Active Users:393 Time:10/03/2025 07:27:42 AM
LOL, just conspiratorial shorthand entyti Send a noteboard - 09/03/2025 11:04:40 PM

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To quote one of my favorite trashy movie supporting characters.

When you say the Annunaki, are you referencing,

  1. The ancient Sumerian Earth/Sky deities
  2. Giant extraterrestrials from the planet Nibiru who came to earth 500,000 years ago and bred humans to be their labor class
  3. Shape shifting reptilians who are still controlling most, if not all, of the earth's governments

All of the above. None of the above. Something else altogether?

Though I am sadly well aware of all three characterizations, I didn't mean any of them. Despite how I often present here, I don't seriously subscribe to any wild conspiracies.

However, Annunaki has more or less pierced through to mainstream consciousness. I find it convenient shorthand to organize my thoughts and explain my positions. Similar to how a geneticist will often attribute desires to genes when discussing evolutionary processes.

Whether it's archons of demonic power, amoral business interests, sociopathic mafias, or just the darker side of humanity expressing itself, is unclear... a variable. But what is clear is that that variable exists, and has a very real, measurable impact on the world. Ignoring it because it is a black box because it has been shamed to the fringes is to do so at great peril. Besides, let's not forget that the term "conspiracy theory" was coined by the government after the JFK assassination.

Omnipresent Lurker of WoTMB
Proud and Open Rolan Sympathiser
Fan of Everything Tool
Eternal Shiva Enthusiast
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We should all express our gratitude to the Democratic side of the aisle. EDIT - 05/03/2025 03:24:09 PM 131 Views
This is... the best timeline - 06/03/2025 10:09:25 PM 24 Views
What do you think about our strategy on tariffs? *NM* - 07/03/2025 04:22:10 AM 5 Views
Indifferent to lukewarm - 07/03/2025 07:17:55 PM 17 Views
I'm gonna go the opposite way and ask which parts you ARE enthusiastic about, then? - 07/03/2025 09:32:08 PM 17 Views
Legolas, you don’t know me at all, do you? - 08/03/2025 12:34:40 AM 23 Views
Interesting and yet kind of weird - 08/03/2025 07:55:33 AM 18 Views
Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies - 08/03/2025 05:06:36 PM 19 Views
No, more like outrage and indignation for impious accuracy - 10/03/2025 03:21:01 AM 1 Views
"I'm curious, and I never get curious..." - 09/03/2025 03:09:49 PM 13 Views
LOL, just conspiratorial shorthand - 09/03/2025 11:04:40 PM 4 Views
Pfft! Litdog says you’re plenty curious. - 10/03/2025 03:27:04 AM 2 Views

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