill, etc. People who qualify as a combination thereof give you points for each category they meet. Essentially these points represent your will and general optimism about your task. The continued survival of your fellow whitecloaks or the death of people you disapprove of buoys your spirits.
Chaneller: 1 point
Tower Aligned: 1 point
Darkfriend: 1 point
Special: Certain events, circumstances, deaths, etc may occur which may grant you additional points
So as an example, if Day 1 ends with the lynch of a warder who is not a darkfriend, you would gain 1 point from that lynch, and 1 point from each surviving whitecloak, or 3 points, for a total of 4 points plus those you began with. Alternatively, if a Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah dies, her death would gain you 4 points...
You may spend or save those points that night – you must NB me to let me know if you are doing nothing, though I will assume in the absence of contact that is your intent, but I don't like long night cycles and I don't want to drag out a deadline waiting for an action when there won't be. I will tell you how many points you have though you are expected to track this yourself in case I get distracted or make a mistake.
It should be obvious but to be clear, you only gain points for a dead darkfriend from people who are actually darkfriends, and as you can no doubt surmise, you will regard anyone whose death you get points from as a darkfriend regardless of whether they are or are not. If you investigate a random kitchen girl and she can channel, you will be returned a hit saying 'darkfriend', when she dies you will get a point for a dead channeler, but you will not get the two points for killing a darkfriend.
You are a mason, and may speak to your allies at night:
Captain Hobo
Lieutenant Hieshyn
Your victory condition is that you win with the Light, dead Tar Valon witches, warders, random channelers, etc. are simply pleasant bonuses that gain you points.
The Whitecloak Lieutenant [Hieshyn/Blaine]
You are a young officer of the Children of the Light, and are fairly uncertain about things, this idea of simply killing people on a vote seems unwise somehow, and you are reluctant to participate. You come from a fairly important noble house in Amadicia, and when the wicked Aiel attacked you joined the Children of the Light, wanting to help and generally disliking the politics and intrigue of the nobility. Although you know you are talented as both a swordsmen and a leader, you know your family's wealth and power is why you've gained rank so fast, and it is disappointing that such politics effect even the Children of the Light.
You are the Whitecloak Lieutenant, you may only vote as the hammer vote, or if your surviving allies have already voted.
This is a variation of the 'Actor' Role:
The Actor can normally vote only as the hammer vote (the last vote necessary for a lynch), however, you have exceptions to this:
1.You may vote freely for things which do not pertain to a lynch
2.You may vote for someone if both of your Whitecloak allies have voted for them, if one of them dies than you may vote for someone if the surviving Whitecloak does.
3.You may always vote for a no lynch at any point
Essentially this represents your youth and general nervousness. You've no problem voting for things which don't involve someone dying, but otherwise you need a bit of encouragement, like your allies voting or a big crowd. You wouldn't want to admit to reluctance to your allies or the others there, and are discouraged from informing anyone that you are an Actor.
Q: What happens if I vote in the wrong place?
A: Nothing, so long as you didn't obviously do it to prove your role, your vote will simply not count toward the total and if anyone asks 'Is the vote count wrong?' I will say 'no'. Doing this repeatedly or with the obvious intent of proving yourself an Actor will get you modkilled. You are not allowed to vote except as hammer or under the exceptions listed. I'm just not going to modkill you for an accident, once you claim actor, if you do, or a whitecloak ally does this on your behalf, you don't really have any leeway left. Basically, do not attempt to use the role as a method to prove innocence, i.e. voting out of order then pointing out your vote didn't count.
You are a mason, and may communicate at night with your fellow Children of the Light:
Captain Hobo
Gher, a Questioner
Victory Condition: You win with the Light, when there is no remaining threat.
The Whitecloak Captain [Hobo]
You are the leader of the trio of the Children of the Light here, a captain and veteran of both 'the Troubles' – known to others as the Whitecloak War, and the Aiel War. You came with your aide, Lieutenant Hieshyn, and were surprised to see the Questioner Gher in attendance, but heartened to see an ally.
Role Power: Once in the game you can call both of your allies in for a 'prolonged strategy meeting', on this night all three of you (or both if one has died) are immune to Night Kills but can take no other actions either, this ability can be roleblocked and would be expended. You can not use this if you are the only member of your group left alive, as it is numbers that protect you, an assassin will not be perturbed by you hold a meeting by yourself, so the ability is expended if both of your allies die. Again, this can only be done once, only effects your fellow whitecloaks and yourself, can be roleblocked, prevents other night actions, and does not protect you or them from investigations, tracking, watching, etc. For game purpose this is an active ability that targets those other surviving whitecloaks.
You are a mason, and may communicate at night with your fellow Children of the Light:
Victory Condition: You win with the Light, when there is no remaining threat.
The Darkfriend Leader [Kronin al'Sulc]
You hail from Shienar, though were born in Malkier, and are a very high-ranking Freiend of the Dark, in no small part from the role you played in the fall of Malkier. You typically wear black, and you wear the Kadori as proudly as you wear the heron marked blade at your side. You, like Tem Lurin, are both considered heroes in the Borderlands.
You are the leader of the Darkfriend Faction. Your allies are Lord Tem Lurin, Lord Fox and Ravens of Saladea, Darth Katie of the Green Ajah, and her warder, Artsapat.
You may speak with your fellow darkfriends at night:
Darth Katie
Fox and Ravens
As a blademaster, and a darkfriend with much skill in deception, you are a master at covert killing.
Power: Every third night you have a night kill, beginning night 2. You do not have to use it on night 2, but you will not get another for two more nights after you do use it. So if you use it on night 2 you will get a new one on night 5, but if you wait till night 3 to use it you will not get a new one until night 6.
You may only perform one night action a night, so you could not carry out your factions NK and your own on the same night.
You win with the Shadow, when all opposed to it die or victory is inevitable.
The Andoran Noble [Napoleon62/Fanatic-Templar]
As an Andoran Noble of a minor house, you are best known as a merchant with a silver tongue, and often have dealings in Saladea. You have short brown hair and prefer to dress in White and Red when out of country, the colors of your nation. You respect borderlanders, but you've a firm belief that Andor stands above all others in the fairness of its laws, and this mad method of picking good and bad by vote with no evidence is abhorrent to you.
Power: You have a double-vote, which is used automatically, your vote counts as two votes for the purpose of lynches and no lynches. However, should you vote for someone who turns out to be innocent, it will shake your confidence, and if it happens twice, you will lose the ability.
Victory Condition: You win with the light, when all opposed to it have perished.
The Red Sister [Ranagrande]
You recognized 'Talic of the Yellow Ajah and her Warder White Flame of Tar Valon, and were glad to meet another sister here, even the rather ostentatious Yellow. You've arranged to speak to them at nights. You are from Shienar, and hate those who have joined themselves to the Shadow, which is why you joined the Red Ajah. You have always been especially sensitive to the use of Saidar, and can when concentrating often feel it being used even in small quantities.
You are an investigative role, each night you may target one player, this is an active ability and may be roleblocked or to which others may be immune. You can tell if that person channeled or was channeled at that night, but you can not differentiate which occurred, you merely know that saidar has been used.
Example: Player X is a Wilder and targets Player Y with a night action that is powered by saidar, if you investigated either X or Y you would get back a positive hit. You would not know, if you targeted Y, that X targeted them or that Y was the target, not the channeler.
You are a mason, and may speak with your two allies at night.
White Flame of Tar Valon
You win when all those serving the forces of evil perish.
The Yellow Sister [Talic]
You are an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, and were once a Tinker as a girl. Though you no longer entirely embrace the Way of the Leaf, you still have a fondness of bright colored clothing and a distaste for violence, which is why you were attracted to the Yellow Ajah. You can not heal the dead, nor bring yourself to use your powers to harm another, which is why you have a warder, White Flame of Tar Valon. You find this idea of voting to decide who will die morally questionable, but reviewing it, you feel you would not be to blame if you do not cast the final vote.
Role Power - You can not cast the final vote, or hammer, for a lynch, this role is normally called the Priest:
You can still vote the 'hammer' for a no lynch, as no one is harmed, or for any other vote that doesn't result in a lynch, and of course you are not to blame if your vote turns out to be the hammer because of some vote-effecting ability you are not aware of or on accident if someone just happened to vote a few minutes before you, but your vote will not count toward the total, you can not deliberately vote as hammer in order to 'prove' your role, this leeway is simply to avoid mistakes or situations where you can not know. For flavor purposes, this restriction comes from your not being willing to cast the final vote, effectively pulling the trigger, doing it on accident is not the same as doing it on purpose.
You are also a mason, and can communicate with your warder, White Flame, and the Aes Sedai Ranagrande of the Red Ajah, via the NB during night cycles.
You are also a day mason, and may speak with your Warder, White Flame, via the NB during day or night, you may only speak with Rnagrande at night.
You win with the Light when no threat to the Light remains
The Yellow's Warder [White Flame of Tar Valon]
You are bonded to Talic, of the Yellow Ajah, who is best know for her kind nature and gaudy taste in dress, rarely wearing the yellow shawl. As her protector, you were glad when she recognized a fellow sister, Ranagrande of the Red Ajah, as one more friend in this dangerous place. The three of you plan to meet nightly to discuss what you have learned, and you are very glad for all your sword practice. As a Kandori, you favor two swords, and you keep them sharp.
You are a variant Bodyguard role, using a point buy system. You begin the game with 10 points, representing your well rested stamina and wariness. You may save those points, but each night you may elect to spend them to do one of the following actions:
1.Protect your Aes Sedai – 12 points
2.Protect the Red Sister – 12 points
3.Guard you Aes Sedai with your life – 6 points – An attack aimed at her will be stopped, but you will die in the process.
Every night, immediately after twilight, you gain 4 points while your Aes Sedai lives, and 2 extra points while the Red Sister also lives. However, if your Aes Sedai dies, you will also die.
Note from mod: You can essentially ration your points to constantly protect your AS but die in the process, or utilize them for the alternative options, obviously this is up to you.
You are a mason, and can communicate with your allies at night:
You are a day mason as well, and can communicate with your Aes Sedai, Talic, during the day or night
You win with the light
The Senior Noble [Yunalesca]
You recognized Bergioyn and Fox and Ravens as fellow nobles from the royal court. You know of Muad Cheade's madness and are regardless of what this ter'angreal may be capable of you have no desire to have it tested on you, or be hung by these others. The three of you spoke briefly last night, and agreed to meet again tonight.
You have the ability as a group, once per night, to select a target and kill them. You must send in the target, and the attacker, you are expected to send in that you are not using the power if you select not to.
No member of the group can be forced to perform a kill, and must be selected by vote, the highest ranking member of the group has a tie-breaking vote.
If one of you dies, you will only have one night kill remaining, if two of you die, your ability to perform night kills is ended.
You may speak at night via Noteboard with your allies:
Fox and Ravens
You are the highest ranking member of the group.
Bergioyn is second
Fox and Ravens is third
You are skilled with poison, and accomplish your kills this way. You tend to dress in blue, and have blond hair.
You win with the Light
Player Full Roles Revealed
Quick Roster
1.Amys – Commuter
You are male, you are from Tar Valon, you favor brown dress, you are a banker, your hair is brown and your eyes are green, you bear a sword at your hip.
2.Artsapat – Df Warder
You are male, you wear dark green, green eyes and red hair, you wear a sword at your hip, and you are from Lugard
3.Bergioyn - 2nd Noble
You are female, and have long red hair and favor green clothing, you have green eyes, you are from Saldaea.
4.Beetnemesis – 1 shot vig
You are female, You are from Tanchico, you wear gloves and clothes of red and white vertically striped clothes with gold fringe, you have long blond hair and blue eyes
5.BlackAdder – doc
You are male from Cairhein, you dress in somber black and have a sword at your hip, you have brown hair and blue eyes.
6.Darth Katie – BA
You are female, are from Tear, where dark green, have long dark brown hair with a touch of gray, and brown eyes
7.Fanatic-Templar – cop
You are male, from Arafel, are missing your right hand, dress in black and wear no visible weapon, your hair is dusty blond and your eyes blue.
8.fistofpainx – survivor
You are male, from Illian, you are fat, wear red and gold clothes, have many rings on your hands, and have brown hair and green eyes.
9.Fox and Ravens – DF Noble
You are male, from Saldaea, keep a knife in your sleeve, dress in black and red silk, and have brown hair and eyes.
10.Gher – Questioner
You are male from Amadacia, you have a blue eye, scars, and blonde-grey hair, are missing an eye, and wear blue.
11.Hieshyn [Blaine] – WC Lieutenant
You are male, from Amadicia, you have brown hair, brown eyes and dress in brown, and have a sword at your hip.
12.Hobo – Whitecloak Captain
You are male, from Amadicia, grey clothes, salt & pepper brown hair, sword at hip, blue eyes
13.Kronin al'Sulc – DF Leader
You are male, from Malkier and later of Shienar, you wear black and have long dark brown hair and bear the Kadori, and have green eyes and a heron mark blade at your hip.
14.Napoleon62 [Fanatic Templar] – Double Voter
You are male and are from Andor, you have short brown hair and prefer to dress in White and Red when out of country, the colors of your nation. You keep a long dagger at your belt, you have brown eyes.
15.Ranagrande – Red Ajah
You are female, you wear black, to match your long black hair, you have green eyes. You are from Shienar.
16.Talic – Yellow Ajah
You are a female and as a tinker you are from all over the place, you tend to favor bright tacky clothers, currently Red, Green, and Gold. You have red hair and blue eyes.
17.White Flame of Tar Valon –
Your are male, from Kandor, you wear two sword across your back, and dress in light green, your hair is blond and your eyes brown.
18.Yunalesca – Senior Noble
You are male, are from Saldaea, you wear blue, have blond hair, blue eyes, and have a dagger visibly sprouting from your boot.
Personae Dramatis
The Banker [Amys]
You are a native of Tar Valon, and a banker, you typically wear brown clothes of sober but expensive cut, prefering not to flaunt your wealth too visibly.
You've learned in life that sleeping at the wrong time is a very good way to end up sleeping forever. You're a fairly likable person though, and the guards around the wing of the manor you're all confined to didn't object when you asked if you could hang around with them at nights in the small room at the end of the hall leading back into the rest of the manor where they take their breaks, search servants coming in, and so forth. You tell them stories of your travels to keep them friendly and help keep yourself awake. Better to be surrounded by guards then in your own rooms, asleep or awake you know there are many dangerous people staying in the wing who could probably kill you just as easily, especially since the sword at your side is purely ornamental, and you're rather clumsy.
Unfortunately, everyone needs to sleep sometime, you can not keep the guards company two nights in a row.
You are a commuter
You are immune to night kills on any night where you send the Moderator a noteboard telling me you are using your ability, you are expected to send me a message if you elect not to use it too, so that I am not needlessly delaying the dawn. You can use this power or not, as you choose, but when you use it, you can not use it the next night. So using it on night 1 means you can't use it till night 3 again, so for strategic reasons you may not want to use this power as often as you can to ensure you can use it when you think it important.
Although you are essentially targeting yourself, this still qualifies as an Active Ability, and can be blocked, but if blocked it is not expended, you could use it the next night. In terms of flavor, you receive this protection from hanging out with guards, anything which would prevent that would tend to allow you to get your sleep, and it is staying up all night that stops this.
You have no other powers and win with the town.
The Darkfriend Warder [Artsapat]
You are a warder and a Friend of the Dark, as is your Aes Sedai, Darth Katie of the Green Ajah. As your are principally a bodyguard, you may elect on any given night to protect your Aes Sedai from attack. This is an active ability, which you can choose not to do, and therefore can be blocked. You can not protect your Aes Sedai on any night when you are charged to perform a Night Kill. If your Aes Sedai dies for any reason, so do you. Also, like her, you tend to favor dark green shades of clothing, though in your case it is so you can blend in better at night or in the wilds. You also bare a sword on your hip. You are originally from Lugard.
However, staying up all night protecting your Aes Sedai is tiring, as is killing people, and this effects your performance. Every night you go without 'rest', even with your impressive Warder stamina, will result in deterioration of you abilities, a single night resting restores you.
Power: You may elect to perform your faction's Night Kill, or to guard your Aes Sedai, or to rest.
Effects: One night without rest has no effect on your performance, your will protect your AS from attack as the 'doc' role would. However, a second night means that while you would stop an attack, you would die in the process. A third Night, you can not perform either a Night Kill or guard your Aes Sedai.
Example: On night 1 you carry out the NK for your faction, the next night you protect your Aes Sedai, were she attacked, you would stop the attack but die in the process. On the next night you would not be able to guard her or carry out your factions Night Kill. Alternatively on night 1 you could protect her, and foil an attack with neither of you dying, and perform a night kill the next night, then rest. You can only choose to do one of these three things, NK, guard, rest, on a given night.
All references to Night Kill refer to your faction's night kill. The darkfriends as a group can perform one night kill a night, or attempt one at least, and they select a target and a player on their team to carry this out.
You may speak to your allies at night on the Noteboard:
Darth Katie
Kronin al'Sulc
Fox and Ravens
You may speak to your Aes Sedai, Darth Katie, via Noteboard at anytime, if you are both alive.
You are aware that Kronin al'sulc is the highest ranking Friend of the Dark in your group, and that your Aes Sedai is not best pleased about this.
You win with the dark, when all opposition is eliminated or a point is reached that such an outcome is inevitable.
The Archaeologist [Beetnemesis]
You've never been to Saladea before, but you received the invitation from Lord Cheade with great enthusiasm, arriving early at his request and helping him to identify this ter'angreal he found. You're no Aes Sedai, but you doubt there is anyone else besides them, and maybe the Ogier, who know Ter'angreal and remnants of the past like you do. You've studied such things in Tanchico, the closest thing you have to a home, and even the White Tower itself. It's how you came to acquire your ring. You often wear gloves to cover the dull white ring on your finger, it needs no ability to channel to kill, though it take some time to recharge, many days. To cover the gloves, you've fostered a belief in your fashion quirk, wearing formal clothing at almost all times, typically red and white vertically striped clothes with gold fringe.
Last night as you were going to your rooms you saw a door cracked open and couldn't help but peak inside, you saw a one eyed man you recognized from dinner as Gher. He was unpacking his bags and you saw him reverently hold up a piece of white cloth, pulling it only partially from his bag and stroking it fondly. You must have made a noise, because he turned in your direction sharply, and you barely ducked away in time, unsure if he saw you, as you ran to your room.
Power: Once during the game you can target someone at night by sending the target in to the moderator, that person will die.
You win with the light
The Saldaean Wilder [Bergioyn]
You recognized Yunalesca and Fox and Ravens as fellow nobles from the royal court. You know of Muad Cheade's madness and regardless of what this ter'angreal may be capable of you have no desire to have it tested on you, or be hung by these others. The three of you spoke briefly last night, and agreed to meet again tonight.
You have the ability as a group, once per night, to select a target and kill them. You must send in the target, and the attacker, you are expected to send in that you are not using the power if you select not to.
No member of the group can be forced to perform a kill, and must be selected by vote, the highest ranking member of the group has a tie-breaking vote.
If one of you dies, you will only have one night kill remaining, if two of you die, your ability to perform night kills is ended.
You may speak at night via Noteboard with your allies:
Fox and Ravens
You are the second highest ranking member of the group.
Yunalesca is first
Fox and Ravens is third
You are wilder, and accomplish your kills this way, you do not normally let people know of your ability to channel. You are female, regardless of your player gender, and have long red hair and favor green clothing.
You win with the Light
The Cairhienen Channeler [BlackAdder]
ou can channel. Growing up in Carheinen, you rode to war against the Aiel, you were their when your city was sacked and burned, you were there when King Laman died, an Aiel spear through your stomach, you barely survived, and wouldn't have if you hadn't killed the Aiel, using the One Power. Using forbidden saidin. You almost wish you had died. You learned to heal with that power though, amazed when the Aes Sedai came out of their city after the battle to heal the wounded, including you, you sought to figure out how to do it yourself. You also learned how to tell when Aes Sedai were about, you skin tingles when they use their power, and you've felt it more than once since arriving at Muad Cheade's manor. You've sworn to yourself never to touch the One Power except to heal, hoping that not using it will help keep the madness as bay, you'd not even do that but you can't bring yourself to watch the wounded die. You typically dress in somber black, and wear a side at your side.
Power: Once a night you may target someone, warding them so that you know if they've been attacked and able to race to their aid to heal them. You may submit a target via Noteboard every night to the moderator and that person will be protected from attack.
Be aware that male channelers are very unpopular, and being revealed is practically a death sentence, so if you admit or are found to be a channeler, certain effects may come into play.
You win with the light
The Black Sister [Darth Katie]
You are a sister of the Green Ajah, but a darker shade suits your heart. You have been in the Black Ajah for well over a century now, as is your only current Warder Artsapat. You grew concerned at Cheade's claims, recognizing it as a ter'angreal, one of a set, so you've been told, that your fellow dark sisters have sought to hide or destroy over the years, along with all records of them. Realizing that Cheade had suspected you and your Warder of being darkfriends, you wonder who else there might be and find to both your horror and pleasure that there are three more, Lord Tem Lurin, Kronin Al'Sulc, and Fox and Ravens. Good to know you have many allies, but it shows that Cheade is as clever as his reputation says. Also to your irritation, Kronin al'Sulc flashes you a signal showing he is a very high ranking Friend of the Dark himself, it's absurd that any man, especially one who can not channel, should outrank you, but perhaps something might befall him.
You typically wear a dress without your shawl, in Dark Green silk, you have dark brown hair with just a touch of grey.
You are originally from Tear, though the years have erased most remnants of your homeland. You are rarely in the Tower and only older sisters would recognize you, or you them, troubling because you're sure you felt another woman channel, perhaps simply a wilder. Either way, though you dislike killing sisters, you know that everyone who opposes the Shadow will have to die.
Power: Compulsion – You have a limited skill with this forbidden talent. Basically after twilight as everyone is leaving for their rooms, you can suggest to someone that they catch up on their sleep.
You are a roleblocker, you may target one person a night and block any active ability, put not a passive one. Be warned that the role of roleblocker, often abridged as RBer, or RB, is a role often associated with the darkfriends, and may be a poor roleclaim.
Role detector: People who were planning to do something that night beside sleep tend to resist the compulsion, and you can tell... in other words, when you block an active ability, you know. You don't know what, but you know your target did. If they have an active ability but did not use it that night, you would not know. This is often built into the 'Roleblocker' Role, but is stated here explicitly to avoid ambiguity.
You are able to communicate at night on the Note board with your Allies:
Fox and Ravens
Kronin al'Sulc
You are able to communicate with you Warder, Artsapat, via NB at anytime, as long as you are both alive
Restriction: You can not knowingly initiate an attack on an Aes Sedai, and if you target one yourself for Night Kill it will fail. The combination of your reluctance to kill fellow sisters and general fear of getting caught in a One Power duel explain this, along with why you do not simply snuff the life out of everyone yourself... that and all the guards with crossbows. Even Aes Sedai can die. You can not execute a Night kill and roleblock on the same night.
You win with the Shadow, when all opposition is dead or such an outcome is inevitable barring suicidal behavior by you or teammates.
The Arafelin Commander [Fanatic-Templar]
You are from Arafel, a minor noble but a retired officer of their army and a hero of the blight border, you were one of the finest warriors until you lost your right hand fighting shadowspawn. You were glad to see Muad Cheade again, who you knew, and your invitation was quite clear, he believed there were darkfriends and he had a way to uncover them. You were surprised at his explanation of the ter'angreal, and though you deeply respect him, you doubted his claim. Still, when he was poisoned he dropped the amulet and you picked it up in the confusion, planning to return it the next day if he lived.
When you were lead to your quarters, you were preparing for bed when Tem Lurin, a fellow noble from Arafel, knocked on your door and asked to speak to you in private. You did, going to the small library in the wing, and spoke for some time. Lord Lurin kept glancing at the clock, and you finally realized why, horrified, as it turned midnight and Tem seemed to sprout a dark aura. You could not conceal your shock.
“So, it works.” Tem said, producing a knife from his sleeve and lunging at you. “I saw you take it.”
You barely dodge the attack, but in spite of your missing hand you still remember your training, and are able to hit him as he lunges past you. Slamming him in the face with your stump you are able to avoid his next lunge and kick him in the chest. He stumbles back and crashes through a window into the courtyard below, taking a large candle holder and the drapes with him. You hear cries of alarm as you look out the broken window to the courtyard below and see Tem lying on the ground moaning, the ornate candle holder piercing his chest and his legs twisted at impossible angles. You run back to your room, unable to sleep that night.
Role: You possess the amulet ter'angreal, and can target a player each night to see if they are shadowspawn.
Victory: Light
The Illianer Merchant [Fistofpainx]
You are a merchant from Illian, over the years through ruthless cunning you have amassed quite a fortune, and a lot of enemies. Few nobles match your wealth and you've essentially bought your way into their circles, so it didn't surprise you to be invited to a celebration of such exclusivity. You're an opportunist, and Cheade's rambling about darkfriends do not interest you, the Dark One is dead, they're just a weird group of madmen like he is.
You are known for your excess, wearing rich clothing in red and gold and being rather fat, with hands covered in jeweled rings.
No, your goal is to survive this alive, and you don't care how
You are a survivor, during the game you can stay up late and be safe from attack, but this so exhausts you that you can not do it the next night, everyone needs to sleep eventually. Simply staying awake is not enough though, the people here, you know, are dangerous enough that being awake might not save you, you would normally go down to the little room at the end of the hall leading back into the main manor to talk with the guards, who having been slipped a few coins have no objection to your being there.
You can obviously still die by Night Kill, Lynch, modkill, etc but you can elect to protect yourself from night kills on a given night, essentially like the 'commuter' role, because this role has been known to encourage lurking, and to fit your flavor as a despicable person only interested in saving their own neck, you are quick to point the finger at anyone, and on any given day you must vote for someone within 96 hours of the day beginning, or your ability to protect yourself will be expended and you will not be able to use it that night, nor the consecutive night, same as if you had used it, this kicks in even if you had used the ability the previous night and therefore couldn't use it that night anyway. You commuter aspect is treated as an Active Ability, and can be blocked, but is not expended if blocked, since it has it's limitation do to the need to sleep and if you can't go to the guard room you will simply go to sleep instead.
Example: On night 1 you use your ability to protect yourself, you could not normally use it again till night 3, but you do not vote for someone within 96 hours of gameplay for day 2 beginning, you lose the ability to perform it again till night 4.
You may unvote for someone, but then you must vote for someone else within 48 hours or suffer the loss of your protective power as though you hadn't voted.
Although you are essentially targeting yourself, this still qualifies as an Active Ability, and can be blocked, but if blocked it is not expended, you could use it the next night. In terms of flavor, you receive this protection from hanging out with guards, anything which would prevent that would tend to allow you to get your sleep, and it is staying up all night that stops this.
You win with whichever faction wins, if you are alive at the end of the game.
The Darkfriend Noble [Fox and Ravens]
You are a Darkfriend, along with your allies Tem Lurin, Darth Katie, Artsapat, and Kronin al'sulc. You are also a minor noble from Saladea, and recognized Yunalesca and Bergioyn as fellow nobles from the court, though higher-ranking. Your desire to increase your status is part of the reason you joined the Shadow. With encouragement from Kronin al'sulc, a very high ranking Friend of the Dark, you decided to attempt to ally with these fellow nobles of Saladea.
The three of you spoke briefly last night, and agreed to meet again tonight.
You have the ability as a group, once per night, to select a target and kill them. You must send in the target, and the attacker, you are expected to send in that you are not using the power if you select not to.
No member of the group can be forced to perform a kill, and must be selected by vote, the highest ranking member of the group has a tie-breaking vote.
If one of you dies, you will only have one night kill remaining, if two of you die, your ability to perform night kills is ended.
You may only perform one night action a night, you can not carry out a kill from each of your factions on the same night.
You may speak at night via Noteboard with both sets of your allies:
Saladean Nobles:
Kronin al'sulc
Darth Katie
You tend to dress in black and red, you are male, have brown eyes and hair, and typically carry only a dagger as a weapon, concealed in your sleeve.
You win with the Shadow, when all enemies are eliminated or such is inevitable.
Note from Mod: You are basically a member of two different mason groups, both of which can kill, so be careful with your NBs, and again, you can not execute a NK from both factions on the same night.
The Questioner [Gher]
Old and scarred, missing an eye, you are a true warrior against the Shadow, and were glad to see Hobo, a Captain of the Children of the Light, and a young aide of his you've never met before, Hieshyn, who is introduced to you as a Lieutenant. Neither they nor you have been wearing your uniforms, and as a native of Ebou Dar you have no Amadician accent to give you away.
Last night, though, as you were unpacking your clothing in your room, you could not help but see your whitecloak and take it out for just a moment to feel the fabric in your hands. You had accidentally left the door slightly cracked and a rustle near the door alerted you that someone had glanced inside and seen you with your cloak. Hoping they did not see everything or realize it's importance, you run to the door, but the corridor was already empty, cursing your indiscretion quietly you shut and lock the door.
You are a member of the Hand of the Light, and are an adept at getting information from people. You a joined by two allies, officers of the Children of the Light, though not Questioners themselves.
You begin the game with four (4) points, which you may spend to do any of the following actions:
Investigate Player: 6, This detects if anyone is a darkfriend.
Track Player: 5, As with the Tracker Role, you can follow one player, and see who they target on a given night, but not what is done.
Put to the Question: 8, You seize someone for the night, at the end of which you will know if they are a darkfriend, and during which time they can not act or be acted upon by anyone else.
You may perform one, or none, of these actions a night, not two, even if you have the points, you may only spend what you have, there is no 'credit'.
Points: You acquire points at twilight, after the lynch, and gain one for each Child of the Light still alive, including yourself. Additionally, you gain points whenever a darkfriend, channeler, or someone involved with the tower dies, whether by lynch, NK, modkill, etc. People who qualify as a combination thereof give you points for each category they meet. Essentially these points represent your will and general optimism about your task. The continued survival of your fellow whitecloaks or the death of people you disapprove of buoys your spirits.
Chaneller: 1 point
Tower Aligned: 1 point
Darkfriend: 1 point
Special: Certain events, circumstances, deaths, etc may occur which may grant you additional points
So as an example, if Day 1 ends with the lynch of a warder who is not a darkfriend, you would gain 1 point from that lynch, and 1 point from each surviving whitecloak, or 3 points, for a total of 4 points plus those you began with. Alternatively, if a Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah dies, her death would gain you 4 points...
You may spend or save those points that night – you must NB me to let me know if you are doing nothing, though I will assume in the absence of contact that is your intent, but I don't like long night cycles and I don't want to drag out a deadline waiting for an action when there won't be. I will tell you how many points you have though you are expected to track this yourself in case I get distracted or make a mistake.
It should be obvious but to be clear, you only gain points for a dead darkfriend from people who are actually darkfriends, and as you can no doubt surmise, you will regard anyone whose death you get points from as a darkfriend regardless of whether they are or are not. If you investigate a random kitchen girl and she can channel, you will be returned a hit saying 'darkfriend', when she dies you will get a point for a dead channeler, but you will not get the two points for killing a darkfriend.
You are a mason, and may speak to your allies at night:
Captain Hobo
Lieutenant Hieshyn
Your victory condition is that you win with the Light, dead Tar Valon witches, warders, random channelers, etc. are simply pleasant bonuses that gain you points.
The Whitecloak Lieutenant [Hieshyn/Blaine]
You are a young officer of the Children of the Light, and are fairly uncertain about things, this idea of simply killing people on a vote seems unwise somehow, and you are reluctant to participate. You come from a fairly important noble house in Amadicia, and when the wicked Aiel attacked you joined the Children of the Light, wanting to help and generally disliking the politics and intrigue of the nobility. Although you know you are talented as both a swordsmen and a leader, you know your family's wealth and power is why you've gained rank so fast, and it is disappointing that such politics effect even the Children of the Light.
You are the Whitecloak Lieutenant, you may only vote as the hammer vote, or if your surviving allies have already voted.
This is a variation of the 'Actor' Role:
The Actor can normally vote only as the hammer vote (the last vote necessary for a lynch), however, you have exceptions to this:
1.You may vote freely for things which do not pertain to a lynch
2.You may vote for someone if both of your Whitecloak allies have voted for them, if one of them dies than you may vote for someone if the surviving Whitecloak does.
3.You may always vote for a no lynch at any point
Essentially this represents your youth and general nervousness. You've no problem voting for things which don't involve someone dying, but otherwise you need a bit of encouragement, like your allies voting or a big crowd. You wouldn't want to admit to reluctance to your allies or the others there, and are discouraged from informing anyone that you are an Actor.
Q: What happens if I vote in the wrong place?
A: Nothing, so long as you didn't obviously do it to prove your role, your vote will simply not count toward the total and if anyone asks 'Is the vote count wrong?' I will say 'no'. Doing this repeatedly or with the obvious intent of proving yourself an Actor will get you modkilled. You are not allowed to vote except as hammer or under the exceptions listed. I'm just not going to modkill you for an accident, once you claim actor, if you do, or a whitecloak ally does this on your behalf, you don't really have any leeway left. Basically, do not attempt to use the role as a method to prove innocence, i.e. voting out of order then pointing out your vote didn't count.
You are a mason, and may communicate at night with your fellow Children of the Light:
Captain Hobo
Gher, a Questioner
Victory Condition: You win with the Light, when there is no remaining threat.
The Whitecloak Captain [Hobo]
You are the leader of the trio of the Children of the Light here, a captain and veteran of both 'the Troubles' – known to others as the Whitecloak War, and the Aiel War. You came with your aide, Lieutenant Hieshyn, and were surprised to see the Questioner Gher in attendance, but heartened to see an ally.
Role Power: Once in the game you can call both of your allies in for a 'prolonged strategy meeting', on this night all three of you (or both if one has died) are immune to Night Kills but can take no other actions either, this ability can be roleblocked and would be expended. You can not use this if you are the only member of your group left alive, as it is numbers that protect you, an assassin will not be perturbed by you hold a meeting by yourself, so the ability is expended if both of your allies die. Again, this can only be done once, only effects your fellow whitecloaks and yourself, can be roleblocked, prevents other night actions, and does not protect you or them from investigations, tracking, watching, etc. For game purpose this is an active ability that targets those other surviving whitecloaks.
You are a mason, and may communicate at night with your fellow Children of the Light:
Victory Condition: You win with the Light, when there is no remaining threat.
The Darkfriend Leader [Kronin al'Sulc]
You hail from Shienar, though were born in Malkier, and are a very high-ranking Freiend of the Dark, in no small part from the role you played in the fall of Malkier. You typically wear black, and you wear the Kadori as proudly as you wear the heron marked blade at your side. You, like Tem Lurin, are both considered heroes in the Borderlands.
You are the leader of the Darkfriend Faction. Your allies are Lord Tem Lurin, Lord Fox and Ravens of Saladea, Darth Katie of the Green Ajah, and her warder, Artsapat.
You may speak with your fellow darkfriends at night:
Darth Katie
Fox and Ravens
As a blademaster, and a darkfriend with much skill in deception, you are a master at covert killing.
Power: Every third night you have a night kill, beginning night 2. You do not have to use it on night 2, but you will not get another for two more nights after you do use it. So if you use it on night 2 you will get a new one on night 5, but if you wait till night 3 to use it you will not get a new one until night 6.
You may only perform one night action a night, so you could not carry out your factions NK and your own on the same night.
You win with the Shadow, when all opposed to it die or victory is inevitable.
The Andoran Noble [Napoleon62/Fanatic-Templar]
As an Andoran Noble of a minor house, you are best known as a merchant with a silver tongue, and often have dealings in Saladea. You have short brown hair and prefer to dress in White and Red when out of country, the colors of your nation. You respect borderlanders, but you've a firm belief that Andor stands above all others in the fairness of its laws, and this mad method of picking good and bad by vote with no evidence is abhorrent to you.
Power: You have a double-vote, which is used automatically, your vote counts as two votes for the purpose of lynches and no lynches. However, should you vote for someone who turns out to be innocent, it will shake your confidence, and if it happens twice, you will lose the ability.
Victory Condition: You win with the light, when all opposed to it have perished.
The Red Sister [Ranagrande]
You recognized 'Talic of the Yellow Ajah and her Warder White Flame of Tar Valon, and were glad to meet another sister here, even the rather ostentatious Yellow. You've arranged to speak to them at nights. You are from Shienar, and hate those who have joined themselves to the Shadow, which is why you joined the Red Ajah. You have always been especially sensitive to the use of Saidar, and can when concentrating often feel it being used even in small quantities.
You are an investigative role, each night you may target one player, this is an active ability and may be roleblocked or to which others may be immune. You can tell if that person channeled or was channeled at that night, but you can not differentiate which occurred, you merely know that saidar has been used.
Example: Player X is a Wilder and targets Player Y with a night action that is powered by saidar, if you investigated either X or Y you would get back a positive hit. You would not know, if you targeted Y, that X targeted them or that Y was the target, not the channeler.
You are a mason, and may speak with your two allies at night.
White Flame of Tar Valon
You win when all those serving the forces of evil perish.
The Yellow Sister [Talic]
You are an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, and were once a Tinker as a girl. Though you no longer entirely embrace the Way of the Leaf, you still have a fondness of bright colored clothing and a distaste for violence, which is why you were attracted to the Yellow Ajah. You can not heal the dead, nor bring yourself to use your powers to harm another, which is why you have a warder, White Flame of Tar Valon. You find this idea of voting to decide who will die morally questionable, but reviewing it, you feel you would not be to blame if you do not cast the final vote.
Role Power - You can not cast the final vote, or hammer, for a lynch, this role is normally called the Priest:
You can still vote the 'hammer' for a no lynch, as no one is harmed, or for any other vote that doesn't result in a lynch, and of course you are not to blame if your vote turns out to be the hammer because of some vote-effecting ability you are not aware of or on accident if someone just happened to vote a few minutes before you, but your vote will not count toward the total, you can not deliberately vote as hammer in order to 'prove' your role, this leeway is simply to avoid mistakes or situations where you can not know. For flavor purposes, this restriction comes from your not being willing to cast the final vote, effectively pulling the trigger, doing it on accident is not the same as doing it on purpose.
You are also a mason, and can communicate with your warder, White Flame, and the Aes Sedai Ranagrande of the Red Ajah, via the NB during night cycles.
You are also a day mason, and may speak with your Warder, White Flame, via the NB during day or night, you may only speak with Rnagrande at night.
You win with the Light when no threat to the Light remains
The Yellow's Warder [White Flame of Tar Valon]
You are bonded to Talic, of the Yellow Ajah, who is best know for her kind nature and gaudy taste in dress, rarely wearing the yellow shawl. As her protector, you were glad when she recognized a fellow sister, Ranagrande of the Red Ajah, as one more friend in this dangerous place. The three of you plan to meet nightly to discuss what you have learned, and you are very glad for all your sword practice. As a Kandori, you favor two swords, and you keep them sharp.
You are a variant Bodyguard role, using a point buy system. You begin the game with 10 points, representing your well rested stamina and wariness. You may save those points, but each night you may elect to spend them to do one of the following actions:
1.Protect your Aes Sedai – 12 points
2.Protect the Red Sister – 12 points
3.Guard you Aes Sedai with your life – 6 points – An attack aimed at her will be stopped, but you will die in the process.
Every night, immediately after twilight, you gain 4 points while your Aes Sedai lives, and 2 extra points while the Red Sister also lives. However, if your Aes Sedai dies, you will also die.
Note from mod: You can essentially ration your points to constantly protect your AS but die in the process, or utilize them for the alternative options, obviously this is up to you.
You are a mason, and can communicate with your allies at night:
You are a day mason as well, and can communicate with your Aes Sedai, Talic, during the day or night
You win with the light
The Senior Noble [Yunalesca]
You recognized Bergioyn and Fox and Ravens as fellow nobles from the royal court. You know of Muad Cheade's madness and are regardless of what this ter'angreal may be capable of you have no desire to have it tested on you, or be hung by these others. The three of you spoke briefly last night, and agreed to meet again tonight.
You have the ability as a group, once per night, to select a target and kill them. You must send in the target, and the attacker, you are expected to send in that you are not using the power if you select not to.
No member of the group can be forced to perform a kill, and must be selected by vote, the highest ranking member of the group has a tie-breaking vote.
If one of you dies, you will only have one night kill remaining, if two of you die, your ability to perform night kills is ended.
You may speak at night via Noteboard with your allies:
Fox and Ravens
You are the highest ranking member of the group.
Bergioyn is second
Fox and Ravens is third
You are skilled with poison, and accomplish your kills this way. You tend to dress in blue, and have blond hair.
You win with the Light
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 23/05/2010 at 02:18:40 AM
RAFO Mafia 16: In the Manor of Mad Muad - Post Game Discussion
23/05/2010 01:25:25 AM
PGM: Role Assignments (up)
23/05/2010 01:29:00 AM
PGM: Game Themes, Clues, Summary
23/05/2010 01:38:29 AM
Re: PGM: Game Themes, Clues, Summary
23/05/2010 09:33:37 PM
Just use a VotF Doctrine
24/05/2010 05:46:05 AM
24/05/2010 06:32:07 AM
Re: Thanks.
24/05/2010 07:05:06 AM
It's useful too.
24/05/2010 07:11:00 AM
Re: It's useful too.
24/05/2010 07:28:11 AM
It's also why I jumped at the opportunity of things like the Sheriff or Chair bonus roles.
24/05/2010 07:42:34 AM
Damn. We were doing pretty nice there.
23/05/2010 01:36:58 AM
You certainly blindsided me!
23/05/2010 01:50:25 AM
I knew I should have listened to my instincts!
23/05/2010 01:53:50 AM
What was amusing is that you almost NK'd white flame that one night
23/05/2010 02:29:45 AM
Sheesh. Awesome game, guys. And well done, Isaac
23/05/2010 01:57:04 AM
For the explanation, read the Dawn 5 message that I received
23/05/2010 08:46:05 AM
Oh yeah. Fox and Ravens, care to take a guess at who I suspected from Night 1?
23/05/2010 03:04:53 AM

I'd been wondering...
23/05/2010 04:31:02 AM
23/05/2010 04:49:33 AM
I also imagine there was a potential for friction between BlackAdder and Ranagrande.
23/05/2010 05:20:17 AM
Gotta say I was really pissed at myself
23/05/2010 04:58:12 AM
Even with your immense failure....
23/05/2010 05:47:22 AM
So who's running the next one?
23/05/2010 06:49:08 AM
kylia skydancer is *NM*
23/05/2010 10:13:49 AM
I thought her game was going to be in-character?
23/05/2010 12:10:26 PM
23/05/2010 12:38:52 PM
Nah, there aren't a whole lot of people for Divya's
23/05/2010 02:02:01 PM
Also Agreed *NM*
23/05/2010 04:35:18 PM
Alright, so whoever was next in line, open up a Sign-up.
23/05/2010 05:16:52 PM
Fox or ranagrande
23/05/2010 06:00:00 PM
Yeah, it will be ranagrande to mod
23/05/2010 06:07:47 PM
So, we're going to have two at the same time?
23/05/2010 07:23:25 PM
Also, what would have happened if I outright claimed to be a male channeler?
23/05/2010 09:09:28 AM
So Yuna, can you NOW explaine what went wrong with your flavor claim?
23/05/2010 01:53:24 PM
The number of Lightsiders who lied or allowed others to lie this game is staggering. *NM*
23/05/2010 06:44:45 PM
I lied by omission, but I couldn't see any additional benefit to claiming doc *NM*
23/05/2010 10:58:05 PM
You claimed that Ranagrande had to be bulletproof because nobody protected him. *NM*
24/05/2010 04:44:48 AM
Well yes, but it was because I knew my protection wasn't the reason he survived.
24/05/2010 05:30:03 AM
In fact, you could make a case that I am obligated to share that info with the rest of the town.
24/05/2010 05:37:30 AM
Your message indicates it wasn't the sole reason he survived...
24/05/2010 06:40:29 AM
I think that's a good question for Isaac
24/05/2010 07:18:31 AM
Even I didn't lie. It's weird. *NM*
24/05/2010 07:05:55 AM
We really need to lynch all liars.
24/05/2010 01:20:56 PM
Re: We really need to lynch all liars.
25/05/2010 04:19:51 AM
Then they shouldn't roleclaim at all.
25/05/2010 04:27:39 AM
Sadly, silence can then be assumed as an assention to guilt (i.e., "I'm a doc/cop" ).
25/05/2010 05:21:04 AM
Well, I pretty much never roleclaim, and I get around fine
. *NM*
25/05/2010 05:24:19 AM

Re: Then they shouldn't roleclaim at all.
25/05/2010 05:24:54 AM
By the way DF's, what made me so good looking target that I got killed on night 2? *NM*
23/05/2010 04:25:38 PM
The DFs didn't kill you as a group
23/05/2010 04:41:09 PM
That was it.
23/05/2010 05:15:51 PM
I thought you were going to add 'decapitator' to your signature after the game *NM*
23/05/2010 07:28:02 PM
I think he should. It would be great way to indicate notable succes in such a risky business! *NM*
23/05/2010 07:38:26 PM
Q for Gher
23/05/2010 06:57:33 PM
23/05/2010 09:56:23 PM
The Unofficial Mod Criteria and Waiting List (Table)
23/05/2010 07:01:30 PM
I've got an idea for a game when my time comes, and I'll be ripping off your style from this game
23/05/2010 09:42:13 PM

Rip away
24/05/2010 06:10:42 AM
Well, given the position you were all in when I left...
24/05/2010 06:35:18 AM
Re: Well, given the position you were all in when I left...
24/05/2010 07:10:46 AM
Great game.
23/05/2010 09:58:18 PM
Chair was great- and it's good to know that Lunch happens when Chair is elected
24/05/2010 07:07:21 AM
Great game. Even though I was only alive for one day and one night.
24/05/2010 07:30:05 AM
What? You had wonderful position as Lord Yunalescas most trusted advisor! *NM*
24/05/2010 07:24:38 PM