The US has proven itself an unreliable ally, so Europe and it's allies have to work to realign themselves in a way that is less dependant on the US. That's done and it doesn't change whether the US is in NATO or not. I hope that doesn't involve nuclear proliferation, because I don't think it's remotely necessary, but I find it hard to say no to a country like Germany taking on nuclear weapons.
I do think it's all slightly overblown though. The one consistent factor in the Trump administration is incompetence, which is the saving grace for everyone else. His entire administration is filled with people who don't have the capability to do anything on a global scale other than erode US influence and reach. It sucks monumentally for Ukraine that it's happening now, but if Trump was surrounded by people who actually had the wherewithal to poison global politics with his ideology like Regan did then we'd be facing a much more dire situation.
Trump is bad for everyone, but he's much more acutely bad for America.
I'm Israel, he's Palestine, its more fun when you pick sides.