We ship out the currently unused inventory in our stockpile, then get the economic benefit of ramping up production at our defense contractors to replace it with newer stock.
But this is the Broken Window Fallacy. There is no net economic benefit to us in manufacturing arms and blowing stuff up. If there were, we wouldn't need a foreign war to achieve it.
There's a target range for anti-tank missiles just south of my office. About a mile and a half away - from the firing line they could definitely hit my office if they were sufficiently careless. They could pick up the pace in peacetime and fire hundreds of missiles every day if such a thing provided an economic benefit.
Ramping up the defense industry to replace the items we shipped to Britain, Russia, and China for Lend Lease was what ended the Depression. It certainly wasn't the New Deal which did little more than provide hope. That was more my point than what we have sent to Ukraine. I should have clarified.
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.