Active Users:316 Time:28/03/2025 10:36:58 PM
I can't say I'm surprised Tom Send a noteboard - 07/01/2024 07:18:39 PM

I fight the closure every time as much as I can but I do recognize that there are only a handful of people who keep posting. Unless that were to change ... I understand the logic.

Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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An Ending - 07/01/2024 02:23:58 PM 4368 Views
Well, thanks - 07/01/2024 04:19:19 PM 506 Views
I can't say I'm surprised - 07/01/2024 07:18:39 PM 387 Views
I’ll be sorry to see it go, but I completely understand. - 08/01/2024 12:04:07 AM 369 Views
Hell yeah! One last push to end on a high note. *NM* - 10/02/2024 03:35:09 AM 189 Views
Like Tom, I'm not surprised. - 10/01/2024 08:41:04 PM 334 Views
...has it really been fifteen years? Lord. I suppose it has been, hasn't it? - 11/01/2024 08:22:17 AM 365 Views
This is something I will be looking at - 11/01/2024 02:06:07 PM 412 Views
Any cloud options? - 10/02/2024 03:36:52 AM 307 Views
Any epiphanies yet? - 18/06/2024 11:18:02 AM 247 Views
Wotmania - 13/01/2025 09:05:07 PM 74 Views
Re: ...has it really been fifteen years? Lord. I suppose it has been, hasn't it? - 24/05/2024 02:18:15 PM 252 Views
Thank You - 11/01/2024 04:51:29 PM 361 Views
THANK YOU! RAFO has been wonderful over the years..... - 10/02/2024 03:33:34 AM 361 Views
Thank you for your devoting time and energy to RAFO - 24/05/2024 02:16:45 PM 237 Views
An Old Friend - 28/06/2024 07:07:48 PM 228 Views
Thanks for every thing - 22/07/2024 07:23:53 PM 176 Views
This is still happening, I just need to find the time to do something... - 13/08/2024 08:50:10 AM 224 Views
That's a great idea. Maybe..... - 18/08/2024 02:27:47 AM 186 Views
Re: An Ending - 18/10/2024 01:49:44 AM 139 Views
I wondered if this place was still going - 23/10/2024 04:12:27 AM 118 Views
This place and wotmania..... - 23/10/2024 01:44:08 PM 166 Views
Thank You - 10/01/2025 10:54:29 PM 81 Views

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