That so many seem to approve is cause for horror.
I'm sure at some point in my life I wanted to live in interesting times, and if I could go back in time I'd throttle myself and then give the stupid child a long talk and a vial of estrogen.
I don't know if it's possible for us to do so at present, but yes. And obviously so if the alternative is the psychotic flailing of the past two months.
I do not support the use of nuclear weapons, because I am not insane. I can think of one country that I would at present trust with them and does not have them. Even to Ukraine, which at present is the country I think most deserves them. It's also at present amomg the countries that should under no circumstances have them, though I'd swap Russian control of their nuclear arsenal to Ukraine with alarmingly little hesitation.
Canada, without any hesitation, given Trump's increasingly frequent comments about annexation.
I hate that we're here. I hate that intelligent people are cheering this on. US politics has become a game defined entirely by resentment of others.
I'm so tired.
Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel