Active Users:409 Time:08/09/2024 12:31:26 AM
I tried doing The Acolyte Cannoli Send a noteboard - 23/06/2024 03:16:02 AM

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Cannoli shredding Disney shows I’m never going to watch.

It was so bad, that there were layers of badness. I'd pause and make a note, and then I realize that beyond whatever bullshit is on the screen, there is a stupid meaning, too, and that has even stupider implications. It was a complete shit sandwich and I gave up halfway through the first episode.

Like, these Jedi arrest a mechanic who is a former padawan, whom they believe killed a Jedi Master. And they stick her on a prison ship piloted and crewed only by droids. A. Dumb, why would you have droids guarding prisoners, when flexibility is required? B. Double dumb, why do you send a Force-user whom you believe has killed a Jedi Master, on a ship without Jedi guards? C. Triple dumb, rather than the solid rooms that EVERY cell in Star Wars consists of until now, the prisoners are kept in a series of cages in the middle of the room, so they can freely talk to each other and plot escape when the DROID GUARD is far enough away. D. MORE dumb, one of the prisoners has a giant tentacle on his chest that is small enough to reach through the bars and rip apart the guard droid. E. ANOTHER prisoner has implanted devices sticking out of the sides of his head, clearly visible and electronic, which it turns out he can use to instantaneously hack the pilot droids to shut them down. F. They released themselves from the cells by holding the dismembered palm of the Guard Droid to the door sensor to open it.

All of this mounting stupidity and incompetence is clearly a multi-layer contrivance to allow a jailbreak to happen so the accused can prove their decency during the tumult. It has no effect on the plot either, really. The other prisoners are almost instantly recaptured off-screen and try to blame the "Jedi-killer" as the ringleader, but a Jedi master reads their minds and figures out the truth. So G. people are being wrongfully accused of murder by the Jedi, even though the Jedi have mindreading powers and no compunction about using them on accused prisoners.

It's boring, slow and every scene is worth an essay about the nonsense writing.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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I miss… - 22/06/2024 08:41:38 PM 192 Views
I tried doing The Acolyte - 23/06/2024 03:16:02 AM 77 Views
Re: I tried doing The Acolyte - 23/06/2024 11:23:39 PM 68 Views
They hate us - 24/06/2024 04:27:24 PM 57 Views
My brother told me the second season of wheel of time is pretty good - 24/06/2024 07:18:48 PM 69 Views
Your brother is wrong... - 24/06/2024 09:07:55 PM 58 Views
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - 25/06/2024 01:41:11 AM 55 Views
Do ask him why... think the consensus among most of us was that it was even worse. - 25/06/2024 08:58:04 AM 61 Views
Re: Do ask him why... think the consensus among most of us was that it was even worse. - 25/06/2024 02:16:36 PM 60 Views
Well I had a look at some reviews on RT, both critics and audience... - 25/06/2024 11:49:41 PM 69 Views
Re: Well I had a look at some reviews on RT, both critics and audience... - 27/06/2024 02:13:46 AM 61 Views
It's very simple: Xelia Mendes-Jones is hot - 28/06/2024 03:46:01 PM 54 Views
So, a very low bar. Got it. *NM* - 29/06/2024 02:45:38 PM 23 Views
I'll ask him - 27/06/2024 08:33:49 AM 57 Views
He says it feels less YA, and is closer to the book *NM* - 29/06/2024 11:35:34 AM 25 Views
Um, ok, if he says so... - 30/06/2024 12:44:48 AM 44 Views
The Force is female, and so is the Thread - 24/06/2024 09:04:57 PM 69 Views

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