I guess this will somewhat dampen the already ineffective and impotent outrage from certain corners, but Trump has plenary power to pardon whoever he likes for federal crimes, and there's no reason to believe he won't do what he's said he's going to do.
Mr Biden applies one set of rules to himself and his family members, and another to the people he serves. At least Mr Trump makes no secret of what he is."
I keep seeing this framing, and it is genuinely enraging. Why are people in the media so quick to be paper over Trump's worst excesses simply because he announces them? If there is outrage over Hunter Biden, then there should be outrage over the incoming pardons of people who stormed the Capitol. But I'm certain people will find a way to twist themselves into being upset over one and merely resigned to the other.
Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel