To be forced to choose between two choices they do not feel align with their values or interests.
I am not happy about it, but I was not happy about it prior to the weekend.
This will be (at the least) the third consecutive Presidential election where that is the case.
Five Elections for President with me, I am 38 this year.
And superdelegates and the similar words was revenant in 2008 for technically Hillary Clinton got more votes than Obama, but Clinton could not sell it to SDs, and how Mark Penn totally did not understand how the delegate allocation thing work on the arcane 2008 rules. Both Obama and Clinton got about 48% of the actual votes and caucasus so we are also talking a rounding error of less than 1%
(and I am kind of happy Obama got picked even though I acknowledge it is likely Clinton got a margin more votes but this is contested for do we included Michigan and four other states who did not follow the rules or did not list exact totals. To my eyes it reminds me of the Electoral College nonsense from 2000 when I was 14.
Also I recognize the situations then and now are very different, it is okay to get angry and outrage, but I just feel sad but I been thinking the Dems have been clown showing for 5 years now with the presidential stuff. I dislike how this stuff is just negative partisanship and doing what one feels is crisis management / voting for the lesser evil. But hey look at my state and how intolerant the governor and AG is. Sometimes choices are between two bad outcomes and contingency.)
Sidenote speaking of anniversaries and years I need to call that ex, the August (Leo) one is having their birthday anniversary next week and they may want to hang.