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I am not a mind reader, but I feel lied to with someone’s words vs their deeds Roland00 Send a noteboard - 23/07/2024 02:10:49 AM

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one can make a case for the 2020 and 2021 Liz Cheney lead investigation , with the “Jan 6th Committee”

one can make the case for Merrick Garland being Attorney General

one can make the case for August 2022 search warrant w/ classified documents at Trump's Mar-a-Lago home by the FBI.

one can make the case for November 2022 , AG Merrick Garland appointing Jack Smith to do the investigation so it would be independent.


but if the goal was to prevent Trump from running in 2024 , these 4 things together made that strategy utterly STUPID, you had a limited time window and by Nov 2022 it was already too late for Trump was going to announce after the midterms (he announced the 15th of November 2022)

And any court case (after the investigation) was going to take years, with automatic delays.

And by allowing Congress and Liz Cheney to do January 6th investigations you could not really prosecute him for that, not in a legal, but in a practical investigation matter for the Fed Justice Dept and Congress investigating would have conflicts of interest with turf, subpoenas, witness testimony, etc.


So I repeat if this was their strategy, they were bad at implementing it. They had to choose and act immediately in 2021 and we were already having multiple crisies and lack of faith in the system at that time.

Not sure if I agree, but maybe I'm not picking up what you're laying down. Are you implying that the points you highlighted, if intended to bar trump from running for reelection, would not have played out the way that they did?

To that I would say that there are several approaches to this. One option would be to force him off the ticket directly. January 6 would be the best option for that, as an act of insurrection would not allow him to rerun. However, unfortunately for them, this would be a difficult thing to prove, as contesting elections is a time-honored tradition, and his words on that day were not an incitement to violence or insurrection. So if they went all-in on that and failed, they're out of the game.

Another option would be to discourage him through legal measures, bankrupting him, character assassination, and just throwing roadblocks at every turn. This would be the path I am suggesting that they've chosen to go. It doesn't put all of your chips on one play, so you can build a multi-front attack. And drawing it out would be a benefit with this tactic, as it keeps the news relevant, so the mudslinging doesn't get stale. And whether they can topple his support or just discourage him though pressure and time, it would have the intended result.

And I don't think it's a bad tactic at all, and would probably have worked under normal circumstances.

Politics is a “Positional Good” in first past the post systems with two parties. You have power via someone else not having power (another word for this is Zero Sum)

so if your goal is to eliminate a rival from participating you have to do it well enough that it is successful and not open to chance, delays, other people’s fate. You either seize the day or you do not.

I have no clue what Biden is doing or thinking, but if his goal was to use legal cases to disqualify Trump as your tactic and strategy. Well he fucked up if this was his intent as goal. Pathetic!


Either Trump is a threat to the republic or not, you can not campaign on one thing and then act like it is not a threat to the republic, with your choices when one uses power. I feel I been lied to whatever Biden’s rational is.

*I feel I been lied to, Biden defenders may use the word Hyperbole, I really do not care what art turn of phrase someone uses here, for it feels like flattery and bs

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So, why exactly has Biden bowed out of the election? - 22/07/2024 01:25:22 PM 299 Views
His elite stronghold turned against him. That's why. - 22/07/2024 04:19:15 PM 61 Views
Re: His elite stronghold turned against him. That's why. - 22/07/2024 04:35:54 PM 59 Views
The deal he probably made was to serve out his term - 22/07/2024 04:53:04 PM 81 Views
Re: The deal he probably made was to serve out his term - 22/07/2024 05:13:05 PM 51 Views
He got a vote of no confidence, like a parliamentary system - 22/07/2024 04:34:16 PM 52 Views
Re: He got a vote of no confidence, like a parliamentary system - 22/07/2024 04:39:05 PM 42 Views
Some people wished for this in Oct 2016 - 22/07/2024 04:59:34 PM 51 Views
Re: Some people wished for this in Oct 2016 - 22/07/2024 05:15:33 PM 46 Views
Five Elections for President with me - 22/07/2024 05:49:05 PM 44 Views
Because his incapacity to serve is obvious to everyone - 22/07/2024 05:33:56 PM 75 Views
. - 22/07/2024 05:35:09 PM 71 Views
of course all that is true - 22/07/2024 05:43:05 PM 53 Views
No - 22/07/2024 05:58:01 PM 45 Views
Harris is raking in boatloads of money. - 23/07/2024 03:39:34 AM 45 Views
A fool and his money are soon parted - 23/07/2024 10:40:09 AM 44 Views
I think we must live in very different worlds. - 23/07/2024 02:46:01 PM 51 Views
~shrugs~ - 23/07/2024 04:07:13 PM 42 Views
Oh, Trump absolutely can win. It's going to be hard! - 23/07/2024 10:06:45 PM 50 Views
Re: Oh, Trump absolutely can win. It's going to be hard! - 23/07/2024 10:43:52 PM 40 Views
I'm sorry, but - 24/07/2024 12:12:42 AM 46 Views
We probably do - 23/07/2024 11:53:17 PM 46 Views
Re: We probably do - 24/07/2024 12:12:10 AM 47 Views
Ah but you have people like me who supported Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020 - 24/07/2024 12:19:33 AM 42 Views
For my part, I have no issues with Harris' failure on the border, because I don't care about it. - 24/07/2024 07:28:55 AM 43 Views
And why don't you care? Is it because you feel your job is not threatened? - 24/07/2024 11:16:43 AM 45 Views
I just don't subscribe to nativist ideology. - 24/07/2024 05:51:26 PM 45 Views
Fair. - 24/07/2024 06:10:49 PM 47 Views
So does the government prosecute the rape of children , who are illegal ? - 24/07/2024 08:21:18 PM 43 Views
I am glad to see you in the pocket of big business *NM* - 24/07/2024 10:54:02 PM 19 Views
Really? Those are your arguments, still? - 24/07/2024 06:35:58 PM 44 Views
Yes - 24/07/2024 08:17:27 PM 66 Views
Another interesting question - 22/07/2024 05:37:46 PM 75 Views
My take... - 22/07/2024 05:59:21 PM 85 Views
If that is their strategy, they were bad at implementing it - 22/07/2024 06:22:36 PM 49 Views
Not sure I agree - 22/07/2024 10:19:42 PM 43 Views
turnabout - 22/07/2024 10:46:44 PM 46 Views
I am not a mind reader, but I feel lied to with someone’s words vs their deeds - 23/07/2024 02:10:49 AM 35 Views
Sorry, but isn't that, like... all of politics? - 24/07/2024 07:41:33 PM 48 Views
Hear, hear! - 24/07/2024 07:59:13 PM 50 Views
short answer , I am not a fan of politicians , does that clear things up - 24/07/2024 08:23:51 PM 40 Views
Would you be surprised...? - 24/07/2024 08:47:52 PM 69 Views
Re: Would you be surprised...? - 24/07/2024 08:58:33 PM 45 Views
Oh we are on much the same page - 24/07/2024 08:59:26 PM 42 Views
I feel better now, thanks - 24/07/2024 10:11:52 PM 46 Views

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