I've seen some wailing and gnashing of teeth occurring after Senile Joe gave First Felon Hunter a clean slate for any crimes committed in the last decade. But not from me. While yes, Papa Joe said several times he would not do so, and Mouth of Sauron KJP manifested faux outrage whenever asked if Biden would change his mind, I wasn't surprised at all. I expected this all along, particularly as more denials were issued. Also, as hinted at earlier, I'm not at all displeased by his actions. Especially as Democrats defend the pardon with typical whataboutism.
Why so, you ask?
Because this tells me they have grown in understanding. It signifies leaving behind the laughable fiction that they, or any Party, can claim ownership of the moral high ground. Congratulations Democrats on finally seeing the light. Both old men and both their Parties are venal and corrupt, and will inevitably act in self-interest when push comes to shove.
Thus it has always been.
Thus it will continue to be.
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.