Active Users:635 Time:13/03/2025 05:31:16 PM
In that case, yes, your solution is a good one. Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 04/12/2024 03:58:32 PM

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In what way does it change anything at all?

Although federal sentencing guidelines significantly restrict the ability of judges to assign whatever sentence they please, they still have discretion, and the DOJ is particularly influential.

"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


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No Fucks Left to Give Joe tosses Hunter a blanket pardon - 02/12/2024 09:23:33 PM 359 Views
I think if he hadn't said he wouldn't pardon his son, then this would be a non-issue. - 03/12/2024 12:53:15 PM 85 Views
I don't agree with that - it would've been a serious issue still. - 03/12/2024 05:56:18 PM 88 Views
How about this? - 04/12/2024 03:43:52 AM 87 Views
Fully agree. *NM* - 04/12/2024 06:40:15 AM 33 Views
I don't believe he'd been sentenced for those crimes, yet, had he? - 04/12/2024 07:14:04 AM 79 Views
Per 'old news', his sentencing dates were Dec 12 for the gun charge and 16 for tax evasion - 04/12/2024 01:30:11 PM 76 Views
In that case, yes, your solution is a good one. - 04/12/2024 03:58:32 PM 77 Views
Trump was already going to pardon all the J6 defendants, though. - 04/12/2024 07:18:56 AM 87 Views
Re: Trump was already going to pardon all the J6 defendants, though. - 04/12/2024 02:07:41 PM 80 Views
Ugh, I hate this 'they're all the same' rhetoric. - 04/12/2024 09:22:38 PM 81 Views
I respectfully disagree. - 04/12/2024 11:09:07 PM 76 Views
Seems like we're kind of talking past each other here. - 05/12/2024 11:39:02 PM 76 Views
Trump had quite a few successes in his first term - 06/12/2024 02:45:32 PM 77 Views
You mean his administration and Congress had those successes. - 06/12/2024 10:12:25 PM 91 Views
No, I mean him. *NM* - 07/12/2024 12:38:27 AM 32 Views
Okay, then I guess we're not debating it, as you like. *NM* - 07/12/2024 08:54:03 AM 34 Views
The achievements of the administration are attributed to the President. - 08/12/2024 10:50:43 AM 78 Views
Some people also think the earth is flat. - 08/12/2024 06:29:37 PM 70 Views
Le sigh - 08/12/2024 09:03:01 PM 76 Views
Make up your mind already. - 08/12/2024 10:30:11 PM 70 Views
I mostly agree, with one giant caveat - 05/12/2024 02:56:02 PM 84 Views
Re: I mostly agree, with one giant caveat - 05/12/2024 03:49:00 PM 79 Views
I take a bit of umbrage at that assignment personally - 06/12/2024 12:37:40 AM 77 Views
We've been over this - some of this is true, some is, at a minimum, not proven that I ever saw. - 05/12/2024 11:18:24 PM 76 Views
I know it was factually true - 06/12/2024 12:46:44 AM 81 Views
Sounds like you need to become a whistleblower and go talk to the FBI yourself, then? - 06/12/2024 11:37:00 AM 75 Views
Typically, whistle blower and attorney client privilege are not viewed as compatible. - 06/12/2024 03:57:12 PM 75 Views
I have a clearance - 06/12/2024 05:01:07 PM 78 Views
Re: I have a clearance - 06/12/2024 08:08:50 PM 81 Views
Secret evidence doesn't have to be believed - 07/12/2024 09:31:10 PM 81 Views
Re: Secret evidence doesn't have to be believed - 08/12/2024 03:46:54 PM 74 Views
Seriously? - 06/12/2024 10:28:07 PM 89 Views
Re: Seriously? - 06/12/2024 11:33:59 PM 82 Views
Did you even read that earlier post? - 07/12/2024 08:53:15 AM 78 Views
I can't believe I'm siding with Tom here - 07/12/2024 01:50:15 AM 81 Views
I guess you kinda have to with your profession. - 07/12/2024 07:46:01 PM 77 Views
Re: I guess you kinda have to with your profession. - 07/12/2024 08:07:28 PM 84 Views
See my other reply above then. *NM* - 07/12/2024 09:43:37 PM 32 Views
You're CLEARLY a Harris plant - 06/12/2024 01:07:07 AM 82 Views
Hah, you got me! - 06/12/2024 11:49:19 AM 72 Views
I'd be hesitant to link Biden with the Democrats anymore - 06/12/2024 01:24:44 AM 84 Views
Re: I'd be hesitant to link Biden with the Democrats anymore - 06/12/2024 01:47:08 AM 80 Views

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