Active Users:590 Time:12/03/2025 03:43:10 AM
Race is a social construct? Sounds ridiculous. After all, you can see differences in skin color. Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 17/11/2024 12:47:57 AM

Pretty much any time I talk to someone who uses the term "biological sex" when referring to trans people, I end up hearing about how I should be forced to use restrooms with men and how people under 25 aren't developed enough to decide whether they should medically transition.

View original post1. Economic self-interest for the working class includes both robust economic growth and a robust social safety net.

Certainly growth is required if you decide to stay with a system that prioritizes endless increases in value for shareholders. I don't disagree with a robust social safety net.
View original post2. The government should prioritize maintaining functional public systems and spaces over tolerating anti-social behavior.

This is just a polite obfuscation over the claim that protests should be illegal.
View original post3. Climate change — and pollution more broadly — is a reality to manage, not a hard limit to obey.

This is the single stupidest claim on this list, and it's this sort of idiocy that is causing widespread ecological collapses across the planet.
View original post4. We should, in fact, judge people by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin, rejecting discrimination and racial profiling without embracing views that elevate anyone’s identity groups over their individuality.

Sure. I will happily move to end affirmative action and other programs when there stop being massive racial discrepancies in education, poverty, criminal prosecution, etc.

View original post5. Race is a social construct, but biological sex is not. Policy must acknowledge that reality and uphold people’s basic freedom to live as they choose.

There is a deeply skeptical look on my face.
View original post6. Academic and nonprofit work does not occupy a unique position of virtue relative to private business or any other jobs.

View original post7. Politeness is a virtue, but obsessive language policing alienates most people and degrades the quality of thinking.

I see more slurs on Twitter than I do obsessive language policing.
View original post8. Public services and institutions like schools deserve adequate funding, and they must prioritize the interests of their users, not their workforce or abstract ideological projects.

Obfuscatory language hiding a clear dislike for progressive projects.
View original post9. All people have equal moral worth, but democratic self-government requires the American government to prioritize the interests of American citizens.

I really loathe when people are too afraid to just come out and say what they mean. This is mealy-mouthed drivel.
View original postWould the Democrats actually implement any of these? Doing so would mean turning their backs on the far left identity politics agendas that cost them in this election. They would be wise to do so, but whether they will remains to be seen.

Democrats outperformed other incumbent parties globally. The trans issue was not what people cared about. Neither was global warming. What dominated people's minds was inflation and the economy. Yglesias is, as ever, a reactionary seeking to push his conservative views now that he sees an opening.

"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


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Democrat Matthew Yglesias on what the party should do to win furure elections - 16/11/2024 02:59:40 PM 220 Views
Race is a social construct? Sounds ridiculous. After all, you can see differences in skin color. - 17/11/2024 12:47:57 AM 87 Views
Re: Race is a social construct? Sounds ridiculous. After all, you can see differences in skin color. - 17/11/2024 01:40:20 PM 106 Views
Except that race is not a social construct - 17/11/2024 05:20:28 PM 82 Views
Re: Except that race is not a social construct - 19/11/2024 02:13:25 PM 72 Views
I refer you to Tom's comment. - 18/11/2024 01:59:14 AM 92 Views
If I hear one more person talk about - 17/11/2024 05:29:24 PM 112 Views
I feel like Matt Yglesias is the king of bad takes - 18/11/2024 03:10:04 AM 88 Views

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