View original postIf Europe wants to add Ukraine to NATO then I think the USA should begin exiting from the alliance.
Do you believe the US should otherwise support Ukraine in its fight against Russia? Just rule out entry to NATO?
View original postMerz and Tusk have both expressed a desire to acquire nuclear weapons via nuclear sharing, with France or the UK providing the weapons.
View original postAnd this is why. Continued eastern expansion to the borders of Russia along with potentially providing these neighbors with nukes is irresponsibly provocative. I was in 5th grade in November of 1962. Growing up in Stamford, Connecticut, 35 miles from downtown NYC and surrounded by multiple defense contractors, we were all well aware we were going to be vaporized first if war began. Kenenedy risked WWIII to get the missiles out of Cuba. But many forget they were put there by Russia in response to American nukes placed in Turkey. Yes, Krushchev removed his from Cuba. But we also dismantled the Jupiter missiles in Turkey. Removing the provocation in each other's back yard.
Yeah, I’d like to know whether either France or the UK is open to the idea first of all. And while it’s probably a pretty sure thing Tusk is genuine about wanting nukes, it’s maybe a bit less so with Merz. Is it just a scare tactic? Are the German people on board with it? What about the rest of Europe? There are still some psychological scars from WWII. It’s not really the end of Eurasia I pay attention to, but this kind of demands to be viewed.
View original postActions that were viewed as nearly an act of war in 1962 have not become benign in the subsequent decades. If Europe wants to pursue this folly, they should do so without us.