Yes, since my descent into my dotage has not yet completed, I was aware of these points. I think. What were we talking about?

Amusingly enough, some of the best haircuts I've ever received have come from black barbers in 'hood barbershops. Despite my Southern European hair.
It's a shame that racial differences on standard IQ tests is such a taboo subject for discussion. I would be fascinated to see how the groups who test poorly would do on measures of the other types of intelligence. But I imagine applying for a grant to study such things would be problematic.
Genetic differences between the races are obviously not a social construct. The belief these differences reflect superiority or inferiority, on the other hand, is one.
And your use of fascination is funny ironic, for one of the same two I.Q. guys above is also the same guy who changed the meaning of a word fetish to include another meaning,
that of the times where men masturbate to abstractions and objects instead of real people
[ I am skipping over the horror of I.Q. and Eugenics, the taboo exists for a reason ]
how about we solve homelessness first if we are wishcasting