Huh. I see America First starting to look a lot like America Alone if Trump continues with his agenda and tone. The economic and security turmoil his policy changes have created along with his inflammatory rhetoric and insults directed towards our allies are engendering a lot of ill will and hard feelings - hatred, even. What’s the half-life of these negative feelings for America? A year? Two years? Longer? Canada has erected retaliatory tariffs, but more worryingly, the people of Canada are starting to boycott American goods, services, and travel. I expect other countries will take note and do likewise when Trump turns his eye upon them. He’s midwifing a sort of anti-American coalition, comprised of long-standing allies! This isn’t to say I’m opposed to having our allies get off their asses to help shoulder the burden of security costs, and in terms of both blood and treasure. Far from it. The desired changes don’t require assholery to be achievable, though.
Care to elaborate on what you see as the deep state? Is it monolithic? Countervailing forces which might sometimes act in concert? Something else?