Active Users:613 Time:09/03/2025 02:07:20 PM
Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies entyti Send a noteboard - 08/03/2025 05:06:36 PM

Huh. I see America First starting to look a lot like America Alone if Trump continues with his agenda and tone. The economic and security turmoil his policy changes have created along with his inflammatory rhetoric and insults directed towards our allies are engendering a lot of ill will and hard feelings - hatred, even. What’s the half-life of these negative feelings for America? A year? Two years? Longer? Canada has erected retaliatory tariffs, but more worryingly, the people of Canada are starting to boycott American goods, services, and travel. I expect other countries will take note and do likewise when Trump turns his eye upon them. He’s midwifing a sort of anti-American coalition, comprised of long-standing allies! This isn’t to say I’m opposed to having our allies get off their asses to help shoulder the burden of security costs, and in terms of both blood and treasure. Far from it. The desired changes don’t require assholery to be achievable, though.

Eh, no offense, but this is a tired talking point. It’s always this polarized dichotomy. You’re either a major player in international politics, or you’re an isolationist.

Let’s just put aside for the moment that the entirety of US international involvement since the end of WWII has been one disaster after another, since this is an opinion that may not be shared, and is not the point here anyway. The US has been the tip of the spear for the EU, NATO, etc for decades, and is a primary reason for the country going absolutely bankrupt. We have been taken advantage of by all of our allies, not only as the policemen of the world, but as the primary investor, bankrolling international interests at the expense of national interests. We are hollowed out, divided, and broken.

We are on a precipice, and are here because we have overextended ourselves in trying to be an empire, which we never should have done in the first place. It is the reason the Founding Fathers warned against foreign alliances. And the wisdom of those men is clearly evident in the state of our country today, having not followed that advise.

Now, is Trump addressing this problem in the best way possible? Maybe not. Probably not. But is he the only one who’s held the office of President since before WWII that is addressing this problem? Sadly, yes.

Care to elaborate on what you see as the deep state? Is it monolithic? Countervailing forces which might sometimes act in concert? Something else?

The deep state is nothing more than the unelected bureaucracy that surrounds government, and all governments have them. And it is deep in that it contains positions that far outstrip the term limits of elected officials.

The inevitable risk of a deep state is in its unelected structure, persistence intergovernmentally, and propensity to function unchecked. Between that and the necessary power it wields, it is ripe for infiltration of bad actors.

As to who those bad actors are depends on the conspiracy theorist you ask, and can range from corrupted business interests to ancient primeval forces. I would propose it as a conglomeration of various mafia groups enacting out their interests: allowing avenues for black markets such as drug and human trafficking, as well as enacting political agendas. Whether they work in concert or have their own secret fights, I don’t know. But I do know that there is more than enough preponderance of evidence to say that something like this is going on, and probably in every government around the world.

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We should all express our gratitude to the Democratic side of the aisle. EDIT - 05/03/2025 03:24:09 PM 110 Views
This is... the best timeline - 06/03/2025 10:09:25 PM 19 Views
What do you think about our strategy on tariffs? *NM* - 07/03/2025 04:22:10 AM 4 Views
Indifferent to lukewarm - 07/03/2025 07:17:55 PM 13 Views
I'm gonna go the opposite way and ask which parts you ARE enthusiastic about, then? - 07/03/2025 09:32:08 PM 14 Views
Legolas, you don’t know me at all, do you? - 08/03/2025 12:34:40 AM 15 Views
Interesting and yet kind of weird - 08/03/2025 07:55:33 AM 13 Views
Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies - 08/03/2025 05:06:36 PM 12 Views

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